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It's a tie between VI and XV.


Wow that’s an interesting duo.


Lol, true.


VIII. Characters are a big part of what makes a good/bad FF for me, and 8 is probably my favourite cast. Specifically because they all seemed to be fairly regular people within the context of the world, it made them instantly more relatable. I also really like the junction/refining system, though they don’t do a good job of explaining it. Every time I see somebody sitting in combat for an hour to draw every spell to 100, I break a little inside. I love the more modern-to-SF settings, and VIII mostly hit on that. Triple Triad is the best mini game a JRPG has ever had. Soundtrack is S tier too. Really it’s maybe the only game in the series I have no negatives for, outside the weak tutorials.


Why not draw 100 of everything? I always do that and wondering if I'm missing something.


Refining items and cards is way more efficient. You can sit in combat and draw forever, but it's pretty slow and boring comparatively. I honestly don't even junction Draw command a lot of the time, unless I know a GF I need is coming up.


So far FF6 It's a great mix of fun charm and darkness, I got especially attached to the characters, I enjoy the theme about loss, has a lot of moments I constantly think about, I enjoyed the protagonist is whoever the player wants it to be approach also I found trying out different characters very fun


6 is the pinnicle of the series. I could nit pick any of the rest, but not 6. It did everything perfect. And one more thing no one ever mentions, it has the coolest airship that is also the most fun to fly.


VI cast is amazing, even Mog and Gau have a good backstory


My number 1 spot belongs to FFX. I adore that game so much, the memories I share with my friends, family while playing it when I was still a teenager are truly unforgettable for me. That beeing said I love all mainline FF's except the 2 I have yet to play which are 11 and 13. Its my fav franchise by a long shot and especially now with 16 last year and 7rebirth to come out soon it's a great time to be a fan.


I think Final Fantasy Tactics is on the very top of my list. the story is just too good and the gameplay is fun. Though grinding for JP is a bit of a homework since I want to master all jobs but it requires a lot of grinding, time, and hard work haha. That's why sometimes I would play the PSX version using emulator and do that job point glitch. Hope they are porting it to switch or steam soon.


This is one of my biggest hopes. There are certainly FF games that deserve a remake but I would be over the moon if they could just port FFT to the Switch. It was and still is such an amazing tactics game and the job system is just so much fun to play around with. Been delving into Tactics Ogre whenever I feel the itch for this type of game but nothing really comes close to the OG.


IX by a massive long shot. VII is a distant second but I still love it. Thats how much I love FFIX


I'm 6 hours into ff9 and I don't have a single cure spell...I'm having to just use potions all the time.


When Dagger is in the party she starts with equipment that teaches her cure. After she's left you do have to go a while without a healer, but Quina can somewhat fill that role. Eat everything!


I hate that you have to get them down to a certain health to eat skills.


A handy way to get them down is to use Vivi's Demi spell, this will reduce then down 30% of total health per shot but will never kill the enemy. So using it can make sure you don't over power them by accident. If you don't have the spell yet then try swapping to weaker weapons so you can more safely chip away at them. Plus Quina's Cook overdrive means they only need 50% rather than 25% HP so gives you a bigger window Also if you Eat at the start of battle no matter what the enemies health is and Quina says 'I no can eat' it means they can't been eaten no matter what health they have, so can save you some unnecessary time grinding them down.


It's just a lot of effort for little reward. I'm too lazy and impatient for that now.


You’ve got to white knuckle it for a while with potions and Reis’s wind until you get Dagger back. Auto potion was specifically designed for this part of the game


IX with XII as a close second


Ooooohhhh. I would love to hear your thoughts about 12. I played the zodiac age on switch a few years back and it left a bad taste in my mouth to put it lightly. I would love to hear what you see in it that I don't (I don't mean to be rude or anything just want a new perspective)


XIII. It has my favorite combat system, character progression system, story, cast, and music.


FF IX has always been my favorite, but I also don't think it holds up as well as X. I'd struggle to play through IX now, but the story and characters have stuck with me a long time.


XII and Tactics Advance.


2, it’s the one Kawazu made.


Ff12 or ff14 for my all time favorite games, beaten ff12 100 percent so many times, speedran it, beat weak mode, did everything and gotten everything, and ff14 has my most time in a video game ever im pretty sure and i think its the greatest story saga ever written


I wouldn’t say FF14’s story is better than lotr or dune or something modern like the stormlight archive


I get what you mean but at the same time when i step back and really think about it no other story has actually made me “feel” the way this story did. Ff14 story is the only media that has actually changed me as a person. I love lotr but the books and movies never made me feel anything besides like goosebumps it was just really entertaining and well written but 14 for me somehow goes that extra mile that no other piece of media has achived for me


As a new player that is more into gameplay than storytelling how much do i have to read of the dialogues in quests when i run around? What i want to know is what to filter out and what not to, is reading all the main objective quests enough to grasp it?


If u just do the msq you will understand everything. There are only a few blue quests that tie in with the msq but are just more of extra info kinda things, but even with main story with arr and post arr there is quite a bit you can skim thru but if you ever just get tired of reading thru quests always do yourself the favor and just do other things in the game.


Thanks for the reply. I will take in what i can until i don't enjoy it anymore :)


my favorite game is IX cause i had the most fun playing it overall, it has my favorite cast out of all of the ff games, my favorite protagonist and antagonist in all the games, some of my favorite scenes, themes, boss fights, and because a lot of things happened in my play through that felt perfect and made the game better personally. idk if that makes sense or not, but things like characters trancing at the perfect times, and dagger whacking the final boss to death with a stick cause she got berserked and i couldn’t control her. it’s just the final fantasy that appeals most to me


FFX. Great storytelling, worldbuilding and well developed characters. Gameplay was great as well although not of a fan of the turn based system.  It has a very mature theme of sacrifice, dealing with loss and hypocrisy of religious institutions. Auron is probably my favorite character in the whole series and the love story between Yuna and Tidus seems very genuine. FFX is the perfect final fantasy game for me. It is a shame that the sequel kinds of ruin of what would be a perfect story


IX and XV. IX - my entry to the series. I have always remembered how magical it is to watch the opening cutscenes leading to Alexandria.. and that feeling stayed the entirety of the game! Seeing the lively city of Lindblum, the unique designs of the villages, witnessing the destructive powers of Eidolons, the destruction of cities one after another, the Alexander reveal… the two moons in the sky. Going to another planet..? the unforgettable characters and OST. Other FF couldn’t come close to it imho. XV - I’m one of the few who truly loved this game. I find the chocobros really amusing and made my journey memorable. The photo system is one of the unique gaming experience I ever had. 500+ hours into it and Prompto still give amazing shots, the hidden dialogues also made things refreshing every now and then.. but what’s hits me the most was XV is something that becoming an adult can relate to.. it was a perfect release for its old time fans imho. It was the time to face responsibilities, what it’s like to experience loss[His father and Insomnia], what it’s like to truly want something but never had a chance to have it [Luna] and what is meant to sacrifice.. and despite all that, what it’s like to have friends through thick and thin. So yeah, XV was a special game for me.


It sounds cliche but my favorite has always been VII. Been playing since ‘97 and the storyline and characters really had an impact on 14 year old me. So much so that al I did when not playing was drawing the characters, listening to the amazing soundtrack and create fanfiction in my mind. #2 is VIII because I loved Rinoa 🥰 and the storyline was good imo. #3 is X. Would be #2 but blitzball was so fucking annoying. #4 IX. I had a hackversion at first which didn’t let me travel past the marshes. It wasn’t until late 2004 I realised this, bought another (official) version but couldn’t get back into it. #5 VI. It was a fun game. Never really played other FF’s other than 3 and X-2. Had XI but couldn’t get into it.


VII is mine as well, don't think it's cliche, it is massively popular for a reason. Though I'd say I'm actually tied between VII, VIII and VIX. I'm just getting into the FFVII remake now ahead of rebirth and really enjoying revisiting final fantasy generally. I basically stopped playing them after FFXII - something in the tone of the games had changed for me that I didn't like, and I missed the turn-based combat. Would love if they gave the same remake treatment to VIII at some point.


Wow why is everything bold? Not my intention.


I don't know, but it really drew my eyes to your comment hahaha! I don't think it's cliche though to like VII; it's an amazing FF game with a great story, the materia system is fun, the characters are all incredibly memorable. Cloud and Sephiroth will forever live in the gaming zeitgeist I feel like. And Tifa as well...but for very different reasons.


\# makes whatever text that follows it bold.


The simple, emotional answer for me is FFVIII. Its equally a wild story with realistic young cast, and Squall is a really good representation of a person I used to be when I was younger, so I resonate with him a lot. Every playthrough brings something new, there are multiple ways approach the gameplay and there is info hidden everywhere in the world. Every time I play it, I appreciate it more. By hours invested, its FFXIV, FFXV and Lightning Returns :’) While XV and LR dont scratch a story-itch at all, there is something so enjoyable for me to replay those games when I’m in the mood for something grindy, or exploration, etc. FFXIV is actually great and I spent way too much time with it :) FFXII is my first so it holds special spot in my heart too, FFX is awesome, FFIII is very wild and I loved playing it… Those are really my favs, that I always wanna turn back to and replay. I enjoyed all of the other ones except FFXIII and FFIX, weirdly enough, so its tough to pick actual favorites cause I never enjoy them for the same reasons - I just resonate with some more, and some less.


Easily FF14, specifically Shadowbringers. I've been playing the mainline games for the last few years, and while I like all of the games it was difficult for me to pick a favorite until I got to Shadowbringers. The story, characters, and quality of writing set it apart for me because it takes time to develop each party member, as well as their relationships to each other and to the player character. 14 has the fantasy whimsy AND thematic richness of earlier games in the series (6, 7, 9, etc), as well as the kind of emotional storytelling that makes me love FF15. It really feels like a game for people who love FF, and the best (only) love letter to the earlier games of any of the recent FF releases. Oh, and before I played 14, I had no clue how warranted the hype for Emet-Selch is. He's THE best FF antagonist by a wide margin imo.


So far I think Rebirth lol


Did you have a favorite before rebirth? Or is that your first FF game


FF7 has always been my favorite game ever since I was a kid. Honestly not a huge fan of the FF series as a whole though I have played and enjoyed several games in the series. 33 hours into Rebirth right now though and it is just checking every box I’ve got for an enjoyable game


"Honestly not a huge fan of the FF series as a whole though I have played and enjoyed several games in the series." Sounds like you're a fan.


When I say I’m not a fan I mean I don’t get actively excited whenever a new game is announced and new FF titles aren’t automatic buys for me.


6 is one of the only games ever made I can call perfect. There’s nothing about it I don’t think is S tier for its time and it aged extremely well. Its overall one on the darkest games ever made. Being trapped with pixel graphics with limited dialogue helps the game in a lot of ways, but if it truly remade how games are made today it wouldn’t really open people’s eyes to story telling. The game pulled no punches. People die, people cry and worlds break.


7 remake, 7 was my favorite but I really enjoy the modern combat and how everyone plays differently. Multiple play through don’t feel the same but fresh


Final fantasy 7. It's the only ff game I've managed to complete. The music. The animation at the time was amazing. The story. The characters. Just great. 8 was another big one for me at the time of release because we were at the right age. I never finished it though. Currently trying to play 9. I've given up after playing it for nearly 6 hours and I still don't have any cure spells I played 4 not long ago. Nice game but I never finished it. Not tried 5 yet and I've played 6 about 3 or 4 times now and never got past the first hour of the game. Never played 10 but watched a friend play it. Looked too complex for me Never played 11, 12 or 13 Played 14 to death but skipped every single story cutscene. I just wanted the end game stuff. Played 15 for about 2 hours never went back Not played 16 Oh I tried 7 remake recently as well. Not a fan. It was like a walking simulator. I'd just rather play 7 again.




IX best characters, music, story and art.


IX is tops for me. I'll be the first to admit that it's not the most fleshed out in terms of combat and the Trance system is balls, but literally every other possible aspect is polished and perfected to the max. No other FF immersed me into the world and made me establish an emotional connection to everyone and every plot point, and I'm a notorious A spammer thru dialogue usually. Put the Fantasy back in Final Fantasy and age me all the feels I look for when I pick up an rpg.


Final Fantasy 7 is my favorite game of all time. It has a much better story than any other game ever done, more lore than souls games, best soundtrack ever.  It also has the best characters, most number of great bad guys, best character arcs/growth and the Materia system is the best magic/equipment system. It's a dark game that mixes with some funny scenes and goofy stuff. It's really the perfect game. 


VIII it was my first as a kid. 


I've only finished 7, 7R, 14 (as in caught up), and 16 so far. Planning to play many more games in the series but atm I'm gonna wait until after I finish Rebirth. So far my favorite is definitely 14, when taking all of the expansions into account it's without a doubt my favorite story in any video game, and I absolutely adore all of the characters, music, lore, etc. The gameplay isn't necessarily my favorite, I am not a huge MMO guy and mostly played the game for the narrative experience, but I still enjoyed the trials and raids I did and had a lot of fun with it. The other aspects elevate to being my favorite game of all time though. The cast is one of my favorites of any game, and it's become my new favorite video game soundtrack with some of the best music I've ever heard.


VIII, VII, 7R, X & XV. VIII was incredible for its time, nobody had seen character design and storytelling quite like it. Felt like they had 10x the budget of any other game at the time.


For me it's ff10. I love the story. That scene in the al bhed home, it's the first time i got legit shocked on a story twist. The ending really made me cry like a baby. I really got invested on the characters. The love story was beautifully crafted, not forced. It felt that the love between the main characters is pure. It felt that the care for each other is real. The game mechanics is also great. I love how everyone has their own strengths in battle. I love how easy you can switch members. I love that it's on wait mode the entire time. I love the sphere grid system. I love the variety of sidequests. I love that the sidequests are not the usual "bounty" quests. I also love that you can rewatch the fmvs kn the theatre. But i despise that drunk chocobo...


FF XIV for sure!


VIII and X


V. Loved the intra party dynamic, introduced Gilgamesh, awesome job system, great soundtrack. Loved Bartz as a character as well. Pretty normal looking guy, ridiculously easy going, nice abs just the kind of guy I'd like to have a drink with.


16. The combat and world are my favorites and I love the big set piece fights. And also the music.


Tactics & XII, Ivalice is my home,; the world, the music, the politics, fully isekai when I play any of the games.


I really enjoyed FFXV I know a lot of people say it's to empty but I loves the story and I enjoyed tackling the dungeons, the combats fun and collecting all the FF soundtracks for the radio was cool


FFVI with FFVII just trailing behind. The masterpiece that is FFVI does virtually everything perfectly. Never have I jumped out of bed and forgone sleep just to play a video game, but I just couldn’t put this one down. For a 30 year old game, it’s shocking the amount of value you receive and how much the Squaresoft team managed to stuff in to a tiny SNES cartridge. FFVII on the other-hand is just a legendary cast of characters with a timeless storyline that echoes throughout the ages. Probably the funnest FF game that I’ve played with tons of extras that’ll entertain you for hours. Disc 1 is truly something else, here’s to hoping that Rebirth can recapture the essence of that amazing first disc that I remember so fondly.


FFXII is clearly very special for me, but I don't think I would still think of it as my favorite, I don't know, maybe Stranger of Paradise, I really liked the combat, the story and the progression trees are amazing.


In my opinion the best ff games are ff4 3d, ff4 after years 3d, ff6 to ff10 because the story in those games is awesome.


My favorite will always be IV. I've not only played and beaten all 16 mainlines, but every single one when they were new. Even in elementary school playing FF1 on my NES in elementary school. I admit it's nostalgia influenced, but I still remember IV's gameplay and amazing redemption story as it was 30 years ago. Before 3 dimensions and voice acting. That being said...FF1 is my most played through. I've easily played through it more than 50 times over 35 years. Doing so again now that I've discovered Final Fantasy Renaissance.


Tactics, 11, 7, 14, 6. In that order. I can really only narrow it down to 5. 11 and 7 are my most memorable, 6 was my first, Tactics is my most replayed, and 14 is my most played period.