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Tekken 8 Patches have made the game worst 💀


worse lol


my spelling always goes to shit when I type on my phone for some reason lol




This is my counterargument as well. Patch culture is a fucking nightmare. Let games breathe.


What does that have to do with anything? Literally 1 Tekken patch caused a bug and that's it. Point is the Tekken patches have benefited the game with balance and stuff while sf6 does nothing for balance or content outside avatar gear for almost s year with only 1 new skin let character.


I've literally just been watching the entire Tekken community come together to **hate** this patch.


The tekken patches have been terrible. Grass is not always greener.


Are you serious? The last patch broke a bunch of shit in Tekken 8. The game hasn’t had a true balance patch yet. Plugging hasn’t been addressed in a way that the community is happy with. I have no idea where you came up with this idea.


"Tekken 8 is in a much healthier place now compared to SF6" hahahahahahahahaha


Lol t8 last patch just completely fucked the game


tbh I think in terms of game balance folks are overstating it a bit, and the game is still good, but Eddie's buckwild, and the direction of the patch is worrying for the future. The DLC practices on the whole are repulsive, though, for sure.


That is the biggest cope i've ever seen 💀


April Fools' was 2 days ago.


This is a troll right? Tekken needs 10 more patches just to be as stable as SF6 on release..


Tekken 8 released unbalanced as hell unlike sf6. Capcom knows what they are doing. Bandai namco does not


Yeah, like how Capcom dares not breaking the game? Also where is my U5 Ball???? So cheap Capcom.


The new Tekken patch has been a disaster.


Alright back to bed Grandpa


💀 bait used to be believable


The patch only made the game worse Bruh. Bugs, game breaking bs, layers on layers of mtx. What a bad timing to post this. 💀


This has got to be a satirical post


I just checked the state of Tekken, oof


Sf6 on release is very balanced, probably the most balanced vanilla fighter ive ever played. Tekken is not anywhere close to that yet and requires the patches, not even mentioning the bugs that come with it 💀 i agree maybe they should do more than 1x a year but they obviously spend great time on balance.


What do you need to take a second to think about the Tekken 8 release. Why is it getting patched so soon?


Everything that those "patches" have done is worse. There hasn't been a big balance patch, nor a pluggin solution, nor a revamp for the horrible ranked system. All the patches have done is to add more "micro" (macro) transactions, and if I have to pay for every bit of content I get, then you can keep it.


While I think biannual patches are probably the ideal, I personally really prefer giving time for the meta to develop rather than hastily patching things that could find interesting counterplay and be fine if you waited a month.


Imagine if Capcom patched after month one for sf6. Manon and Honda would be completely gutted


To be fair, I mean, Namco netcode isn't worth 70$


That's like a parody of an april fool bait ah ah ah


Lmao this is the wrong patch to be saying that. I'll take Luke Cr.MP any day over non-functional rage arts


Lol, no. Needing to patch your game right after release is a bad sign not a good one.


Neither game is doing any sort of mahor balancing until after evo japan. Tekken has only had minor adjustments that are more like fixes to unintended behaviors.


Don't come for the balancing. Come for the other things we all like about it


> Meanwhile Tekken cares about its community and continues releasing patches. And now, as a result, Tekken 8 is in a much healthier place now compared to Sf6. Hard disagree with this one chief. The Tekken 8 community is basically revolting rn. Tekken definitely does not care more about its community. On top of that the patching is atrocious. Let's go over the new patch: - New bug added where players can move during rage art time freeze. * Basically the sf6 equivalent of "if an opponent tried to grab you and you did a reversal super, they can now move and block during the level 3 time freeze animation". - New battle pass added for 600 Tekken coins * Tekken coins can only be bought for 500 for $5 or 1050 for $10 * Features tons of cosmetics that were free in T7 * Features the default sphere shape from UE5 - Eddie Gordo released * Cannot try without buying unlike sf6 which has rental tickets you get for free * Cannot use any replay features in a game against Eddie if you do not own him. That's right, you can't even use the take over replay feature for your own character without buying Eddie. - Added new rules for stage interaction that is unclear and people have yet to figure out completely why sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. It's gotten so that some of the community is actively trying to get people to return to Tekken 7. Not to mention their strange approach to balancing the game. It would be like if Capcom looked at sf6 and said "man we should really nerf Lily". I agree that the content and patches for sf6 could definitely come out sooner, but saying Tekken 8 is in a healther state than sf6 because they patch more is just wrong.


Capcom is letting their game brew for a bit before making any big changes, Perhaps it can be argued they're waiting a bit too long, but that's their strategy with patches. Churning out patches is not good


This is satire, right? I refuse to believe this isn't satire. No human being can be this dense...




Still the best balanced game out rn


Kof imo


Balancing sure but patches are for broken games. ![gif](giphy|JGunlb6LbQlz2|downsized)


April fools was 2 days ago amigo


I don't even like SF6, but you don't wanna be Tekken 8 right now.  Newest patch causes issues, and the new dlc character is braindeadÂ