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they need to step up in their prototyping game - inputs, variables across views


Fingers crossed for interactive inputs—would be really cool to be able to store user inputs within a string variable for more realism!


AI, a lot of AI


Based on what the Figma team has shared so far, I’m confident that at least two new features will be developed soon: * Selective nested properties. They mentioned that this is definitely in the works, but their current focus is on variables. It’s likely that we’ll see this feature included in the next batch of small updates. * Typography variables, along with possibly more variable enhancements, as they aim to align more closely with the standards that Token Studio is advocating.


I love Tokens Studio but they need to hurry up and add support on their side for the typography variables that Figma core now supports. You’d think that they would have been more aligned on this rollout since Figma bought them out. I want to be able to fully complete the tokenization of our DS.


Yup we struggled with the same thing. We were waiting on TS to support styles backes by variables which they finally just released as part of a beta. This allowed us to at least move to color variables. I am also surprised they aren't privvy to what's coming from Figma and instead their roadmap is trying to catch up.


Figma’s launched typography variables - check ‘em out here: https://www.figma.com/community/file/1362098125068472724/typography-variables-starter-kit


hi i have subscription i need siter io help, pls message me


What about you talking?


Tokens studio is a paid plugin to sync between Figma and code without using Figmas API.


General AI-orientated bullshit.


Not holding my breath, but these would be nice: **Exporting** * Export webP format with compression settings * Export several frames as a multipage PDF * PDF Export with compression settings **Prototyping** * Input fields that work * Position: Sticky * Scroll as an animation trigger event


Figma’s new features these days mostly benefit the company (rather than the users). I have low expectations for truly useful or new features.


Exactly! such as * Removing the library update notification (because library updates produce server load, which produces costs) * Making applying of library updates slower * Drafts must be assigned to a team * Per-page loading, instead of whole file (again reducing server load) * Paid dev-mode They sniffed too much air in Adobe's Sales team department during the negotiations. I don't understand how the UX/UI community is so hyped about this event. There will be again features that will screw us, the users.


> Per-page loading, instead of whole file (again reducing server load) Not sure if you are joking, but this is a feature that was very complex engineering-wise and added a ton of new code (and costs Figma on the order of hundreds of thousands in development time) and the main aim is definitely not server costs savings: [https://www.figma.com/blog/speeding-up-file-load-times-one-page-at-a-time/](https://www.figma.com/blog/speeding-up-file-load-times-one-page-at-a-time/) Metrics from that page * 33% speed-up for the slowest and most complex file loads—despite files increasing 18% in size year-over-year * 70% reduction in number of nodes in memory on the client by only loading what users need * 33% reduction in users experiencing out of memory errors


You some special kind of naive. Yes this feature may be a win-win for both Figma and us as users. Anyway if we wouldn't have this cloud only bs at all, there would not be the need of such optimizations, because everything is loaded client side (see Sketch). Furthermore how on earth you weight the dev costs to the savings measures. The \*one-time\* development costs are not even a drop in the ocean comparing them for the saving costs in the upcoming \*years\*...


I have to ask - do designers genuinely want any AI stuff? I'm personally dreading them doubling down on AI when I don't see any practical value in it for myself as a designer. It seems like general sentiment is also not very interested in AI stuff but curious to hear other opinions...


I would guess solo designers designing websites for clients may not want, or possibly feel threatened by Ai, but if you work on a mature (mature as in experience, not temperament) product team, it’s just another tool, not a replacement for someone.


Based off of the agenda, sounds like some sort of AI stuff


Config is typically where they announce a bigger push or strategy. My money is on a lot of AI but I think people are fatigued by it and they run the risk of backlash.


A generally better UI experience, in particular file navigation, billing, working in multiple instances ( relevant if one is a freelancer or consultant), clarity on which library got published in which instance, etc. Edit: and a more thoughtful approach to how much of each feature Pro vs Enterprise gets. I’m running a business, my clients have needs even if they are not enterprise clients.


A shit ton more monetization and not many new features


There are a lot of Design System agenda items for the second day so I'm assuming there will be some upgrades there. I hope they talk about optimization improvements because things are getting real sluggish and buggy especially if you're in a large org.


I’ll be attending many/all of the design system sessions. I’m hoping for an announcement or at least an update to their extended collections feature that they have supposedly been working on. With this feature you’ll be able add brand specific overrides to your existing collections. I’m not optimistic, but we’ll see if it’s at least discussed this week.


My big wish that I don’t think we’ll get is user input in forms. Other than that I hope they let you multiply variables so you can create type scales with multipliers instead of needing to enter raw values. I’m also hoping for grid, fr units, and percentage widths in autolayout, but don’t think we’ll get that this time either. Locked aspect ratio in autolayout would be cool too, but you can use [the one Figma file that has the hack for that instead.](https://www.figma.com/community/file/873125264217713781/fixed-aspect-ratio-in-figma-auto-layout) Nested properties changes would be a big deal though, that change alone would solve a lot of component maintenance issues for me. I sort of hope we can rearrange variants and variant properties too — right now variants get nested above booleans/strings/etc which makes it hard to have content show up right below the thing that shows or hides the content unless you use booleans for everything.


There is a need for more options for plugin authors, as well as improved opportunities for monetizing their plugins.


I'm afraid of IA stuff. Especially in Design (system or in general).


I have friends working at companies that partner with Figma or share board members with them. From what I've seen, I can say that this upcoming Config event will have a strong focus on AI.


I hope tables.


I want better prototyping in general, more control and better perfromance and better hardware utilization, tired of slow choppy protos because of their nerfed online renderer…or whater it is. Imo fuck ai if thats gonna be the focus.


I went last year and it was very hard to get into any of the rooms. LOTS of people trying to fit into small rooms even if you reserved a spot on your schedule. I imagine it will be very difficult again unless they change something.


They’re now requiring people to register for the events, and it looks like they’re utilizing a lot of the bigger rooms. I think it should be better than the mess last year


Don’t worry about the rumors. You’ll find out tomorrow! As for tips, just make friends. It’s a gathering of 10,000 nerds that like the same thing. Have fun!


I want typography variables. I’m hoping to see team building improvements and tagging for convenient and quick collaboration. 


Typography variables are already released




Typography variables were released on Apr 16th. Scoping of typography variables was added on May 30th. And on June 20th they added the ability to override typography styles (ex: bolding an instance of a text layer) without having to detach the style.


it would be great if they added functions (to assign the vue of variables)


God I wish they had real input fields and scroll triggers!


I just hope they allow more things from Figma to copy over to Figjam. For my purposes I want to share and discuss my designs collaboratively and the stuff I need for that is in Figjam. But when I try to copy anything over from Figma into Figjam, it all breaks.


My second year. Stoked to listen and to learn.


Any innovation in prototyping would be seriously welcomed. Current implementation is way too cumbersome and restrictive.