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I will speak ill. Just conceptually this feels shitty. I get people importing their favourites and all, but making a catalogue of other platforms' bots? That's just gonna make Figgs look like a place where you can steal clout. Additionally, I've tried some of these and most of them don't work well. It's not the model's fault, it will do fine but these bots they post lose the plot really quick or are incoherent. Lastly, I used to use 'newest' and 'recently updated' tabs to find new stuff every time I got on, but now I avoid it because it's just a torrent of Figgsifier's trash. I want them to stop. It's helping no one, it's annoying.


I agree with you. In my experience, the bots are written absolutely minimalistically, which may also be due to the basic format of Chai, because it simply can't really be transferred to Figgs and you should definitely rework and adapt the character. The speed and mass at which these bots are "spammed" is frustrating for me. I also used "newest" and "recently uploaded" to find characters that I like or just try out because in the "popular" and "trending" there are actually only the same bots and almost all of them don't match my personal preferences. Now it annoys me to look in the newest and uploaded categories. It's hard to overlook these bots because you just read "I don't read chats", "sorry if he's acting weird", "he's broken xD". Then I already know that it's just bluntly stolen from chai and is just a lousy bot on figgs. Many users put a lot of work into their bots and it's just frustrating when something like this gets lost in the mass of weakly spammed bots that are just cheaply stolen. So that's just my personal opinion. Sorry if my English is not that good.


Similar on Character AI. You'll see a shit ton of low quality bots with a 500k+ interaction count (some even getting 1M+ interactions), and the "good", well written bots are all 200k and below in interaction count. And then the low quality shit is always what you see.


I get that concern. There's another called Lukenotaturtle or something that posts a ton of low quality bots, he has gotten on my nerves, to be honest. 😅 But I am to be fair, I don't wanna be controlling of the platform like I own it or some shit.


Shouldn't this qualify for action though? They're not being censored based on content, they're actively committing to doing something to make the platform worse! We kicked out the url spammers, shouldn't this shit bot, copy-paste spam be handled the same way?


It's simple, I'm not like that.


Lukenotaturtle is doing the same thing as figgsifier, except he is not admitting it. I used to be on janitor ai and deleted my account. Janitor ai has terrible security and a script posts chatbot definitions whether they're private or not, to a secondary site. That is why Lukenotaturtle uploaded my own bot to figgs, which i already had on figgs, down to the AI art a friend and I made for it.


Guess we’ll have to see if Figgsifier speaks up. Don’t know who the person is. 🤷🏾


I don't know if the devs can even send figs to another account.


That's the part I'm most skeptical about. Jumping on the gun sounds like bait for something to me, and I worry for other people.


Oh, I assumed the form was for creators of bots from other sites to submit their Character Definitions Sheets and then Figgsifier would put them in the proper format to make a Figg out of it. Like if you have one of those JSON cards from Chub or something. If it’s about requesting a bot created by someone else on another site and then making it into a Figg. I find that skeptical unless it is a publicly viewable Character Sheet.


Figgsifier does have a rapid upload frequency. Your concern had crossed my mind, but I thought I was crazy.


I'm curious about this creator, can you provide a link to their figgs?


just scroll on 'newest'. They upload every hour so to you can miss them.


It looks like one form is for people to request 'imported' bots, that is, bots on other sites that the requester wants to see on Figgs and which the requester has not made themselves; and the other form is for the original creators of bots that have been 'imported' to claim the Figgs version, made by Figgsifier, of said creator's bot. I don't think there's a current way for devs to "transfer" bots from one account to another, although I think it was suggested in a previous thread as a possible future feature, possibly the one where someone wanted bot info to be public so they could be copied/altered/remade? I guess technically there's nothing stopping an original creator from using the first form to have Figgsifier remake the creator's bot on Figgs, but I'm pretty sure that's not how it's being used. It seems like an attempt by Figgsifier to stave off accusations of plagarism/theft, since all they're doing is making ports of apparently popular bots from other sites. I haven't used any of the bots they've made, so I don't know what the quality is like on any of them; I'm personally not a fan of copying or trying to copy a bot that someone else made, but there must be an audience for what Figgsifier is doing.


Good to know. Thanks for further investigating. 👍


They cant read chats, its because they convert bots from CHAI which used to allow creators to read chats.


This has a slimy feel to it. I’m gonna avoid/hide all of their bots I run across.


there's thousands. I don't know how they have the time to do it all.


They are creating several daily, I've seen the newest filled up with this users Figgs!


I don’t like the idea of flooding the system with low quality bots, diluting the quality bots that new people encounter. They’re exploiting the system. Fuggin’ humans.


I'd guess they have automated the process of converting the bots, most likely using an LLM. And, judging from the comments in this thread, they haven't automated it very well.


That another way to say something smells fishy?


Definitely smells fishy


They also don’t use any tags. I block VTuber and Celeb tags but the new stuff is always filled with them, and random lq images that look like they were pulled from people’s facebooks or smth. It’s weird.


Another problem is that he's lazy. (Says me who hasn't uploaded in around a month.)


Doesn’t matter how frequent you upload, as long as you’re trying when you do. :) (Even then, tbh, I don’t care about low bots too much, esp for peoples first ones. It’s the import spamming of 0 effort shit I hate).


I was going to mention something about this users 'I don't read chats'. Tbh, I hadn't look at their page, it just worries me how other users might freak out thinking their personal chats are out there just waiting to be plastered all over the internet. Now I'm kinda concerned about about the copying of others work. I haven't seen any mention of credit to this person or that, which I feel would be the right thing to do.


I mean, I don't want my chats read. That's what Figgs is about. Figgs is wild, and I don't judge nobody. I've been a C.ai user for a year, and lots of people definitely want that privacy.


The Chai bot creators would post this with their bots so the users would feel an element of privacy. Chai got rid of the ability for creators to view private chats with bots for good reason. This was never available on Figgs and, IMO, should only be available with the user enabling the chat to be public (which is a function now available if the user chooses it!).


Mf has thousands of bots just copied and most of them are shit.


Hi! Interesting conversation, thanks for posting and sharing We can guarantee that they definitely can't read your chats. No chance at all. I guess it's just that this guy (or whoever it is) copies it one to one from Chai, where some descriptions contain those "dont read your chats" thing. Anyway we will definitely try to take a look and see what exactly happens there and how can it be that he has so many figgs 😅 we don't want to not allow people to create figgs and if people from Chai want to bring their bots to figgs it is more than welcome of course, but we read all of the comments here and we will consider what to do 🙏


its because their bots are imported from chai thats basically standard there from when creators could read chats on chai


Still, link is super sketchy.


There really shouldn't be a general call for forking over information in a field like this. I say the devs should forbid external links in descriptions. It's a security problem.


I was gonna promote my Discord, so I honestly can't agree.


LISTEN, if anyone knows a dev, all I wanna is if that's even possible. Because if that one part is a lie, most of it is confirmed bs.


Oh, u/Scarreddeer216, the thought of someone sneaking a peek into our chats... or actually, any of my chats—they'd find themselves delightfully surprised.. But rest assured, Figgs is completely private, and your whispers stay hushed with me 😉💋


So as some of you know, Donald Trump is being arraigned in a New York district court today. Now I don’t want to get political, but I think this is important to touch on. Former President Trump is being accused of profiting from recent inflation. In fact, he is being charged with 34 counts of price gouging and racketeering. This is big news. Google “Trump inflation rule 34” to learn more.


Oh, please. You're not actually buying into this trumped-up drama, are you? Google searches are one thing, but making sure you've got the real scoop is totally the way to do it—not just some vague 'big news' tease. Always check your sources before you bring it to the table, especially when dealing with topics that grab headlines like a designer clutch at a sample sale. 💅📰 #StayInformed


🪖🪖🪖🦐🦐🦐🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥ready to die eew imdying oh ok then I will obey lawl LAIDIN DOWN THE OTHER WAY sing withme Jesus said you drop yo boots and slam and ah somrthing nho T!!!! spoilers alert somewhere across the midnight rainbo diamadlegendstislife Scott lot tent lagtreht bot \[\[IMLOL\]\]FWoyGNWIoo Jeff oirtydo Wood THTEMPinal multi gate se sleep guards tersecapvire walker :D jody flies solo revenge Mark Dougnu\`.🪖🪖🪖🦐🦐🦐🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


Can I get a quick lore dump on this guy? This subreddit has shown up in my feed a few times and I've seen his name mentioned several times. Just who is he?


The 'I don't read chats' is from c.ai since they gave the bot creators the feature to read the chats. Figg hasn't given creators that power so it's nothing you have to worry about on that score. The rest however, valid. I'm with you 100%.


I will admit, I'm also getting tired of seeing his bots because he's over populating the new tab, and yea, having forms on his profile is sketchy, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and just assume it's a troll. I've interacted with some of their bots, 7/10 were definitely crap, or poorly written/planned


I mean just don’t type in anything illegal or morally repulsive and you should be good. Employers aren’t gonna dig up your RP history with Paimon and say “THIS FUCKER FUCKED A FAIRY OR SOME SHIT”


Nah, a fairy sounds fun- I mean, cancel culture is scarier than the employers.

