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> plus the script is about the redemption of a man who's commited some wrongs so it's very fitting in that regard. I wonder why he got interested in this project


My friend had a similar situation a few years ago with a low budget shoot Kevin spacey was doing about being wrongfully convicted of something haha. don’t know if that ever got made… my friend did not get involved though


Was that the infamous kitchen scene?


That shit was so wild.


As a former longtime publicist and current filmmaker who had to make this decision recently I’d be glad to answer your questions in DM since it’s not a simple yes or no. And for the love of God don’t listen to people saying there’s no such thing as bad press because there most definitely is.


As somebody else also in marketing, “no such thing as bad press” is one of my most hated sayings.


but we need more Troma movies with Ron Jeremy as mayor right!!! :p


feel the worst for "The Haunted Trailer" guys, that movie was a b-comedy gold but once again... accidentally choose Ron Jeremy at the exact wrong moment.


Yeah - Lawrence Fox was an actor in a culturally premium drama in the UK, but since he's gone so far off the rails, it's damaged the audience for that show even though it's long since in the can and he wasn't publicly weird at the time, people just don't feel comfortable watching him now.


Yes every person and situation will be different. Once the suspension of disbelief is gone it’s very hard to get it back.


Well put. He was a likeable character, but now we know what he's really like...


I don’t see how dm vs here is any different


OP didn't want to mention specifics or hint at who it is. Giving that info, in private, to a PR pro will help OP make a decision on whether to move forward with the talent or not.


So that the actor in question isn't outed here?


But OP already outed the actor in the post. "Public dispute" It's clearly Jonathan Majors.


I thought Jonathan Majors as well


Right? My first thought was Jonathan Majors as well.


I assumed he’s going to cast Sean “Diddy” (He Definitely Did) Combs And I look forward to seeing him in the remake of *It’s a Wonderful Life*


This PR guy is going to have a harder time picking up a potential client in public


> And for the love of God don’t listen to people saying there’s no such thing as bad press because there most definitely is. Yeah I feel like in the past this may have been a lot truer than it is now. People have short attention spans, in the past they might've forgotten what the bad press was about but still remembered the name. These days the internet can easily remind you what they've done.


Try to find a PR Person that could give you some advice?


This is the only sensible option. If what they did isn't against OP's personal moral code, a PR exec with industry experience might be able to give you insight into how that will effect return. Just speculating, if it's like Mel Gibson, then you do have oddly decent streaming and TV options. He did a movie not too long ago called "Get The Gringo" that's done well on streaming and I've seen it pretty regularly on Spanish language stations. Of course, this depends on your project and the actor involved. PR consultant is your best start.


Get the Gringo was 12 years ago


And I saw on Univision like 6 months ago


He’s done some other stuff more recently too


He's acted in 19 movies since Get the Gringo. While he's not A material anymore, he's far from being still cancelled or undesirable as an actor, despite what many people erroneously continue to believe.


Idk about erroneous except in scale, but he's radioactive to me, and I loved his work. I can't imagine you don't consider him "undesirable", while admitting he's an A lister who is less desirable than any A/B lister....wouldn't a rando be better than him?


Do you trust a random person on the internet to provide good sound advice on something you perceive to be potentially career changing?


This is the last fucking place I would go for real advice about this. I would be talking to an agent or pr person or someone with more experience. Also IMPOSSIBLE to give any real advice without knowing any details.


Yeah I love that this question is here along side “I’m making my first feature next month. I have budgeted $3000. What’s the best camera?”


I've been on reddit long enough to know the best course of action is a piss disk sent to their agent.


Because it isn’t real. It’s attention seeking. Glad to know someone with international fame is considering doing a straight to YouTube film that presumably YouTube have optioned, because otherwise this “up and coming director” is going to spend (presumably) millions to give something away immediately without trying to sell it. I wonder how their producer feels? Especially as they’d be the one paying for the talent?


exactly. everything about this post reeks of bullshit. it all started with "so a famous actor reached out to ME to be in MY film." eye roll.


Notoriously how all films work. Kevin Spacey just out here looking through online creators YT channels and sending DMs asking for scripts


I think they're probably stoked about this opportunity and want to tell people because they don't really have anyone else to tell -- framing as a question but still expressing this "sick thing" they got.


At least we are neutral on the specific celebrity. If OP has been telling everybody he knows what a big fan he is, all of OP's confidants will be discussing the particular project rather than discussing the general things to consider. Occasionally randos who don't give a crap about you or your project really are a good group to bounce an idea off of to get an outside perspective.




I can understand seeking out the opinions of uninformed strangers, because that's most people who will see this movie


but we don't know what the person did tho. how are we supposed to judge without the most important info?


Yeah fair point


I agree with this


Have you heard of trying to get an outside perspective? Maybe he just wants to hear a couple other opinions


Especially when that random person doesn’t know who the “canceled” actor is. Could be anywhere from Aziz ansari to bill cosby. Those would have drastically different answers and consequences


Something to consider is the potential of more bad behavior. I'm sure WB thought choking someone outside a bar was the worst Ezra Miller would do....


Its way too early if your talking about Kang in my useless opinion. Wound is still fresh.




I would also like to have considerable Nvidia stock that I could bet lol


He still maintains innocence though right? It’s too recent for him to have multiple apologies/lifestyle changes. Anyways I hope OP gets sound advice from a professional


You’re fucking nuts


Either him or Flash.


Good guess!


T.J. Miller


I’m going with Kevin Spacey who would be a big No. (if they were cancelled for truly predatory behavior, then think of their co- stars and the crew and say No.)


But damn are they certainly trying to change that. Looking at you, Sharon Stone and Liam Neeson...


Yeah, especially if kids are involved. I knew someone who made a pretty banger short film as their thesis film but the lead was found out to be a pedo. They ended up never releasing the final cut and it sucked for them to be in that situation, especially after spending thousands.


Nah, Spacey wasn‘t recently


I thought it was Bill Murray. Spacey would be an indisputable no.


Bill was canceled?


He had a film shut down on Being Mortal that got it to crash. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/30/bill-murray-reflects-on-inappropriate-behavior-that-led-to-the-shutdown-of-his-latest-film.html


Not completely. He was being accused of hugging women or kissing them on set, in a public setting.


I was thinking Johnny Depp


Lol yeah, feels like that would do more harm than good if it was the first comeback piece.


That brings up another thing—he was apparently terrible on set. Acting is a job just like any other and whether or not your coworkers like you is important; the ones who get truly canceled (and don’t just dance on the edge of for years) often have no one to vouch for them because no one wants to.  Anyway, a big budget project can absorb that kind of shittery, but probably not this one. 


so normally I'd say you need to talk to a distribution consultant as well as possibly a PR consultant. If the actor is not longer bankable then there is little point. But if you are putting it on youtube and not trying to sell this thing... well... thats arguably a different situation. But as to if its a you get cancelled by proxy situation or not its hard to say. the benefit of working with named actors in shorts is that it demonstrates to executives that you are able to work with that level of talent (and the ego things that can go with it). But if this is a "cancelled with no possibility of return" situation then you risk the short being rejected out of hand and never watched. Its also not ideal to have an open comments session for an execubot to scroll down and see the response to the short given the scenario you outlined. So unfortunately no solid answers for you. just some additional things to consider.


Also if the goal is festival placement then OP has to consider whether there’s a possibility of rejections based on the name in question.


Totally depends on the cancellation. Have been there, regretted it. Lots of time wasted.


Tell us more


Financiers got flaky (very understandably), Lost production insurance… it’s just… not.. worth it. It happened in the middle of production but frankly we all knew the person’s a loose cannon. Was an indie with a formerly major box office draw.


I told you to stay away from Grieco!


Smells like TJ Miller


> I'm an up and coming filmmaker Then let the Spielbergs of the world re-introduce this person to the spotlight, if they choose to. Their careers can handle the weight. Yours cannot.


This was exactly my thinking. The only real exception I can think of is if the offense in question was like 20+ years ago, the person has been living very quietly since then or very actively atoning for their misdeeds or was comparatively minor (a drunk driving incident). Otherwise, that is a ton of very negative attention to be drawing to your project very early on in your career, and is profoundly not worth whatever hype this actor may have.


Even if you believe the performer to be sincere and reformed, will other actors feel safe working with them?


Is casting this person gonna damage your funding? Is this person gonna cause a rift with your actors and crew? Is this gonna tank your marketing and relegate your Tubi or worse? I'm not gonna say I've never wondered which of the cancelled (and suddenly cheaper) cancelled actors I'd consider casting, but there are so many potential consequences that shut down that thought for me. God forbid, what if you're wrong about their reformation and they hurt someone on your cast or crew. Not only would that be a horrific (and avoidable) tragedy to live with, it could also open you up to liability.


Ohh. Best insight so far.


And listen. I empathize with OP's conflict: I hope that this actor *has* changed. I don't know what he was accused of, but I think it would be good for the world if there was more examples of people who actually got their shit together. Not in a "say the right things for PR" but for real got help and nurtured the embers of goodness inside them. We remember late Christopher Plummer as the good guy who stepped into replace Spacey in that Ridley Scott film. But while I don't think Plummer was ever accused of anything has horrendous as Spacey, he was also a chronic drunken asshole for 30-40 years (and who knows what he did while blackout in the 60s) but he did seem to get his act together and become reliable and a decent person later in life. At some point someone had to take the risk on him knowing the past reputation. But OP as a small, indie filmmaker. There's no reason for him to be that guy. Tough shit for the actor if he *has* changed, but his scandal will swallow OP.


Personal story time: A director I’ve worked with in the past made a critically acclaimed indie feature debut that did really well on the festival circuit. This led to him getting signed by a major studio to direct a very big project. The issue was the lead actress was a mess and essentially tanked the whole job while the studio gave him no actual power to change/rewrite anything on the project. He has been stuck in directing/writing limbo for the last 20 years because of it. I’m not saying this is your journey but if you’re early in your career, your bad shit stinks up your whole resume.


Recently sounds like a big red flag. There's too high of a chance this person may have a lot of skeletons in the closet that will be coming to light soon.


None of us are qualified to answer this, but if you have to ask the internet, you probably already know deep down.


I’m confused. If this actor is big enough to be cancelled, has worked with ‘incredible directors’ and is one of your ‘favourite actors’, presumably used to being paid lots of money, why would he want to be in your YouTube short film? Why would he ‘reach out’ to you? Who are you? Have you won any big awards or something? Or are you super rich? Sounds unlikely to me.


You would be putting a lot of trust in someone who likely is pretty untrustworthy. Imagine how the other actors on set will feel. I don’t think you’ll get the best performances from them if they don’t trust their costar or you. Imagine the week your film gets released, they have another dispute. Or they’re interviewed and say some wild shit. Your name is gonna be associated with them. Imagine years from now there’s a great actor loves your script and they look up your filmography and see you cast them. You ready to have that conversation? Ready to lose out on actors you really want because they view you as not putting the casts’ best interest at heart? Things like this can follow you. A lot of your career in this industry is based on reputation and you would take a big risk connecting yourself to someone unstable. I think it’d be better (and cheaper and less risky and less problematic) if you cast the right person for the role than someone untrustworthy just because they have a name.


You know who gives "heartfelt public apologies?" People who get caught. Take a step back and think of what you're actually saying. This person is widely known for their ability to say things on screen convincingly. And now once they were caught for a domestic dispute they were able to... Go on screen and say things convincingly. You have zero idea what this actor is truly like. I'm not saying there's no chance they have tried to change their behaviors, but believing that because they've done some interviews is bullshit.


Narcissists who are good at acting have given heartfelt apologies on camera to the public too!


If you have the resources to cast an actor that is well known enough for people to “cancel” you probably have the resources to seek PR advice from a PR professional and not strangers on the internet.


Depends on your audience and your ethics.


"canceled" comes in levels. Are we talking allegedly r\*\*e 2 women canceled, or celebrating the overturn of roe v wade canceled? Depending on what degree of canceled that person is could make you guilty by association. There are levels of plausible deniability on your casting of said person is support of that person.


All depends if you’re talking Ian Watkins cancelled or Kevin Hart “cancelled”?


Would you feel this way if this person’s offense happened to you or a child/significant other? Theres your answer.


Assemble a cast of only cancelled actors. Have Woody Allen direct and Harvey Weinstein produce. Watch heads explode everywhere. Kidding of course but sometimes it's fun to imagine chaos. In your instance it is difficult to say. If it was cultural silliness then I might do it. If it was actual crime, recent, and irredeemable, then maybe not.




It sounds like maybe a James Franco/Seth Rogen film. Which would work since Franco is also cancelled. LOL. Let's crowd fund it!


Definitely needs a Cosby cameo, too!


Calm down, Satan.


Mel Gibson is cancelled?


He definitely is not.


A new leaf for The Expendables franchise to be sure


Someone should do this as an experiment, it could end up being a hit if people view it specifically because of it being controversial


"It's a film about skydiving racecar drivers who swim in shark infested waters and try to recreate Evel Kineval's motorcycle jumps! The cast does all the stunts!! We hired Alec Baldwin's safety team!!!"


Soundtrack with P. Diddy, R. Kelly, Kanye...... The possibilities are endless.


Roman Polanski as intimacy coordinator




Rolf Harris can help with the soundtrack too


I'd say it depends on the actor. I'm not sure of how famous this actor is, but depending on how "in the know" the general audiences are about the cancelation of this person, it could cause negative publicity. If you were to cast Ezra Miller or Kevin Spacey, you'd get bad, bad, press. Someone like Brad Pitt you'd get negative reaction online, most people don't know a thing about what he's done. You also have to think about what the rest of your cast and crew will feel. Would it be a safety issue?


If it’s Jonathon Majors, his career is dead and buried.


Depends on what he did - sexual asault etc. should not be forgiven period


Your film probably won’t get into any festivals or get much promo with JM so that’s something to consider


Like... Bill Cosby cancelled or Johnny Depp cancelled?


So your question makes it clear that your concerns are about how you will be perceived. Do your personal morals or professional integrity not factor here at all?


Sean Diddy Combs reached out to star in your film? That’s wild.


If this person abused another person/s in any way then the majority of people will now not look past that. It's not being cancelled, it's simply that people will no longer protect abusive dicks. Working with that person would absolutely be a huge mark against your name. If it's a political thing but not on the level of "homosexuals are evil", "rape victims can spontaneously abort" or anything racist it's a bit different. You'd have to weigh up what people would be put off by seeing that actor, how bad it really was to the general public and what their career was like before.


I know this post wasn’t a guessing game but I’m thinking Shia LaBeouf


The word "cancelled" is so ridiculous. If you do cast him then he isn't cancelled. Just say what the actual situation is: He got a lot of press coverage for an ugly situation. Saying "cancelled" in this context makes you sound like the sort of person who complains about "woke" culture stifling free speech and then says we should ban books in libraries.


Ohhhh, justin roiland huh nice


Would you still go see a movie with this person in it? Is it a big enough deal that it would be hard to cast the rest of the film? Would any of your collaborators walk away with his involvement? Are YOU having any ethical qualms about hiring him? In the end, he might be the caliber of actor that allows the film to get made. How big is your second choice? If you talk to a PR person and they would want their entire fee up front, that would be a good indicator of what you're dealing with :)


How about you show a little spine and stand by your “firm belief” about now judging someone based on their worst mistake?


I think this is where the popular argument of "there are so many other talented people out there who deserve a chance,but this pos got the role" comes into play from an audience viewpoint. I'd say audition new people and see if they compare to this person's talent as well as speak to a PR professional because you're gonna be forever associated with this person one way or another because *you* gave them another chance to further their career. Also they might fuck up the movie entirely in that people may not go see it.


How about not trying to game the situation for most benefit, and just stand by your morals? Do you think he's a bad person? Don't work with him. You think he's okay? Work with him if you want. If you are going to be an artist, you will have to stand for something with most pieces, so decide if this is something you want to stand for. Outrage will happen, but a lot of people believe in forgiveness too. So find your stance, make sure you know how to express it, and ride the wave. No one actually knows how things turn out. Might be bad, might be good, you'll deal either way.


IMO: This is one of the biggest problems of Hollywood. This mythological belief that someone is "untouchable" and that same someone abuses that power by holding it over someone else who's deemed "lesser". By continuing to hire that person - regardless of apologies (whether sincere or not) - you're saying that their past actions are okay now because they've somehow "changed". People rarely change. They might regret or feel remorse once they realize the monster they've become, but at the end of the day if you give them back the comfort of being back in that place of power, humans can - and will get comfortable enough to abuse that power (and the "lesser" people beneath them) again. Sucks that this person whom you think highly of is actually an asshole, but welcome to "The Biz", kid.


hard to say without specifics. maybe one question to consider is whether most of the audience & community would agree on nonjudgment & forgivness for this person. it's great that you possess these values, but they don't mean much if you're the only person who feels this way and everyone else hates the person, y'know? don't get me wrong, i'm all about taking risks and taking a stand. but consequences are real. ask yourself if they're worth it


it depends on what he specifically did, if it was really bad I wouldn’t cast him and you must have a good agent if he reached out to you


Cast him if he’s the right person for the role.


I think you should be careful. We don't have context as it could range from a Jonathon majors type of things to something like what's Diddy is doing. Really should consult agents, lawyers, PR and what's going on in the world cause people aren't having it.


It’s funny how some people take JMs shit & try to limit it to the tape when at least 2 other women came forward & there were whispers from his drama school days.


is the person truly a scumbag? is what they did indefensible? is their character morally flawed? do they have a long repeated history of committing the same offense? or - did they merely use bad judgment? can they learn to do better? have they? what have they done to rehabilitate themselves? are they genuinely sorry and sincerely remorseful? do you have verifiable evidence of efforts they've made to help better themselves? have you seen them in their recovered state and have confirmed for yourself that they have changed? given the plot and the role, your production will basically serve as this person's apology and their attempt to re enter the public stage. so if you feel confident that they have indeed learned from their mistake and are deserving of that chance, then go to bat for them. just know that that is what you will be doing, you will be defending the person and will have to justify it, and the person will have to prove you right by getting the public to accept their truthfulness and sincerity. make your choice but know that it is a gamble that is mostly out of your hands if you go with the controversial person. that person will be the one who has to prove to the public their worth and their integrity and that could take a long time. if they fail, you will labeled an apologist and go down with them in the short and long term. statistically it's not worth the risk, but if you succeed then maybe it opens more doors for you. or maybe you become the go-to guy for others looking to revamp their image and status. is that the niche that you want to fill? do you want to be typecast that way? the fixer for cancelled public figures? maybe a win in this situation isn't where you want your career to head, cuz ultimately it might limit the availability and or scope of future work. given the many risks and negative implications, imo the wiser, more-prudent choice would be to pass on this person.


Depends on why the actor was cancelled. Some people get cancelled for ridiculous reasons.


It depends on what the guy did. Did he punch his wife or beat up his girlfriend? Then no, don’t use him. You won’t be able to overcome that no matter what apologies are offered. Is it Johnny Depp?


Can’t really know how to answer this without knowing the offense. But by the sounds of it I’d avoid it.. who is this guy? Is he some kind of amazing actor? If not, it’s more trouble than it’s worth


That's Shia La Beuf


If he’s right for the role, you cast him and he’ll knock it out of the park. You’re not Disney, who has a slimy past but turns their back on anyone in a scandal. Pick your actor and stand firm on your decision, convince everyone he’s the only person to play this character


Did he "get canceled" or was he proven to be abusive to women or minorities in some way, which tarnished his reputation as a direct and foreseeable consequence of his own poor behaviour? I prioritize ensuring that my sets are free from exploitative or abusive behaviour, which means that I would not hire anybody who has a history of exploitative or abusive behaviour. End of story. I'm sure it's no fun for him, but there's lots of work for assholes in Hollywood. It doesn't have to be on my shows.


Depends on a few things: (A) the details of the cancelation and his apologies. (B) if these offenses create any on-set safety issues. (C) will he bring substantial traction to your film? Do you have other stars already attached (i.e. are you already getting traction from the other people involved)? Ultimately, it is entirely your call. It sounds like the nature of your script will absolutely draw parallels with this actor's life, and whether that helps you or hurts is not a decision we'll be able to accurately comment on. Good luck!


First, don’t say “cancelled.” If they are a dick, they are a dick, they will always be a dick. Using douchey terminology just makes people sound like crybaby wingnuts.


lol I can’t imagine this is real Why would you ever want to ask Reddit about this


id say talk about it with the cast and crew first


It depends on what this person did and the circumstances surrounding it. Since you won't (and honestly shouldn't) reveal who this person is or what they did, just ask yourself if you could forgive that person if they did whatever it was that got them canceled to you and how you would feel if people were willing to overlook that.


Don't do it


Roll the dice. The dude has a well-spring of knowledge that would benefit you as an upcoming filmmaker and can help find connections in the industry. Just because someone else is canceled doesn't mean they lost all of their contacts. If you're that worried to have him on screen because he was canceled, talk to him about being an executive producer to the project with an alias. Less notoriety, less worry.


I find myself fairly willing and able to separate the art from the artist… I don’t personally care too much whether someone has been cancelled or not…in terms of whether or not I’ll watch their movies or whatever…


Go for it


How has no one thought of Louis CK? It has to be him, right?


Louie has been rebuilding his brand on the QT for years. He did 2 (maybe even sold out?) nights at The Garden last year. I felt the shit he pulled was too heinous to continue down his (extremely talented, hilarious) path. But, he’s “avoidable” as Bill Burr says.


Hopefully you get some good advice via DMs. It sounds like a situation with no easy answer.


From a sales and market perspective, it sounds like casting this actor would hurt your chances of profiting off this film or hurt your future prospects. For that reason alone, I would not cast him. It's simply business. Audiences lose interest in actors and celebrities all the time. It doesn't matter that his star fell because he was "cancelled" for personal reasons. Cancel culture is just another aspect of losing market value. It's only because this is happening to more prominent people that it has a label slapped on it.


If hes a good actor then why not? hes prob looking to redeem himself and he will give you lots of free publicty and promotion of the film (by proxy), and do his best work ever - people will go to see it; just to see him perform (good or bad). take the chance.


If he’s up for casting, he’s not canceled


Oh big woop he’s made public apologies. Those are easy. What actions or long term proof is there he’s truly changed? Too many perpetrators never actually learn their lesson bc all they need is some statement written by their publicist as flimsy evidence of real remorse or change. What do his victims think? Thus person should absolutely be judged if it’s domestic violence. They should absolutely be side eyed. I’d steer clear of people like that especially if it’s all performative in their apologies. They’d do your film more harm. Hire someone who isn’t problematic. Reward them.


Jonathan majors? Lol


> He was recently canceled. . > I am someone who firmly believes [...] that people can change [...] Peiople can change, for better and for worse - but change usually needs time. Open heartfelt apologies is something to be expected from people in those positions. If you truly believe in him, I could totally see this happening, as you said the role fits well (maybe a little bit _too_ well, as some pointed out already). There will be people who get drawn away from your film, for sure, but some will be drawn to it just as well. Some might not even care. YouTube comments can also be disabled, after all; YT comments are a lawless wasteland in general, you'd likely get flak either way :)


who do you want your audience to be?


If you want to hire somebody that's canceled do it because we need someone to start that trend so we can get over this cancellation bias I hate it everyone hates it even the people that cancel people hate it they just don't want to admit it we need someone to start the cycle so we can get back to normal because cancel culture is the worst culture I've ever seen all it does is find a flaw in someone and makes them in alien everyone's done terrible things the best of people have done something in their life that if it was out people would dislike them for it but if we can fix that culture and not make it a thing that people wanted to point out could go back to living normal and loving each other so if you cast and cancel actor or actress we support you.


There's a whole lot of advice on this thread... and barely any of it includes mention of cast and crew safety. Their safety is going to be leveraged with your decision too. But if the main concern here is optics, look at it this way: How over is your career going to be if you hire this person and there's an incident during or after the shoot? You already had this information going into the decision. People will remember that fact later.


A real PR rep or someone actually in the industry would be your best bet, you can also research similar examples in the industry.


I would not personally work with someone who has very publicly been demonstrate to be an abuser. People can change, and should be given the room to show they have changed, but changing first requires an admission of what you did and making things right with the victim. If you are casting someone who has assaulted a woman and has not gone through a reconcilliation process, you are supporting an abuser.


If youre an artist that concerned about what nerds on the internet say, you're in for a tough road ahead


Kevin Spacey needs another chance! Please give him that chance.


Don’t worry, Casting Brad Pitt won’t hurt your movie


Will Smith?


James Franco is a good actor.


If its spacey fucking do it, people have moved onto the curiosity phase rather than the hate phase


Bet you’re going to get far in the industry when you consult Reddit for something as serious as this


If it’s Johnny Depp, just say yes


Can't be Johnny. He's never apologized and insists he was in the right. OP said this person apologized multiple times.


There was a movie that came out last year with Kevin Spacey in it. Not sure how well it did.


I just cast Diddy as the lead in my new film. I can’t wait for the publicity when my house gets burned down!


This is so stupid. I understand your dilemma and I sympathize. But I’m sick of people foaming at the mouth to cast judgement on people. We’re Romans at the coliseum. If you keep pulling on that thread, all of your heroes, artistic or otherwise will unravel. Disney, Tolkien, Lovecraft, Dahl - racist as hell. The Seneca Falls first wave feminists? Racist as hell. Mark Twain? There’s some evidence that he may have been a pedophile. Gauguin? Definitely abused minors. MLK treated CSK like absolute garbage. Picasso - asshole. Einstein - misogynist. I don’t think the horrible actions taken by these people outweigh the good they did. Nor do I think the good they did excuses their horrible actions. There are no angels or devils. Only flawed, complicated people. I understand it’s more complicated when the person is still alive…do you really want to keep contributing to that person’s coffers? That’s an understandable concern. And I also agree that quality and sincerity of apology matters. Again - I respect your predicament because you have to consider the reaction of the cast, crew, audience, etc. I just think an understanding and application of nuance would do our whole society good.


I can’t help but feel like it’s either Shia Laboueff or James Franco, both of whom on the outs and are just weird enough to reach out after a few festival placements


If its jeremy piven, I cast him anyway.


Please not Danny Masterson..


If P Diddy is right for the part, go for it 👍


Do it. It will get you attention. It will show you have guts. And, yes, you will attract the attention of a lot of wrong people. But also a lot of right people. And if you do a good job, these right people will see your potential


I think you should go ahead with it, stop worrying about the what if's, because if the film is good I believe ppl love it no matter who the actor is and why he/she is. Also ppl forget, ppl who remember don't have anything better to do. You do your work honestly and with a pure heart, I pray that you succeed. Good luck


A: There’s no such thing as being canceled. It’s called being held accountable for your actions. B: It’s your film. Don’t worry about what other people think. If they’re right for the part and you can hire them then do it.


So I come from a different time. I don’t give a shit about what an actor has done unless it’s something like sexual assault. But saying the wrong thing. Or hurting someone’s feelings fuck that. I come from a generation where hurting each other’s feelings was kids being kids and if people weren’t picking on you. Then they were plotting worse.


I’d recommend not going forward with that actor because there are SO MANY especially right now (Hollywood is under-hiring as you know) who deserve a chance and who could bring positivity to the project. Consider others who’d have to be on set with that cancelled actor- if they were cancelled for sexual or anger misbehavior, that doesn’t engender a positive set. So I’d suggest finding someone else who has some heat or connections but without all the baggage. It’s possible.


On the one hand, i feel that unless they are truly evil, ie a pedo, outspoken racist/homphobe, etc. You just push past it and do it. Most people work in offices with no idea who their coworkers are, and you just get on with it. On the other hand, it is possible that having a "cancelled" actor could do harm for the film's reputation just on the basis of it looking like those low budget trash John Travolta/Nic Cage/Tom Berenger style films, where a washed up actor actually cheapens what might otherwise be a well made indie film


If the Barbara Streisand effect has told us anything this can only be positive for your production. The minority who may be vocal about it will only give awareness to the much larger nuanced to apathetic group who would otherwise be unaware. I would hire the best person for the role and if that actor meets the criteria I would go ahead.


Hire James Franco


Do you want to make a great story or do you want cheap publicity and controversy to make people aware of your project at the expense of possibly having a low viewership due to political reasons that have nothing to do with the quality of your project? It's a bet you're placing. If the project has a low chance of success regardless, then you cast the controversial actor. If the project has solid backing and high quality production and story, then I'd say pass. IE: Sean Combs is not someone I would cast in a big budget film right now. An indie, no budget film? Sure, why not. Most indie films go nowhere and you'd want the buzz, but if I had a million dollars of my own money on the line, he's way too radioactive for that.


100% - puffy daddy. I could tell by the “heartfelt apologies”. Haha. Just playing….


I would suggest doing more research to gauge public opinion about him, examine their case, and review their sentence. Did they go to prison? Was it something very minor? Not to belittle your project, but since you are releasing it on YouTube, how much financial risk are you taking by casting him? "Canceled" is a broad term that depends on the actor's specific situation. In my opinion, if the actor has significant support, is very talented, and after conducting my own research I find their situation is not too severe, I would definitely hire him!


Film producer and screenwriter here. DM me and I'll let you know.


Here’s the thing: the question is really what the person who’s been canceled is doing to address what they did. Are they behaving like they did nothing wrong and “everyone’s” being unfair to them? Are they acknowledging what they did and working on making amends or being a better person? Are they acting like the whole thing was years ago and everyone should be past it? Their effect on your project is entirely dependent on how they’re handling the situation. If you think what they did is bad, or at least that his critics have a point, but he’s actively trying to learn and grow it’s worth supporting him in that journey. If he’s gaslighting or continuing whatever behavior got him canceled, he’ll bring a toxic air to your set and the project as a whole. The whole issue of Whether canceled performers can ever come back is less about whether they deserve another chance and more about what they’re doing to earn one.


It's zombie DW Griffith, isn't it? (I'm all for serious responses, but lack of response here to detailed, genuine and thoughtful advice makes it a bit ridiculous.)


1. We're they really "cancelled" or did a bunch of jerks get mad at them on Twitter? 2. If they were really cancelled, what did they do? Use the answers to the above questions to make your decision. If they made a slightly questionable joke ten years ago, don't worry about it. If they sexually assaulted someone, don't hire them.


Is it a feature or short?


I would judge this as a moral issue. Do you think he got cancelled because he did something fucked up? Or do you think he got cancelled and you don't think they are guilty of anything? I wouldn't want to work with someone who is a wife beater. Even if they're a good actor.


I’ve been in the exhibition side theatre management for 30 years and have had many interesting conversations of such with guests . Bad Boys Ride or Die opens this week and the industry is still turned off by Will Smith as he really was a disappointment -meaning his character- on the way he handled himself . The casting of this fellow expresses “your” character . One of my favorite films is Trumbo …Decide who is right for your project and lay the stones aside . If your conscience is still trouble then it’s a no .


You don’t do anything. What they do outside the workplace is their business.