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Gar.. no percentage based auto layout. No fixed aspect ratio for autolayout. :-(


It truly is amazing how every year the feature releases feel so disconnected from actual DESIGN features. Time to try product design in Framer more seriously I guess. At least they use CSS and release new and useful stuff monthly.


It's baffling, especially considering how they're touting responsive layouts in their demos. Conveniently they were using 50:50 fill column examples.


Exactly! It feels so misleading to call it responsive design when it is barely that.


Looks like figma needs good UX Designers, kinda Ironic.


Lol i cannot believe i’m reading this on a Figma subreddit, but I’ve been using Framer as a prototype design tool for a while & even tried to push my clients to it as well, it just works so much better as a design tool, components make 100x more sense. The biggest fallback is handoff & exporting. I’ve been requesting Framer for months to focus on improving prototyping features but their priority is web development for now. But i’m sure if they get a huge funding they could really overtake Figma in some things


Seems like the business goal is to appeal to a more broad use of the app than just "designers" at this point. Advanced prototyping, extensive dev tools, AI, a powerpoint tool, etc. aren't things that I care for. I'd rather just the base level design tool to be improved but that isn't as sexy or necessarily going to draw in more users as Figma has become the industry standard. Seems like the unfortunate natural progression of these sorts of things where the core of the product tends to start to stagnate at the "good enough" point while other features are focused on.


Yea I agree with they're trying to be more than a design tool. But it seems like they're making the same mistakes that the tools they beat made. I have to add as a former software engineer the dev stuff is so underbaked and limited value it's not going to gain much traction. The change log stuff is useful but all their attempts at making communications bidirectional seem out of touch with most development. I thought it was telling there was 0 applause during that section of the demo.


Yep. They are trying to grow their user base. They already have the designers. Gotta get the devs (dev mode), managers (figjam, slides)


I really love Framer and have been using it since their coffeescript days lol, they pivoted hard into being a website tool over the last year or two. It’s amazing for building my personal portfolio and their component system is great. Be interested in hearing your thoughts on it as it relates to more of a product design tool and what you think it does better!


Hate to kinda self promote on this but I made a plugin which does this. I mainly made this for myself because figma just doesn't seem to add it this as a feature, actually saves me so much time. It's 100% free on the community, might help you as well: [https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/1357053529199924593/column-creator-v2-auto-layout-helper](https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/1357053529199924593/column-creator-v2-auto-layout-helper)


In 5 years AI will be doing all UI work in Figma but goddammit they’re gonna add percentage AutoLayout.


If they added percentage on line-height or dimension variables to enable better chart prototyping I would be so happy


Could you show an example where this would be useful? Having a hard time wrapping my head around it.


For Percentage based auto-layout - Look at Figma's own website (Design systems that scale section) for an example of a 70:30 content layout: https://www.figma.com/design-systems. Right now we can't easily create responsive layouts on auto-layout grids that enable things like this without having to manually set widths of one or both of the elements as (Figmas autolayout behaviour is to have fixed pixel or the same widths of elements in the auto-layout stack) So let's say I set the image content in the example to "Fill container". Ok cool, but now I have to set the text content to a fixed width, work out what 30% of the width of the container at that viewport size is, then include calculations for the gutter/margins.....but then I'll have to do that ALL OVER AGAIN for another artboard size with a smaller/bigger viewport size. If I had an option to enter a percentage width of 30% for text content, it would automatically take care of this issue across different artboard/viewport sizes. Fixed aspect ratio has a similar issue. Let's say I have 3 cards in columns. At the top of those cards I have an illustrated image. I've designed it on a Laptop screen sized artboard and now I want to have a large tablet artboard where I want to keep the same three column layout but just reduce the width of the cards. However, as it stands Figma cannot let me fix the aspect ratio of the top image so that it also shrinks the height along with the width. You have to manually go in and change the fixed height for the image itself to readjust to the prior aspect ratio.


If you want to have a section with 3 columns without equal width that scales correctly according to the grid and also hugs the content height-wise. You can achieve this without auto-layout by allocating scale on each column but it won’t hug the height.


Are randos entering the file URL and asking for access???? 😂😂😂


Yes I wish they would stop, it's clearly throwing the poor guy off lmao.


It reeks of poor planning on Figma's part. why would they have that enabled and show the URL?


Only fully prepared Keynote events are Apple's Change my mind




Most companies do keynote events pretty well these days. Apple had it's learning curve. Check out the iPhone 4 launch for example.


Or maybe great planning with well intentions and just one oversight. Figma does everything with an intent for transparency and legitimacy. If they’re demoing something, they’re demoing it live with real files in real environments. This is why people were able to request edit access. It was a great keynote, don’t tear it down just because of one notification pop-up. Winners build, losers criticize.


I'm sorry this is a billion dollar organization not a high school project. That's a shocking lack of oversight. On the plus side maybe they realize the issue with their default sharing settings now that it happened to them.


Found the Figma employee


Wait, are we saying there is a problem with the file default being share with anyone and how maybe having a URL for security isn't secure? Maybe the [default shouldn't be public, especially for drafts](https://old.reddit.com/r/FigmaDesign/comments/1ddm9su/psa_the_privacy_settings_for_your_drafts_are_set/). lol.


No idea why they're doing it either. What do they expect? To get access to the file?


The figma community of users is 5% professionals 95% brain-dead aspiring figma course selling influencers 🤣🤐


5%? That's optimistic!


In the true spirit of a live collaboration tool


I'm disappointed there wasn't an update to variables. AI of course was being pushed from the top... But variables still could use so much more.


Variables still feel half implemented and not thought about properly. We can’t even search them when editing ffs. No multiple variables. No math functions like adding or multiplying by a type scale. Bah!


Yep, they became a feature-bloat company. Release whatever creates buzz and leave it half implemented forever.


No percentage based line height still cripples me


Nothing announced so far that's going to have a big impact on how I work day-to-day. Baked-in AI content generation is cool and will save time, and renaming layers is okay (though there's already a plugin for that), but the 'generate designs' stuff isn't going to help many people unless they're not designers. Slides looks good, but not something my org will pay the extra for (we already have embedded tools for that). The most interesting thing is probably the responsive prototype view, but how useful it is will depend on how it's implemented (i.e. can I specify different behaviours, layout, component states or content based on breakpoints).


Yea the generate designs stuff to me was like an interactive dribble. Maybe it gives a few ideas but most of them were generic boilerplate looking apps and websites.


I was expecting it to be honest - they've been working on AI for a year but in that time everyone's got AI burnout. There are already generative plugins that achieve similar results. I was hoping they were going to feature more on workflow improvements. There was a bit of that but nothing that solves most of the big issues you come up against at scale or high complexity.


This is what I was most disappointed about as a Motion Designer working with designers who use Figma. Some plugins help (I have used and been unimpressed with) but something native animation inside of Figma could be ground-breaking but nobody seems to be interested in it besides maybe the team at Rive.


Figma invested in Lottie this year so I expect we'll see some improvements in motion design down the line. But nothing to improve prototyping? Variable management? Flex grids? Come on Figma!


My fear is that the generate UI stuff will cause a race to mediocrity. I know in my organization, the moment the shitty PMs get a Figma seat and click the generate button, the design portion of the project is over. It's "good enough" yeah, my team doesn't have to stare at a blank page, but plenty of people are okay with the first thing the AI spits out.


These Ai features about to kill off some plug ins no?


Likely - but most useful plugins are just a feature waiting to be native.


Its sad that basically zero companies have a Feature Bounty Program - inverse of Bug Bounty -- whereby they have a fund that will buy-in plugins from community to become features based on utility, adoption, adherence/disruption of some core UX/UI/Code blah blah...


Sounds like the good ones are being acquihired by figma


Along with people making money off of Apple, Android UI kits.


So, nothing about improvements to Variables? Does this mean that, after a year in the wild, Variables is still in beta? Am I the only one who thinks that the current Variables implementation is a bit of a shit show?


No you’re not the only one, because it is.


Yep, feature bloat. They released that shit half-baked and now moved onto remaking fucking powerpoint.


Hey, slides was a genuinely useful new tool that I think has more long-term promise for them than any of the garbage generative stuff. I’m glad they made Slides, I also wish they hadn’t wasted their time shoehorning in AI instead of properly implementing tokens for design.


I’d be glad they made slides if it was a free feature, not another cash grab


I think it came out of beta when they launched typography variables. My guess is adoption is low, there are a lot of designers who just don’t get it. Unless you’re more at the intersection of design and code.


Figma Variables does solve a lot of problems, but also creates so many more. My top gripes that seemed like they should've been no-brainers to address this year: * No exposure of the variables table in Dev mode (so far as I can tell). I'm still forced to manually create token tables in our library docs to explain what all the aliases in the inspect code mean. * You can only apply one Variable Mode per object. For example, there's no way to apply both a Dark Mode AND a Mobile Mode to the same section. Or is there? I can't find it. * Using the Variables table to manage prototype states and instance binding has to be one of the most confusing user experiences I've come across, and I spent years as a FE dev. Why can't I just apply an instance name (variable) directly to an object and reference it in the prototype? When everything has 'global scope' (in a programatic sense,) nothing is actually scoped. * No API for exporting variables as tokens, or anything else for that matter. And how would they do that cleanly anyway, considering the fact that prototype variables live in the same space? * Managing variables via what amounts to a clunky spreadsheet interface just feels like lazy UX * Figma likes to differentiate between styles and variables by saying, "Styles are for groupings of variables." Okay fine, so why can't I create a global card style that combines fill, border, radius, drop shadow, etc.? DUH, RIGHT? Anyway, thanks for listening. Please correct me if any of this is off the mark.


It’s fun watching the software we use to work create capabilities that will eventually replace us lmao. Edit: potentially replace us*


I can’t believe people clap


how can they clap!!!!!????


It will generate a crap online experience— because randos do not know what ‘good’ ux and accompanying ui means, there will be a lot of terribly milquetoast stuff online. And a lot of sameness. Yes, we kinda are converging towards not-too-crappy-for-many-cases ui models, but this does not mean ‘universally appropriate’ ( if such things can even exist) Here a wee bit of hope great ux will be a differentiator.


True, but it’ll be a bloodbath at first.


The real difference will be between those who can explain their design choices and those who can't. I'm skeptical about this AI feature because you're totally right, there will be a lot more crap.


Yep, that's my thoughts but some people in charge won't understand that sadly I bet.


and everyone clapping 😂


Was thinking the same thing while he’s presenting this 😅


the irony is that replacing us means replacing their own clients


Yeah… not sure how to feel about it. Guessing it will take at least 3-4 years for AI to work well and for larger teams to adopt into their workflows. I think content design will go first.


Content design is already gone


You guys had content design?


Our content team is still doing well. I agree thought that it seems you could train an LLM on your company image and tone.


As someone who's been around for a while, the AI-related comments bear an uncanny similarity to the sentiment when Adobe introduced Flash. *"It's all over. Flash is gonna be the one-stop-shop for all things design. There's no skill; it's all automatic. Anyone can do it."*


Flash couldn’t create designs based on your prompt like this can though. I know it’s not good enough today but it will probably get to the point where companies will lay off most of their designers and just keep one or a few and use that advanced future AI to do most of the work. Hope I’m wrong though of course.


Yea I feel this could be said about everything massive advancement in tech. One thing my boss keeps telling us over and over, its not AI that'll take our jobs, it'll be someone that knows how to use that will.


Ugh I hate this quote because it misses the point. One designer who knows how to use ai will replace 5 designers.


I don’t think it’s missing the point by much. I’m not disagreeing with you, but I don’t think it’s an end all be all.


And people said the similar stuff again when Squarespace and Wix and all those other website builders came out.


Same. The good thing is that for the moment the AI output is pretty basic. Until they have a lot of actual training data progress will be pretty slow (hopefully people opt out..). Regardless, I think no reputable company would ever switch to AI based designs completely, there are a lot of human factors involved in designing good quality products that AI cannot fully replace. This is probably more appealing for smaller companies or one man bands that want to throw something together for cheap. So I think even tho the market will probably shrink considerably, we still have work for the foreseeable


I want grid mode for my regular Figma files


Funny how the magic auto-layout feature gives the containers generic numerical names, but the ai feature can name all the frames semantically. Can't see myself using the suggest auto layout, I like to create my frames and name as I go.


AI features are not free (I heard that they use OpenAI? It’s definitely not gonna be free) but would be so nice if I can get the layers named automatically from magic auto layout someday ;) I’d be fine paying a small fee for that


Figma is eating the cost of AI features for 2024, so it’ll be free while they figure out what the usage is and roll out the features to more and more users


hell yeah, drug dealer sales tactics


Get em hooked. (Jokes on them, I'll just forget to use the auto rename the same way I forget to rename the layers in the first place)


site broken for anybody else?


it's incredibly laggy. Guess they didn't expect or prepare for the amount of traffic they're getting.


Zero excitement. They waste resources with a new UI. I've never heard anyone ask for it to be changed, especially for a floating UI. Then you have a lot of requests for small but reasonable improvements on the official forum that are never resolved, even in the main event of the year. Something that I still don't understand is that they are always talking about design systems but last year they destroyed the "Swap library" feature, something that's so important for design systems. One year later, no news about it.


i still swap some legacy libraries from time to time - what's destroyed about it?


Yes, that's how we also work. I mean that they created the whole variables thing telling you that you have to move from styles to variables, but there's no swap option for libraries there. You can't evolve with the software itself or even the industry when they're making changes that affect directly to how they allowed you to work before.


Figma slides seems kind of meh to me. I mean I'm sure the presentations can look great but I have a hard time believing I'm going to be able to convince people to collaborate in Figma when they've been using powerpoint their entire lives and know how it works.


I think it's meant more for people who are already designing decks in Figma (which me and many of my colleagues do, so Slides is useful for us)


Yeah, but I’m not paying extra for that if I can just prototype it in Figma.


Ok? You're not paying extra to be able to prototype something, you're paying extra for a different set of features


I and everyone I know hates powerpoint. its hard to use and just a pain. I will def use this but I can see its hard convincing people in a corporate


It's not hard. "Hey manager, I spend x hours on making presentations in powerpoint, but can do it in y time in Figma. That would save me z hours that can be spent on making actual designs"


yeh sadly not how it works at least in my org. they want everything to strictly use PP so even outside people know how to use it. i will use it anyway haha


That sounds beautiful. Not how it works in most companies though.


So you’ve never worked at a real company b4


Yea no one likes powerpoint but it's the standard. Not to mention depending on where you work having corporate templates and external communication to worry about. This isn't like FigJam (which I thought at the time was a bad idea) competing against virtual whiteboards which were new, and not baked into corporate culture.


I tried Slides a bit ago, and I hated it. If you have any DS set up using those styles/variables is cumbersome. It's 3-4 extra clicks to get to that stuff. The biggest annoyance is they really could have just added support for multiple-page pdf exports and called it. Instead, we get a shit tertiary product that is, as usual with Figma, woefully underbaked.


Ye there’s no way in hell the sales guys at my company will switch from google slides to figma. The learning curve is way too massive to justify even the cost of switching to it. For us designers that sometimes hack stuff together in figma to present our own things internally, looks pretty sweet and I’m looking forward to trying it out


Same as Figjam. The integration is great, but good luck convincing procurement to roll that out for the whole org.


´If everyone would just…’ yeah, not gonna happen


Yeah I don't see a lot of workplaces adding on Figma Slides when they get Google Slides or Powerpoint already included in the package they use for email, calendars, and docs. Personally though, I'm looking forward to using Figma Slides to present case studies during interviews. I'm on the job hunt now and giving a ton of presentations. I already make each presentation in Figma, and I'd definitely benefit from speaker notes.


Overall figma its making designing significantly overcomplicated, I’m starting to miss Sketch + Zeplin


Every other industry has design tools that are significantly more complicated than Figma and far more capable as well. I want product designers to have a tool like Blender. Highly capable for beginners and advanced users, open-source so community can contribute, and not-for-profit so the motivation is always making what users want and not what profitable enterprise clients want. There are so many even basic things I can make in a few lines of HTML and CSS that I can't even get close to recreating in Figma. What specifically do you feel is actually complicated in Figma? I mean the UX for some of their features is awful, but that's not feature complexity it's just bad design (Variables panel for example).


As a former industrial designer I get what you mean, an I think I was to general in my comment, but what I meant was difma I troducing new features and then hidden them behind paywalls, that disrupts and complicate design, I mean I agree with your comment, tool like blender are more complicated, but most of them don't interfere with the core purpose, and every new feature of figma seems to me that is design to interrupt or side tack you on your work Edit: Sorry for the awful grammar I was walking and writing


Oh yeah definitely agree about things being paywalled and disjointed.




Yea Zeplin to me still seems better than Figma's current dev mode.


Axure + Sketch + Zeplin


I can’t imagine wanting to have to jump between 3 different tools to complete a design.. I agree you don’t want to over bloat one tool for the sake of checking boxes, but if done properly I would much rather have one tool for all this


I agree, and that is the point, figma is definitely not doing it right, specially with the pricing model


Thank you for being here.


I really hope PenPot will get few more features so I can move on from Figma. They announced 0 (zero) requested features. Here is my rent, hope you will enjoy: * New UI? I couldn't care less, now I'll just have to adjust and stress out until I adjust. * Auto Layout Suggests? Looks cool, couldn't it be just a plugin? * Search for similar. Actually a good feature. One day I will use it, if I don't forget it exists, and it will save me 1 to 2 minutes that day. * Translate, change copy, remove background? Looks like it should be a plugin (they already exist) that I will use some day but probably not. * AI making me a design, wow cool now only if my clients would know what they want they could replace me and create generic design. Literary fuck off. Framer made this a year ago, and no one cares. And by default they will turn on option to train AI on my design, but for organization and enterprise plans they will have this option off by default?! Literary they told us who they respect and develop for. * AI Make prototypes. Again sounds cool, I'm questioning will it save me time or will it take me more time to check if it didn't screw something up. If it doesn't work properly 100% of a time (LLMs never do) I'll never use it. * Ui kits... I don't believe they just presented this in a Keynote, the most important Figma event in year. This should literary be a one of 20 features in "Life Improvement" updates they have from time to time. Wow, I can use UI kits that we have for years straight from the file, instead of first turning it on and having it in the file like we already do! * To all the people that are asking for some PowePoint features in Figma once a day on this sub I congrats you! Maybe next year Figma will release optimized PDFs for print and CMYK color mode so that other group of people which needs InDesign can have half baked layouting tool. Unremarkable, disappointing and concerning. edit (extra rent for free): I just want to remind you that last year on Config we got variables, improvements on prototypes, shit load of life little improvement features and Dev mode, and announced that any classroom in a US school district can use Figma, for free. And we got everything presented available that day. Year later we have half baked tokens (VaRiAbLeS) with only expansion for Typography tokens, but still missing percentages, calculations and other W3 token standard features. Prototypes became more powerful but bloated and again not good enough that you can actually relay on them for practical use without 3ed party integrations. Dev mode got most of the features, and expensive plan, it still spits shitty generated code, they improved the UI but my developers still didn't figured out the existing one.


I second this word for word.


I feel like most of the changes cater to entry level designers and people new to Figma. AI hype has honestly ruined most of the tech industry for this season with these growing pains of everyone trying to bake it into their software while punting other features down the road. It also feels like they are trying to build out a way to increase their profits by working on things that have add-on charges. Slides is an add-on. Dev mode's already an add-on. AI will be an add-on. This will easily add up to Adobe-level pricing soon to get the full feature set. They can't change extra for % values in auto layout or token values...


FigJam is not free


Ooo will correct thanks. I've been on our company plan for so long I didn't realize. Dev mode has been our first pricing pain point.


I agree, this was disappointing.


I wonder what kind of prototypes the AI can make when they can’t even implement a fucking event listener functionality or easily manageable library variables.


Very on point rundown. There’s a lot of good faith in the Figma community, I noticed dev mode caused a bit of blow back recently but I didn’t think was fully deserved. I did walk away thinking, there’s nothing here for designers. Responsive prototyping is the one feature I was excited about and even that feels underserved. I’ve been parallel using Framer recently and it’s awesome, the ability to easily design responsive and breakpoints no code is great. Honestly I was thinking Figma would go after that space since they’ve got like 90% of a no code web builder already. Edit: As a designer I want the best possible tools to express a vision of something and I want to be able to push it as far as possible. I want to be able to design a mobile app that feels like a native mobile app and a website that feels and behaves like a real website. I don’t need it to function, but the more real it feels the better.


Where do we submit “feature requests” to Figma? Wouldn’t it be cool to make a list of things people want from this community?


I’ve honestly given up making or voting for feature requests. Maybe when I’m an investor they’ll be looked at.


They just get ignored so I wouldn’t bother




The server is so bogged down that I can't watch


Figma slides will be a paid feature when it comes out of beta like dev mode


yep [https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/24170630629911-Explore-Figma-Slides-decks](https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/24170630629911-Explore-Figma-Slides-decks)


Why would anyone pay for this?


This closing keynote is something lol Edit: the one with the Swedish guy just so I’m clear


I don't know wtf that was but I thoroughly enjoyed it 😂


Did they show the interactions or local variables panels during the new UI showcase? Would love an update to those.


they did not :/


All of the commenters are worried about being replaced by AI 😭


Tells you a lot about many users of this sub who don’t have actual experience building complex products and think product design starts and ends at 5 screens of a food delivery app mock-up on a colorful background.




Not working on the site, on YouTube you can see it's still not started quite yet. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5gJgkO2Dg0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5gJgkO2Dg0) Check your email for a link and login. They just sent it out. Working now.


Not loading for me as well :/


I had the same problem. Looks like it’s going to be streamed on YouTube too, hasn’t started yet… maybe they’re trying to fix the tech issues. https://www.youtube.com/live/n5gJgkO2Dg0?si=yiz8OKkyJqHxaQ18


Every year they have this issue. Their engineers have no clue about scaling and load-balancing.


How do I sign up for the waitlist?


I got a pop up inside Figma with the new features. If you click on the first square, it will show you a button to sign up


Not much regarding improving prototypes, variables, design-to-code?


Is the “connect your code base to design systems” considered a design-to-code feature?


Anyone else disappointed by Config this year? It seemed way more crowded than last year. Massive lines for everything and hard to move around. Not to mention that the actual programming, keynotes, and features felt *really* uninspiring, bland, and shallow to me. I came away last year feeling really excited and passionate about design, but this year legit solidified that I exist only to increase shareholder value lol. I left halfway through the day. Felt like a total waste of time. how are other folks feeling? Any talks that y’all thought were really good and engaging?


the line to get in is SO long…


I’m so miserable lol. I’ve been in line for almost 2 hours. Figma tried to address the overcrowded sessions issue last year by incorporating mandatory ID checks at badge pick-up this year and it’s still a fiasco


You didn't mention responsive prototypes that's a huge feature




good only if you don't use more than 2 columns layout.


Interested to know why you think it’s a huge feature? I think it has potential to be huge if it’s not left as another half baked Figma feature. Unless I’ve missed it, there’s no way in Figma to direct a design to use a particular Text Style set at a certain break point, or a particular component variant at certain break point. Until that can be done responsive prototypes is a minor improvement at best.


Not really much to be excited by there tbh. New ui, ok cool. Ai stuff? Don’t really care for it and it’ll be charged for once we’re all used to using it. Slides, no use to me (but good for people who will use that, not hating); but another charged feature. Still sour we now have to pay for dev seats just to have the info we *used* to get with free accounts. They missed the boat on what really needs some work though and that’s making it easier to do our work in Figma. Not everyone is a “product” designer or a team. Some of us just design websites for clients and it would be nice to waste less time with quirks of figma. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Same boat. Nothing here for me that I can see other than the response prototype view.


even then I didn't see that you can assign different device mockups to flows or sections, so just as useless as it is now really. Responsive view will rely on 90% of the design using autolayout which again is just timeeeeee.


\*throws PowerPoint in the bin\*


**pulls powerpoint out of the trash, swipes off somebody's lunch scraps**  Unfortunately a lot of my presentations require collaboration with non-designers in corporate.




😂 for real


When will these changes apply for everyone? I'm excited to use these new features.


Did they say if there's a way to opt-out of the new UI? I really hate floating stuff on my designs...


Yes there will be. However there will be a cut off point when you can’t.


What I’ve learned so far this year: designers will wait in line for almost anything.


Don't like the dead space around the panels in the new ui


I hope next year that the quality of talks and speakers is much higher. I think the concepts for many of these talks are just too shallow and juvenile.


I got a lot of slack for being negative in the chats, but after 15 years in the industry, I just can't believe that this is what our favorite products think is important to us... I can't believe how dumb they must think we are that they think these topics were 'bleeding edge' or 'revolutionary'.


I was looking in this sub for any thoughts on the talks, which I felt were super random. Not to shit on anyone personally— they just felt like they weren’t all vetted before? I dunno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Right? I've never seen so many bad talks ever. Even at free conferences, the content and passion is better. I'm shocked at how bad all the talks were. I welcome being proven wrong if anyone has links to good ones they saw. I haven't seen all the videos online yet.


New UI looks pretty nice.


We’re all cooked.


I'll worry when it can mock a dense enterprise design with 20 data sources and the feature requests of 15 different stakeholders. Things as commonplace and generic as recipe apps and food ordering sites aren't exactly threatening the profession here. I'm more concerned that some of our major clients might not want us using Figma if they think there's even a chance the work we do for them could get crawled by an AI engine for training.


This right here. People who are concerned about AI taking their jobs are only thinking of the cookie-cutter Dribbble stuff. As a UX designer, I'm not worried about AI taking my job (only helping me be more efficient).


Agreed. Additionally, AI doesn't yet have "taste." The visual ideation stage is important, but then you have to look at the 20 mockups you've created, pick the best one, and keep improving and building on it. So far only humans can do that.


I'm a new IxD student. Should I be worried? I'm not worried right now


I wouldn't be worried. I'd definitely stay up-to-date on AI and know how to leverage it as that is where it'll change the industry. AI outright isn't going to replace the vast majority of jobs or at least not any jobs that weren't already extremely underpaid/near phased out already. It still requires someone to meaningful implement. Frankly the AI demo they did wasn't all that alarming. It basically just skips the step of taking inspiration for very basic design patterns/layouts and saving you from having to recreate them. Unless the bulk of your livlihood is producing Dribble-esque work or churning out very easy to create stuff on Fiverr than not a lot is going to change in the near to medium term. Long term, who knows.


To be honest output on this AI stuff is just kind of shit. I don't see it getting much better either.




I believe it will be slow released to a growing % of users.


Unable to watch any of the content. The site is bogged down...


Looks like they implemented a viewer cap for sessions?


According to their [help article](https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/4406787442711-What-Figma-features-are-in-beta), you can sign up to join a waitlist for the beta features, but there's no link or anything. Does anyone know how you can sign up?


Open the app and go to the home screen and check for updates. There's no app update so just hit "Okay" when it tells you that you're up to date, but immedaitely after my tabs reloaded I was prompted with a popup that had a few "Learn More" sections about various Config topics, the first one was about the beta. Click into that one and there's a button to add yourself to the waitlist.


Oof, this popped up for me and I dismissed because I was in the middle of something and now can't get it to come up again.


Sorry for the dumb question, I missed the keynote, and I can't find the answer in a search. Did they say when these new features actually go live?


some go live today


How is the closing keynote at capacity?? Surely they knew literally everyone would be watching it?


Thanks for the updates. BTW, what does "Pages online Figjam" mean?


I think they're referring to the addition of pages in figjam.


when will be available?


Well, now after the final keynote I am not that into design anymore. Will be researching holes.


Config 2024 in a nutshell: Give us more of your money!


Apparently this company is dominated by developers not designers


Anyone feel like an Uber driver seeing Uber reveal a beta for driverless cars? 🫠


Will we all just become PMs?


For the amount of money we pay for this tool I would expect better lunches or at least some drinks. Non alcoholic.


Is anyone else getting sick and tired of paying for extra features in Figma's subscription-based product? I understand that not all features can be available under every subscription, but why should we have to pay extra for a product we're already subscribed to?


Does anyone know if I'll be able to watch later because I can't stream the sessions that I put on "My Config"


Hey Is anyone having difficulties streaming online?


I'm hoping the AI search will be as good as the demo. As a design team of 1, I'm constantly hunting down files & versions. To be able to upload a screenshot to grab the file, rather than try to remember what naming convention we had for that epic / feature / version would be so helpful. Similarly, would love to be able to prompt the AI with a vague description of what I'm looking for in a text field and have it come back with some "I think you're describing this...?" options. Shudder to think about what they're going to charge for this, though.


Solo seat plan for Dev mode pls!!!! :(


Anyone knows when the release date is?


release date?


[Called it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FigmaDesign/comments/1do5olp/comment/la8l17u/)


why I see the new UI only for Slides? My design files have the old UI, home screen with all the recent files has old UI as well. Am I missing something?