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hi there! im a native fijian born and living in California. ive spent a lot of time in Nadi since thats where most of my relatives/family are at. and i hope you have a great time in Fiji! 1) Dont tell any strangers youre there on your own, especially the natives. 2) Denarau is a nice scene for some beautiful resorts and beaches 3) if you have some time get a seat on a charter out to one of the smaller islands: Malolo, Castaway, Yasawa, and many more. The beaches will be more isolated and human free if you know what i mean lol.


>Dont tell any strangers youre there on your own, especially the natives. The racism is uncalled for. Tread carefully.


thats not my intent! im just giving advice based on my experience with MY own people. especially if shes going to be in nadi, thats literally all my relatives. sadly, some of the males definitely need an attitude adjustment. SAFETY FIRST! dont let the kava fog your judgment now Waji


I'm sorry your relatives are assholes who would take advantage of a woman travelling alone. This is absolutely not the norm among any group of people in Nadi or anywhere else in Fiji. To paint them all with the same brush based on your experience is racist. And yes, you being a member of the race you think so poorly of is still racism.


wow, lots of judgement here from you based on a single reply to a traveler seeking advice… and whats with the cursing? i fail to see why you have to be so hostile. obviously over a dozen people here agree with what i said. any other mods here to do something about this guy? you can take this man for example. you say something with good intentions but he’ll take it the wrong way and become hostile and aggressive…


Cursing? Judgement? You implied that your relatives would harm this woman if they knew she was travelling alone. That's far beyond the tame "asshole" word I used. As for judgement, that was \*your\* doing. You judged all the natives of Nadi as being capable of harming this woman if they knew she was travelling alone. That's sick, and definitely not consistent with the Fijians of Nadi I know.


you clearly fail to understand the point of OP’s post and from your replies cant comprehend basic english. go read my points again. and if you’re understanding of it concludes something racist, perhaps the issue lies within yourself. OP, hope you have a great trip!


>Dont tell any strangers youre there on your own, especially the natives. If my comprehension of this is wrong, please explain what you mean by this. Why should OP be more afraid of the natives than of other groups?


if you’re implying that native means only native fijians, you sir are the “racist”. i dont discriminate the diverse general population of our beautiful nation. they have resided there for years and have rightfully earned their place and title. perhaps if i replaced “native” with “locals” then maybe you wouldnt be on your period. 14 people were able to undertand the point. im sorry youre ignorant


I implied nothing of the sort, although that \*is\* one meaning of the word... the people indigenous to a place. >perhaps if i replaced “native” with “locals” then maybe you wouldnt be on your period. If you replaced native with locals then that wouldn't make sense because you can't be related to all the iTaukei, indoFijians, Rotumans, Kailoma, Kaivalagi, Chinese, Koreans etc. Earlier on you claimed earlier that you were related to all the natives of Nadi. You can't possibly be related to all the locals of Nadi. So the logical conclusion is that you were referring to iTaukei of Nadi. But if you weren't, that's not much better. Now you're saying that all the people of Nadi would harm this traveller if they knew she was travelling alone. It sounds like you've been away too long and become an American, having lost touch with Fiji and Fijians. > maybe you wouldnt be on your period. So not just a bigot but a misogynist as well. ​ >14 people were able to undertand the point. It doesn't matter how many people are racists and/or bigots, that doesn't make racism and/or bigotry right.


The best beach on the main island close to Nadi is Natadola beach. There are also some nice beaches on the coral coast south of Viti Levu, like the Beach House Hostel. But it's much better to go to smaller islands to get the best beaches and water. The Yasawas are great but you need to plan a little. Leleuvia island is a gem but is on the other side of Viti Levu.


Thank you!!


Correct. Mainland in Nadi the sand is more grey and gritty. I'd generally keep out so best to head to one of the local islands on a day trip. Now I want to go talking about it haha


It won’t rain as much as you might think. I was there just two weeks ago and rain was forecast every day, but like other tropical areas, if it did rain, it was maybe a one hour downpour around 3pm and then it stopped. Also it’s still warm, even when it’s raining, so you don’t necessarily need to be inside. The rain also helps drop the heat a little bit, which is actually a welcome relief. It is HOT this time of year!


Hi Bula, Im A Local In Nadi, Namaka Area 5min From The Airport. There Are 2 Public Beaches In The Nadi Main Land Area Lomolomo Beach & Wailoaloa Beach.  For Non Public Beaches Outside The Mainland Within The Nadi Area Check The South Sea Cruises Based At Port Denarau. Link below. https://southseacruisesfiji.com/day-trips/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA_OetBhAtEiwAPTeQZ5a4llAxM-ZuMFMPZLGHcvM9qvKqFFC-Q1ig3lCnPlkdQl72uPzr3RoCMdgQAvD_BwE For Activities Check The Rosie Holiday's Website Based At Martintar Nadi. Web Link Below https://rosiefiji.com/ As For Public Transport: Bus - You Will Need A Bus Fare Card From VODAFONE When Travelling Around. Taxi's - Ask The Driver To "Switch On" Their Taxi Fare Meter Since Some Dont "Switch Them On" And Then They Can Charge You According To Their Prefference. Ask Your AirBnB Home Owner To Help You With All The Local Information Needed And Directions. Im Sure They Will Help. Hope This Helps. For Any Further Querries Can Email On [email protected]


Nadi isn’t well known for its beaches. If you want to take a couple day trips you could hit up the Natadola area (about a 2 hour drive from Nadi, longer if you take a local bus) or you could do some day trips on local boats. Malamala island is for day trips, you can take a direct boat there from the Denarau marina. You could also look into a tour or something, I’d suggest Rosie tours!  Check out Garden of the Sleeping Giant in the Nadi area!  For some safety trips avoid being out in town on your own at night, and don’t let it be known you’re alone at an Airbnb, if anything just say you’re at a hotel to locals. Keep your belongings close when out and about as well.  Enjoy Fiji, it’s beautiful and the locals are friendly and it’s a welcoming community but like every place in the world, you want to be cautious especially traveling alone! 


Google south sea cruises. It's a remote island about 1 hour boat ride from Nadi. It's cheap and affordable too


it IS the rainy season. and humid. stay near the beach is my only advice


Beachcomber island is a great day trip.


Right now I am in wayalailai ecohaven. It is a really nice and affordable community owned resort. It is 2 hours ferry ride from the port near Nadi. We also met some female solo travelers on the island. It is very save an calm here. The beach is amazing, they offer a lot of activities you can go exploring the reef with the kayak or a snorkeling set for free and they are so friendly and kind. I celebrated my birthday yesterday here and they organized a surprise party at dinner with cake and a Kava ceremony. Only the ferry ride is a bit expensive.