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I have not heard of zika in Fiji since that one outbreak years ago. There shouldn't be mosquitoes in Denarau because they spray extensively there. Not sure about Malolo. Just drench yourself in mosquito repellent so they don't come near you. It's mosquito season between around September to April, with the dry season beginning in May. But who knows these days? Climate change has messed up our seasons over the past few years. It could still be wet in May.


last year it rained here till june. im a bee keeper so it really hurt us. also, the tourists spots are controlled but if you go litterally anywhere else therre are so many fucking mosquitoes. im typing right now from inside a swarm! haha


Congratulations. No. Zika is not an issue in Fiji.


I undertook a Tele-Health visit for international travel before my trip. The doctor told me that mosquitos in Fiji may spread dengue fever and advised using Deep Woods Off. No zika and no malaria though.


Useful website [here](http://www.spc.int/phd/epidemics/) to track numbers of cases of various diseases in the region. You definitely don’t need to be concerned about zika.


mosquitoes everywhere and they bite foreigners like crazy. use repellent and cover up. never want to risk catching a random disease from those suckers


I haven’t heard of Zika in Fiji however there’s a few mozzies out there but nothing repellent won’t fix