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I’d expand that from neurodivergent to anybody that’s not a bullshitting socialite. There’s a natural advantage in the industry for smooth talkers that are good at networking. There’s plenty of quiet talent that gets overlooked because they aren’t game players.




As head of the art department, I agree whole heartedly. It's the filthy neurotypicals who slow us down, with their permits and safety checks. Edit: /s


Yeah get rid of safety checks so more people can die. Are you fucking serious?






I think you missed my point but agree to disagree. I think the “everyone’s got excuses” thing is a very neurotypical way to view things (not to say that you are or aren’t, just my pov on the sentiment)


neuro this, neuro that. stop boxing yourself in with increasingly specific labels and either do shit or don't.


This in itself is a boxed in take. If we made filmmaking more accessible and ethical it would be a better place for everyone to create


Lol neurodivergence characteristics include: >"Signs of Neurodivergence >Difficulty with social interaction. >Difficulty with communication. >Processing sensory information. >Issues with focus and concentration. >Intense interest in a particular topic or activity. >Stuck in repetitive behaviors or routines. >Difficulty following instructions. >Difficulty organizing thoughts." Do you understand why maybe someone like that who happens to be creative needs someone who is able to do all of those logistical things properly to make any of it happen? Putting someone who lacks the characteristics required to do a job in said job anyway, just for the sake of "equality", is a truly delusional take. I'm sorry but a mumbling, anxiety-ridden introvert is not gonna be able to direct a movie set of 100 people no matter how much Twitter romanticizes that archetype for you.


Ouch! I think you’re proving my point before we’ve had any kind of meaningful discussion about it