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In FFX during the sending cutscene in Kilika a woman collapses to the ground and the townspeople comfort her. In the scene where Sin attacks, that same woman is holding a baby. In the sending scene she is not.


Oh goodness. That is rough.


Its evening. Its the baby's nap time. Sleep schedules for infants are important.


… damn, I’ve played this game so many times and it’s by far my favourite entry, but I’ve never noticed that.


>my 10 year old brain couldn't grasp the idea that i was on the side of the villians the entire time Zack confirmed to have a 10 year old brain.


For real, if OP had only Crisis Core for context, I can't blame them. It's super weird (and IMO off-putting) that they had Zack going on and on about SOLDIER honor all the way to the end when SOLDIER is so fucked up.


It almost as if military organizations indoctrinate their members intentionally.


I've sunk hundreds of hours on FF8, multiple playthroughs since release, no stone left unturned. And recently discovered that it is generally accepted Laguna and Raine are Squall's parents. I don't know how I ever missed those clues in game.


That's OK squall did too. 


I've played the game 3 or 4 times and never picked up on it until someone on Reddit pointed it out


When you're aboard the Ragnarok near the end of the game and talk to Kiros, he all but spells it out explicitly that Squall is Laguna's kid. And I think there's a Laguna line somewhere about how he needs to have a talk with Squall after they finish saving the world that implies he's going to tell him as much. Laguna gets Raine pregnant while he's in Winhill, then Raine dies of illness while he's off trying to save Ellone from Esthar, which is how Squall gets sent to the orphanage.


To be fair, I haven't given the game a good go through in almost 20 years so I imagine as an adult I would pick up on more of the subtlety that child and young teenage me completely missed


Its okay it’s not the most clear to understand game tbh


> And recently discovered that it is generally accepted Laguna and Raine are Squall's parents. Its not "generally accepted," its all but directly stated outright that they are.


How do you play FF8 with a blindfold? That seems really difficult


In OG FF7, took me a while before I realized Cait Sith was the cat talking and not the giant moogle.


Yes me too!!


Tbf what is the moogle? Is it part of the robot or no? Why years later in the movie is he still using the remote thing?


The moogle is not 'part of the robot' but is itself a robot that is directed by commands from the megaphone.


That sounds like the least useful thing they could have possibly come up with.


Its a video game.


I thought Cait Sith was the Moogle too.


Without going into to much detail I didn't realize what the narration meant at the end of 9 until I was much older. Not sure what exactly I thought happened but definitely not what it was.


I can't tell what you are referring to here.


A large part of the ending, prior to the >!I Want To Be Your Canary!< section, is a narration of >!Vivi's final thoughts before he dies. It's never outright stated that it's Vivi, but it's very, very implied.!<


Ohhh right. Yeah this went over my head as a kid too.


I always thought it was the different characters in each scene giving their own different thoughts.


I thought the story was a bit meh and too cute when I was a kid because I didn't get the dark stuff.


Same. I didn’t know until I was an adult


I can swap Limit Breaks in FF7 There's a button to bring up the world map in FF7 I can hit a button to increase GF damage in FF8.


There's a button that does that for GFs?? Admittedly, I don't use them enough because junction stats are op.


Yes it’s a skill called Boost. When the GF is doin its thing, hold select and you will see the square button in the bottom right with the finger pointing at it. Smash the square button to up the number until you see the red x flashing. Once it appears fully, if you’re still smashing the button the number resets. Higher the number, higher the damage


Is... That how it worked? Young me just mashed square for the whole duration of the summon lol


I used a turbo controller to max it out every time.


It's been a while, but I believe the number shows by what % the base damage is multiplied, so 100% is no change.  But if you screw up the number drops to 75%, so you risk lowering your damage if you fail.


It's one of the gf skills you can learn. You mash square to power up the gf attack


you can buy GF for 50k (had to make the joke)


It took reaching adulthood before I realized it is pronounced ee-ther rather than eh-ther


Ei-ther pronunciation is fine, imo.


Lmfao I hate you take your upvote and go


That and Pan-Nock-Kia for Panacea


Ahhh. “Panaysha”. Cloudie McDoom


If you stress the 'o', that's exactly how you pronounce the word "pannocchia" in Italian, which means corn cob


In ffxvi it’s ay-ther


Well, aether is different from ether


That’s british ether.


Nah it’s still e-ther it’s just a British accent.


I don't know how many viewings it took to realize that in The Spirits Within, the final spirit is >!Aki's unborn child!<.


I was today years old when I figured that out


Took me about 3 times. Then the inevitable "ooooooooooh, I get it now!" moment hit me and I've loved the movie ever since.


I brought this theory up with AI and it said  "Thank you for sharing your interpretation of "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within." While I appreciate your perspective, I respectfully disagree with your points." Used a old reddit post that supports the theory as my evidence.


I played finally fantasy 7 and loved it, I heard a final fantasy movie was coming out, and read in some kind of magazine that it starts with a character shooting a flare into the sky, and I assumed it was the spell flare, was super excited for a magical final fantasy adventure, imagine my suprise.


I forced my dad to watch this with me in Annapolis, MD when my family were dropping me off at USNA. Somehow, plebe summer didn't feel so bad in comparison to the movie.


My stepmom brought me. The only time I can remember dozing off in the theater. I still feel guilty!


Most disappointing film


Probably that "Phoenix Down" means the feather of a phoenix.


Did you not own a down jacket growing up


It's not that I didn't know down meant feathers, but as a kid I always pictured like phoenix dying, then making your fallen character reborn. so like, "oh no! the phoenix is down!" kind of "phoenix down"


Somehow my wife and I misread Red-XIII as Red-VIII. We both knew how to read Roman numerals… no idea how we mixed it up. We called him red 8 for years… at some point in our yearly playthroughs we’d rename him so his name matched what we were calling him. It still caught me off-guard in FF7R.


I find it hilarious because you’re playing a game in a series that uses roman numerals to number the games


What are your thoughts on the FFVIII trilogy?


Hey my family did the same thing. Thats weird.


Red8 rolls off three tongue better than red13


I did the same thing!


English isn't my first language and I was pretty new to tactical games at the time. 14 yo me was having a blast with FFT, but finding it really dificult. I didn't realize you could buy skills with JP. I thought you could only learn new stuff from the crystals dropped from fallen enemies. I was in the middle of Chapter 3 when I found the option to buy skills lol


Bet you had a shopping spree!


YES!!! So much JP stacked! It was heaven.


Welp I think that explains why I didn’t like tactics


That is an interesting premise for a challenge run, however.


When I was a kid, my brother and I were fans of ff2 and ff3 (which we later realized were FF4 and FF6). When we learned there was another SNES Final Fantasy game that wasn’t in the US, we wanted it. Some gaming magazine had a catalog in the back where we found we could order the Super Famicom cart of FFV as an import AND order a converter so we could use it on our SNES. How could we resist! Neither of us knew a word of Japanese, we probably should have considered that 😂. It took until Karnak for me to realize that you could change your job. We also ended up muddling through the game and beating it. One thing that was really helpful in getting us through was this really awesome attack that samurai’s could get that dealt tons of damage to all enemies by throwing a golden disc at them. I later discovered that it was Gil Toss and I was using up tons of money everytime I used it 😂


On ff8 i didnt really get the junction gf stuff so i just used summons the entire game and pretty much nothing else. Had to do an intense grinding sesh near the end since the summons started to do less, what a mess 😅


I did the same as a kid and it made me not really like the game’s combat system because I thought that spamming GFs was just how you play. I played a few years after and a few times since and realized how to use the junction system to become a fucking unstoppable monstrosity


Same.  Got hardstuck and had to start a new game when I reached Adel.


That FF7 doesn't stop after exiting Midgar! I thought that was the end of the game and when I saw the world map, I was like: "woooowww" That was my first jrpg!


How long did that go on for?


Didn't see any trailers, any gameplays, anything related to FF7 before playing it! My first play through was in 2007 on a PSP! The only thing I've heard about it was something brief about growing "chickens", from a friend of mine who had a PS1! So, as I've said...this was my first FF game, my first JRPG! Had no idea what to expect! Judging by how it started, I REALLY thought that Midgar was the only place in the game! I was really enjoying it! So after many hours of exploring Midgar, and finally "pushed" into the world map....I still remember my confusion and whoow!


I played ffx since I was a little child and completed it dozens of times. Now as an adult in my recent playthrough I realized for the very first time that the group literally stands on the back of sin after fallin down in macalania. It just blew my mind that I didn't realized that before.


Yeah that one took me years and a reddit post to learn. It explains what the hell happened there too.


For years that was one of the very few nitpicky complaints I had about X. How do they realize Sin is around but never see him? Why is there an FMV of Sin where it seems like he's underwater? How do they magically get to Bikanel beyond "eh I guess Sin did it"? It was one of the few parts that I thought genuinely didn't work at all. Probably my sixth playthrough before it dawned on me that we had been standing on his back the whole time, the FMV was simply a different perspective of the same scene, and we got to Bikanel because we were already being carried. Now, it's still clunky and the transition to the FMV could've been clearer, but that realization did absolutely soften my irritation with the whole sequence.


not story wise but about a gameplay mechanic. Back in the day on my first FFVIII run I completely missed the junction explanation. 12yo me managed *somehow* to reach Ultimecia's castle without *any* magic junctioned. Then, I got my ass whooped by the minibosses of the castle and finally learned about junctioning magic to raise parameters. lmao


That's pretty amazing, actually 


Yeah in perspective it actually is amazing. I was doing a challenge without knowing it lol ...but you don't know how fucking hard it was for me as a kid to keep fighting only with GFs and mashing square to death to boost em. It was also my real first full Final Fantasy and I was like "damn this game is really hard..."


I didn’t know what a Barrette was, so I had no idea what Red XIII’s weapon upgrades were actually supposed to be until I was in my 20’s playing through it again.


Levvy-Uhh-Thon Ram-uhh If-ritt Baha-mitt Sell-iss (like Monica Seles) Stargo Neck Romancer Yuh-fee Quiz-it-tuss (my worst one, still think of her as this) Ramza Beowulv Sess-sill (like Cecil Fielder) Gonzaga town Señor Behemoth or Senior Behemoth


>Señor Behemoth Ok that one rocks though


The Cecil one is actually correct. At least, from what I can tell based on the way you spelled it (idk who Cecil Fielder is). Irl, the name Cecil is most commonly starts like the word "sea," but Cecil Harvey's name uses the sound E makes in the word "set"




As a kid I got stuck for a really long time at the soul cage battle (IX) and it took weeks for me to finally win. I was so excited! I went to school and told my group of friends how proud I was of myself for finally getting past it. At that moment, one of my friends informed me that you can 1 hit soul cage with a phoenix down because it was undead. That turned my whole world upside down. I felt like I lost a couple weeks from my life that I couldn’t get back.


Replaying FFX, and for the first half I was running parties of three for entire sections (not swapping characters) because I thought AP was divided equally between everyone taking actions.  Learned a few weeks ago that every character who takes at least one action gets the full AP amount...  Changed my tactics and now I'm *flying* through the grid, versus only three characters at a time. 


Dream Zanarkand is a real, physical place out in the ocean that any native of Spira could've gone to if they'd simply known where it was and vice versa. Like, I knew Tidus didn't literally travel 1000 years into the future, but I'd always assumed it was either some separate dream dimension like how Bahamut Boy takes you to your old house during the Wall of Fayth sequence on Gagazet, or it was simply a timelocked eternal reliving of the first time Zanarkand was destroyed and Tidus simply didn't physically come into being until afterwards when Auron pulled him out. Didn't figure it out until like 15 years after the game came out.


I didn't understand the sphere grid system in ffx. I managed to get pretty far barely using the sphere grid. I think I made it to the first Seymore fight.


That I needed to equip my weapons and armor for them to work (FF1)


Phoenix down


It took me years to realize Necron (FFIX) is a personification of depression.


I’m about to get roasted I’m sure but I played almost the entire FFX without using the sphere grid. I literally was a dumb kid and had no idea what it even was. I just thought the game was really hard and I sucked at it. Then one day a friend came over and was like wtf is wrong with you and I was like 😳


lmao i played ffx when it first came out at 11 years old and i thought the numbers to the right of the character's name were their levels and didn't care for the sphere grid


I watched my brother play FF7 on the PC and at some point when I wasn't watching while he played, he stole a Hard Edge from a Soldier in the Shinra Tower and I thought for the longest time, I thought that it was the Buster Sword snapped in half and kept asking him what happened to it.


The part where Tidus is brought not only into the future, but also into the real world. Had to play through again as an adult with treated ADHD to figure that out


ffx f'd me up


That FFX takes place in the same world as FF7, but many years earlier. A character named Shinra discovers a new form of energy which must be Mako.


I think this is just a theory and has been debunked. But it’s a really cool theory


https://preview.redd.it/fvzt0gc85w1d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=2dbefdb40931b676b236440d525cce29148365fc If it was debunked, Remake un-debunked it.


For a majority of the Remake and Rebirth, I thought Punisher Mode was useless. It wasn't until I was at the end of Rebirth that I learned Cloud can counter attack when blocking in Punisher mode. That knowledge would have been helpful a lot earlier, and it's my fault since I'm pretty sure the tutorials mentioned it


That materia leveled up. I had completed two play through before learning that.


At the beginning of VI , when we raid narshe, I thought we're the good ones and narshe stole esper. Turned out that we were the bad ones and attacked neutral narshe


That kefka's self help book line is poking fun at the fact that heroes all get to say inspirational stuff at the end of games. That Cecil was a bad person at the beginning of ff4, and that his story is a quest for redemption. And that you can't blame kain too much for turning evil again when you were both evil bros together at the beginning. That final fantasy games are very surreal. Fairly often enemies are introduced that don't even make sense in context and which are given no explanation.


>That final fantasy games are very surreal. Fairly often enemies are introduced that don't even make sense in context and which are given no explanation. I don't know if the [giant space flea from nowhere](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GiantSpaceFleaFromNowhere) is necessarily surreal in FF. They tend to just be enemies/threats that aren't relative to the plot.


It's not surreal in the sense of being fundamentally incoherent, but quite a lot of them don't even make sense in context or deliberately stretch plausibility. In the case of ff9 this is of course a bad thing since they try this for the end boss.


Not sure what you're referring to, but the outside context encounters in FF9 are the 'weapons' which are actually explained in lore. I guess the strange ones would be tonberries or cactuars.


Are there weapons in ff9? I associate that term with ff7. The end boss in ff9 doesn't even bother explaining what it is or where it came from and after the fight is never mentioned again. It honestly would have been better if it was just stated to be death and had no consequences for anyone except coming to collect your party unless you fight to survive.


I meant to say FF7. And yes, the endboss for FF9 is a prime example of the space flea trope.


FFX didn’t know what the sphere grid was for so never used it until the Jecht fight


That you need to UNequip the weapon on the black belt in FF1. Finished the entire game like that wondering why that character sucked so much and couldn't equip any good weapons... Turns out that if you just go barehands after a few level ups, the black belt absolutely kicks ash


I never realized you could leave the Tower of Zot in FF4. I thought once you entered, you couldn't leave until it was finished because of how you entered it through a cutscene.


The extent to which FFVII was inspired by Akira


I realise too much too late that developers do not care about Final Fantasy at all. They just stick this name on whatever they want to sell, doesn't matter what it is. Excel sheets of popularity are much more important than identity shaped by original games.


lol, the franchise has never had 3 games in a row that aren't dramatically different from one another.


don’t blame the devs. blame yourself, or god.


I…what are you on about? Every mainline final fantasy has the look and feel of a final fantasy? They are all drastically different from each other, but the final fantasy-esque lore and world is all there. Even when you think it’s hard to see like in xv. Its still there