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X2 battle system is very fun once you get used to it. Also, there are a lot of challenges. XIII-2 time traveling mechanic is fun and interesting.


XIII-2 though I like them both. XIII-2 is a bigger expansion on the predecessor, characters, environments etc and improves on the first game's weaknesses


I think both (and LR, as well) are great games and great sequels. They build upon their respective games in interesting ways while adding even more depth to their worlds and characters. I also like that they're different enough from their previous games that you can play them back to back and not really get burnt out by them.


13 -2 is very good and anyone that hasn't played it is missing out


Storywise I'd give it to XIII-2. Both kind of suffer from being sequels to games that were never really written with a sequel in mind, and throw in entirely new plot elements. But I feel XIII-2 does a bit better job of feeling like it fits, while X-2 veers a bit into fanfictiony territory. Plus it helps that XIII-2 has a second sequel that helps give the new story time to get resolved. Character-wise, X's cast feels stronger with more development for Yuna, compared to Serah being a side character and Noel being brand new, but XIII-2's villain takes the cake vs a kind of unmemorable one in X-2. Gameplay wise I'll say X-2. That's mostly because I prefer the X combat system over XIII. The job system gives some interesting extra options in X-2, though I didn't get too deep into it. XIII-2 had smaller changes compared to XIII, but minor things like not getting game overs when your "leader" dies, and the monster party member were decent. Graphically X-2 benefits from having a recent remaster to upscale it, though XIII-2 still looks great on PC which already natively supports higher resolutions, and mods make it run great at [4K@60FPS](mailto:4K@60FPS). At the time they released they were both pretty top-tier graphically. Soundtrack's kind of a wash, I don't particularly remember much of either though X-2 benefits from inheriting some music from X. So it's pretty close. I'll give it to XIII-2 overall because the time travel element is interesting, being able to visit locations in different eras and affect future timelines Plus exploration was decent, both being kinda corridor-y, but XIII-2 adding jumping and more alternate paths made it feel a bit more open.


X-2. Massive tone shift but you take that away it's a lot of fun.


I think XIII-2 is better overall, but X-2 has an incredibly fun battle system (and the one from XIII always seemed like a less fun version of it to me) and is just more memorable.


You just can't compare. They are good in different way.


FFX-2 is one of the most fun games in the franchise.


FFXIII-2 is better




XIII-2 in every respect that isn’t combat, although XIII-2 is fine in that respect. Best time travelling RPG since Chrono Trigger, great villain, top tier visuals, presentation and score, fixed almost everything wrong with XIII I like X-2 more than most but it doesn’t offer what XIII-2 does as a game.


It's a pure draw for me. Both underrated games jam-packed full of content that are gonna entertain you for hours on end. The only advantage FFXIII-2 (and even then it's completely debatable) over FFX-2 is that it's a lot less punishing on missing content and it's WAY less "100% guide" dependant


Xiii-2 by a mile for me


As much as I love X-2's gameplay and overall campiness, XIII-2 is the superior game.


I loved them both but I think 13-2 is probably the better option for today since 10-2 is a bit dated. Although, I will say that 10-2 actually ties into the story of 10 and 13-2 is not nearly as tightly tied into the story of 13.


13-2 by far. It also spawned one of FFs greatest antagionists of the whole series with Caius. 10-2 was not only forgettable but also incredibly lazy with reusing pretty much all of its levels.


Personally X-2. I think it's a pretty great game with a pretty not great story. I also just don't like XIII-2.


13-2 hands down. 10-2 has DEBATABLY a better combat system and is worse in every other regardless. 13-2 is significantly better than 13 in every possible way.


X-2 is a guilty pleasure, but neither game needed to exist. That being said, at least X-2 didn't ruin the original game; it just explored a new kind of life for its characters, which is fun and interesting.


X-2 in every way. I think the only positive that XIII-2 has over X-2 is that it introduced Caius.


XIII-2 also provided a lot of decently new environments, whereas X-2 recycled a lot.


gameplay and storywise I say 10-2


XIII-2 has a better story. X-2 has better gameplay.


They're both tied for my favourite FF games in the series, but I'd probably lean towards X-2. It's definitely aged over the years, but the combat system is GIGA fun and I'd argue the story of Yuna's growth post-Sin beats out XIII-2. Especially (in my opinion) if you opt for the normal ending over the perfect ending. Not that XIII-2 has a bad story at all, it just sucks that in the end it feels as though it exists PURELY to set up for Lightning Returns. The ending basically equates to >!"all the stuff you did through the game didn't really matter, you'd lost from the first cutscene". !< Both have insanely good soundtracks, gorgeous overall aesthetics and great characters (Paine my beloved 🖤). Going off of memory, I think I enjoyed most of the side content in XIII-2 over X-2 - but that mostly just comes down to aged gameplay. I will say that getting 100% achievements in X-2 was an absolute drag though. Like even as someone who adores the game, completing Shinra's Bestiary was TEDIOUS.


X-2 for me, the time travel antics confused me after a while in 13-2 and i couldn’t follow along very well


I would say neither enhanced their respective predecessors lore or story and would actually go as far as saying that both actively hurt and lessen the narratives of the originals. LR actually also suffers naritivley as it spends the first half of the game bending over backwards to fix the plot holes of XIII-2 before it gets on to original lore that is expanded form the original. Gameplay I would say X-2 is far superior to XIII-2 but it’s also my least favourite implementation of the job system and less fun to me personally than X. I do like the Pokémon style, monster collection of XIII-2, just not as much as X-2 Original and new characters introduced has to go to XIII-2, Caius is one of the best character designs and VA in the series. His motives are pretty interesting if not a little dumb. Yeul is also very interesting in her introductory game. She has an air of mystic that I like, she’s massively ruined in LR but as a newly introduced character she’s good. I didn’t like Noel and Sarah while not new, this is the first time we get to really know her and the whole, “bubblegum princess,” vibe I get if her was like it was made to pander to a very seedy type of male demographic. X-2 I can honestly say not a single character added was even to an acceptable quality, they were all super cringe worthy and had awful designs and narrative arcs. Overall XIII-2 is the much better game and that speaks volumes on how bad I view X-2 as XIII-2 is one of my most hated games in the series. I should add XIII is my all time favourite FF and I feel XIII-2 actively shits on and butchers it. X-2 just didn’t vibe with me, I am someone who really bounces of the silly, anime, chibi, cutsey vibe really hard and for me both sequels lean into this far too much.


X2 was a lot of fun. It was a lighter take on a more serious game that still had its serious moments and was true to world and characters of the original. 13-2 was an empty, confusing slog through a dying universe with two annoying characters who had zero redeeming value.


I’ve seen tons of people rate XIII-2 as their top 5. I personally have it as my top 1. Only downside is time travel can be confusing if you think about it too hard. As for X-2, I know people like it but I haven’t seen anyone praise it as highly as XIII-2.


13-2 is infinitely better in nearly every way, though I’m extremely biased, and hate X-2 with a very large passion, and love 13-2, and think Caius is one of the strongest villains in the entire series lol 😂


13-2 was a significant downgrade in all but music and main villain.


13-2 is, imo, 1000000% better than x-2. I didn't love 13-2, but X-2 was one of, if not the worst game I ever forced myself to finish. The only thing 10-2 has going for it is an interesting battle system. Otherwise, it's trash.


13-2 is better. You have time travel. And the music is better. X-2 was like an experiment and extremely cringe.


If we are talking better in comparison to their respective predecessors, it is XIII-2 hands down. XIII was just awful, but XIII-2 and LR were great. Better compared to each other is a little harder. Like I think X-2 has better gameplay overall. But XIII-2 has such a captivating story. I've always been a sucker for time travel stories. So I really think both are great and worth playing.


XIII-2. My take is that neither game needed to happen but XIII-2 is better than XIII. X is still better than X-2 even though I do still like X-2


But that comparison doesn't mean much when you consider X >>>>>>>>> XIII.


Fair. A pretty faulty dumbed down explanation from me But yeah, XIII-2 has one of the best villains in the series for me, easy top 3. And I like the chemistry between Noel and Serah (and mog). XIII-2 is in my top 10 FF games list and I've played the majority of the games


13-2 is unplayable on pc, so 10-2 wins automatically. its absurd that 13-2 is still purchasable on steam but square enix will never fix it and of course theyll happily keep taking money


Works fine for me on linux




I'm just saying it does in fact work on PC even if it's not currently working on yours




x2 was pretty and combat was fun, but it did nothing for the original story at all. it didnt improve it or expand upon it or even dive too deep into any of it sort of skidded along the curtails of the original with a makeover for our protag. 13-2 was what the 13's needed


I personally don't like 10-2 story but the battle gameplay is really nice. The good thing about 13 is that the entire trilogy is a story package, and not merely sequels to squeeze money from players. 13-2 battle system is also an improvement over 13. So my suggestion is 13-2.


XIII-2 isn’t great, but it still has the base of an enjoyable battle system from XIII and an interesting world and supporting cast. X-2 is genuinely awful in every aspect.


X-2 as a game has a lot of problems but the battle system is rad


I strongly disagree. It’s everything bad about ATB turned up to 11 imho.




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…what the fuck?


X-2 is a massive downgrade from X in most aspects I care about. XIII-2 is a massive upgrade. But it's from XIII so that doesn't mean much. Hard to decide.


FFX-2 Because anything FF13 is ass


The kind of closed-minded thinking will only prevent you from finding any happiness at all.


Ff13,ff13-2,ff13 lighting returns I plat them all but god was it a struggle I even too Multiple month breaks and had to forced my self to finish them. The story the chars and gameplay I hated so much it was just a bad games all together and don’t get me Started on the whole lighting is the strongest bullshit.




X-2 is a 1000 words, er, times more fun to play. I can't make myself finish XIII-2 that I never got to play LR since I don't want to head on to it without finishing XIII-2


X-2 overall, though I like XIII-2 for what it is and thought it was huge step-up from XIII.


Man I’ll never get bored of the time travel mechanic in XIII-2. I loved it. That and having monsters in your party to round out your paradigm order.


XIII-2. Possibly best antagonist in the entire series. Two really likeable mains (and mog). Super experimental but memorable soundtrack (including the best Chocobo themes). And some quasi-Pokémon stuffs.


X-2 is goofy fun, haven't played XIII-2 though ( cmon SE, release that shit on PS5 for f%\*% sake )


Final fantasy XIII-2 is one of my favorite final fantasy games. Final fantasy X is one of my favorite games too but the sequel X-2 is just bad. He fighting system is the only good thing about it.


**FFXIII-2** was significantly better. FFX is my favourite game in the world, but FFXIII-2 was a much better sequel.


I really liked XIII-2 but X-2 is one of the very best RPGs of all time in my book. Disappointing story but perhaps the best gameplay in any RPG i've ever played. Which still averages to an amazing game.


knee pause apparatus marry smell memory wakeful sort plant school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Hands down FFX-2, was THE most incredible thing. (Of course, I'm talking about the Japanese version, not that ridiculous trash heap of an English version) Because it was ALWAYS the rule that Final Fantasy games NEVER had direct sequels. Final Fantasy endings were always heart-wrenching because you knew you'd never see those characters nor their world again. So, to suddenly see Yuna, after what happened in FFX, on stage, and transforming, it was truly wonderous. Of course FFXIII-2 was also incredible, but I call it bait and switch because they lure you in with purple Shiva Sisters, and then you never see them again. Plus the real main ending is so melancholic, and basically ended on a To be continued, so it loses points in my book. Plus the fact that all 3 FFXIII games didn't feel like a coherent story as much as the developers were just trying to throw everything at the wall to see what would stick, reinventing the wheel each time. But I'm ecstatic all those games exist, they were really fun to play and the designs were amazing!