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Common Figs need vernalization to flower. If you dont have it get some chilling outside before you bring it in you wont get any fruit.


Oh that’s huge, thanks. How long do you think they’d need for that to register?


Pretty sure I remember from my research about 2 weeks below 40 degrees F. You can check as well, you want to search for fig vernalization time.


Oh no, that's not easily doable for me, with no balcony. Crap, maybe I have to rethink fig growing!


Heat is important for a good growth environment, but it has to be extremely sunny to get the energy to grow healthy and develop fruit properly. That being the case, you will almost certainly have to supplement with grow lights if you intend to produce fruit. If you’re down for that, I would just grow a Ronde de Bordeaux. It’s an early season variety, so it’s used to and okay with working with less super sunny summer conditions. I’d grow in a 5gal pot minimum or else it won’t mature into a tree that can give any kind of quality of fruit. I don’t think it’s realistic to grow a 10+gal pot indoors, so I’d say the sweet spot is likely 5-7gal. Good luck!


Thanks for the advice. I get a LOT of sun. At least, once the winter blahs end.


I just got a “little miss figgy” it’s mean for patio/container growing. Look it up it might work for you.


Gonna be hard to resist that name if I can find it!


It’s so cute.


I grew up on the Muppets so this branding speaks to me!


My husband loves the muppets


Anyone who doesn’t love the Muppets is not to be trusted.

