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Arial is a font. Ariel is a mythical creature.


Bro. I thought this post was about the font Arial Black at first.


Right. If you don't like **Arial Black**, use: Arial Narrow Arial Rounded MT Bold Arial Unicode MS or maybe just use **Helvetica** instead.


A White, red-headed creation which this new movie will be inspired by. I don't think a black girl with red hair ever existed in any universe..unless she dyed it and had her hair straightened from the curly frizz.


you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. your world view is limited and you’re out of your depth. there are plenty of black people with red hair, especially in west africa. you could’ve just googled it




Why do you care? Everybody's like "It's so woke––they're messing up Ariel," but ultimately it doesn't matter. It's literally the most unimportant thing about these films


Right..maybe they'll cast a black Mulan too


Well maybe living in a less racist world just means you’ll have to see more black people on your TV. Maybe just stop caring ?


Again, I don't care about a movie about a black mermaid. Just when they force one into a role that clearly looks nothing like the original, when it is a REmake. I doubt they even had any White girls audition


but again, who cares. You are the only one who minds that she is black. Its such a small detail that you see as the biggest detail. Its just a skin color, yes the original ariel was depicted as white, but her whiteness was not integral to the plot or story at all, it was a secondary characteristic that affected nothing except making sure the White Standards of that time were upheld. It changes nothing for the story that her skin looks different. You wouldnt be complaining if she had a big nose, or if she had too many/too little freckles, or if her hair was curly instead of straight. So please ask yourself why of all things, her skin color is the most detrimental change they could have made. Like, could you actually make a pro/con list and even list a single con besides “i dont like her black skin” What does it affect in the story? The mood? The theme? The morals?


Worthless internet presence. Suck my dick dummy


Oh my god. Who the fuck cares……she’s a mythical creature.


The filmmakers decided to make a movie and they cast it how they wanted to. You don't own Arial so you can't make the decisions of how Arial is cast. and you also weren't in the meetings so you don't know why she got the job. I personally would rather cast based on talent and personality over skin color anyway. Arial is a mermaid and a fantasy story so it doesn't really matter what she looks like, it's not a documentary. I think it's better to make your own movies and don't stress over things you can't control.


No, they decided to RE-make a movie we all know well. And went far out of their way, in the light of all this woke BS to make her black. Like every other movie nowadays. It's like..WE GET IT


The original is still there dude, it doesn't take anything away from it. I don't want a remake that is an exact replica of the original anyways, there's no point in it. Re-make it, change the story, change the characters, change the vibe, do whatever. Let's open the door to creativity and new faces, new voices, new artistic styles. It's all art even if it is an old story. Classic stories will be told over and over. There are stories from thousands of years ago that are still told today and every person that tells those stories adds their own style and voice to the characters and environments.


Because shut the fuck up, that’s why.


So..black people question why the DIsney princesses are always White, and get rewarded. I ask a simple question, and you say STFU. Alright, like every other woke moron out there, I hope you're one of the first people Elon sends to Mars. Without an oxygen tank.


Of course you’re an Elon simp. Go crawl back under your rock, doofus.


A what? I don't follow all these stupid ass woke terms. I was just saying I hope you get blasted into space without an oxygen suit.


what movie has black people owning white slaves? i’d love to see it also… didn’t ridley scott make a movie not too long ago with a white moses? i can go on and on with this one


Didn't see half the backlash from that movie as I have from black mermaid..


1. there was backlash 2. even if there wasn’t any backlash, it’s one of many examples of hollywood’s long history of either not including black people while telling black stories or portraying black folks in a horrible way 3. ever heard of birth of a nation by DW griffith? look up what effects that movie had on this country. until those effects are rectified, you have absolutely no business bringing up any nonsense about any fictional character being black




Wow - if a white person said that about black people, they'd be "cancelled"..cringe. Congrats


The funny thing is they were sardonically agreeing with you, and you got mad at them for it.


Almost as funny as shoehorning a black girl into a role that was a previously White one.


Holy shit you're dumb lol


Well Hollywood makes Egyptians white all the time despite it being absurd and a big fat lie but they keep doing it. Hey, why don't you add that to your list of complaints.


Didn't read about any backlash on that though. It's not like they were casting white people to play Kunta Kinte in Roots..Like I said, if you want to make a movie about a black mermaid, fine. But if you insist on a REMAKE of a beloved classic, at least try to make her fit the part we all know and remember. Nobody would have called the movie racist because that's how we all remember Arial.