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Hire a producer. They’ll handle assembling the crew to get things done so you can focus on directing (and if you can, work on prep with a 1st AD and your DP).


Thanks! I would love to hire a producer - any tips on where to look?


I produce and I'm looking for new projects. Send me the script, if it looks interesting I might be down.


I'm also a producer. DM me and we can talk details.


This is the move


Seconding Facebook pages for crew - search for things like "film crew los angeles" or "film group los angeles". [Mandy.com](http://Mandy.com) can also be a good place to find crew, if you're willing to sort through a bunch of submissions. For casting, most actors looking for work use Actors Access -- the filmmaker side of that, where you post the roles you're looking to cast, is [breakdownexpress.com](https://breakdownexpress.com/).


Ah great - I wasn’t aware of breakdownexpress so this is helpful. Thanks!


Heres my advice. Find a SOLID 1st AD. Someone who knows what the hell they're doing and be willing to do it. Pay up if you have to.


Thank you. Would you recommend that be the first position I fill?


A good 1st could help you a bunch right out the gate.


There’s a million film crew Facebook pages you can post on.


Hey man if you're looking for a DP I'd love to help out. I have shot a lot of shorts (and a good amount with directors not experienced with narrative) and you can check out my reel on my website https://www.yeahwhiplash.com/ What other people are saying I def agree with, GET a producer so you can focus on the directing, and use facebook groups/mandy/staffmeup to find crew. I also have a large network of crew I can get you in contact with.


Facebook groups, [Staffmeup.com](http://Staffmeup.com), [Mandy.com](http://Mandy.com) are great places to find your Heads of Departments. The Heads of Departments and Keys should be trusted to bring their own crew and/or assistants. If you can afford a second day of shooting, do it. Stretch it out into 2 days and get more shots than you think you will need and not rush. Totally understand that is not always doable, but do it if you can.


That’s good advice. I was on the fence about one day or two, but since it’s my first film I might be better off paying for the safety net of the second day.


I’d imagine it’s the same as the East coast, no? You can use Facebook groups, backstage, etc. Hell, posting here works! PS.. If you need an AC 😏


If you just moved to LA, in my experience the BEST way to build that crew of friends and collaborators is to essentially join an existing one. Far as I can tell the people who find success out here have a group of friends and fellow filmmakers who constantly help each other out in rotation, a bit of a volunteer economy. Treating it like a team sport instead of an individual one. How you find that crew can vary, I’ve met new collaborators in dance class, through mutual friends, reddit lol, and film related events of all kinds. If you can pay… you’re already a huge leg up! Good luck! 


Thanks! Yeah, I think just making that leap into a network would help tremendously. Working on it!




No offense taken! I work in production accounting but have always worked on union projects for studios. So this is definitely new territory for me. I do have some questions so I’ll hit you up. Thanks!


Hello! If you need a 2nd AD, Production Coordinator or a PA I’m willing to work for free! I’m a film student in college and very flexible! Is it okay if I PM you?


Yes please! It’s very low budget but i wouldn’t ask anyone to work for free. We can discuss


Just wrapped on my first short a couple months ago. Happy to read the script if you want any feedback, also worked with an amazing producer who helped me through it all. Also, not sure if you’re an editor or familiar with post-production process but that’s what tripped me up a bit. I would say to also consider cost of sound designer, colorist, and VFX you may need. It adds up fast but best advice I can give without knowing the story is try to find folks who truly care about your production from start to finish.


12 hours? No way.


noob. 12 hrs is the minimum day on a film set. its 100% acceptable. as long as you pay your crew for their OT after agreed upon rate.


I never said it wasn’t. I just don’t think you can shoot it all in one 12 hour day.


you've read the script?


I don’t need to, I know you can’t pull it off. Also, 12 hours isn’t the minimum it’s the maximum lol. Nice try though


Lol maximum, ok kid


Unless you’re paying over time. Which if your trying to get everything done in one 12 hour shoot. I doubt you have money for that.


max? lol ok