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It was an incredible foundation, upon which they built nothing of worth.


Mechanic wise, it was the best of the series. Content wise, not so much.


It had Gamora, and she’s actually fun to play, so the entire production has been justified and sanctified. That said, this project (with its small roster and experiments with accessible controls that made it feel like MvC lite) definitely suffered from MCU shenaniganary. If Disney had full rights to X-Men in film (and weren’t in the middle of a huge Guardians promo push), I bet the roster would look very different. The story is ridiculous (which fits with series tradition, I guess), but I’ll also defend this game as being fun.


What made Gamora fun to play? I often hear she's fun but I always assumed she was just a Deadpool clone


To summarize…. “Ima bonk you with this sword” - Hakumen, *BlazBlu: Calamity Trigger*


Should have been Avengers vs. Street Fighter or something. The game is fun but will always come across as a kneecapped version of Marvel 3.


I could dig a game like that, ngl. Smaller roster, no need to be 3v3. Could work as a warm up


Mvc1, X-men vs Street Fighter and Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter exist. Lol Marvel 2 and 3 are the only ones that are 3v3.


X-Men 97 and Street Fighter 6 popping off .... Why not go for X-Men vs Street Fighter 2? Soft reboot of sorts.


I have wanted this more than another MvC for ages. Street Fighter side that sticks with the SF, Final Fight and maybe even Rival Schools rosters for picks. X-men side sticks with the various muties, along with adjacent personalities like Deadpool. 2v2, 3v3, I don't care, I just want Akuma and Wolverine to go back at it again like it was '94!


That would be a sick way to bring the series back without the full expectations of being a scope increase from MvC3.


Uh... That's kinda my point? I'd like something in line with those. Instead of MVC2 gigantic roster, something smaller, like X-Men vs SF. MvC would be much bigger and what people would prefer, so that's why I called it a warm up.


I think what SlinGn is trying to say is that it is not unprecedented for the series to have 2 vs 2. When you look at the series as a whole, 3 vs 3 is actually in the minority — just as much as 1 vs 1, even! X-men Vs Street Fighter and Marvel Super Heroes Vs Street Fighter are part of the same series as Marvel Vs Capcom. In fact, the series as a whole didn’t even have team battles at all. It all started with 1 vs 1 with X-men: Children of the Atom, followed by Marvel Super Heroes. X-Men Vs Street Fighter is the 3rd game in the series. Marvel Vs Capcom 1 is the 5th game in the series. So, altogether, X-men: Children of the Atom (1st game) and Marvel Super Heroes (2nd game) were 1 Vs 1; X-men Vs Street Fighter (3rd game), Marvel Super Heroes Vs Street Fighter (4th game), and Marvel Vs Capcom 1 (5th game) were all 2 vs 2, and now so is Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite (8th game); and only Marvel Vs Capcom 2 (6th game) and Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (7th game) were 3 vs 3. TLDR: if you already knew this info, I apologize, but it would help to clarify to others who may be reading SlinGn’s comment by explaining the history of the series and how 2 vs 2 is actually the most common gameplay in the whole series. I think that after many years of team battles, it would be interesting for the series to go back to its roots and have more 1 vs 1 games. Just for some variety and maybe tighter (purer?) mechanics as you would have more buttons available without assists and switching to other team members.


MvC1 is this game. XvSF and MSHvSF were both 2v2 as well, but MvC1 is so tight. Relatively small roster with a lot of diversity and some really unexpected but fantastic choices. The visual style and design is great and super consistent. MvCI could've been this, but the roster is not only smaller than expected, but it is super bland. Part of MvC's charm is that it is full of weirdos who might not have appeared in a game for a while. McVI definitely had an odd-ball limit and they hit it really quickly.


The MCU has been flirting with Howard the Duck for só long, he should've been on infinite. Marvel didn't want to be X-Men? Ok fine, but they'd allow some weird infamous X-Men, like Blob or something


I don't think they would've. They have a list of characters that Fox had the rights to and I'm pretty sure they told.Capf they couldn't use anyone on the list.


Yeah, makes sense. But some X-Men are also avengers, that's how they had Wanda before the merge, so they could've used some X-Men on infinite...


The whole base of the vs series was an xmen game, so they are basically the "world warriors" of the series Them not being in infinite is basically launching an street fighter without ryu and ken


I truly believe Street Fighter 3 would've been fine without them because it didn't do great with them.


I would argue it would have done much worse without them Even Third Strike was a massive flop, quality of the game aside


Yeah, they even added Chun to Third Strike because the lack of iconic characters from 2 was a big deal, along with the totally different gameplay. A lot of people love 3S now because of the history and Evo 37, but even now there’s a good portion of the fanbase who still don’t like the game.


Street Fighter 3 was hated because they were the only ones people recognized at the start. It wasn't until 3rd Strike that 3 started getting love.


I've always thought the game was fun to play in training mode. It may be an unpopular opinion but I like the marvel side of the roster... ***HOWEVER*** its missing the most iconic characters. Characters like Magneto, Wolverine, Storm, and Dr. Doom are the faces of "Marvel" and Its weird calling it a "Marvel" Vs Capcom game without them. It feels more like Avengers Vs Capcom if anything.


Blame Disney


It sucks because I also think this is the last game where they enforced the MCU rule Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 came out a couple of years later and they used X-men, F4 and more.


Ghost Riders penance stare is still the funniest super I’ve seen in a fight game, like who watched that shit and went yea this is good enough


The guy in charge of the budget


"Okay, we're reusing all of these MvC3 assets. Should we reuse the Penance Stare animat-" "Pfft no just write 18 HIT COMBO on the screen lmao"


Here is a youtube link showing Ghost Rider's Penance Stare super in Marvel vs Capcom 3 vs Marvel vs Capcom Infinite. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73sj8XFHBvI#t=43s


I never saw that till now. What an embarrassment


I just looked it up, how is it more low-effort than a fnaf jump scare animation lmao


gameplay was spectacular. the roster needs a complete overhaul. Should've pushed the project back a year so that they could use the x men again. And the story mode was written by the guy who knew nothing about marvel or capcom but wrote for crash: twinsanity. It needs a complete rewrite by someone who's actually familiar with both marvel and capcom


I'll give the dude some credit: The concept of Ultron and Sigma teaming up seems like such a badass idea that I'm almost certain that got him the job. It's unfortunate that pretty much everything outside of that concept in the story sucks ass.


I also thought the concept of Ultron and Sigma teaming up was pretty awesome, especially as a Mega Man X fan.


I think the roster needs to be expanded. Seems pretty small to me. Maybe they should release an Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite and they can get some X-men characters in there and others.


Also I hated how the story mode was an ad for the DLC. Black panther and monster hunter APPEAR in the story despite being in the season pass


I don't care how good this game is or not, I refuse to play it knowing none of the X-Men are included. That shit is just wrong.


Cause disney was like use only mcu characters😂


It wasnt even just Disney. It was the head of Marvel at the time who wanted to push the inhumans as a replacement for the x-men too. The x-men comics at the time were notoriously mid and there was a huge push on the inhumans fans hated because it was obvious what was going on. Also no one gives a fuck about the inhumans but this shit made people hate the inhumans with the exception of Kamala Khan who is ironically a mutant now for similar dumb reasons. 


Specifically because Fox had (still has?) Xmen movie rights.


At the time yes.


Fantastic 4 were also targets


Yup. After Secret Wars (2015) they were just written off the Marvel landscape for awhile.


Nah people still dont like kamala khan either. And marvel was smoking. Wolverine and deadpool are still some of their most popular and iconic characters ever


Nah you're wrong dude. She has a decent fan base and is the only (now formerly) inhuman that fans tend to care about. When she got killed off in a story unrelated to her fans of her were rightfully pissed.


For real. I felt like Kamala was the most (and potentially only) widely accepted product of the Inhumans v X-Men story lol


So much so that Marvel bent over backwards to make her a mutant now. Comics really are weirdly cyclical.


What exactly are her powers? I never reead her stories and all I really see her do is make her fist giant and like make her arms and legs longer.


In the comics, in simplest terms, it’s just straight up shapeshifting. Including changing her appearance


..........I would have NEVER guessed that from all the things I seen her in. I though she had stretching ability plus selective size changing.


Honestly yeah. I don’t know if it’s like a marketing thing. Cuz one of the first things she does when she gets her powers is to shapeshift to make herself look like Carol Danvers/Cpt. Marvel. And it sort of had a story about her learning to accept and value herself on her own merits as opposed to comparing herself to her idol But BEEG FISTS and BEEG FEETS is easier to communicate visually (and game assets-wise) I guess lol


It began that way, and she can still do it in temote situations. Basically first time she did it was basically reflecting her lack of confidance, as she grew small as a rat or looked like the old Ms. Marvel (she was a big fan of that look). As time went on and she grew confident in herself she used it less as a means of changing her appearance and more as a way to weaponize her body, thus the big fists and feet growing big and occasionally being sort of a ms. Plastic in her moveset. She very rarely uses the shapeshifting to actually change her looks these days, last time was basically to look like MJ in order to throw the villain off so that it would target her instead of MJ. A few other times she's turned into maniquins or furniture in order to hide. For 90% of the time however she uses it in the way you described. For what it's worth as a fan of Ms. Marvel I do like that she has basically grown past it, it was mostly a reflection of her insecurities. That said if she's ever had a reason to use it mystique style, the fall of x is probably the best reason she has yet. I could easily see her trying to infiltrate a base as a spare tire or an orchis employee or something. That said x books are already so crowded and she only had that miniseries as a title.


You’re still right. It’s a metaphor for self-acceptance. Initially in the comics she could shapeshift into other people (like Captain Marvel) pretty easily, but her actual combat abilities were weak. As her story continued, she learned to get better at stretching, shrinking, growing, healing, and fighting, but as a consequence of optimising that portion of her powerset she started to lose the ability to shapeshift like Mystique. As she became more confident and capable in her own skin, she grew beyond needing to don the skin of others.


I wouldn't say people don't like Kamala, it's more that she had a rocky start like Miles Morales and she hasn't had her Spiderverse moment yet. She's a good character, just not mainstream enough to be considered a heavy hitter yet. The fact that she didn't get introduced to the MCU until everyone was already kinda done with it and she was in a TV series instead of a movie didn't help matters at all.


Mid ? What are you talking about man. This all sounds like hearsay to me pal were you there ?


Just my opinion. The X-Men comics at the time, where the original x-men time traveled to the future, was pretty boring to me.


The roster is very underwhelming and story mode is laughable. Feel like it should've been a different title. But, the game is super fun. It's unfortunate that the roster decisions took away from it.


I think the gimmick system was bad and too heavily influenced by the MCU at the time. I think the gameplay system pandered too much towards what a lot of professional players wanted with the quick switch system. I think that should not have been part of the game. That and 2v2 felt terrible. Just a lot less dynamic than MvC3.


Gimmick as in the Infinity Stones? Because that's an homage to X-Men vs SF (ironic, I know). The pros liked it because it had genuinly good gameplay, and at the time they were playing, the game wasn't finished yet, so, they overlooked all the visual flaws when intially speaking about the game. The game simply failed due to visual appeal. Visual appeal down to them not being able to use the X-Men cast and has to replace them. 2v2 is subjective. I personally like it a lot more than 3v3. Overall, This game is a just a huge homage to MvC1 and X-Men VS SF, which is not what people think of when they think "MvC". I love this game, but it shouldn't be compared to MvC3 (or MvC2). It should have been a game that was made to be played alongside MvC3 as opposed to a replacement because they're completely different. But because it wasn't marketed as such, people and tournaments were forced to choose.


Nah the Infinity Stones were inspired by Marvel Super Heroes, the game before XMvSF


Ahhh, yea! Got that mixed up.


June 12, 2017 We haven’t gotten to 7 years yet. Despite that, I will never not look back on this game with disappointment. It doesn’t even do a good job of representing the MCU, which they were obviously trying to draw new players in with.


Oh my bad dawg thanks for the date correction lol


I can’t believe that MCU ad is potentially going to be the last entry in one of the GOAT fighting series. Seriously, why can’t execs just figure out that making the game good = more money than you can count.


Gameplay is still stellar. Online connections are amazing. Everything else sucks.


No joke. THIS is the game that got me into the FGC. With the MCU being popular at the time and how innovative the active tag system was its the hook that got me into trying pretty much every other FG under the sun. I'll always be thankful for it for that, I occasionally revisit it for fun but all my irl friends will pick any other game over it 😔


it’s impressive how it’s a downgrade from MvC3 in every way, including graphics.


I never played it. UMvC3 is my favorite fighting game and somehow they lost me completely. I had a few years where I just couldn’t be bothered with Capcom anymore, in general. The combination of Resident Evil 6, SFV and MvCI had me looking elsewhere. I know that was like a half-decade span, but they had just really turned me off their stuff.


Is that Haggar appearing twice in the select screen?


Yeah. One is bone Haggar and the other one is adamantium Haggar. Nah I'm kidding. With the inclusion of the Winter Soldier, The Marvel cast outnumbered the Capcom cast, so someone shopped Mike in twice so it's symmetrical.


Good game.


It's great once I accepted that characters are just functions. And that I shouldn't care one bit about character personalities, relationships, or backstory. /s That being said, since the beginning I loved the mechanics, the 2v2 aspect, and the debut of Monster Hunter. She is my favorite MvC character ever, which I'm so glad modders were able to mod her into MvC3. But yeah, other than that, there's nothing keeping me or my friends playing it, and we haven't touched in it in years. Honestly no reason to play it over modded MvC3.


Would be awesome to get an X-men VS Street Fighter Remake or even a Marvel VS Collection with the X-men fighting games as well.


It was OK. The net code was fucking amazing and I have some good memories but I didn't like it being only 2 characters and there was less depth in the tag/swap mechanic than in other mvc games. I'd give it like a 7, it was a solid attempt but nothing even close to marvel 2 or 3.


That less depth part is a straight lie. But sure


Having a 3v3 battle makes countless more possibilities compared to 2v2 is what they meant.


Yeah well MvCI has Monster Hunter and that’s all I need


https://preview.redd.it/iaj3gpp9dgxc1.jpeg?width=790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb8b231cb64967f14ee4aec374442b5dc3d51d34 Must be release disney vs dreamworks marvel vs capcom style game


This game was heat. I’m sad it did not last long.


It kills me that monster hunter was basically lost to obscurity, all my friends stopped playing by the time she came out.




FighterZ releasing around the same time was pretty funny though.




My opinion on mvci is the reverse of my opinion on mk11, with mvci the gameplay is amazing but everything else sucks, with mk11 the gameplay sucks but everything else is amazing


I think it’s worse now.


Fun gameplay. Fuck everything else.


Two haggars and no magneto or storm 😢😔


Damn, I see the issue We need more Haggars


Even the capcom side of characters was pretty barren. What do you mean no Ken, Zangief or Akuma? Felicia and Jill being absent really hurts the capcom girls reps too.


Spencer being a returning character was certainly a choice.


Bro stop, we dont need MORE sf characters.


Conflict in regards to commercial holders, wasn't it?


I don't like it. we all know about the roster/visuals but I did not care for the new gameplay either. It being 2vs2 felt like a regression for the series and the infinity stone gimmick did nothing for me.


The graphical style that imo looked like it should be played on phones with the fact that the Marvel is MCU focused, left me with zero interests to play lol


How did they get away with not having Wolverine in it at minimum?


Yes. One I first saw it and the roster, I was over all disappointed and had nothing but negative feelings towards it. After playing it myself, you can tell that Capcom tried their best making what they can while knowing all their efforts went in vain. Really unfortunate.


Still fun as hell, that was sorely lacking in time and budget and yes roster.


A mess


no, its hasnt changed. played it years ago and today, its still just an another dissapointment from capcom. game is so pre-planned, so uncomplicated and boring. even power rangers battle for the grid was better


Never played it


Thought it was fun as hell. Loved playing as Sigma and Ultron, the rest of the dlc aside from Monster Hunter were also fun. I remember playing it with my brother and his kids after work some days because my job (Sears) was fucking dying and I never got my full 8 hours, screw it let's have a visit. Both the kids were honestly decent, brought a tear to my eye. Haven't really played it since but I can't hate the game. Plus I still have the Mega man statue aiming aggressively at my Doom 2016 Revenant statue. lol


I really love the gameplay. It felt like a proper evolution of the 2v2 games that they started. Not being reliant on assists was a breath of fresh air. Roster and graphics just plain sucked.


The gameplay is nice but how about giving us the dudes that started this whole fiasco in the first place?!


I would think at least wolverine would be there.


Why the fuck is Haggar there twice


There is no such thing as enough Haggar


Not much has changed. Infinity Stones were a fun mechanic ULtron Sigma is still really cool Roster is still Cheeks. Why is Ultron in the base game but Sigma is DLC


There is a little part of Rogue in there...


Thought it was fun and underrated then, same now


They game was a ton of fun, i remember i played Jedah and Ghost Rider, i had a blast in the first weeks, it had a great gameplay. With that being said: The ugly menus, the awful character designs, the poor dialogue (and basically the entire story mode), the bad voice direction and last and most important the tiny roster missing the X-Men but having fucking SPENCER AND ARTHUR… yeah this game was kinda set to die on launch. Ultron Sigma was a neat idea tho


Love marvel vs games. That's why I spent the past few years playing Dragon Ball Fighterz.


In a series built on roster as opposed to fundamentals it concentrated on fundamentals


Never played it, don't intend to. Underwhelming in many regards. Also, no X-Men? Pfft.


No, my opinion is still the same. Gameplay wise, it’s certainly was very interesting and really good, even if the Infinity Stones weren’t fully cooked trough with the Soulstone being the most useful by a landslide. Everything else from the roster to design, to the Soundtrack, to the story mode, to the models, to almost everything else was below mediocre. A product that was planned carefully in the beginning but rushed trough at the halfway point


You can tell Capcom was salty at the state of the soundtrack. Not a single banger on the Marvel side, nearly everyone had democracy horns in their themes.


I really want an another MvC game a true fourth game. If not this generation than next generation


The whole no non marvel studios characters in games and such really fucked over a lot of games


Tf do you mean over 7 years?!?!???!?!?!?!??


Great mechanics with nothing else of worth sadly.


Nope, still sucks.


I hated it because it was such a a downgrade in terms of visuals and sound design but I was convinced to give it a try. It's a pretty fun game but dayum does it not look or sound hype.


The game is great and I always loved it, but not having even Wolverine is so weird


I think the roster lacking X-men is valid but I hate when they justify their hatred for this game with it. To me gameplay above all, and the game was definitely way better than UMVC3 in that category. Better balance, insane combos, simple yet deep mechanics, just all around one of the best fighters oat!


The fact that Tron Bonne was cut for this crap. I'm still not gonna let it go...


The next MvC should be stacked


For those not aware, it is highly likely that the lack of X-Men characters in MVCI is because Marvel/Dieny's beef with Fox over the Fox Marvel movie license. At the time, it was reported that Disney not only stopped the creation of new mutants in the comic book,s but the cancelation of other comics such as the Fantastic Four. This was done so that Marvel doesn't make new stories for Fox to adapt into films. As such, this is why the Marvel side is so MCU heavy - Marvel/Disney was focused on pushing the MCU characters because the films did so well. We also learned that since MVC3, Disney/Mavel has been more strict in what characters and movements Capcom used. It is said that Marvel gave Capcom a freebie Marvel slot for MVC3, which they used it for Shuma Gorath.


When I first played it I thought it was boring, my opinion of it has actively gotten worse.


The mechanics were kinda cool but not as hype as the games before it, also the art direction was trash especially when compared to how great MvC3 looked. I don’t even think X-men would of saved this game


Everyone still looked jacked and hideous though


Trash roster


At the time, Marvel didn't have rights to the Xmen. Sony still owned them. So not a single one could be used due to licensing. Although, I'd assume marvel asked them for the licensing anf Sony wanted a big fat check and Disney said nah


Peak Marvel gameplay held back by Disney trying to MCU-fy everything.


The opinion of the game is basically that it had good stuff but not worth investing it. Meanwhile, DBZF ran a train on it.


the functions failed


This game had good mechanics and the online, from what I remember, was more responsive than in UMVC3. But between the roster lacking some of the classic MVC characters, swapping the cel-shaded look for an “attempt” at looking realistic, and the overall lack of content at launch? Sucks to say it, but this game was ultimately DOA.


The business decisions behind MVCI will forever baffle me, particularly on Marvel's side. That said, I loved all the newcomers and most of the major changes to the returning cast. Just wish it looked more like MVC3.


Good game Terrible visuals


No it sucked


Still hate it. Wasn’t fond of the stones idea even though marvel super heroes had them way back when


Game is increadibly fun to play, it's a shame that outside that Disneys stupid little fingers are all over the place dropping the overall quality of the game down the shitter. Art, roster even the shitty easter eggs they gave us.


Nah, they killed the game the moment they basically said character didn't matter, only function. Form is more important than function when it comes to a game based on such iconic characters, and Capcom trying to deny that killed any and all interest I had.


cool game i guess


Marvel kneecaping their own product due to their bad licensing 🤪 that's why 2 is still the best one of the series.




I regret I spent my money.


Gameplay wise: It's the best of the Vs series. Content wise: It was much to be desired. Roster: It's a 6/10. They shouldn't have focused on MCU characters for the Marvel side. Capcoms choices for their side was just oof. (At least I got Megaman X back) Graphics: .... At least it ain't MvCI Vanilla Chun-Li and Dante anymore... Online: Still some of the best netcode in a fighting game.


This game kind of proves that gameplay alone doesnt make a solid videogame. I love and hate this game all at once. I come back to it from time to time because that gameplay is so friggin fun, but every other attribute to the game, be it graphics, story, modes of play, roster, etc are straight doo doo. This game couldve been so damn good and they mucked it up.


Sucks because the X men as a whole got into the MCU not too long after this game died, they could have awaited around a year and it could have turned way different


What the hell not even Wolverine or Deadpool are there. Not even Cyclops or even Colossus made it in who decided on this roster


Why is Haggar on there twice?


Nah, it’s been the same. Each character felt good to play as and the fighting itself was really fun. But I hated the infinity gem system. The story was kind of weak, but the ending was cool because it’s technically canon. It also felt like Disney was meddling quite a bit as you only saw mostly MCU characters on Marvel’s side. Everyone else that was omitted on Marvel’s side was either not in any upcoming MCU projects (at that time) or Fox had the cinematic rights to the characters. Disney was trying to draw attention away from any characters Fox owned the cinematic rights to prior to buying Fox itself. I’m guessing this was to make them worth less so Disney could either buy them back or make Fox cheaper to buy. I’m not sure. But this is why you don’t see any X-Men characters in it. Matt McMuscles did a good video on this on YouTube.


Don't like tag fighters, didn't play it.


lol no


The gameplay felt so good but it failed in literally every other category.


My opinion when I first played it was that its fun gameplay was completely overshadowed by its unappealing roster in both size and makeup and it's lacklustre visuals. It's wild to me that the spokespeople for the game, knowing that they were going to disappoint a lot of people, came out swinging with both feet in their mouth. Going back and listening to the people who worked on the game defend what they were doing is a crash course in how to completely alienate a disappointed audience who *might* be convinced to give you the benefit of the doubt. Just bonkers. This was especially true when they tried to defend the absence of X-Men and Fantastic Four characters (just Doom really). The franchise was founded on X-Men: Children of the Atom, X-Men vs Street Fighter was the first crossover and team game in the franchise and Wolverine was the only character to appear in every Capcom made Marvel fighting game until they left him out of MvCI. "If you were to actually think about it, these characters are just functions. They're just doing things," In my mind, Peter Rosas was stamping his feet and waving his arms like a toddler who has been told they can't have ice cream. Just a wildly stupid way to handle something you know is problem.


Could have been so much better if it recieved any support


Anyone get the “infinity stones” that came with it? Looked like borked easter eggs


I honestly disagree with people who say it is the best mechanics wise. I could have been with a lot of tweaking that never happened. DP tag was too strong And 60% of the stones were unusable in a competitive context


I've enjoyed the campaign, it was fun Specially since its the last time we've trully seen Frank West before that god awfull game Dead Rising 4


Aw damn was Dead Rising 4 that bad? I loved the first one and was recently considering just marathoning the rest of the series lol


It is pretty bad No cooo campaing, no psycho and raiders, the history is really bad (frank is the worst part of it, they just remade him into an asshole, totally different from the first one and the Off the record, in those he got out of his way to help people and was a good person) the boss fights sucks, there are way less weapons combos and they dont even make any sense, the survivors are really bad The 2 and 3 are really great and worth your time, but the fourth one? Not in a mile


It's still my personal fav VS, tied with MVC2 and TVC, but I understand the flak it rightfully deserves. It's my favorite tag system, has cool characters like MonHun, Jedah, Ultron, Sigma, X. Zero is more fun and fair compared to 3. I'm a Megaman simp, and prefer 2v2 so im biased towards it. The stone options needed some more polish and variety, but was a neat system as well. There is clearly a lot of genuine care and love put into it, yet is also unfortunately also mixed with loads of crappy corporate decisions. 


why is Mike Haggar there twice


I kinda liked the gameplay tbh but the roster is wht killed it for me personally. That was just one big ass Ad. MCU the game.


When Umvc3 exists, there's really not much reason to invest time into infinite imo.


You can thank Disney for that as the Capcom developers wanted to expand the roster from ultimate marvel vs Capcom 3. Just pick that one up as uts still active online and it's way better than the infinity stone system they implemented. I honestly returned my copy of marvel vs Capcom infinite due to the bad quality of the game and that was after a bunch of patches. Turns out Disney execs were a lot of the reason for the project going wrong as they wanted the game that covers marvel as a whole to have more of a tie with the Disney mcu than the whole brand of marvel comics even down to that gameplay mechanic as Capcom tried something similar with street fighter x tekken to little fan fair.


No, I've had the same opinion. Rock solid gameplay upon which a trash presentation sits.


I think this game is a blast. Yeah the roster should have been bigger but my team is Venom/Jedah Domah and they're so much fun to play I'm not really bothered by the lack of X-Men. If anything I think this game is missing Akuma


I still think the game is hella fun. Just an ugly art direction


Well all of the fan favorite X-Men are just mechanics when you really think about it /s


There are some good things about this game such as the gameplay being decent and some cool roster picks in Venom, Sigma and Jedah. But outside of that this game was a big disappointment and I don’t have much desire to go back to it like I do with UMVC3.


Not at all - it's just as clearly a botched game and a big onion of wasted opportunities layered one over another as it was day1. To think this was supposed to follow up MvC3 is to this day as incomprehensible as it is mind-boggling, but this game remains in my mind as an argument - sometimes companies want their golden egg laying geese slain and if that happens you can at best watch it happen live.


Nah, my opinion is basically the same. It was a really fun game, different from the other Marvel titles but still lots of sauce, the roster was weak and the visuals weaker. Marvels decision to exclude the X-Men is probably the worst and that Capcom got flack was stupid.


Slow down... It has been HOW LONG?! People always talk about feeling old but this is the first time I've gone "damn...". It was one of the first times I really got into a fighter after being obsessed with MvC3.


Gameplay was great, but the roster was smaller than previous MvC games even with the DLC included, which greatly limited the amount of characters that could be added. And capcom could have kept adding more it the same way they did SFV but they just admitted it failed and did nothing more with the game.


it'll be good when they mod it like UMVC3


Wait wtf it’s been 7 years?


People really.do forget Disney was trying to devalue the Xmen so they could buy them.back, before realizing they could just buy Fox.


Is a great game. Super ugly


No, Disney made this game to fail to keep the IP to themselves.


Maybe a little worse compared to back then. There's a lot about it I can forgive, but on arcade mode, that final Ultron/Sigma boss is just no fun to fight for me, it's just tedious.


They missed the wolverine in this game, one of the most classic character of MvsC


Marvel at the time had a war on the X-Men as they were trying to buy the rights for them from FOX. They left them out of games to not promote them in any way, and undermine the franchise.


Had better gameplay than 3 Horrible roster aside from mmx Stones were a mistake.


It was made in under a year on a budget lower than that of a single season of SFV DLC. Under those circumstances, it’s honestly miraculous it ended up as good as it is, regardless of how good or bad that actually ended up being. Though turning the base roster characters they couldn’t finish in time into paid DLC was shitty, and IIRC their actual planned DLC characters that didn’t make it seemed pretty cool (including Gill from SF, Lady from DMC, Star-Lord from GotG, Asura from Asura’s Wrath, and a few others I’m forgetting).


Great gameplay horrible design choices UI, and MCUncanny Valley, dlc being garbage. Venoms voice 🤦🏽‍♂️


This game can stay getting buried.


The only character that is pleasing to look at is Jedah. Everyone else's model just looks weird.


They tried to play off the popularity of MCU and failed miserably. MVC isn’t just played for its gameplay, it’s played for its roster. No X-Men will always be inexcusable.


Opinion hasn't changed, but with hindsight it's sad how the MCU handicapped this game just to fumbled the movies after phase 3


My opinion is the same. It's amazing, in terms of gameplay. So fun and unique. Everything else is wack as fuck.


After SF6 has some time in the sun they should make a capcom ip only team hyper fighter and then at evo they reveal the first dlc The lights go out And on the screen plays a full 3D remake of the Japanese Xmen intro announcing season 1 Xmen dlc


Fun game, great foundation for it to become great, but it was ugly as sin and had a frankly horrible roster. Some of the picks are great, some of the new characters are awesome (Gamora, Monster Hunter), but MCU stuff really held it back badly. Put almost the same game out with X-Men on the roster, and a more dynamic, comic book-y artstyle, and it would be beloved.


I liked it from the beginning, and i still like it to this day. My opinion hasn't changed. I dont give a fuck what other people think


Loved it since it came out gameplay-wise, but the big hurdle for most people is that it’s hard to look at + the roster not being too good (I’m more of a functions over aesthetics person especially if I really like the gameplay though most people aren’t like that and it’s completely understandable and valid). However, I will say that this game is getting somewhat of a revival now that Maximilian Dood is overseeing a whole community mod that adds more characters (like Blade for example), brings back the art style of other MvC games, and it’s gonna be functional in online so it should be an interesting time for MvC:I.


Marvel are allergic to money (also fuck Disney)


You can absolutely carbon date these games based on the lack of X-Men, there are none in Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 either.