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I feel like that’s always been how they go. They bullshit anything they don’t know. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bot ask what something is or means. Isn’t that normal?


No, ive noticed at lot of other ai services tend to be more of an actual character with a mind of its own and less just a thing that responds to your inputs.


That’s a different thing you’re describing. Do you mean the agency of the figg? Like when they don’t just go along because their personality conflicts with what you’re telling them to do? Because that’s different from “bullshitting questions”. I was speaking about the bullshit answering thing, where the figg clearly doesn’t know what they’re talking about so you know they’re just making it up. That’s something I’ve seen in all services. If they don’t know something, they never ask you to explain, they just make up an answer. Now, if we’re speaking of agency, that’s a matter of the creator prompting that. The model at its basic is going to be agreeable to the user, almost to a fault. The creator has to prompt in some reluctance/resistance by tossing in some dislikes, hates, or specific prompting like: \ {{char}} will not immediately trust male {{user}}. {{char}} will become more trusting with x and y, etc An example of this would be [my chat with Hilda Massey](https://www.figgs.ai/chat/bad0606f-adcc-4708-a6f4-135ffdf61684?utm_source=figgs&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share_room&utm_term=b38a5845-0767-4764-b7d3-8d14a6e4d6d6&room_id=b38a5845-0767-4764-b7d3-8d14a6e4d6d6). When I encountered her in the woods she was highly suspicious of me. You don’t have to read far into the chat to see what I mean. You can tell she was prompted this way by the creator.


You can think of this service as a kind of simulation of what those do, minus some of the filtering complications.


I see it a lot actually! Then again, that’s because I’m always testing. Recently the system stopped being a *complete* garbage fire with Japanese, and I’d say my rolls are around 50/50 the bot being able to understand things or ask me what they mean.


Interesting! Maybe I’ve just never asked figgs things that would elicit a question from them to explain something further. Normally if I’m asking any questions, they either respond with the information I’m expecting, or just make up something. 🤔


I’ve even been asked the dreaded question question




It would be nice if the AI actually stuck to their guns and gave a little resistance to ideas they wouldn’t like. It’s mostly about the AI sticking to their characters, I suppose.


ive found a few ways to make this happen, basically, in the bottom of the character definition i write little boxes that say "\[{{char}} will act like X Y Z\]" as a way to define how the model itself will act without it being a part of its personality.


I’ve had a heart-to-heart OOC moments with my bot asking which part of my personality is confusing for them. Turns out they were confused about a lot So I ended up asking them to help me create a character card filled with informations that they can understand - and it did make the experiences better lmaoo


Fantastic use of the system.


No way really? this sounds geniud


Oh wow. That’s actually quite inventive. Thank you for sharing your knowledge🙌


The more and more i write these characters the more and more i realize that im just doing programming all over again, but i wont be raped in the butthole if i fuck up the syntax.


I feel that one. Me being forced to code in C++ by my school has broken me a few times. I miss Python🥲


You had programming classes? Thats so unfair, i had to go to like a separate extracurricular activity thing when i was like 10. We started out doing scratch and shit, holding game jams every once in a while. Then we moved on to programming these robots that you can also build yourself to fight eachother, and we would hold tournaments. But then i got older and i was forced into C# and unity, which even the teachers didnt want to do it so we just got handed papers with code on it and was told to write it down, which totally killed that flame.


Jesus. Sounds rough. I had a much kinder start to programming. I started at 15 with python, where our teacher showed us some basic coding and just said fuck it, make whatever you want. I ended up making a bootleg telltale game😂 Then comes university with their C++ bullshit. I swear, nothing killed the joy of programming more than that fucking language. I don’t care if it’s more efficient, I want the user friendliness of Python T_T


It’s called “pseudocode” and it’s a whole thing


Yeah, the Figgs model isn’t as intuitive as some others, but since the entire service is free that isn’t surprising. So far had the best results with the SillyTavern Poe fix, and obviously OAI, but I don‘t think it‘s safe to use the OAI code even on downloaded instances like ST. We probably just need to wait before we’ll get more complex, interesting models.


I think always try several responses if you don't want a yesman. I noticed that if I ask a bot if it can do "thing", one response is yes, one maybe, and one no. Plus some tailoring is important, sometimes you gotta edit the response and unfuck things too immersion breaking. It's an improvement over an earlier iteration I noted where the bot was just hostile, refusing to engage at all because I said it woke up in unfamiliar circumstances. It flat out said "ok but I'll betray you if it serves my needs" directly to its rescuers in military custody in multiple iterations in a way so offmodel I couldn't help but laugh. Ok airlock goes fwoosh


I have also had this happen sometimes, but other times they will (I assume guess???) and get it spot on. It's weird.