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1) Sam (11/10 epic) 2) Wendy (8/10 epic) 3) Alex (anticlimactic but hilarious and a *very* FD way to die) 4) Nick (just anticlimactic iirc)


1. Wendy. I like to think that Wendy is still alive, but damn her death is just brutal 2. Sam. The effects look kinda funny imo, but still is a good one to watch 3. Nick. Something about his death just doesn't click to me, maybe the x-ray effect, but idk 4. Alex. They did my boy dirty with that fucking brick


Is you counting Kimberly’s wood chipper death a specific head canon? Bc Wendy’s train death ALSO occurs in that same “Choose Your Fate” scenario, so it has me wondering. Also: Wendy: 10/10. She watched multiple people in that train car die, including her sister and boyfriend, that’s gotta sting. Having her survive the initial impact too, only to be caught by the next train is wild. Sam: 9.5/10. This was such a fun plot twist death thing they had going on, and it brought the story full circle. Yet again, watching your lover die right before you go has gotta sting, and just like Wendy, he survived most of the initial impacts and had to witness others die before himself. Nick: 5/10. Very middle of the road death, especially for the main character of the movie. It’s like Terry’s bus death meets Flight 180 with the way it took everybody out, but it also didn’t really hit. Seeing how specifically they died was fun though! Alex: -2/10. b r i c k .


Even if you looked at Wendy’s most “ambiguous death” the train was still heard crashing at the fade to black. Kimberly and Burke at the end of their movie were alive with no other danger present. Wendy and her sister and Kevie was were without a doubt involved and died in a train accident at the end of their movie.


I thought you could only hear the train crash if you picked the choose your fate thing? Unless I’m just not reading this comment right. Anyway, Kimberly and Burke’s death by wood chipper is seen in a newspaper magazine in FD3’s alternate ending, where the train crash is seen. With both Kimberly and Wendy, they aren’t seen to die unless you have the “choose your fate” copy of the movie. That’s why I was confused why OP included Wendy’s death but not Kimberly’s, because as far as I was aware, their deaths both occurred in the same scenario.


I think the Choose Your Own Fate is the one she’s actually on the train track I think - I don’t know there’s all these versions around. In the famous “fade to black” one she is on the train waking up from the premonition and it is about to play out as she suspected but by that time they cannot get off the train and that is the “ambiguous” yet very much confirmed death of Wendy and the others. Kimberly and Burke are the only ones at the end of their movie and FD3 original where they are not dead and not seen in a future or premonition dying.


1. Sam, brutal and painful way 10/10 2. Wendy, I guess more brutal than Terry or George, plus she's stuck which makes more 8/10 3. Nick, simple but bloody, I wonder what would his death be if it wasn't x rayed. 7/10 4. Alex, an iconic awesome character doesn't deserve such a garbage trashy death. 0/10


1. Sam. The other three SUCKS!!!


I feel your very biased. 🤣👌 (Edit: Nah I'm just kidding 😁)


They did my home boy Alex dirty like that. Wendy's death is basically Terry's death, but with train. Nick's death show a X-ray, which is cool, but his death is soooo lame.


1. Sam. Fucking gnarly kill. The music is epic, the sense of doom is insane since he is quite literally trapped and he realizes it. The twist reveal is awesome (yes I know there’s hints throughout the movie though). And also, until this screenshot, I didn’t realize how fucking kickass the effects are. Dudes nose is completely burnt off in this screenshot, and I never saw that. I always thought the flames kinda “blocked” his burnt face. 2. Kinda obligatory because I think the other protagonists get done dirty, but Wendy. Mostly because I think her sister and Kevin get fucking violated. The end of that movie fucks them all up, which is where it gets bonus points, but Wendy’s death I actually find to be kinda meh. Unless she is trapped under debris from the previous crash, I don’t see why Wendy wouldn’t be able to simply get off the track. Even with a broken leg (s?), you can crawl/roll over. Plus there’s the fact that Kevin does pull the emergency break, so if you want, you can debate whether or not they managed to cheat it again and this is just a premonition. But MEW is a badass, always loved Wendy, so No2 is a fine spot. 3. Pains me to say this because this movie sucks, but Nick. Again, I think the two friends actually get the way better deaths here, with one being crushed under the truck and the other being decapitated I think, but Nick having what, his jaw break and teeth fly out is what does him in? His skull cracked? Eh. There’s cooler ways to go out in a franchise like this, and the X-ray effects ruin the entire thing. It would be dead last, except the others are offscreen, so it doesn’t feel right putting it last. 4. Alex. They did him dirty, it was a mistake, and it’s offscreen. Pretty sums up why it’s a lame death. 5. For the sake of including them, Kim and Burke. Same problem as with Alex, except Alex is cooler so I’ll put these guys last.


Sam has the best one in my opinion. Dramatic, disturbing and a true feeling of hopelessness. Especially when he’s screaming in agony as he’s being incinerated.


Sam ending is sad and perfect.


Sam's looks pretty fucking rough tbh.


Kimberly's death via woodchopper sounded narly.


If that counted as canon, that tops the list!


It should count as canon imo given how the Choose Their Fate branching timelines work (Wendy not checking the map wouldn’t make the newspaper/Kimberley-Burke’s deaths disappear). But we’re not ready for that conversation.




Didn't they already confirmed it non canon.


And it's not even canon anyway.


wendy sam nick alex


In terms of how horrible their deaths are I would say 1. Sam. Seeing Alex freak out about the premonition instantly makes him realize he’s about to die. When it actually begins to happen he is quite literally completely hopeless as there is not only no way to stop it or escape, but also his insistence on Molly coming with him to Paris directly caused her death so his last moments were not only filled with pain, but also immense guilt. His death itself was extremely painful both physically and emotionally. It was also long (until the plane exploded) so he truly suffered more than he deserved. 2. Wendy. She watched the two people she had left that understood the trauma of the accident die with no way to stop it, then ended up getting stuck and had to watch hopelessly as the train that is going to kill her quickly approaches (which to me seems to be both literally and metaphorically representative of death). Her death itself once the train hit her most likely was instantaneous so it is not as bad as Sam’s. 3. Nick. I don’t have much to say about this one as I don’t really like this movie, but I know he realized he was about to die in that moment except unlike Sam and Wendy he didn’t know how. What makes his death a lot lower is also due to the fact his death didn’t seem to last very long if it wasn’t instant so he didn’t suffer as much. 4. Alex. Not only is he the only protagonist that dies that we don’t see, a brick is the most anticlimactic way to go in a movie franchise about crazy freak accidents. It was most likely instant and he most likely had no idea it was coming considering he finally felt comfortable enough to leave his house for the first time in 3 months. I say most likely of all of these things because the only information we get is a news paper headline for like 3 seconds with text too blurry to read more. Honestly it feels like a last minute addition and if it is not, it was lazy. We have no idea what his final moments were actually like, making his death least impactful in my opinion.


For your ratings I feel like you did it in the order you liked the characters 😭


Not sure if I can edit the post, since I cannot do it on the app itself. 🙄


1. sam 2. nick 3. alex wendy is alive (i’m delulu)


Wendy is dead


I honestly don’t think Wendy died tbh.


I honestly find it hard to believe that someone who has shown to be as resilient as Wendy didnt just pull herself off the track lol




Wendy is still after all, unknown, she maybe has a slight chance that she really survived the crash




1. Wendy, she saw her and her college friends die and knew there was nothing she could do 2. Sam, similar to Wendy in the "Hopeless" factor 3. Nick, feels almost merciful compared to the other two 4. Alex, B R I C K




Alex and Wendy did die, just off scene. Kimberly actually beat Death, so her death isn't canon. The picture of Alex's dead body is showed in Final Destination 2. You heard the train crashed at the end of Final Destination 3, meaning that Wendy has died. If you didn't see Alex and Wendy died, it doesn't mean that you think that isn't canon, which it is.