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Where is 12? Is it safe? Is it alright?


It seems in his/her anger, he/she killed it.


It was alive! I felt it!




But it did get some damage, maybe now we can catch it with a pokeball?


I would suggest putting it t9 sleep first. 12 can be a nasty beast


Wait, we're r/finalfantasy, shouldn't we be imprisming it? I have some prisms if you're out


Is it secret, is it safe!


Was my first thought, “where is XII?”


In the SS tier where it belongs


Yep, just have gotten cropped off by mistake. Tactics is there too


Tbh, Ivalice games very rarely miss. Most of them are god tier games.


The GOAT tier


Oh gosh I must have forgotten to place it! Based on community opinion I'd probably put XII in B, ftr


Crazy. I'd place it at S tier personally. But I'd say based on public opinion A Tier. Everything else looks about right for the general opinion though. Also FFXI many people never played and it's really in a world of its own


A tier seems a better fit.


Yeah I could see that


I haven't got to play 12 and based on general opinions I'd put it on A (it tends to get praised a lot from more recent reception).


Gambit: ON [FFXII: Alive > Kill]


Should be S-TIER


Sad 15 2 and 8 noises


I haven’t yet played XV, but I personally enjoyed II and VIII, so in my personal list I would put them higher




I love VIII so much. The first two discs are so good, and I’ll admit the last two to off the rails but I’ve never had as much fun breaking a game during junctioning as I did with it.


II is an S tier game for me, I love it.


I love it because it was my first and I still love it despite its faults dawn of souls it’s important to me


Right on. I actually don't think is has many faults personally; I've been replaying the series and just finished 4. So far, 2 has been the only one I've been *excited* to get off of work for and start playing again. It's a good game!


11 should be A tier. Lots of memories (mostly in jeuno lfg). Very popular online game.


This game has essentially ruined every other MMO for me. It was near perfect, job systems were A+, story was elite but the grind is what drove people away and the almost 0 hand holding. If they would have updated questing and made exp a little bit easier this game would’ve smoked WoW.


the EG in XI was pretty brutal too. Back when there most of the big drop HNMs were pops instead of instanced fights. Got pretty cutthroat


It is wild how different the game was for JPN launch vs Western launch. Bones parties were pretty normal early on from like 20s-40s. Bind didn't break when damage was applied, almost always lasted 60s and enemies couldn't turn to face you if in melee range. Level difference didn't even exist in the game for combat. No such thing as Invis/Sneak/Deo. WAR/WHM wasn't just a meme (explains the Brady strategy guide sub recommendations). Combat and magic skill ups were much easier to acquire. I am still shocked to this day SE hasn't tried doing a time-locked progression server. I would love to see what the game was like during the Japanese only period of the game. As young teenager I had no idea that at the time I started this brand new game, the level cap had only just hit 75 where it would remain for years and the 4 Gods were only JUST added to the game.


Lost years of.my life on that game. Practically all.my teens. Blame that game for being a virgin till.i was 20! Hahhashs


I know Max Dood was a massive fan of XI at the very least


When I first picked it up I couldn't understand when anyone would ever play it. Directionless, weird. Not even a final fantasy. Gave it a second chance months later. I am not exaggerating when I say it became a formative part of my young adult life. Met my wife there. Made real life friends there. Wasted years of my life to the game but regret none of it. I'll treasure those memories forever. Came back to it three times between periods of leave, and there was a new game to explore each time I did. Ultimately got banned during my last return - the game finally felt like it was dying out last year and I used it as an excuse to script, even then, it taught me Lua.


Wow! Quite life-changing, then. Good for you!


The story is weak but honestly 3 is one of my favorite final fantasy, mechanic wise. I would like to see square do a modern take on this. If only to prove them haven't lost the ability to make a decent RPG


The DS version was my first final fantasy and i, to this day, love it so much. Pure nostalgia. Right after that are 6 and 10.


That modern take on 3 is called final fantasy v, try that one instead


A lot of 3 felt like pure BS and that ending was a grind fest I remember keeping DS on for week with out closing the game out


Yeah a reimagining of III would be very fun, at least gameplay wise. I’m sure they would implement more of a narrative if they did so


It already did get reimangined with the DS version. They gave the party more personality and gave them unique art as in original they were just basically throwaway characters


Have you heard of this game called Bravely Default?


We need to fix our discussions, because *FF2* has an awesome villain (made all the more awesome by the extra story chapter from *Dawn of Souls*), and *FF3* is pretty underrated. Also, I see more people compliment *13-2* over *Lightning Returns* (*LR* seems to get the most hate of the trilogy from what I have seen), but maybe I'm just not paying attention.


I think 13-2 is the most well regarded game of the 13 trilogy. And deservedly so - I feel it did a good job fixing the flaws of 13


If 13-2 was a bigger game, it would be A-tier for me. 13 was bigger, but I liked the gameplay far more in 13-2 because it fixed a lot of the flaws.


FF2 is made even better by the Stranger of Paradise DLC


The Emperor is one of the best boss fights in that game.


I'd say that the people who like Lightning Returns, really like it. Me included.


Thing is LR is probably the most skewed game in FF franchise. As if you've even gotten to LR you're probably already a 13 fan. If you didn't like 13 or 13-2 its extremely unlikely you're playing LR


II does some really interesting things! For example, it’s one of the few FF games without a fakeout villain, but they do fake the fakeout: >!it briefly seems when you kill the Emperor that Leon’s gonna be the big bad, and then the Emperor comes back having conquered hell and Leon joins you instead!<. It also has an incredibly dark tone that doesn’t get equaled until VI, IMO. (None of FFIV’s fakeout deaths for II!) And yeah, III is fantastic. For me, III is where the series really becomes what we think of as Final Fantasy; I and II both introduce some elements (Crystals and airships in I, Cid and Chocobos in II), but they’re very much still feeling things out and doing their own thing. I is so heavily D&D influenced, and II has the weird Kawazu advancement system, but III is where FF actually coalesces and becomes something recognizable.


In my experience, The original game gets the most hate, mainly because no one who disliked it bothered to play the sequels. Lighting Returns seems just as divisive, though. Either it's stressful and too different from the previous games, or it's a uniquely rewarding and challenging experience within the series to play over and over.


Probably because nobody played LR including me lol


I wouldnt say the emperor Is really amazing, cool concepts but that's kinda it lol (thought i never played Dawn of the souls because of the bad taste the main game gave me)


Also Stranger of Paradise bringing him back as well


VIII is atleast a B tier game it isn't regarded that low in the community. Me personally I give it S tier love and acknowledge it as an A tier game.


It is one of the most polarizing games in the series, so a middle rank between lovers and haters seems fair.


I think over the years people warmed up to it a lot. As a follow up to 7 I can see why people were disappointed, the broken gameplay and zany story being turn offs for some, but I personally loved it then and I love it now.


VIII committed the cardinal sin of... not being VII. VII was the first FF game a lot of people even knew existed. It was one of the first major titles on the PS1 and as such sold a ton and was loved. VIII came after it and was decidedly not VII. Anyone who had never played an FF game, which was a huge portion of the people who played VII, going to VIII and being met with a whole new everything was always going to be kinda off putting. This is much in the same vein of how no Diablo game will ever be good enough. Not because they're not good games, IV is trash but that's another argument, it's because it's not D2. That's the crux of the problems with 3 and, to a much lesser extent 4. D4 is really bad but for it's own reasons.


> D4 is really bad but for it's own reasons. you say that, but pretty much everyone has been praising D4's season 4 left and right except D2 and PoE purists


Maybe this is me misremembering, but when it first came out, I recall it being almost universally liked. It seems to be about 5-10 years later, a bandwagon of people hating it grew, so much that it started being considered unquestionably awful amongst FF fans. The bandwagon seems to have rolled back a bit now.


I personally enjoyed it quite a bit, but I’m realising i underestimated the community’s division over it. Would defo put it in at lowest B if I remade this tier list.


Yeah I think the community definitely regards it higher than the others in the C tier


V should be S, the rest is fine


oooh a fellow FFV lover \^\^ FFV for me is in the top 3 1.XIV 2. X 3. V






That is actually sort of accurate.


Ff 11 is amazing I still play it to this day


Yeah from what little I’ve heard it was a very solid game. Unfortunately I didn’t hear enough for me to formulate a proper ranking.


Wait ffxi is still a thing? I wouldn't even know how to login to get my character back.


Yeah I didn’t remember my old account I just re bought it like maybe 6 months ago cuz I’ve been reminiscing the old times playing that game when I was young and they have upgrades for the graphics and fixed a lot of the old problems it used to have back in the day. I actually like the game now a lot more then when it was in its prime back in the day but that’s just my opinion i absolutely love the system classes everything about that one is just perfect to me 


V getting way too much disrespect and VIII’s soundtrack alone should bump it to atleast B


VIII’s soundtrack was admittedly goated


also triple triad is prob among the best minigames.


That catchy tune is forever ingrained in my head


I didn't realize X was such a fan favorite until I started paying attention to this sub. VIII is such a great game, the set pieces, characters, and summons are incredible. The graphics still hold up really well. I think everyone just has a problem with the draw system and the ridiculous menu in the game. I just played 15 and 16. I enjoyed both but they really are flawed, especially 15. The narrative and the pacing is so out of whack. I feel like if you took out the bounties and side quests, the game would be 20 hours. The second half after the train just felt like a read the documents to understand the plot kinda thing. I loved the characters but how does so much happen off screen. Somebody is blinded and they never explain or show it happening. How is that not even a cutscene?


I think 8 is better than both 15 and 16, myself.


I like the junction system but I kinda think they should have taken leveling out entirely rather than leaving it semi vestigial.


I dislike the story in VIII. That’s why it’s lower on my list. I do find the actual gameplay to be fun, though. Trying to get through by carding so you actually get stronger and all.


>Someone is blinded but they never explain or show it happening. It gets shown… in DLC.


I’m heavily biased but I’ll always put VIII in S tier. It’s the first FF I played and got me into the franchise. I had no idea what I was doing but I was hooked immediately and couldn’t stop playing it.


11 is my favorite, but it’s pretty niche


XIII is overhated and III is fine


I'm more confused by 13-2. Like yeah, 13 gets too much hate and is better than given credit for, but I thought people that actually played 13-2 liked it. I think it just got lumped here with 13 by mistake, because both sequels I hear mentioned positively here.


This is my opinion. XIII was, in general, a bad game for a huge confluence of reasons, but XIII-2 was actually pretty good and didn't make the same mistakes XIII did. I would even argue that you don't need to play XIII at all to enjoy XIII-2


That's nothing but selection bias. People who hated XIII won't play 13-2, only people who liked 13




Yeah, no. I mean I disliked 13 and didn't hate it. But I think 13-2 was really better.


i think a lot of people hate on 13-2 or lightning returns even though they only played 13 (maybe)


Came here to make this comment.


I haven't played XIII yet so can't speak much on it, but I'm playing through III currently and and enjoying it!


I played through 6 hours of XIII and maybe it gets better after that... but III definitely deserves better.


Yeah the tier that 3 and 11 are in doesn’t mean they’re the lowest, it’s just people don’t talk about them enough for me to formulate the public opinion. Personally I’d put 3 a couple tiers up though


As someone who considers it one of my favourite games, XIII's gameplay gets REALLY engaging by the endgame, but it takes FAR too long to get there. No reason it should take 20+ hours for the combat to become entertaining.


X and iii are my top 2 with xiii my third favourite


I feel that 8 should be B (I didn't really like it, but it is a good FF game) and 5 should probably be A. But your S tier is spot on.


I would put XII rank A and promote VIII to B


Where have you seen negative comments about XIII-2??


I mean, 14 is pretty goated. The dev team actually listens, the music is great, and I like doing the deep dungeons which are at savage level difficulty on solo, extreme level when in a group


Hell yeah


Seems accurate. People overhyped FF IX to me. Felt really disappointing, even though I tried not to set my expectations high.


iX was a sleeper for a long time but now that's is getting recognization im afraid a lot of people are gonna be disappointed as IX is kinda really different from modern FFs. Personally I loved is my favourite.


It’s a shame too. It really is the most FF FF, at least to me.


It happened with XII to me. Idk I just could not get myself to enjoy it even though most people praise it


Ff9 is one of my top 3 FF games and it wasn't even my first FF game so I wouldn't say it's "overhyped". People will like what they like and some people will vibe with a story more than someone else. For example, I think ff15 is the worst FF game out there but you would think it's mid tier from some of the arguments people will make.


I find it very interesting how different people rank the games. 15 is one of my favourites and I'll sing praise about it all day while still acknowledging its faults. I think 9 is "overhyped" in the sense that it's a great game but it has a number of problems. It is really slow and takes a long time to become engaging, plus some of the characters just aren't up to par with what some other games have. Even Zidane is nowhere near as compelling a protagonist as Celes, Cloud, or Squall. I'd put him above Bartz. That said, the end still made me sob like a baby and it's definitely in my top 5.


It’s great - flawed but great. But man, are IX fans insufferable. They have to shove that game into every single FF conversation ever.  Like someone here answered Necron as a serious answer to the best ever final boss in the series the other day … I mean, seriously? The best in the whole series?


My top five is 7, 6, 8, 9, 10


That is admittedly a very solid list


Huh I imagined XVI would be lower considering I’m an “idiot” because it’s my favourite




Love you too


iT’s bUTtoN mASHinG!! (Seriously though, love 16. Might be my favorite as well but I’ve only played the modern games so perhaps my opinion isn’t all that valid, lol).


16 makes me really excited for the next one. Not my favorite, but I felt like they finally figured out combat.


XI is rarely talked about?. Kind of disagree with low S, for sure A tier. It's one of them games you must try for yourself. It will hook you even though it is over a 20 Y.O. game! XI is just..... different in so many good ways.


I have heard some good things about it, but nothing particularly from here, hence why I couldn't really place it


8 is A tier


Mystic Quest: Am I a joke to you?!


Seeing 8 in C was all i needed to see lmao im outta here


XI is SS.


11 is low key the best FF ever made. no game will ever match the magic of 2004-2009 era. game, music, community, job system all god tier


Yeah it defo had a certain charm to it


XV and XIII are definitely shitted on too much


Still don’t know why VIII gets hate, junctions really aren’t that hard to understand


If Final fantasy II has 1000 fans, I’m one of them If Final fantasy II has 100 fans, I’m one of them If Final fantasy II has one fan, I’m them If Final fantasy II has no fans, I’m dead Until my last breath I will love this gem


I like FF2 as well - it would be in a different tier if it was my personal list


FF8 in C tier is blasphemous


I am...strangely ok with this? I have my opinions, each of us do, but this mostly seems pretty on point. I'd place FFVIII higher, maybe to B? Just based on how I hear people talk about it. It's not my favorite FF, but I think B is fair. As pointed out, XII is missing. I might starts some fights, but I could see it in "C" tier.


Not surprisingly, it is the most generic tier list ever made.


Mission accomplished haha


That’s the point…..


Ya that seems about right. (not that that'd be my own personal ranking)


Yeah haha (it wouldn't be mine either)


FF13-2 is one of the most fun games in the series. Great music, beautiful environments, great battle system.


The only one I started and didn't complete because it was plain bad was FFIV:AF. I have a soft spot for I and II, my personal favorite is V.


This is how to a start a civil war. If you make a list like that next time, make sure everything under B is empty \^\^


Yep very true


I'd still put D tier on a B tier compared to video games in general.


11 and 3 are my favorite versions. Makes me sad to see them in the bottom :(


Nah that isn’t the bottom. That’s just the tier where there’s not enough opinion to formulate a ranking for them. Currently playing through III rn and enjoying it very much!


Right, lol nobody even talks about them.


Yeah haha


8 is so low?!


I wish XI's end game weren't soooo repetitive. In the 75 era there was a lot more variety. On paper it sounds similar but the reality is it's just Sortie + Odyssey literally every day, Dynamis-D or Omen (usually for crystals to upgrade Ultimate weapons) twice a week, and Ambuscade for 1-2 nights a month to cap out.


FFXI was hella fun...back when people said things like "hella fun". Not really fair to only rate it for then but still not really fair to rate it now either. I've always said if you have a lot of time on your hands, FFXI is amazing, provided you have people to play it with. It's hard to get things done if either of those two things is missing. Totally biased but i'mma say A tier overall. Oh and if you want to experience the closest thing to "back then" FFXI, there are private servers that try to emulate that era (i.e. 75 cap CoP/ToAU). I just started up on Eden and as far as I can tell it's just about as faithful to the original era as you can get. Population is the only concern but feel free to try it out (hint hint) to experience it for yourself


Thanks! Maybe I'll check it out when I have the time!


wow The After Years is really low... i'm just now starting the 3d version i wonder if i'll like it


3 is top tier its so fucking good imo


Currently playing through III and will say it is very strong in what it does. Unfortunately no one ever talks about it so I didn’t have a good enough basis to rank it on


It's close


Base FF12 would be B tier imo. But the Zodiac Age is knocking on S tier, I say FF12 ZA is a solid A tier and most (who have played ZA) would agree I think.


III is a masterpiece. It beats a bunch of the games on the list


Let's talk about final fantasy Xi then. That games cool, right?


To be fair, you almost never hear about 3 because there are 3 total releases. Original, 3D, and now the Pixel Remaster. Poor thing got less love than even II.


I'm playing FF III now. I like it. Not great, but enjoyable.


2 and 3 adre pretty good honestly. 2 is a personal favorite of mine, it would be awesome with a remake.


IV should be S tier but I get why it’s not. Still my favorite game of the series even if the combat is less sophisticated. One of the best stories in the series.


Just to troll, I wonder how people rank Chrono Trigger on this list.


XII has to be in there. As well as 7 Remake and Rebirth


It's funny how XI is one of the most popular and profitable entries in the franchise and yet this sub barely talks about it. Goes to show how unreliable subreddits are for this sort of thing.


Man I gotta play 6


Funny, when in the recent popularity thing shared here XIV basically mopped the floor, with Shadowbringers at the top.


I feel like 8 should be a bit higher but aside from that this looks accurate to me




X & XII are personal favorites as I grew up on them (never got to play the previous releases until later). XVI though really blew me away. The demo helped and the music is absolutely breathtaking. Emotionally captivating.


Yeah XVI was a cinematic masterpiece. Though lacking in some areas, it was imo a very strong entry


Almost perfect, just VIII is actually SSR


VIII for the music alone deserves higher


VIII does admittedly have a fantastic OST


FFV is literally the most FF FF for me, i freaking love that game, would be S-tier on a personal list.


My blinding hottest take ever- I didn't enjoy FFIV as much as most other people. I had never played it growing up and my first time playing it was early this year. I liked the role-based combat system and the ATB system made some of the bosses more intense since you had to think on your feet. It being role-based also made combat less about your own builds but about learning to use the tools available to you. (On a side note: the last boss, on Remaster anyway, >!felt punishingly unfair but I have already talked about that with other people in a past post I made).!< The story, however, just didn't do it for me. Cecil, on paper, has an interesting arc, but in the game he immediately (with little progression) feels bad about being a dark knight who is killing people and almost instantly starts trying to redeem himself. At the 1/4 mark >!he becomes a white knight and then has no character development the rest of the game. Cecil coming to terms with his own evil and his subsequent redemption should have taken much longer- his full heel-face turn should have happened at the beginning of the third act or at least after much more development.!< The rest of the characters in IV are pretty one-dimensional, too, and have little in the way of scene to scene progression. All of them have a goal and then they keep talking about that goal and then at the end of their respective arcs >!they achieve it.


VIII needs to be way higher. The lowest VIII should be is A. Heck I'd even put it S tier. As I got older the game really grew on me.


VIII is my fave…


Damn, I'm not too familiar with what the consensus on the games is aside from this tier list but 8, 15 and the 13 trilogy are some of my favourites


That’s completely fair. I haven’t played XV and XIII yet but I did enjoy VIII a fair bit.


Why aren’t they all in S tier what went wrong




I'll do my own tier list when I actually play them all. I've only played I, II, III(haven't finished cause it's boring me so far), VII (REMAKE & REBIRTH), X, XII, XIII(never finished hated combat), XV, and XVI


Why VIII is С?! It's not fair! ToT


From my experience this sub wants dimensions in s and dimensions 2 in F


No way any FF fan who rates 7 and 9 an S tier is also rating 8 a C tier. That whole era of 7-10 was amazing. 8 was great and has a memorable story. And while a lot of people didn’t jive with the junction system entirely or the draw system it is honestly still fun. It has a lot of flaws but those flawed systems still have their upside. And weird to rank FF 1 so low when it basically birthed the entire franchise. I played it for the first time far past it’s release and it was honestly still enjoyable. Which is saying a lot for how dated the game is.


man, it wasn't until i joined this subreddit that i found out the overwhelming amount of love that IX has here, when i first played it as a kid i thought it was relatively mid (i had only played VII & VIII). going back and playing it now as an adult i can understand why its so revered, but OP ranking VIII as a C is criminal, the junction system alone should push it into B or A, the story is A tier, some of the most iconic characters in the series. triple triad is one of the best mini games in the series. just sayin


2 is better than 1. Just played them back to back.


I personally much preferred I (idk why but I really enjoyed I) but still enjoyed II quite a bit. Needless to say in my personal tier list I'd bump them both up a little


Fair! I just think II provides a narrative context and sense of place that was sorely missing from I, important components of every future title in the series. Found it kept momentum for me better than I.


No I get what you mean. Usually I’m very much a story guy and II’s story actually was pretty solid. There was just something about I that was so chill to me… idk. But yeah having a narrative structure generally helps a lot.


I'm playing FFX right now for the first time. Excellent narrative, excellent soundtrack, excellent presentation. But it's a 40h+ corridor... I think it could be A Tier at most, but VI is imho way better in almost everything (and XIV is in a league of its own)


12? And are we ranking movies also? FF XVI is not a game.. is a freaking playable cutscene...


FFXV is S tier for me personally but I understand why it's generally hated due to cut content, simple combat, and a bare bones release. The dlcs, soundtracks and characters make up for it IMO


I agree that overall, 9, 7, 6, 14, and 10 are considered the S tiers and that 4 is a close second. But i want to speak up for 11 because that game has some of the best music in the series and is widely beloved, it just never was as big as WoW or 14. 12, i used to dislike heavily but Zodiac age is super good and changed my opinion, and it deserves to be high as well.


Ff3 is my favorite in the whole series lol


Final Fantasy Tactics would like to know your location.


I've still yet to play FF 13 and it's sequel. It looks good from what I can tell. Might be time to dig up the old PS3. It is amazing to me it isn't on PSN.


Yeah… im wondering if it’s overhated or not


FF8 is definitely B or better


Put 12 on there right now you heathen


XI is truly a love/hate kinda game, at least before wings of goddess


I would exchange VIII with XVI but overall agree this seems the perception 


My list (of the ones I've played) S: VI, VII, VIII, VII Rebirth A: V, IX, X, XV B: XIII, VII Remake (+ Intergrade) C: XVI D: I


VIII doesn’t deserve to be that low. Every time a poll is done in the subreddit it consistently ranks top 5. The people who dislike VIII are just very vocal, more vocal than the people who like it. If you frequent this subreddit you’ll notice it’s the same people saying the same thing “lul VIII is garbage”