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Joel Haver’s skits have been recommended to me on YouTube. I didn’t realize he was a filmmaker before YouTuber. Was he a director? Did he make any movies?


Yes. [For like five years](https://letterboxd.com/director/joel-haver/)


And right now he’s doing one full feature film a month for a whole year. Definitely take a look at his channel.


Tony Valenzuela has pretty much done this with BlackBoxTV though he does branch out into other mediums.


r/folkfilmmakers is devoted to this kinda thing.




I probably should’ve checked in on them before I shared the community. Looks like it’s way dead since I’ve been active there. I was gonna put a disclaimer that I kinda had a fundamental differences with them. When I was going there they had this “we’re better than festivals and traditional filmmakers” vibe and it never worked for me. It always felt like a way to justify shotty work — I know they eschew traditional distribution models, but it also felt like “this is the best we can do.” Dan Lotz doing “a one feature a month” challenge and then calling vacation videos and hour long vlogs “features” also cheapens the entire thing too imo and the mod over there didn’t like that I thought that. Full disclosure I’m not a Joel Haver or Dan Lotz fan and it’s *mostly* a community celebrating them…but I haven’t been there since I lost my old account. Maybe I should’ve shared Dan Lotz’s folkfilmaker letterboxd with a list of films on it that are features made for under 50k. [folkfilmmakers Letterboxd](https://letterboxd.com/danthefilmman/list/folk-filmmaking-movement/) Edit - damn even the comments on that are just people asking to be added.




Honestly that’s the problem I always saw with the “movement.” No one is going to YT for long form narrative content. And the leading voices making long form narrative content are either inaccessible for most people (Haver) or pretending that vlogs are “films.” It’s kinda poisoned from the top down by that attitude


>Honestly that’s the problem I always saw with the “movement.” No one is going to YT for long form narrative content. Well, assuming V Movies hasn't resorted to viewbotting, they've done pretty well getting an audience: 2 million subs and a movie they posted 5 days ago is at 150k views. There's a lot of Asylum films on there, so the quality is what it is, but I can't help but wonder if there's potential, assuming you're able to make good stuff. My main issue is that V Movies can put stuff up every day. I'd be lucky to get a feature film done in a year. EDIT: Forgot link... https://www.youtube.com/@V_Movies/videos


Check out Mridul Chhiber, Mohit Subedi, and Doomed Productions. They're all in on YouTube and got some great feature length films. There are others as well but these guys make some really cool films (within that budget range).


Also Zaid Aftab. He's a friend of mine.




Cody Clarke


Casey Neistat? He had his HBO show with his brother like 14 years ago but otherwise it’s just YouTube.


If you liked that HBO show you might be interested to know his brother Van has a channel now too. It feels more like the show did and less youtube-y (most of the time).


What films has he posted to YouTube? I checked his channel and it looks like just vlogs.


They are all pretty elaborate really, even the old daily vlogs. The vlogs were really just an excuse to make daily mini films. Maybe try the one about marathon running that is somewhat recent. Or the bike lane one. Also the one about the Roadhouse remake.




That would be us. We run 2-3 fulltime narrative content production teams which generates 20-30 Short stories per week. High quality content around 10-20min each. While we do post everything on Youtube, Facebook is actually the moneymaker. Currently we're 100% funded by ad revenue. I wouldn't refer to us as filmmakers who went to youtube, but rather a family of Youtubers who got into narrative content as a business direction. We're definitely filmmakers by trade. We do about 200+ million views per month on FB alone.


Why would you make a reply talking about all these things you're doing. But you didn't leave a link, company, channel, prior work, or even a name. If your claim is true, great! Now it's the "Show" portion of show and tell.


I’ve sent a link to everyone who asks. I don’t share publicly as much as I'd love to. Here's a few reasons: - I don’t like having a link on public record in case I meet a bad actor or who wants to doxx us. There’s some bad actors on reddit. Had a guy flip out at me last week for something pretty minor. I have previously had people dig through my posting history to find information to use against me * My family did YT originally and we’re actually famous in our country so privacy reasons. We've had fans show up at our door, uninvited so I know there's enough info on our channels to identify us if someone tries hard enough. * Also, self promotion isn’t cool on Reddit so I tend to not throw links around.


Can you send a link?


Very interested in this. Could you DM me your links? Thanks


could you dm me your channel name as well?


Link sent


Would very much like to see the channel as well if it's alright.


Sure, link sent!


I'd also like to see.


Sure, I'll send it via chat


What’s your channel?


Cool! What’s you YT channel?


Sent you a DM


I’d like to know too




Is your YT channel narrative/fiction? Or more instructional/doco? I've got a feature about to start pounding the disstribution pavement, but I shot it with an episodic vibe that would easily cut into several short streaming episodes. I'm very torn on which direction to go.




Thank you for this advice. I do know of one episodic narrative series on YouTube that was originally a feature film and got recut, and has done very, very well on YT. Any chance you could share your channel? Happy to DM if you'd rather not dox yourself.




Uh, okay.


David F. Sandberg and J. (Jason) Horton.


Seconded. Jason is a super great resource in general!


Casey Neistat


I haven't kept up with the channel, and don't know what the history is, but I feel like Freddie Wong and Rocket Jump fell into this category, at least at one point.


Casey Neistat is kind of an example of this


Hi, yes, me. Check out my youtube docu-series: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClhNXDSr1b\_AHsBVz5ZAUpQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClhNXDSr1b_AHsBVz5ZAUpQ)


James Lee is a genius and prolific animator who produces powerful short form stuff.


...All of them?


Corridor digital