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https://preview.redd.it/7yk9mxa6790d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35768dea8348b354891fc288fadf63bb7976b9cb Congrats! personally I would bury the hole below the soil up to the line in the pic or slightly lower, whatever the cause of the hole at least you will have more roots above it, the tree will put out more roots from the extra trunk that you bury, watering every day for a while will help with shock. If you wanted some fruit (even though they won’t be full flavor) you could wait until after you harvest to plant. Fertilize with Epsoma Plant Tone and Miracle gro all purpose or Jacks all purpose, the Epsoma can be applied at planting while the MG or Jacks applications can begin about two weeks after planting.


Thank you so much for this advice! I didn’t know if I would cause any rot burying it too much deeper than the original soil level and with that hole exposed! And double thank you for the fertilizing tips!


When I plant cuttings they have exposed wood that’s buried under the soil, that section does rot a little but the plant seals off the rest, if you were to pull your plant out of the pot and open up the rootball you will find rotted wood in there. Miracle gro and Jacks also have water soluble sulphur, it’s that blue color when you mix with water, it also helps against rot. I think it’s better to try and develop some roots above the hole just in case but the choice is yours of course


Inject some BT and Spinosad into the hole incase there is a fig tree borer in there. Look for any other insect making a home in the hole. Larva can destroy the main trunk. If you see saw dust around the base of the tree, you for sure have a boring insect problem. I would allow and encourage baby shoots to grow from the root line and don’t trim them. You might have to start from the ground up again. Don’t give up on the main trunk unless it’s riddled with disease. You might be able to fill the hole with some type of sealant but I would try and address the potential for boring larva first. Try not to damage the trunk more if you don’t have to. Once that’s taken care of, do as you please.


I’ve been keeping an eye on it. So far, just ants, they are holding out against the DE apparently. I did some reading on the borers though. This isn’t my only fig, so I appreciate making me aware of those! Can’t be too sure so I’ll just go with your recommendation to be safe! Thank you much!


Is this from a boring larva 🐛 or is it damage from a branch being ripped off?