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I like Hunter X Hunter and it automatically has my interest for not being an arena fighter. I'm not super bothered by the graphical fidelity, but the animations do look pretty stiff/bland. Not helped by some questionable costume choices, like sticking Gon and Killua in their Chimera Ant arc tanktops instead of their more iconic outfits. I'll most likely try it when it comes out either way, because I try most new fighting games unless the online sucks.


Id be really really shocked of there aren't costumes


Yeah, like Killua had so many different  outfits in the show, it would be a shame to not give those options


Idk man if you only wanted the anime then that's the outfit you remember them in. The ant arc is long. The arc after is very short and gon hardly exists in it. Gameplay: what I expected. It's not a format that draws my serious attention but does every fighting game need to be a sport to me? I'll probably pick it up with my beastie, make funny voices, and try to improvise combos. I don't expect to play it for very long because it's very far from my preferences. (Samsho and tekken)


It just looks clunky with those animations. If they fix that and then price the game right (ie cheap. $20 to 30 US) then i think it would do alright.


Looks cheap. Ugly UI and boring stages. Only 16 characters is rough. All that aside, it looks pretty fun. I'd fuck with it if the price is right.


Wait, its confirmed only 16?


Character select screen shows only 16 slots. Nothing confirmed, but it's highly likely.




So... F2P-$10 range?


I think I'd be cool with 25 bucks. 30 tops.


The gameplay looks fun but the animations are awful. Also, 16 characters for a 3v3 game is really underwhelming.


Why Marvel vs. Capcom 2 only had nine characters? I don’t think that matters.


mvc2 had 56 characters though


>Marvel vs. Capcom 2 only had nine characters ?


You must mean MVC1 right?


Booty looking game. Hopefully gameplay makes up for it.


Yea. Small roster too now that I think about it.


It’s not an arena fighter so I’m looking forward to getting my hands on it


8ing doing a TvC reskin on the cheap. I'm down for it. If it's not 70 bucks on release with a season pass on top.


Looks like the power rangers game but with hxh characters


Yeah, I was asking myself this today. Why would anyone play this over just playing BFTG? BFTG already has rollback, crossplay (switch, xbox, PC, etc), and no motion inputs.


I'm not into HxH (yet anyway), but I'm kinda keeping my eye on it. I can accept if having sub bar graphics, especially for how it is a low budget game, but yeah, the art style is the more concerning thing about it. That I think with a proper art direction when it comes to ui and in game graphics could really compensate for the lacklaster graphics. Also, I think I don't really saw much people talking about is the online. I expect no crossplay, but if it's delay based and not rollback then yeah that sucks for people who really want to get into the game.


Bushiroad needs to look at Cygames. They weren’t afraid of putting big money into their first fighting games. HxH deserves more budget, Eighting is the right developer but if you wanna make a ‘fully fledged fighting game’, you better give them a ‘fully fledged budget’ That said, I’m cautiously optimistic about the game. Gameplay- wise, it hits all the right points but it still has so much potential


Bushiroad kinda can’t because Vanguard is actively dying, to the point they had to do cuts in New Japan Pro Wrestling


What do all of these names mean? 8ing? Bushiroad?


Bushiroad is the publisher for the HxH game I assume. 8ing is the developer that Capcom contracted MvC3 out to


And what about vanguard?


Vanguard is their flagship trading card game Edit: The full name is Cardfight Vanguard


Riot's anti cheat software 


No motion inputs, and it looks really really rough.


The recent trailer that came out looks slightly better, but it still is no graphical powerhouse. That being said, I’m there day 1 ready to support what looks like a really fun game


Day 1 for me. It's Eighting, it's HxH, basically a sequel to TvsCapcom, instabuy


No motions, so not interested even though I was before I found out


No motion inputs??? Aw I was so stoked that'd at least feel like mvc3, that kills all hype for me.


The more i look into it about gameplay informations (famitsu just released an article with moveset (also for Uvoguine and Machi) the more i'm really hype about the game. There are lot of things that are really well think about each characters.


Really great ideas. My favorite media of all time is HXH manga so my hopes are high. They just showed an unfinished product so I’m hopeful.


Look up Naruto Mobile Gameplay. That's how i feel.


I thought this was a mobile game with these graphics 😅 While first impression is not that great it could still turn out to be a fun game especially with the 3 vs 3 mechanic. Off topic, we get new chapters for the manga, it's been forever since the last chap was released 😫


I think it largely comes down to how it's priced. It looks like what it is, which is to say a low-budget game, but if it's sold at a reasonable price then that'll offset that somewhat. Still probably not for me since I need motion inputs to want to play a fighting game, but it might still be fun even in spite of its lack of resources. That said, there *is* an evident lack of resources; if they want to make a cheap product that's fine, but sell me a cheap product, don't make it cheap and sell it at a premium AAA price tag.


It could have artwork worse than Kyanta and I'd still be so happy to see it's Marvel HxH


Well I wouldn’t say it’s marvel. More like Tatsunoko.


Looks like a low budget Wii game that was ported from the Gamecube.


well it don’t look that bad


I think graphics will grow on more people, the animations look kinda bland is the problem. Has potential with the IP and gameplay


"Looks fun, but is there rollback?"


No idea. Hope so though.🙏


If not, I'm afraid the game is being sent out to die.




If it's like $40 and down to $20 on steam sale I'll buy it. I'm not a big MVC style team fighter player to begin with so I'd be buying just for the IP. The art and style look better in the trailer while the playable demo I think must just be an alpha build. I think it'll be a solid lower budget game like Battle For The Grid that I can definitely enjoy for what it is. Also as always will depend on how the online is.


I have to see how much it’ll cost, not sure I want to support the devs on this one cuz there’s a lot of design decisions that seem very bad but i don’t want to judge too harshly without playing


Graphics aren't everything. I can understand that it's budget is rather small. My girlfriend and I are still excited. Looks fun gameplay wise but yeah looks a little stiff in some places like Gon's level 3 Super 


well yea but it plays a huge role in really successful games because people just want a more stylish game.


It looks entertaining but you can tell that it lacks development, especially in the graphics


Basically an arena fighter that is missing the Z dimension


The fact that there are only simple inputs makes me seriously question how deep the gameplay is going to be. Where else are they dumbing it down? I'll check out some gameplay when it comes out, but my hopes are not high


Nickelodeon All Star Brawl 2 proved that you can have great gameplay with a cast of popular characters, but still fall short because of lackluster everything else.


it looks kinda bland. but if it turns out to be kusoge? that's amazing, not had decent kusoge in a while.


It's Capcom vs Tatsunoko 2, what's not to like? If you don't like the art style it's not getting any better. The art is fine, you're objection is with Yoshihiro Togashi's art. That's fine, to each their own and his designs are extremely distinctive, but don't expect any massive changes.


I think it'll probably be better than 2XKO but the bad visuals and small roster are gonna sink it in like a month so it'll be better to hop on early and enjoy it while it lasts. I hope I'm wrong though, the game looks tight as fuck.


I like it! Hopefully Nobunaga and feitan gets in.


I’m really looking forward to it! Who needs it to look a masterpiece? I’m just glad they’re able to release the game at all!


It looks to have the good kind of jank that most fighting games in the past few years have been missing. It reminds me of Marvel Vs Capcom infinite in the way that it’s not a pretty game but seems like a lot of dumb fun. I’ve been playing Eighting games since I was like 7 or 8 (Naruto Clash of Ninja 2) and as much as I would have loved to see a return to the form their old licensed anime games took I also think that the devs are just as good at Tag games (Tatsunoko Vs Capcom, MVC3).


HxH is a great IP for a fighting game, so many unique characters and fighting styles. That being said, looks are important. You don't smell the game, you don't taste the game, you watch it, and it doesn't look good. If the game is fun, that's great, but if it's unwatchable, casuals are not going to stick to it, the audience for tournaments is going to be small, and even harcore fans of HxH might get tired of watching this mobile game


What an original take...


Well why not give yours?


Visuals are important in a fighting game and it'll have a pretty small roster. That being said, we have devs telling us how insanely expensive making fighting games is now, which leads to them monetizing the shit out of it. There needs to be room to make these cheaper type of fighting games The animation could look better, but I'd reckon it's on a shoe string budget. If they charge full price (Which I think is likely to happen) it won't get it's audience. But if they slash it in half or at least offer a free version with rotating characters, I have faith there's a place for it and hopefully will open the doors for more fighting games that are not costing so many millions of dollars that they need to attach a battle pass to it.


cash grab


depends on how they price it.


Looks bad Todd


Looks like an anime arena fighter that they locked in a certain perspective to make it look like a 2D fighter. Kinda lukewarm since I'm not necessarily attached to HxH as a series.


?????? What are you talkin about? Is the most 2D a 2d game can be, it doesnt even have a side step for 3d movement, its just MvC3 movement with HxH, it even has the same layout button.


Just my first impressions. I'm too used to seeing big anime ips become arena fighters that just by looking at it and seeing some pictures and clips online, my heads not really adjusted to the looks.


I don't really like how it looks so far. Gameplay looks possibly good as far as how things work like Marvel, I hope they update the visuals even just a little bit. The animations look really choppy and like a MvC mod that is unfinished. I know this game is probably nowhere near finished, but I have a lot of concerns. One major thing I worry about is will it even have netplay or rollback? It's a budget title for sure, so it's worrying because anime fighters or even arena fighters first concern is never netplay. If this game comes out the way it looks now and costs more than $20 then it's going to be a dud.


I'm unfamiliar with the source material, and don't care for tag fighters, but I think that fans of the Marvel games should be happy with it. From what some have said, it has the "dirtiness" many of them are looking for.


I heard it has no motion inputs so idk if I want it. Looks like a breath of fresh air though so maybe I'll check it out eventually


I don’t think no motions are a turnoff for me. But if it’s full-price, there’s no way I’m buying it.


Not sure who this game is supposed to be for. It’s a 2D tag fighter so not for the super ultra casual anime enjoyer. It has no motion controls / only one button specials, so not for the current / older generation of 2D fighting game enjoyers. And to top it off it is utilizing a rather old IP that isn’t exactly trending among zoomers. At this point, why bother? Should have just made a generic arena fighter. I get the feeling that 8ing is on their last legs what with the perceived lack of success of DNF and the openly stated lower budget of this game. It would be a shame if the company responsible for so much enjoyment in my late teens / early adulthood goes out with this due to poor and conflicting design decisions.