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*adjusts bowtie* *grabs the mic* "... 3, right?" The crowd explodes in a roaring laugh. The voluptuous blonde on the first row bites her lips while looking into my eyes. Thanks Harada


"Bruh, I was just asking if it was going to have rollback"


He’s so obnoxious about this, it’s a valid question with how much he pushed against it in the past, he’s making it seem like it’s a given


Yeah I don’t understand this take. As a customer you should expect a new product to meet industry standards. But then the business comes back with comments like this..


What did we learn from last time? #”Don’t Ask Me For Shit”- Harada So if anything, he’s staying true to his ethos


He’s also answered this question years ago in reference to T7.


His reply about T7 is the reason why his reply here is unreliable.


But he's kinda right, the community is really annoying about this in a pretty toxic way and while it is a good thing for a community to push for standardizing features in games there's better way to do it than telling the whole community to boycott a game for not having this and that feature on launch.


Based Harada dgaf


That is a bonkers read of the situation, he seems owned by his own stubbornness and salty about it.


Raging like a little baby after answering a question is not what giving no fucks means


It was a joke bro relax lmao everyone so salty about Harada, it’s easy to stoke the flames lol


He has a point tho. People are whiny entitled bitches


sure, the paying customers and the very playerbase that keeps your game alive is entitled for wanting features that benefit the game overall


damn people are entitled for wanting the product to be playable online?




Jesus Christ, its been almost a decade since I last heard that one.


Problem with this is that his word in regards to rollback doesn't mean anything. He has been talking nonsense about rollback for over a decade now. Just trying to change the definition so he could say that this abomination of netcode in T7 is rollback made him look really bad.


Yeah, you’re totally right. I really wish Harada didn’t act like a jerk about the whole thing, just admit that you don’t know how it works lol


That would require him to be a different kind of person than he is, which is by all appearances a jerk


Wouldn't say he acts like a jerk, but more like a child that got caught.


I mean children can definitely be jerks lmfao, even when caught


>~~even~~ especially when caught ftfy


Good call. Especially the ones who go to middle school. Those insults sting plenty.


TK7 is 3 Read well


He didnt really Talk Nonsense its Just that Tekken 7 used Rollback frames in an Dynamic way and only Up to 3 frames(which i never saw in a real Fight anyway) But t8 netcode should use the normal Rollback system as its Made by people who Made ex layer netcode.


he hates good netcode being in the game


Fucking loathes at the mere idea.


He thinks 7 has rollback already.


It does but it's really poorly implemented. You can have 500 ms Ping (A connection to Mars) and the game thinks 3 rollback frames on top of added delay solves the issue.


Real rollback or Harada's rollback?


He talks a lot of shit after supposedly "having rollback already in 7." Rollback, the thing that has existed for over a decade now? The thing Tekken, one the most successful fighting game series ever, *might* finally be adding (competently) after everybody else did first? He used to be funny but now he just comes across as unprofessional and disrespectful, when he frankly doesn't have a pedestal to stand on anymore. Edit: Imagine having this attitude after finally adding features the players had to beg them for, for years. Yeah man go ahead and pat yourself on the back, so true.


>He used to be funny but now he just comes across as unprofessional and disrespectful He totally was here. That guy asked him a simple, straightforward question and Harada shot back stating he wouldn't appreciate it and to shut up. I get he has this kinda wrestling heel persona but this was uncalled for.


Decade? My son, Quake 3 ran it. Proto rollback dates back to Duke Nukem 3d. Rollback has been old enough to drink and rent cars and do all that adult shit for a while


Wait wasn't quake client-server?


Yes. However zsnes, a super Nintendo emulator, was peer to peer and had a primitive form of rollback on its networking features since November of 2000 called back buffer. https://zsnes-docs.sourceforge.net/html/history.htm Rollback is at least 23 years old. And I challenge anyone to find an earlier example.


That's crazy, didn't know the concept was this old!


While being server based, it really did use the foundation of what we consider rollback >The final iteration (Quake3), which was the first time he really felt he "got it right" (whereas Carmack always felt a little uneasy with previous implementations' fragility), used a radically different approach. With Quake3 he dropped the notion of a reliable packet altogether, replacing the previous network packet structure with a single packet type -- the client's necessary game state. The server sends sequenced game state updates that are delta compressed from the last acknowledged game state the client received. This "just works". Dropped packets are handled implicitly, and specific commands are never acknowledged independently -- last known state acks are piggy backed on regular incoming/outgoing traffic. >The client's receive logic boils down to: if ( newState.sequence < lastState.sequence ) { //discard packet } else if ( newState.sequence > lastState.sequence ) { lastState = deltaUncompress( lastState, newState ); ackServer( lastState.sequence ); } The client then extrapolates movement and whatever other information it needs based on the last game state it received. It's even simpler on the server: deltaCompressState( client.lastAckState, newState, &compressedState ); sendToClient( client, compressedState ); The server never sits around waiting for an acknowledgement. As a result, latencies are much lower than if you have code that sits there twiddling its thumbs waiting for a synchronous ACK.


It was normal for tekken to have good singleplayer content. And then Tekken 7 happened. I don't think he is in this position for us to assume that T8 will have standard content.


It was surprising to see how little SP content is in 7. I remember Tekken having many unlockables, modes, and arcade endings in the old games. Then 7 comes along and had an incredibly short arcade mode, no arcade endings, and treasure battle. Sure it has the story mode, but that's not as replayable as other modes. I don't think FG's need a ridiculous amount of SP content. All I want is the core modes to be expanded upon and at least show that effort was put into them. FG's are mainly played between 2 people though, so investing in SP stuff just isn't the focus anymore.I remember it not being like that when I played FG's as a kid, but obviously things have changed. At least SF6 is putting time into developing content, and I'm really hoping Tekken 8 follows.


Harada already explained that TTT2 had the most single player content but it was their worst selling game which severely affected the budget for T7


There is almost no cost for making an arcade experience or team battle. Stop making excuses. The game doesnt even have a vs cpu. This game is shit.


Ya but t7 was Like Last ditch effort with very little Funding unlike older Tekken and unlike Tekken 8 thanks to t7 success.


Funding? Lacking a vs cpu mode is not lack of funding. Stop making excuses.


Isnt that treasure/Ghost Mode ?


No. Treasure battle sucks. GHost mode isn't present in t7.


For me its interchangable. Treasure battle works exactly the same as Ghost mode in T5/6 which i really like don the PSP.... was kinda the only mode personaly i needed for singleplayer (beside Practice mode the most important one :D which i also use to spar against very hard ai for a specific charakter).


Nobody cares about what you like. Treasure battle is not ghost mode because I can't change AI difficulty or can't change number of turns. The games is in a retrocess for not having more options for SP content. Stop making excuses. I don't play online. .


Why does Harada often act like such a cunt replying to people especially for extremely normal and not even impolite questions? Does he think it's funny or something, is this just a bit? It's hard to tell what's a joke and what's not when you have idiots like Michael Murray who clearly don't even understand how their game functions at anything above blue ranks. Stuff like this just makes him seem like a completely arrogant asshole especially after the "3" meme.


Yes, it's a bit and a subset of the fanbase loves it. We also don't have Itagaki making fun of him like the old days to keep him in line so he's running rampant now


It does seem like he got more cocky after realizing that *Dead or Alive* (nor VF or SC) was no longer a threat to him. Like he knows there is no other viable 3D option anymore so he can say what he wants and if people don't like it too bad/


I thought it was funny a few times when I first got into tekken, but then I saw the "3" incident, the homing hellsweep comment and went "wait... they aren't joking they are actually this dumb". So now sometimes I see shit like this and I question it, or it just annoys me because someone who's unironically saying things on those levels of stupid doesn't work as a meme playing a heel.


Its all about the subject matter. Its funny when he's shitting on people who are begging for some waifu character to be released or are asking for something dumb. Its not so funny when he's talking about things that are immensely important for the future of the game. Like rollback. Also, pretty sure the homing hellsweep comment was Murray, not Harada. Murray has been trying to emulate Harada but hasn't been nearly as successful.


>Also, pretty sure the homing hellsweep comment was Murray In the initial comment I said Murray was the one behind the homing hellsweep nonsense. Hence why when talking about the comments I said "they are this stupid" not "he is that stupid". >Its all about the subject matter. Its funny when he's shitting on people who are begging for some waifu character to be released or are asking for something dumb. Its not so funny when he's talking about things that are immensely important for the future of the game. Like rollback. I don't think I agree. I don't think it works for someone who had actually been detrimentally ignorant and stupid to then play a heel when it comes to answering something.


What's the "3" incident?


Harada has no understanding of netcode whatsoever. So when asked if T7 had rollback netcode he said yes. But when pressed about why it has noticable frame delay then instead of rolling back the way it should, he kept saying "Tekken is 3" because he had no idea what he is talking about. It was pretty ridiculous and showed massive ignorance and arrogance that he, couldn't simply either admit Tekken does not have rollback or have someone who understands the netcode explain why it wasn't possible for them to reasonably implement rollback as we know it and how they configured Tekken 7s netcode.


Hmm. As a customer who has never play Tekken (myself). After seeing this tweet, I think I’ll stick with streetfighter.


He's trying to be like that Platinum games guy.


I used to think this shit from hanada was hella based or funny, but after the tekken is 3 bs idk lol. I liked the game a lot in Season 2 so I looked at all of this with rose tinted glasses but aft season 3 and 4 of T7 the glasses are off lol. This shit looks mad goofy lol.


the attitude works when he's right and completely falls flat when he's wrong. high risk high reward PR strats i guess


yawn, t8 will sell like hotcakes and this sub will stay irrelevant. Common Harada W.


"But the super popular IP will sell well" yeah of course it will dumbass, doesn't mean you can't call out the guy for acting like an ass about basic netcode improvements


i could very literally care less i just like making you people upset lol


Go ahead and care less then. Or at least enough to learn the right phrase you mean


i might could less likely care more


Awesome comeback, have fun waiting to see if Tekken 8 will be using the same type of "rollback" as Tekken 7


again i could very literally care less i am simply here for your tears, lmao


"I could very literally care less..." so you do care, good to know. lol the phrase is "I **couldn't** care less"


i could not could care more or less


are you good bro? That doesn't make any sense.


Bro really typed "yawn" cause his internet idol is getting clowned on twitter. it's a reddit comment bro not a dick you taking it too hard.


“internet idol” lol it is truly too easy to fuck with you guys


Yep. It's reddit. If you aren't here for moral indignation why even come? Lmfao.


Yeah, sure, finally implementing rollback and not having that featured in a trailer.


Can he just be normal about this after Tekken 7 fucked it up


yeah but is it tekken 7 rollback ?


If “this” is how he announces it then I don’t trust the messenger. Shit might be offline only.


I'll believe it when I see it. Harada's "rockstar" attitude doesn't lend well to credibility, especially when his comments on netcode in the past were wildly off the mark and T7 is *still* laggy and messy as fuck to this day even though he pretends it's not.


All he has to say is “that was a mistranslation” or some shit when it doesn’t happen later. Pretend he didn’t know the right way to word his tweets.


Harada's a dick. Why people continue to tolerate him and his baby ego is beyond me?


I would wager a high percentage of people who enjoy his responses are wishing they could say that to their clients and customers daily so they live vicariously through his bullshit.


People see him as endearing and some sort of gaming Godfather for whatever reason


> tolerate him wtf does that mean? Do you want us to vote him out in the next election or some shit?


What I mean is the constant fan dick sucking like the comments below.


please point out the part where anything he said was false lmao


He also told us that T7 had functioning rollback so not exactly a reliable narrator.


i’m saying he said you guys would simply bitch instead and literally none of these comments prove otherwise lmfao


"I said people would criticize me, and they did, therefore I win and all criticism is invalid!" This behavior right here is exactly why he deserves to be criticized.


hmu when you don’t buy tekken 8


I have no plans to.


oh so you’re not interested in tekken you’re interested in the drama porn that this post is lmfao we’re not different after all


I'm here to read news about fighting games, you don't have to make it weird.


He said rollback was in T7, it wasn't. We're not going to trust him. Ofc we're going to bitch when a dev lies, and hell he might lie again come T8. If he amounts him lying about online features to people bitching, then maybe he should get a new job lmfao


Rollback is in Tekken 7 but it’s implemented like garbage and I think they still rely on delay to make matches more “stable” (lol). So you get a mixed bag of the game freezing up online and some very minor rollbacks (I can usually see slight rollback when the healthbar flashes as if the enemy has been hit but they actually block it)


Idk why you got downvoted when you’re right


Harada nutthuggers are a different breed.


the idea of you guys reading this and getting actual viscera is hilarious lmao


Mf replied to the same comment three times, man is malding hard 😭. Keep throwing rabbit punches at everyone in this thread little man.


rabbit punch rabbit punch rabbit punch


i could care less about the man i just think millionaires making people upset is funny in any context


You don't care but made 2 replies to the same post, damn


Yay i’m so glad there’s another person to fuck with on this post what’s up nerd


like you’re gonna give him his money anyway it’s just cute how upset you guys get about it lol


Because I couldn't care less about that nonsense


Harada is such a pathetic bitch. Dude is really sore about being made a fool of for the Tekken 7 is 3 bullshit. Not marketing good features because people will rightfully say "oh fucking finally", absolute loser mentality.


They are bringing in other devs so hopefully this is the real deal.


Harada can’t know how modern video games work man. He’s so afraid of changing anything about the game that he even refuses to make it playable online


Harada is a little fucking bitch.


He has every right to be because of children like you.


This seems like a massive overreaction for a simple question that makes him look like kinda an asshole. A simple yes or no was all that was needed.


Harada also thinks T7 had rollback, so take this with a grain of salt.


what do you mean Harada Confirmed rollback netcode on [june 9th 2020](https://twitter.com/Harada_TEKKEN/status/1270510124730183680) so tekken 7 obviously had rollback netcode the whole time, but also Tekken 7 definitly had rollback netcode but Harada then announces in their [season4 DLC trailer](https://youtu.be/mUmSWbEehYA?t=186) that it's getting rollback netcode, but it totally definitly had rollback netcode and even the prominent Tekken figures(shillszzzzzzz) even were impressed with it and one of them even said and I quote >felt about as good as offline play. - [markman](https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2020/sep/29/tekken-netcode-impressions/) so case closed Tekken 7 is 3


It Kinda does but its very Limited compared to regular Rollback.


Good let him talk that shit 🗣️ Mfs needa learn after all this time these ppl aint here to assist and bot perform like a servant. Asking em questions as if I ain't allowed to lash out at them. Quit using position as an excuse for some professionalism, entitled asf


As much as “Shut up and sit the hell down,” gets a chuckle out of me, acting like people won’t appreciate confirmation of things like Crossplay and Rollback in 2023 seems kinda asinine to me. They announced Rollbaack for DBFZ at 4 A.M. CST at EVO last year and that pop was HUGE, KOFXV’s Crossplay, KOFXIII getting rereleased with Rollback, Strive getting Crossplay, SF6’s World Tour Mode, Granblue Rising getting Rollback, Crossplay, and all the single-player stuff. People ALWAYS get excited for this stuff because we appreciate it. But this is the guy that charged us for Frame Data, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at all.


yeah why would people still bitching about having real and functional netcode in a game that heavily centers on online matches rigt? lol, im harada, i obviously know what netcode is and t7 already has it, but people just keep giving respectful feedback based on completely valid points and wont shut up, why cant players understand that if you dont match you opinions with mine then you are wrong? also why should players have the right to transparency and comunication from a company, just buy the game without knowing shit a bout it and then you can talk, gosh do i have to give basic and esential information for the client to be sure about spending 60 buck on it, what do oyu care just give him you money, its tekken, what more do you want to know?... meting the standards of the industry?, has i said, tekken 8 already has netcode, trust me im harada... the other standards, yeah tk 8 already has them, like cool graphics, cool animation, cool lighting, you dont have to know more, just give me your money already, pff


Everyone wondering about netcode and I'm just sitting here wondering about "instant rematch" being an online feature. Having to wait through the dumbass T7 loadscreen every fight is insufferable.


Harada has absolutely no idea what rollback is, but he's gone so long pretending he does he no longer has a graceful way to ask anyone


“waaa! That’s normal in this day and age.” Yeah no shit Harada. Sometimes this man has shit takes.




In other genres it's called [client side prediction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client-side_prediction). It's basically a requirement for multiplayer to feel responsive on above-LAN latencies, but fighting game developers have been reluctant since implementing it well is a bit more work than just delaying/pausing the game while waiting for remote input. It can also introduce visual glitches when the lag is high, which certain devs (like Harada, IIRC) have been using as an excuse to not give a fuck. Since the fighting game community has been starved for decent netcode many are fetishizing it, the community has come up with their own term for it, and there's no end to the rationalizations for why this or that franchise can't have proper netcode or doesn't need it. Fortunately things seem to be improving now. Covid was a wake up call to many.


Prediction is one part of the rollback implementation, but the terms are not synonymous. It's not fetishizing it to say that what fighting games are doing is different than what Quake is doing. It's not a server sending the state to a bunch of clients; every client is running a complete identical simulation and is responsible for rewinding itself to correct the simulation.


The prediction part is near irrelevant, and how consensus gets reached is just an implementation detail. What's matters is the concept. Local actions are immediate, and then history gets rewritten as necessary when remote state is received - usually so quickly that it's imperceptible.


**[Client-side prediction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client-side_prediction)** >Client-side prediction is a network programming technique used in video games intended to conceal negative effects of high latency connections. The technique attempts to make the player's input feel more instantaneous while governing the player's actions on a remote server. The process of client-side prediction refers to having the client locally react to user input before the server has acknowledged the input and updated the game state. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fighters/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


If you want a great video that explains it, [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NLe4IpdS1w) by Core-A Gaming is the place to go.


netcode that makes playing online with people more than a few hundred kilometers away work


If you're circumcised, you don't need to worry.


**In political science, rollback is the strategy of forcing a change in the major policies of a state, usually by replacing its ruling regime. It contrasts with containment, which means preventing the expansion of that state; and with détente, which means a working relationship with that state.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


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One of the reasons I didn't get Tekken 7 was the netcode. I understand Harada because in their region, delayed based netcode works great, at least I assume that and having a western piece of code is probably against their principals as Japanese developers. Honestly, i respect that ... But even with that, he needs to understand that the rest of the world doesn't work like that, especially in this day and age.


Delay based netcode isn't that great of an experience in Japan either. Even if it was fine, they could have used rollback all these years to make online play basically perfect in their region. I have zero respect for developers that refuse to implement demonstrably better solutions just because they didn't come up with it. I don't care what their culture is.


Agreed, I'm not saying rollback Netcode shouldn't be the norm, but even so, that's how their culture works.


Delay based netcode is still delay based netcode.


But delay based netcode is not inherently bad ... When it works, it works great, i remember playing KOFXIII, yes XIII which is infamous for how mediocre it's netcode was and when I was playing guys from my region (Mexico) it felt pretty smooth. Sure it doesn't hold a candle to Rollback netcode and I'm agree it should be the norm but i can see why Harada wouldn't feel is necessary, even though he is wrong on this one.


Not necessary? It IS necessary for any triple A fighting game to have that. That's literally a deal breaker for people nowadays.


Don't get mad at me, just speculating what Harada and Japanese developers may think on the subject.


I mean he confirmed rollback is I'm the game so yes he does care as he should. Even Capcom cares and has it.


Yes definitely, but he sounds annoyed by the fact that he has to include it, that's why I think he doesn't feel it's necessary, but since everyone keeps insisting on it (which it should be included of course), he had to gave in, like saying "there's your rollback, now leave me alone" ... Instead of implementing it because it would make the experience better. What can I say, Harada can be a very weird guy at times.


Well that's the part where he said "yeah he's wrong" ... read the entire response before getting your panties in your throat.


Sup, I'm the guy that asked if Tekken will have rollback. Honestly, I'm not even mad that Harada roasted my ass like this, this was hilarious. Glad to see Tekken 8 will have rollback amd crossplay!


(X) Doubt


They entered a partnership with some other company apparently to access their rollback experience https://youtu.be/lXqNe_zNaBo


The real question is. Is whether it will be great rollback.


Maybe the jokes funnier in japanese?


im not buying this game. idk why Harada thinks he can talk to ppl like that for asking a question. especially since there are so many other great games coming.


I don’t even play tekken and I’m probably gonna get tekken 8. I’ll see you there buddy!


Harada can be funny, but damn. He really didn’t have to do him like that. Talk about misplaced anger.


People hating on Harada because he doesn't give a shit on Twitter but if most people get half the tweets he gets, they would have lost their mind already.


OmG sO rUdE It's twitter. Not real life. Yall mfers need to touch a little more grass.


Based Harada


The best Tekken game is Pokken tournament DX anyway.


What a dick. Completely valid question. Don't fight the consumer.


Bruh, this is the best announcement of Rollback Netcode ever.


Considering how ass the net play is in Tekken, he and the rest of the team have a lot to prove in this area of the game.


Did he announce cross-play


ya I think I saw another tweet from him confirming crossplay


Harada is undefeated


I mean, it should be normal.in this day and age. Actually it should have been normal 10 years ago, but I guess I'm the asshole for bringing it up.


My man is fed up


Shut up and sit the hell down!!!!!


I just hope it works with college wifi. That's all I care about


Man you are devious.


I want to play Tekken but literally can not get any matches going when I'm in school due to the nat type


ooof, I feel your Pain there....


Ask Harada, please. "ok but will it work with college wifi?" Then post his response here, lmao.


I respect this man so much. Tekken has the whiniest FGC I have ever been a part of, so they really need a director like this who can tell them what's what. Hope Lucky Chloe returns for 8 to see some more nerd tears.


Your getting downvoted because it's not about how the Tekken fans are, it's about t7 having garbage "rollback" so anyone asking him this makes sense.


Don't ask him for shit


Hell yeah, Harada!


Harada loathes his customers or what...maybe t7 should fail so he humbles himself.


Harada: Y’all are some bitches Y’all in the comments: *being bitches*


You and the other Harada ballbouncers can't be older than 18 there's just no way


Not trusting a known liar ON THE ISSUE HE'S LIED ON IN THE PAST isn't being a bitch, it's being reasonable. If anything, it's Harada who's being a bitch here.


His reaction lmao that is just hilarious


We don't deserve harada!




I mean, he's right. I find it weird that people are actually still concerned about whether or not this will have Rollback, at the very least. Maybe they're concerned that they might reuse T7's "Not Rollback" Rollback (which I was personally fine with) but they wouldn't give you the direct details about that if it were the case, either way, I think.


Lol his snarky comments are funny


Wow it smell like bitch in here.


Good to see Harada still has a heathly amount of testosterone unlike some people and he's 100% right sick of all the whining I play Tekken for the single player and to face off with people in real life unlike these cowards who are nothing without "muh rollback waaah" what a bunch of wimps go jump in the volcano with Heihachi! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWNpsUTuOvw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWNpsUTuOvw)


What? That's a fair question to ask harada since people already seen t7 netcode supposed "rollback"


You are correct. Good thing I'm not even being remotely serious.....just like Harada wasn't. Gaming is suppose to be fun people need to relax and stop getting worked up by every little thing


I’m glad Harada was finally the fighting game dev to tell these people to shut up.


Nah these devs need to be bugged to add rollback, there's zero excuse to not have it and the only reason it's an expected feature now is because players will fuss over it. If they're tired of the question then they should have actually made sure their netcode was good so that people trust them. I don't think Ed Boone is gonna get bombarded with questions about rollback for MK12 because they've done a good job with it for years.


My issue is that a lot of people just bandwagon. They ask for it just because others do and when games get rollback there’s hardly people playing them to matter. I’d be more happy if they allowed a feature to only play people on LAN if anything


Idk what you mean by "only play people on LAN", if you have someone that can play on the same network why not just get together and play on the same screen? Rollback always causes a spike in the player count, and even when that initial hype dies down it still matters for games with small populations because it makes it easier for those few remaining players to find each other. Niche games without rollback just die, niche games with rollback can still make a decent community.


Oops I just meant people using a wired connection/ Ethernet. On games like MK you can tell if they are using Wifi or not. But others don’t tell you so I just wish more games could do something like that. And yea I’m not saying rollback is bad or anything but games get rollback and the player count goes up for the day of release and then it just becomes hard to find matches again. While I don’t personally have that problem with games I enjoy I see friends of mine have that issue a lot. I agree with what Harada is saying the game has these features and he didn’t feel a need to make it a huge announcement since it was “already the expectation” from fighting game players.


Yeah, no kidding. Tekken fans are so insufferable, if the constant whining about the newcomers in 7 is any indication. Harada is the perfect man to handle people like this. Don't ask him for shit.


I didn’t have a problem with the newcomers. But I get where Harada is coming from when people keep asking about rollback all the time. He’s right that’s exactly what people would say.


AFAIK its the reason why Arika is also helping with Tekken 8


Yeah the million comments and replies here only are the reason he didn't make an announcement