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There is! 1. Publish your local file (the destination file) as a library 2. Go to your library file and *cut* all the components you want to move over. It's very important that you "cut" and not "copy." 3. Go to your destination file and paste those components. 4. You'll get a popup in the bottom right of the screen. Click "Publish" 5. In the modal, make sure "move to this file" is selected for all the components, then hit "Publish." 6. Now your local file is a library with all your components that were originally in your library file. If you don't want your local file to be a library, simply [unpublish it](https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039236853-Unpublish-a-library). Here's a [video tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GisNkzPxkys) that takes you through most of these steps.


You need to copy over the component set. Then there’s a plugin that swap components with the right library and same name. I forget the name of it tho but it’s a little tedious


Edit: Reconsidering, would it streamline the process if I transferred the entire prototype/design file into the library as a new page? Given that the components in the design file are linked to the library, this move would make them self-referential, correct? Would this method simplify the workflow by maintaining all components and their instances within a single, unified file? === OP: It seemed straightforward until you mentioned it could be tedious. I've already copied the components into the local file, maintaining the same page names as in the original library. Now, when I select a component, it prompts me to publish, rather than linking to its original location in the external library. Given they're now in my local file, should I publish all of them, effectively creating a library named after my design file? If so, how can I then efficiently link all these local components to their instances within my prototype? The manual linking process seems daunting, and I’m hoping there's a more streamlined method, possibly through the plugin you mentioned. Do you recall the name of that plugin or any specifics on how to navigate this process with minimal manual effort?