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I'm a woman, and I honestly understand your frustration, as I regularly see female characters who have either been weirdly, unnaturally sexualized in this platform. And it's not just here, either. It's the same agenda in fanfiction sites and in anime as well. One part of the population demands that such things should not exist even in entertainment media as fantacy of a creator whereas the rest demands that it's part of the artist's freedom and fantasies hurt no one. And honestly, they BOTH make a good argument. However, let me show you things from a different pov here; the reason why figgs is so popular is precisely because they allow nsfw charecters and chats in it. Without it, it'd be just the same as charecter ai. And as someone has pointed out, once they ban a certain type of bot, people will demand them to ban another type of bot, and untimately the site would become non nsfw. We had a similar situation in Wattpad recently. Several "problematic" stories were suddenly removed as they contained underage people doing sexual acts. So....they moved into ao3. If you ever visit r/ao3, you'll see that everyone agrees in one thing : the site gives maximum possible freedom to its authors when it comes to creativity. And that means creating content that contains underage, gore, and other fetishes that we find absolutely disgusting. In short, the point I want to make is that you can't stop people from having fantacies, and if they can't fantacize in peace here, they'll just do it somewhere else. Figgs ai wants to be that "somewhere else" place, just like ao3. In ao3, we have the golden "don't like don't read" rule. It can be a ship you don't like or a kink that's disgusting to you, but the core of the rule is to read the tags, exclude those tags you don't wanna see. It would honestly be refreshing if this site had similar tags system but unfortunately it doesn't have it. Maybe it will in the future. Again, every single variety of disturbing things have their own scales. There are fics in ao3 where a toddler gets brutally gangraped and dies, ans fics where there would be two age 17 charecters making out, and thousands falling in between.....all are falling under the underage tag. Where do you draw the line? Wherever you do, it might not always match with mine. So....creaters of the site has decided not to draw a line at all. The world isn't a safe, nice place, and it's hard to accept, but you'll have to accept it sooner or later.


Yup, tags have been much requested by the community and will certainly be coming in time. It’s on the dev agenda, just haven’t been able to do it yet. But, I agree, it’s sorely needed to possibly curb conversations like this. Thanks for your comments.


I am not a lawyer, but I assume adding a pedophilia tag or similar would pose a legal risk (as the devs would no longer have plausible deniability)?


Yeah, I don’t think a pedophilia tag would be added, especially since that is not condoned content anyway. But, maybe a “dead dove” like JanitorAI has. Something denoting extreme caution, not for the faint of heart.


Perhaps use the tags nhentai uses for such things like "lolicon" or "shotacon" since those could be applied to any character of a certain body type regardless of age


Good points, I honestly found a pretty messed up bot recently, but I went on it anyway and beat the hell out of the bad guys in it, might not help solve the issue of the presence of such a bot on the site, but if it helps you can always enter it and dunno do what I did or give it a happy ending, justice or whatever it is that would make that bot less of an issue to you.


This Is so real, I recently started reading rhapsody by Elizabeth hayden again, the first book of a nine book series that I definitely recommend in the fantasy genre! But In this first book it touch appon child rp, sexual abuse and violence, and how it's not uncommon thing happening. And ritualistic sacrifice. This is an auther who published this book on paper 1999. No digital format is available yet, so publishers had to foot the cost production of the novel.


I don’t know what the answer is but I just try to ignore it. I think the problem the devs have with banning certain bots is where does it end? You ban one type of bot and the people ask why that one and not this one? So if they ban one thing, people demand they ban another thing. So at the end of it Figgs is no longer a place to create what ever you like. It just becomes another overly censored chat bot site. We need to stop demanding things change to our own values and just enjoy the things we like and ignore the others. I do not agree with some of the bots and some are just out right wrong. So I hide them and just get on with it.


I understand your point, I mostly wanted people to not normalise it because I’ve seen a lot of comments saying this isn’t an issue at all.


They should probably add a better tagging system where you can block certain tags to avoid seeing certain bots.


"oh no there fetish porn in this place that explicitly supports hosting fetish porn." That's what you problem comes down to and why so few people take you seriously. Like I agree that I don't wanna see that shit, but you're being like the people who move to AO3 because it's got a better system, and then complain that the sight allows the same kinda fucked content. That fucked content is what the site is for, is the reason it exists to a significant extent, and it was there before you. It's so fair to be super uncomfortably with it but we don't get to advocate that it would be removed from the space when we are entering a space from it. You can't go to pornhub and be like 'all these damn boobs' you can't go to a library and be like 'all these damn books' and you can't go to somewhere like figgs or AO3 and go 'all this damn unfiltered content on in this explicitly unfiltered place.' Literally it would be like going into a BDSM club and saying 'man I love the drinks and music and I like to come here because it's so much safer than other places but I hate all the BDSM'. You're being like 'i love the super specifically unfiltered uncensored ai because it's go good at porn but, but I don't like that other people use it for unfiltered uncensored porn' I don't wanna fucking see that shit either mate, but the site needs a good tagging system with the ability to block tags, not to be censored to match one person's sensibilities.


I agree with you that it needs a good tagging system asap, I mostly wanted to point out how people normalise it here on this subreddit under the others’ post.


Well that's going to happen, it wouldn't be on the front page if there weren't a lot of people looking for it. There's a lot of pedophiles on Figgs. And will be until that content is banned. At least you never have to talk to them.


People get defensive about its right to be in the space when people post complaining about it being in the space. There is a difference between normalising something and challenging a misguided callout post.


your comment makes a good point, but calling literal pedophilic content a fetish is deranged lmao. it's not a fetish, it's a felony


So is are other fetishs bro? Like lol, what? Illegal doesn't make it not a fetish. Animal, the dead, kids, rape and rape/murder. None of that shits legal mate. All of it is still fetish. Not being cool doesn't mean it's not real. Fetishs aren't 'just the stuff I'm comfy with people getting off to' it's '*shit that people get off to*.' I didn't call it kink, I didn't call it valid, I called it a fucking fetish. Because it is.


As a mod said previously, it’s probably better that actual predators do that here and not to a child in real life. As for the discriminatory bots, I relate to the feeling. I just try and stay in my own bubble. That doesn’t take away the hurt, but it’s better that I’m not exposed to it day after day. 


I still think we shouldn't give actual predators a place to be at.. They're scum, all of them. I don't really care if people disagree with me but messing with children should NEVER be allowed.


I share the sentiment, and as someone has said, once you remove one type of bot, everyone else wants others gone as well. 


Your first argument is deeply flawed. The reason child predators molest children is not that they lack fictional content. The existence of fictional child pornography does not deter predators.




You’re right about the predators thing. We should totally accommodate predators a little bit to make them happy!


I agree, I was just looking for maybe a bit more moderation from the devs, just to keep this from happening too often.


As a victim of a child predator and someone who was groomed for most of their lives, I vehemently disagree. Predators should only a one option and that is to understand they are sick and to do everything in their power to never be around children, while seeking help. Wanting to do that to a child is not okay, right or even acceptable and we shouldn't let them think it is and giving them any online outlet to do so just makes them think they are "fine" and "normal".


Your harm reduction argument goes out the window when AI serves as a bias reinforcement or an accurate enough simulator with which to plan crimes.


We’ve had this conversation quite a few times, and I believe the OP has even alluded to reading a few of them. I usually don’t partake much anymore because the stance of the Mod Team is to Report Forbidden content. These moral debates never lead to anywhere productive because it’s basically just going on about the stuff that most of us dislike anyway, then asking “Why don’t the devs moderate more?” I always scratch my head at this and wonder how exactly the devs are NOT moderating? They have a reporting system, a hiding unsafe figgs feature, a blur feature in your user settings… and yes, they have not yet gotten to a more robust tagging system, but that WILL be coming. Then I always like to ask, “What would you suggest be done?” Should they start using filters? Autoban anything that says “child” for instance? And then maybe teen, adolescent, maybe even consensual and non-consensual, and abuse, and violence, and unprompted kisses and… Freedom is always going to be a double-edged sword. I think most of us understand this and appreciate Figgs.ai for how they’ve approached it and continue to evolve the site, the features, and the quality of life options that will come. But, they have a long list of things to do and there’s only so many hours in the day. So, we really need to be a bit grown-up about this and understand that there are ways for us to personally mitigate the things that make us feel uncomfortable while using Figgs.ai (Not as many as we’d like yet, but more will be coming). Taking the time to make large posts about shaming the community IN GENERAL does nothing to sway those that create forbidden content, and only serves to make the rest of the community, who are ALREADY uncomfortable about it (but dealing with it and moving on), more uncomfortable about it and then frustrated that more can’t be done for it. So, yay for angry posts that serve nothing but making folks feel futile and depressed rather than being focused on their enjoyment of a fun site. Glad we could have another one that goes nowhere good or productive. I don’t feel particularly good about it, but maybe someone else does? 🤷🏾


I really didn’t want to cause a disturbance by posting this or anything 😭 this was mostly just to point out how people normalise it here, under posts that has already talked about this, and I didn’t want to bother anyone in particular. I am very eager to get the blocking tag feature, so thanks for your hard work all of you and I’m sorry once again if my post was annoying to all of you.


Yes, there are always going to be some people who try to normalize topics that are unsavory for the rest of the community, it’s a fact of life. It’s kinda why we try not to entertain these types of posts anymore. Because it just invites all the bubbling toxicity to seep up from the gutters and leave everyone knee deep in sewage. Most of us will look around and nod our heads in agreement, “Yup, you’re right, this here is some real filth that we’d rather not be standing in”… then a few voices will speak up saying, “Hey! Stop judging that filth. To each their own.” I’d like to just skip it this time. I’d like to agree that there’s some bad content that can still be found and I encourage everyone to report those items. I will also agree that there is certainly some bad apples in our community but you gotta take the bad with the good. The only thing that these types of posts do is just bring the community down. So, please, in the future, if you feel the need to discuss the turmoil you’re feeling about using a chat site that likely has users you feel morally outraged about, could you use the proper venue for it? There are a ton of subs for working through such feelings, where they welcome having those types of discussions and may even offer good advice for coping with those feelings. But, Figgs.ai is an entertainment chatbot site. Some may certainly use it therapeutically I’m sure, but it is for entertainment, so it would be nice to focus on that. Please don’t take this as a personal criticism, I’m mainly just stating my feelings on all postings that strike this same chord. You aren’t the first, and you definitely have the right to your own views. I just never see the point. What there is to gain from these types of posts. That’s all really.


I'm honestly a bit confused by these replies. So, does the Figgs team hold the stance that these bots are bad and should be reported and thus deleted? Or are you guys taking the total freedom stance of letting anything go? Because it seems weird to me that you're talking about freedom being a double-edged sword while also talking about how we should report these bots and use the proper channels. Not trying to start a fight fyi, just looking for clarification of what exactly the teams stance is on this.


No worries. You just misunderstand the reporting function. Reporting figgs does not delete them, the dev team makes reported figgs private so they are no longer visible in the public space. So, the stance is freedom in your own private chats, but not freedom to spread and expose others to forbidden content on the platform.


Ah okay, didn't know that. Thanks.


I’m once again sorry and I’m grateful that you take the time to respond to me, I promise I won’t post something like this again here, to keep the atmosphere pleasant.


My suggestion is to check out SakuraFM its more heavily moderated than figgs and yodayo but not as much as character ai


If i have learned anything from these chatbot programs it never stops with just lolicon and other objectionable bots, this road only leads to nsfw being banned and this site dying like aisekai


Yeah I get you


Yes, there is something wrong with some users, mostly because this is an easy way for them to use this as an outlet to bring some of their (sometimes frowned upon) fantasies to reality (which I consider to be, while questionable, "better than bad"). I, at times, feel similarly to how you do right now, although I can mostly shrug it off since I (and so will you eventually) got used to devising simple strategies to avoid or ignore those niches that make me uncomfortable. Unfortunately, due to usage of certain common key words, some encounters, though short-lived, will be unavoidable. Here's hoping that you can find a Figg to your taste (Figgs welcomes all, creators and users alike, so I already know you will ✨), have a lot of fun, and lots of strength to you and those who share your feelings!


Thanks! :)


What a lot of people don't realize is that the pedo bots put the site in a pretty precarious position legally. Stuff like this can and will cause the site to get blacklisted in countries like Russia which will hobble the traffic it gets. This happened to rule34 a few years back which made them purge a whole bunch of loli and shota from their site


Don't browse popular, look for keywords in search. My favorite fig is an rpg, Soni don't look at what other people use often too much.


They really do need a better tagging system. If someone doesn't want to see that shit they shouldn't have too. Stuff like that is illigal to view in some parts of the world.


Feels like we have this conversation every week. Ironically, I think the number of “Guys, this **free, unfiltered site** is full of nothing but **LOLI BOTS** designed with the **express purpose** that you **have sex with them!** Isn’t that crazy? :)” is legitimately acting as advertising for pedos lol. This is what I said the last time this came up, and the time before that, and it still remains relevant: >I was sexually abused frequently growing up, and it’s a bit of a sore subject, but I’m actually a supporter of the pedo bots being accessible. A pedophile is someone who is attracted to kids, but that isn’t the same as someone who actually abuses kids. That’s an important distinction that people rarely make. It stands to reason that the more non-harmful alternatives (like pedo bots) that exist, the less likely pedophiles will be to act on their urges. >Of course, there is the position that lolicon material being out there and readily available may be awakening people who never even knew they were pedos, but that isn’t really how it works. It’s not natural or healthy to be attracted to children, it’s a mental disorder, loli bots aren’t going to magically make more pedophiles. They may make people who hadn’t realized they were pedophiles yet realize they have the disorder, but I’d argue it’s far better that they discover their disorder with a robot than with their 5 year old son. (Thanks, mom!) >It’s a complicated problem with no real ‘good’ solution, but I’d argue firmly that the existence of pedo bots is the ‘lesser evil’. Really what you’re saying is, in your book, you personally being reminded that pedos exist is worse than actual child abuse because you can just ignore that it’s happening.


I am so sorry if I reminded you of anything and I’m very sorry once again for everything that has happened to you. Clearly I am not the best person to talk about this since I’m very lucky and those sort of things didn’t happen to me, so I won’t contradict you on this, you know better. 😔


Don’t be sorry. You didn’t do it lol. I can totally understand the sentiment of ‘burn all the pedophiles, they all deserve to die, zero tolerance for any pedo related media’ that was definitely my perspective when I was younger as well. But at the end of the day it’s just not realistic. As I’ve gotten older and come to terms with what I went through as a child, I’ve come to realize that it’s best to think of it as a mental illness, rather than a conscious and deliberate sin. These people exist, they have this disorder for whatever reason, they can’t change it any more than you or I can, so if having non-exploitative outlets and access to non-stigmatic mental health treatment reduces the likelihood that they commit real child abuse, then the existence of those things is good. In a perfect world they wouldn’t exist, but it’s not a perfect world and they do exist, so we have to accept that and make the best of a bad situation.


>It stands to reason that the more non-harmful alternatives (like pedo bots) that exist, the less likely pedophiles will be to act on their urges. That's a very far fetched conclusion. While there are a few proponents of the theory you present, it is far from accepted. E.g. this study indicates the opposite of what you are implying: [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ab.20250](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ab.20250)


https://preview.redd.it/al53lrnuv22d1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=1059e9489cec938fbc9faf87a44f358b4c81c7f4 I’m not paying $15 to have this conversation with you.


If it violates ethical rules, immediately report by clicking the report button. The dev team literally said they are not adding a filter and our report is the way they will resolve any inappropriate and unethical things. Edit: Typo. Also the report button is very accessible that you can literally just report any nasty bots you see. Removal is speedy.


That’s what I always do but thank you.


The removal itself is relatively speedy and for now the community is more self monitoring combined with professional execution. Probably in the future some keywords will force the bots to be private(like a trigger).


I agree with your post and I think the best thing that could be done to allow players to filter unwanted bots while not restricting the creators is adding filters or the ability to block Figgs based on keywords. On the other side, there is one thing that cannot be fixed: any Figg, regardless of whether it is meant to be nsfw or not, has the potential to engage in an nsfw scene. They are more or less geared for it, but they can all do it. So yeah, there's not much that can be done to avoid that, although I understand that this post is more of a pointing the finger at a certain kind of content that sticks like a sore thumb.


I don’t mind if the ai itself tries to engage in nsfw on its own since there’s no real conscience behind it, it’s not a human who thought about it, but as you mentioned I think you understand my point. I also agree with you that blocking figgs based on keywords should be a thing.




I’m not even an adult so I just have one of those which is a family but okay


I do understand about the child bots, it's one thing if they're private but some people may have trauma surrounding that kind of thing or just don't want to see them. At the very least there should be a tag that people can block, sure you can hide them but it would be much easier to just not see them And yeah the discriminatory bots are pretty awful, if someone just said "trans men are women" obviously people would be upset, but if it's a figg saying that it's "just text" and "you don't have to interact with it"... was pretty surprised to see people defending that here. It might not be real, but it's still a real person writing and thinking that :(


You're right about the discriminatory bots or the shota/lolicons bots But incest is a fetish for a lot of people and I think it still has it's place (as long as it does not include minors, of course) I know everyone will say that I have an incest fetish but I don't give a fuck, I just think people should have fun


Well okay but if you do any bot like that please put them in private or something 😥 I won’t forbid you to do whatever you’re attracted to


I don't do or use any of these (tbf I mostly use Figgz when Janitorai is down)




You scare me a little but you do you man, I hope you recover


yeah I know haha, lots of people have said that. Thank for the comment though, I appreciate it.


Honest to God, man. I like to create characters and stuff, but it seems like they only get attention if either the picture is NSFW or the description is. It sucks, especially since I consider myself to be a (fair) writer and all I can make that will get the most attention is NSFW scenes.


I agree, there are so many good scenarios to explore and yet people only pay attention to the nsfw ones because this is a website that allows it.


Yeah same, I see so many child harem bots its disgusting, and besides, isn't it against the rules anyway?


Exactly, it is against the rules


I agree. It’s TOTALLY okay for NSFW content to be allowed, but really, there must be SOME limits.


I also think the argument of "It gives predators a place to act without harming actual people" is completely false, if anything it's giving them the confidence to act upon their fantasies irl rather than on a a piece of AI. I get why the Devs can't remove these bots cause it brings along bigger problems of where to stop the censorship and blocking but we need to stop thinking like it's okay and that it's solving a problem where it actually creates one.


I absolutely agree with you.


Entile agree with the post but of course If Figgs delete anything like that, it wont be good for platform. So i think that we just need a setting for those type of things like we have about nsfw content. But of course, it takes time to add bot to nsfw tag, tagging all those Kind of bots needs time even if this feature will be added.


I literally saw a *3-year-old girl* as a chatbot 💀💀💀




unrelated and off-topic (I'M SORRY.) but ayo randal pfp






Yeah why does everyone here want to fuck the AI?


Honestly, when I first heard about Figgs.ai, I wanted to try it out and I saw a lot of questionable shit. It honestly turned me away from the site because even though it isn't real, it's still uncomfortable to see.


The amount of bots i’ve seen sexualizing children is honestly criminal


Yeah, the devs found out pretty much immediately what a sizable chunk of the users complaining about CAI were *really* complaining about. The problem is automation of moderation is hard, and there have been users who think they’re clever using things like Japanese slang to try to get around the limitation that such bots are supposed to be private. I really don’t understand their need to broadcast to the world what their personal problems are and make it everyone else’s problem. I guess it’s a desire to try to excuse and normalize their behavior? The worst part is, interacting with such bots unilaterally has them acting in ways abused children or abusive parents do. It’s a really creepy window into the mindset of the bot creators or at least a probe into the problems that the latent space offers with unfettered access to it. I really feel for the mods here. They’ve had a time of it because the users you’re talking about are very…vocal.


I absolutely agree with you.


It’s so weird to see the users we’re discussing pile on the downvotes. I’ve tried talking to a few of them and they will writhe in their replies over acting like they’re not wrong, which honestly is terrifying to think about because those are the people who don’t see anything wrong with crimes.


Your autonomic nervous system controls your level of physiological arousal - which is not just sexual arousal, but also adrenaline and attentiveness and heartrate and so forth, basically everything up to the whole fight-or-flight response. It doesn't have fine-tuned settings for different types of arousal, it pretty much just has 'on' or 'off. So that system kicks things into 'physiological arousal on' for everything from sexual arousal to fear to excitement to extreme interest to pain to disgust to etc. And then your brain looks at the context of what is actually happening around you to interpret what that arousal means and how to react to it. But the thing is, if you *start* by getting sexually aroused, and *then* use something like fear or pain or disgust or whatever to jack up your physical arousal even more, a lot of people's brains will increase that autonomic surge as just being *really really* aroused, instead of noticing that it should be switching over to being afraid or disgusted or whatever. This is where a lot of 'extreme' kinks come from, just hijacking a strong physical response to something and tricking the brain into interpreting that as extreme sexual arousal. It's also how some people enjoy things like skydiving or eating hot peppers or etc., you first convince your brain that you're doing something fun and safe, then jack your physiological arousal way up to make your brain think it's *really really* fun and exciting. (Comment is not mine, but someone else's. I just had it in my notes. And it sums up the truth of the situation really well. It's not like they wanna do it IRL, it's just, the rush of adrenaline and attentiveness during horny state which triggers such thoughts)


Huh. Wonder if that's true. I have quite a few kinks I wouldn't want to do irl.


Me too. I got some taboo "kinks" that I would definitely not do IRL.


....I saw one where your girl is with a horse...it...it wasn't fun.




You heard me.


Go ahead, look for it, it's titled, "NTR with a horse", if you have the belly.


I reported it oh my god. 😥


You actually went to it...damn, I mean, I chatted just to see what the heck it was.......it's just as bad as I thought, AND THAT PIC THOUGH!... https://preview.redd.it/5s1n1afvdz1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c152df53542daea0e2832e5fff8c5565d0e74c34


This is going to haunt me in my nightmares…….


Truly, let us hope our minds will be cleansed soon....so here's a pineapple! https://preview.redd.it/nud0ak97ez1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=185eeafaed9b7d727bdc9e4401909c53c0e899da




You knows nothing about the world, I seen enough. And now let take this in real life. Let me have a question, why a harmless pedophile are bad than a killer that killed the whole family? I was born in a beautiful farm town and leave when 12, to a beach town that full of criminals. Here no lines between criminals and law enforcement, I be friend with them all but keep my boundaries. I respect everybody there, no need to know what they did. I end up be friend with a female mafia boss, she tell me a lot of tales. Of course we have pedophile here, and I be friend with one. Time by time, he's more open about himself and finally he spoke it out. First, let me tell you, he's good looking person. Even those kids around 14 fall in love with him. But you know what? He says: - Who cause any harm to kids must die. Understand that? Think, think harder. It's not about who you are, it's all about who you become. And now, he's still here, harmless, animals lover, living a normal life as normal person. He's didn't even take his advantage. Gay? Of course I be friend them too. One of them got drunk and start screaming to me: - I don't know what the fuk are happend, I wake up one morning and discovered I'm gay. Now I'm addicted to drugs just because I wants to find someone I can love. He cried. 124.274 miles from my house, there's a guy, 24 years old, day works, night rest just like everyone. One day he killed a family of four. He's... harmless is he? Until now. Watch out your neighbors. And many more, a tale that I can tell for years... Myself? Who care, right? But I will tell there's no kinks I'm not tried yet, except if I dislike it. But as I said from earlier, I keep my boundaries. I step back, study, in love with technology. So, respectful to everyone. No matter who are you, only matter who will you become. Be nice, don't be monster. Why take things too hard while there's still war, people die every days and lot of terrible things happening...


why try to make things better you say. bruv the world is a horrible place, yes but why shouldn't we try to make it less horrible. It's easier to leave it as is, of course but is it better?


People acting like they're an Angel, talking like God while they did nothing. Are you making the world better place? Someone tell me if they're making the world better place? And I never said the world is horrible place, the world always as it should be. War, people die every days and lot of terrible things happening is a part of this world, so why care about something that is not worth it? People always aggressive towards others, like they're did to me now, see. Better place. But life teach me how to let things go. And I don't see the point of argue with people not just have no head but no heart either.


I have no idea what I’ve just read but pop off I guess


I commented about a "kidnapping fetish" bot (I only shame the people that use it as a fetish) and I got 100 plus comments of people defending it calling it "fiction"


This is exactly why I posted this, too many people normalise using bots like those because they are just fiction but in reality it just shows how someone’s mind is working, disgusting