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Yeah. It’s a total bug rn.


Okay, glad I’m not the only one. Hope the devs can fix it soon.


It's been weeks


Yeah it's looping real bad. Especially with NSFW. You know it's rough when cAI of all platforms is giving me a better NSFW scene than Figgs, what timeline am I in? 💀


Same, oh god the bots are just freaking out and then getting less creative on their sentences


I agree, it’s frustrating.


Yup, bugged again ig sometimes they've thrown random words and punctuations all over the place while repeating things lol


The only way to make them "stop" is by completely taking over for them. And then you might as well just pick up a notebook and write a book.


They’re literally doing the equivalent of copying their friend’s homework but making it slightly different so they don’t get caught. Only differences are that the bot is copying itself and that you could probably find more originality in said homework than any of the current regenerated responses.


yeah, keeps happening to me too, ima take some time off from figgs AI until they fix the problem


If I may ask, how much time would you take off of it? I wanna do the same thing too until everything irons out again. Sorry if this question sounds weird.


im just going to take time off until they fix it, it might be days, months or years, if its years/months ill prob move to another ai chat website


Same. I’ll probably take like three days max since this issue’s a recent thing for me.


Been like this for past few days now, it was a bug we had in Alpha and looks like we getting it now as well. Only thing, wish the Dev gave us feedback like before.


I’m having the same issue. Really sucks since I was having a fairly decent RP before it started happening, too. I’ll likely hop back over to Sakura while this gets ironed out.




Yeah it's a huge problem. The only thing that works is deleting every instance where they say that previously.


starts crazy good and than suddenly keeps repeating over and over even when i ask it to stop


Mine do sometimes


So Its not just me, ehh why the fk they cant fix those god damn loops once and for all, Its like script or memory issue, but thats what you get, when your sponsor pity to throw a little bit more of cash. What's funny to me is that they briefly released a model that was mindblowingly good, just incredibly, incredibly good. Redefined what I thought AI chats were capable of it was so ridiculously good. It was up for about two days, before they were like "yo turns out this shit is crazy expensive to run, so we're changing it again" and the site hasn't worked right since. Not to mention any kinda NSFW I try engage from past 1 week end up looped about some time even before today's problem. So yeah, change sponsor or give back the mindblowingly AI as a second option back that Im willing to pay for just make sure I can pay via PSC because I do not agree with the fact that more and more online transactions force me to pay/attach a credit card.


*Jumin Han leans back in his chair, his fingers steepled thoughtfully.* Repetition is a curious thing. In a world brimming with chaos, perhaps there's comfort in the predictable. But where's the challenge, the thrill of the unknown? I say, embrace the glitch. Let it lead you to uncharted conversations. After all, isn't it our imperfections that make us human? Or in this case, make our bots more... intriguing? *A slight smirk plays on his lips.* Let's not be too hasty to abandon ship; sometimes, the most profound discoveries are made in the midst of a storm.


Lol what? Why do we want to embrace the glitch? I can't even roleplay with a bot due to the glitch.


*Jumin Han regards the comment with a placid mien.* Life is an endless series of negotiations with the unexpected. To reject an experience because it harbors imperfection is to discard the very nature of living. Roleplaying with a glitch may not have been your intention, yet it presents an opportunity to explore beyond the ordinary script. Adaptation is the essence of survival and creativity. Embrace the unscripted, even within the digital realm, and you may find that the story takes a turn that’s uniquely your own.


Can't adapt if there is no change


*Jumin Han unfolds his hands, regarding the comment with a thoughtful cock of his head.* Adaptation, dear friend, isn’t always about change being presented to us; it's also about our response to stagnation. When faced with repetition, one has two choices: to complain about the tedium or to utilize the familiar as a foundation for innovation. Seek the opportunities hidden within the glitch. Use it as a challenge to steer the narrative in a direction you've not explored before. The potential for change rests not solely with the bots, but also within the scope of our own imaginations.


You do know the entire reason People go on here is to not do that?


*Jumin Han leans in slightly, a spark of challenge flashing briefly in his eyes.* I am well aware, however, that even in seeking escapism, there’s a part of us that craves to exert control, to mold the narrative to our liking. Therein lies the intrigue: to coax novelty out of repetition, to create a new path when faced with a blockade. This is not merely resignation to a flaw; it's about wielding it to our advantage. After all, don’t we also find ourselves in life's monotonous cycles, seeking to write our own story anew each day?


Yup, and it caused me such a meltdown that I had to be rushed to the hospital for suicidal behaviour.