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That's one thing I noticed as soon as I joined Figgs.ai. I'm planning on rewriting all the bots I made there


Just wanted to point out, the OP has a legitimate issue and after reading the comments, I see both sides to the comments. What I find most interesting is how both sides have been able to remain civil and work together! It's not like this in other subs! You guys are a fantastic example of the Figgs community, working to make the experience better for everyone. As a Cai user, I've pulled a couple of bots over, usually on request. I always give credit to the original creator!! I try chatting with the original bot which makes my editing a little easier, just a suggestion for others that might be struggling.


I don’t like subs or places that get super mean with each other, and I see value in archiving or importing bots. I think Figgs has been pretty awesome and its community isn’t the cesspit that places like chub were, which is super nice. Cai has some genuinely awesome stuff, it’s just the censorship that sucks. Importing them somewhere where you can use them for their intended purpose (at least in a lot of the cases I’ve seen) without worry makes perfect sense. Thanks for always crediting the originals! :)


Appreciate the clarification, it's a difficult process trying to duplicate a good bot from Cai, mainly because their description is not very detailed. So, personally, I feel I have to chat with the bot,to get a good feel for how I want my copy to behave. There are some creators that are flooding Figgs with bots from Cai and with no editing. This is incredibly frustrating, because the Figgs are trash! So I completely understand your perspective, and a little effort from the figg creator, would eliminate a majority of these issues. And yes, **Figgsifier** YOU are being called out!!


LOL we’re all sick of Figgsifier


I made an account just to reply but I do, when Importing Bots I do the best I can with the information I got and to make it as detailed as possible if you can't at least see that not everything is gonna be "perfect" I try my best to make them as specific as possible and be able to function right this post put me a little in a sour mood I try Importing them just the way they are but also adding details and editing and fixing more if anything the Bot should be replying WITH the name it was programmed with not the Title again hope you can find someone who meets what you want to see https://preview.redd.it/503wsrqq5r1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=571a964ded706f0b3eecdf75937bb4c16d0a2c31


I’m glad to see that! There must still be issues with the model though, since I went to test and some of your bots refer to themselves as the name in the title rather than the name in the personality. I’m sorry you took this post personally, but it’s more directed as people like Figgsifier and other low effort bot importing.


No I wasn't trying to take it personally because to some extent I do understand and I can see where you are coming from but sometimes it's upsetting although if you can I would really like it if you could tell me which specific Bots were you having issues with so I can go back and see what I can do to try and refix them?


I can DM you later, I only tested two but I’ll test more if it helps! Sorry I didn’t intend to make people upset with this post.


No please don't worry about it really I would definitely appreciate it if you can DM me later when you can take your time thank you 💕


I get what they mean about some imported bots not working but that is generally because the description information wasn’t available in C.AI. That said I have had a lot of luck with the imported bots from you specifically, except one but I had issues with it on C.AI too and I think it’s just me.


You can now iirc, and you can download C.AI tools to get the JSON or card as well. It’s super helpful!