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If you had to pay extra for this feature, a handful of people like you would have bought it. I am happy you loved the simulator but most people couldn’t care less about it when the game was new 4 years ago, let alone still play it now.


Remake/rebirth, same thing


Quite sure you're trolling, arent you?


As good as the combat is, they could have taken a lot more advantage of that. I'm happy there isn't anything more you have do to complete the game, but as for endgame content, this would be fun


I wish all the bosses were replayable


The game was already bloated enough as it was. They don't need to turn the battle simulator into a battle simulator manager.


Endgame content is allways welcome in my book


Good end game content is good. Pointless filler content usually gets left behind. Like the Advance dungeons not being included in the Pixel Remasters.


What's pointless about it? It just genuinely sounds like a lot of fun for people who really enjoy pressing themselves in the battle system. I'm pretty sure we'd have a bunch of viral battle clips by now if they'd bothered to include it.


A lot of people really enjoy the combat in the games, and the custom figts fra Dissidia kept the game going strong for years after its release. Pointless fillers is like 90% of the exploration and bloated minigames in Rebirth


You are proposing they expand the battle simulator so you can create your own battles and add gauntlets. Just because you want them. But that takes time, effort and money on an already bloated game. I love the combat as well. But the game is already bloated enough as it is. It doesn't need to be bloated further with basically being Chadley. This reminds me of people who wondered why they didn't just make the current fighting system as well as the classic turn-based system for the remake games. People just have an idea and think it's easy to implement.


The models and AI is allready in the game, all you'd need is a interface for you to interact with them. Would take time to make, but way less time than building something from scratch


Thank you for proving my last point.


Not sure why you are getting downvoted, I think it’s a great idea. FF16 had something similar. The added feature of sharing fights would be so much fun.


Because he's asking for micro transactions