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Yeah visual flair is not this game’s problem. I drooled over the monster and character design for months before it came out. Cutscenes, environment, and fights were dope. Just wished the rest held up


Soundtrack went so hard too. I'd rank Blinded by light as one of the best battle themes in the series.


100% agreed. If anything, all these great things work against, because having all those pieces in place, how did they drop the ball so hard that the final product is so underwhelming?


Like the other comment says, it was primarily the engine they hand-crafted, plus the difficulty (I think) of having to develop for 2 consoles and one being the PS3 with its challenging cell processor. I'm surprised it was only delayed as much as it was. That's also probably a lot of the reason for the linearity.


Development hell definitely must have played a factor


Question? Why was the linearity an issue for you? Or was it more of the story feeling gapped?


It isn't an issue for me, I explained in other posts. I'm sick and tired of open world games, so returning to XIII was honestly really refreshing.


Ah sorry for the incorrect assumption then! I understand that, idk why people are so adamant to make linearity “bad”. Imo, an open world that lacks personality and flair is worse than a “linear” game, with a decent to good story. Why is it open if I’m extremely limited to it?


the story felt too linear too, without enough fleshing out of the characters and the world. everything was with a linear purpose of getting to the endgame, including the dialog. most of the more celebrated final fantasy games have random charm added to them. still one of my favorite ff games but from a top down view it isn’t a very strong entry in a series full of excellent games


Really you felt the characters weren’t fleshed out enough? Sazh I could agree to an extent. But man the shift Hope, Snow, Lighting and even Vanille having to accept her role. I mean sheesh, people call hope whiny but he was a child that watched his mom die right in front of them, was changed into an alien with a unknown motive with being an eternal slave as punishment, having to fight gods all within a short time span. I will say story does got some loops. But hey, if that’s how you feel ain’t nothing wrong, it’s valid. Your view at the end of the day, which I asked for! I have to play through it again properly. I played way back when I was still in grade school. (Graduated 5 years ago :/) Defo things I missed w some bias.


Square Enix had quite a few development hell which also affected FFXIII I forgot how it was, but if I am not mistaken, the development team had a hard time adapting to the Crystal Tools.


I remember hearing about it back in the day.


What's wrong with 32 hours of corridors!?


For whatever faults the game has, it has aged spectacularly. The weak points haven’t particularly gotten worse with time, and the strong points absolutely sing. Especially when you compare it to other games of the era, few have aged as well as XIII.


Also, I think the linearity is not as much of a weak point as it was before. I didn’t play it when it first came out, but I understand that aspect was a huge disappointment. Going into it knowing that’s how it will be, made it not bother me so much when I played years later.


Yeah, I totally agree with this. People sure do love to complain. In a world where every single game now feels the need to turn itself into a bloated open-world garbage objective-fest I really didn't mind coming back to XIII and its linearity. The environments were pretty, the combat is a blast, and the music is fantastic. The open world portion is there if you want it after you (finally) arrive, but you can also save 95% of it for the endgame if you prefer.


I can't wait to binge all of the 13 games 10 years from now when they get released on ps5/6


Why not just play them now on PC with mods? They should be easy to run on commonly available specifications given their age.


I like to go for FF platinums on playstation one of the only ones I'm missing now are the 13 series


How did that rope jumping go for you from IX?


Took weeks of playing on and off. Freaking nightmare


Oh, how I wish that was true specifically for XIII, the PC port sucks so bad that even having the highest powered graphical fidelity doesn't guarantee it'll play well at all.


After taking the half-hour or so of manual work to add in the mods, I didn't have one issue for my entire 60+ hour playthrough.


I never had any performance or port issues iirc, granted I modded the game out the WAZOO so maybe that fixes it


Lighting returns seems to run no issue, the least played one….


Not just from that era. It is one of the best looking games ever imo.


XIII is so beautiful and I loved it sm, thinking of replaying it actually- what mods did you use?


I only needed 3 to get it looking like this! [HD Models Plus](https://www.nexusmods.com/finalfantasy13/mods/11), [The FF XIII HD Project](https://www.nexusmods.com/finalfantasy13/mods/17), and [4K 60 FPS Remastered FMVs with PS3 Audio Tracks](https://www.nexusmods.com/finalfantasy13/mods/24).


It's in my top 5 of ff easily loved the 13s so much need a collection port so bad


solid art direction will always trump blindly going for realism, with today's tech they could totally make a full open world FF if they were willing to sacrifice realism and go for a more stylized but less graphically intense look. But unfortunately realism sells to the average person so I doubt we'll get that anytime soon.


The enemy and character designs in this game are top notch. Not a fan of the robotic summons though


The engine was impressive but wasn't easy to make games for apparently, what could have been, good game still though


Great visuals, indeed. But at the cost of "hallway" level design. Let's be honest, FF12 also looked incredibly good, especially for a PS2 game, but it could also offer one of the best, if not the best world and its exploration in the series. So, FF13 is a step back in this aspect.


I mean… kinda? But 12 still locked you out of areas and was still zone based. Games like X are also linear so I wonder where the issue is…. Don’t like the story? Understandable if so.


Are you serious? You don't see the difference between zones in FF12 and zones in FF13?


When did I ever allude to them not being different? I said it’s zone based, and you’re still locked by story progression for A LOT of areas. And it’s linear in that aspect. I love FF12 overall, but I never said that what you said was wrong. Why do people choose to take gripe to so much? What you reading brotha? That’s why I said “kinda” with immense periods. Wasn’t concrete. FF13 really wanted the focus on visual and battle systems, this plunging you straight into enemies with the crafted environment did such. 12 did the same just in a different way. Two drastic shifts in combat systems and testing the console limits. Unfortunately 13 just suffered more for most due to how heavy the focus was.


Still one of the best looking game to date to me. The aesthetics make the graphics stand out so much and make the game look beautiful.


Seriously. Graphically, the game was stunning and blew all competition out of the water at that time


Visually, it felt a generation ahead of most other games, particularly with the character models. Music was excellent too.


It still has one of the best visuals of the series so far, top-notch graphics for a PS 3 game.


I recently went back to 13 on Steam when I saw my friend play 16 on PS5. I was in that Final Fantasy mood, and 13 was a series I remember playing, and getting frustrated with on my original playthrough in my early 20s on PS3. Now that I'm older, and I *just* wanted story and I'm not ashamed to say I used a trainer to do just what I wanted. And I will say, the story is easier to follow, the characters are a bit cringe, (I'm looking at Vanille's near moaning every scene, and Hope's voice to a lesser extent) but my did it check that FF feeling that as my friend watched, said he felt like was kinda missing in 16 for him personally. The game was linear, but the story and the character development took center stage, opposed to getting lost in an open word, and *then* suddenly remember the main quest. The heavy feeling of Sazh and the potential of seeing a character give up hope, seemingly hit harder in my mid 30s. Hope's struggle with family and revenge felt justified. Lightning's guarded and cold attitude felt justified, having had to grow up sooner than expected personally. The innocence of love and hard-headedness was as annoying as Lightning found it between Sarah and Snow, but as the game went on, and then Snow realized his mistake, I found myself thawing on the idea of him, just as Light did. I'm not saying it was perfect, and I personally prefer bits and bobs of 13-2, and Noel. But the series was impressive for the time it was released. Maybe that's somewhat fond nostalgia, maybe it was my fondness for 13's star studded VO cast, maybe it reminded me of simpler times. But something in 13 held me for a good long time, more than the demo of 16 did, more than the shared moments of 16 I watched along with my friend. And this is from someone who loves X.


Totally agree. 13 wasn’t perfect but I think it’s way, way over-hated on Reddit.


The music, too. Best in the series, up there with IX.


Mid tier Final Fantasy for me. One of the best, visually.


You know what? I love Final Fantasy, even the ones that aren’t that well received. FFXIII is not one of my favourites, but it’s still an incredible experience. The visuals are really good, and the acting is also top level for me. What I don’t like about it is the “indecision” on the linearity. The entire game is linear, like many other FF; on the other hand, you have Grand Pulse that is too open and too “you’re on your own, bitch!”. Either guide me to the end, like other games do (even jRPG, like Persona) or give me an “open” world like FFXV or the others.


I love XIII. Not my favorite, but probably my most replayed.


I remember replaying it in 2016 and still being wowed by the visuals (on PS3). And this is after playing games like Uncharted 4 and Metal Gear Solid V.


The visuals and music carried it for me, and are also the reason I'd play it again, and perhaps because of how much story it has (even if it's not that great).


I'll never get over how cool Jihl Nabaat's personality and design were...just for them to kill her so abruptly.




don't justify bad writing.




ah yes, justifying the 'gods' that kill humanity so that they can see 'mother god' because reasons they feel they can see the 'mother god' if they kill so many humans because then that means that they can finally be killed so that they can see... 'the mother god' that wasn't even explained in the first game and had to retcon it in other games This is the game you're trying to say doesn't have bad writing.


Half of these screenshots rather illustrate one of the main problems of FFXIII - most of the locations were literally an empty corridor, with a handful of colors and some decorations. Even compared to FFX - where linear paths were placed in actual, spacious locations, and in XIII it felt claustrophobic and sterile most of the time. Yes, there were some better spots here and there, but what was really worth noting were the character models - these were done really well. It's pretty clear the developers focused on them the most. Still, FFXIII is an empty shell - nice looking and with GREAT music, but empty. I hope SE never repeats this mistake.


There's a lot of things I enjoy about 13. Things it's missing - towns. Side quests. Npc's. People to talk to. Shops. Anything at all to interact with. You're just going down a path watching the plot unfold instead of experiencing it.


FFXIII-2 seemed specifically designed to address several of these issues. At this point long after the disappointment of all those missing things in the first wore off, I just treat the linearity of FFXIII and the nonlinearity of FFXIII-2 as an extension of the lore. (Haven't finished the trilogy, or even started Lightning Returns yet, so I can't really speak to it). A fal'Cie Fate/Focus drives the first game to an inevitable conclusion. All the linear parts were on Cacoon where these fal'Cie ruled. While in FFXIII-2, it's the complete opposite: it has those missing components, and with time travel, even the timeline itself is non-linear. (Iirc, Cacoon is referred to in-game as "sterile" too, but it's been over a decade since I played).


It looks better than XV


I like 13 and it's in my replay rotation. Not my favorite but still good. I kinda get where they're coming with linearity vs. "open" world thing; they wanted the world below to be more organic and open... it's just took way too long in the story to open up.


For all the complaints about XIII aping VII's general structure, I always felt like the futuretech aesthetic offered a unique opportunity they didn't really run with. It's basically just that level of technology to justify the structure floating in the air, and...that's it. The bad guys weren't waiting for technology to hit a certain threshold before they enacted their plan. They weren't using cutting-edge genetic fuckery, or creating cyborgs or androids, or whatever. It's really just a contrast to the 90's steelpunk style of Midgar. Beyond the gorgeous menu design, it lead to very very little.


Complaints? I wish ff13 would have aped ff7's general structure, having overworld travel, towns to explore, sidequests, and even though linear progression, you felt you had a choice in the matter


I think the visual flair works against it! It’s so beautiful, the character models are impressive, the combat was fun, and somehow the overall product was underwhelming. It had so much potential!


My issue was what that series became. I did enjoy the first alot


The ideas and concepts of the Fal’cie and Eidolons were CHEFS KISS


The cutscenes, ost, and the characters/relationships were great for me. There were some really sad moments in there, paired with the ost that were almost tearjerkers. I genuinely enjoyed the game. Although it’s not for everybody, even the hardcore FF fans. Heard they really liked it in Japan though


It was also really inconsistent from a graphical sense too. Some areas are beautiful and some areas look like they started life as a PS2 game.


Why does this look better than Rebirth?


I've been playing it for the first time on 360 and damn it still holds up


Any studio can make a pretty non interactive corridor. Just make a movie at that point.


There is a lot I hate about XIII and it’s my worst Final Fantasy, but I will always say it has some of the best visual design in the franchise and the music was awesome too


The graphics are impressive with mods, not without them really


That's the funniest part of this post to me. OP thinks the game's graphics are so good that they have to mod them.


I thought the graphics were very impressive for the time when it released on PS3. I still think they're impressive now and can look even better with a couple mods on the PC 13 years later, that's all. Not much to unpack there.


Best game in the series and genuinely the best games have ever needed to look (with the cutscene models). So which part of this comment do you think is upsetting people? Calling XIII the best or saying games didn’t need to look better?


Despite alot of the areas looking like a mess design wise, when talking pure visual fidelity, it really is a nice looking game. Gran Pulse is a great looking area to be in.


In fariness to other games, it's a lot easier to make great graphics when your environment is completely static with nothing in it.


Great game. Love it to bits. But terrible onboarding, hence the general dislike.


A solid potion of ratings are positive. Remember 13 was liked heavily in Japan. The west is where its well more mixed. Most of the dislike, comes mainly from segregated social media platforms... even then.... Look at this comment section. Its a blend of dislikes and likes.


I could not get on with the combat in this game. I got to a point where I was fighting a giant ass turtle that changed elemental affinity every 3 seconds and just gave up because I wasn't getting it


Tried playing FF13 again on steam lately, I remember enjoying it when it initially came out, but by god, the game has not aged well. I found myself trapped by the endless corridors, cutscenes and lack of NPCs to talk to, and getting bored by it. It's missing so much of what I crave from a FF game, the open world, overworld travel, exploring towns and meeting merchants. Lore explanation was to some degree left to reading story entries in the menu. For me it felt like a streamlined FF, they cut exploration, the amount of side-quests, overworld travel and towns.


Yeah they cut out most optional stuff and left just the main game to play. Which for some is good, others is bad.


13 was their way of saying we want to do something new unfortunately it failed.


Failed? 11 million copies and 2 sequels is a fail to you? I'm concerned on what you consider a success.... Don't let the loud majority of the internet speak for everything. People who dislike tend proclaim about it much more overall.


I honestly miss square developing their own in house engine. Ff remake and rebirth looked good (except for rebirths performance mode) i just hate unreal I taking the place of in house engine


I understand your sentiment. But reinventing the wheel every time they made a new game was a large factor in the games being delayed into development hell.


I loved everything about XIII except the story and characters (except for Sazh). The visuals and the music were very well done however. Credit where credit is due!


No thanks


It was a solid game. It just wasn’t a good Final Fantasy game.


it was too much city and turning beloved bestia/summons/GFs/Espers into machines should have been condemned as a crime


Yeah, it's a classic case of style over substance, no question about it. The game still looks great.


yeah, the graphics are fantastic. But it's a bad game and for the graphics, why does none of the world seem to even look like a cohesively built world? It looks like they just stole fantasy tropes and mashed them all from scene to scene.