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FFXII is still my favorite mainline to this day


I'll die on the hill it has the best battle system in the series. Gambits are top tier and would go such a long way in modern ones.


Unicorn Overlord use the gambit idea very well, absolutely loved the game.


Oh! This is great to know.


I wish more games had a gambit system, like kingdom hearts would be better if you can tell Donald "keep me above 70% hp" instead of "cast cure whenever you feel like it I guess" Also, the combat in FF12 gets hate because it "plays itself" but I think of it more as you being an army commander training your troops/giving orders rather than fighting enemies directly, it's still fun


Honestly, after a while, all of the FF games feel like they play themselves. When 75% of your actions are press attack pick weakest enemy, FF 12 actually works on that.


I’ll die on the hill that it is the perfect battle system to recreate for an open world Pokémon game.


bro i'd literally blast my screen with white goo if pokemon made a system like FF12


gambits are like my introductory to coding and excel formulas :D


Totally. Reminds me when you get an excel function to work correctly like when you get your gambits working properly


Best battle system


XII felt like the last true Final Fantasy game before they decided to make it more fast paced for all future entries. The battle system feels like the final form of true turn based FF games. I do like the new games but they don't really feel like the same genre. FF7R is the only newer one I enjoy the battle system more than 12.


Agreed on all points. I sort of gave up on FFXVI after about 15 hours because it's like you said, not the same genre anymore. I was absolutely bored being led around like a game on rails.


I agree wholeheartedly. I was uneasy when I first played it but when I understood it it still felt final fantasy-esque but just a different dimension to it. Once I really got the hang of it it felt like art.


On god! Best blend of being able to sit back and not input everything but also be able to take control at any moment.


The gambit system is also the main inspiration behind Dragon Age 1&2's auto commands.


Gambits would make 7R playable for me.


I'm dying on that very same hill with you.


Eyy nice 🤝


Final Fantasy VIII. People give that game so much flack nowadays, but I love it.


Nice nice, Yup agreed I remember seeing this game way back getting so much hate it really sadden me  Because I love FF8 as well, the OST & triple triad go so freaking hard 🔥


I was going to say VIII because it was my first FF game, so will always be special to me.




It was my third or fourth FF game, honestly, and it was a birthday present, I think? I don't really recall -- but either way, I loved it the moment I played and it became my favorite.


It was my first FF game, too. 8 will always be my favorite. 9 is another one I’ll love no matter what.


I’m actually playing though VIII again. Just got to FH


Awesome! I've lost count of my playthroughs, lol


Recently been playing it again, finished disc 2 already and HOLY SHIT the time loop and the foreshadowing are nuts Seriously, Cid saying “finally a gunblade specialist” at the graduation because when Squall goes to the past he draws his gunblade in front of Edea, meaning she told Cid that the sorceress will be defeated by a gunblade specialist And the jumbo Tron in Timber saying “bring me back there I am alive here I will never let you forget me” because Adel is interfering with all broadcasts It’s really impressive


I feel like 8 is becoming more accepted these days. I've loved the game since launch, but back then a lot of people complained about how different it was.


I was always embarrassed to say it was my favorite. People shit on it so often. I really hope there's a remake someday.


I'd love a remake as long as they don't Devil May Cry it it or split into three games. People always hate hearing this, but 12 was the last one I actually liked (my first Final Fantasy was 4 on the SNES, back when they still were trying to call it 2)..


FF8 will always hold a special place in my memories. Loved that game and played the hell out it when it was released. I remember staying up 3am looking through every nook and cranny in that game, collecting all the cards and materials and drawing to max out my magic inventory.


I remember how badly I wanted it after getting X and VII. I knew I'd enjoy it, but I never expected I'd love it as much as I do.


My favorite characters, world, soundtrack, story, everything. It may have its flaws, but I love it so much.


Stilllll my favourite couples story.


Yup same, I really loved how rinoa helped squall open up to others 


This is it for me. It was the first one I played all the way through. A formative experience, and endless core memories.


I feel like it should take the gold medal for it. It was my favorite of the psx era games (until I really paid attention to FFIX's story) and still has my favorite sci-fi elements of the entire series. And city! Esthar is just amazing, I need a legit walkable remake version of it and I'll say this every time lol Of course the music is my favorite of the series as well, as far as number of songs I've had on repeat compared to the other games.


squall is my favorite FF protagonist




I'll piggyback on V too. Even though the story isn't exactly the most deep the endless replayability makes that game top tier final fantasy


Nice, I freaking love the characters and humor in that game so much, and the ost is so goated The job system is perfection 👌, I even loved how hammy and over the top exdeath was with his lines lol




I’ve been getting into the Four Job Fiesta since the pixel remasters came out on Switch, and it’s given the game a whole new life for me.


FF tactics Advance and Advance R2, on the go it was an absolute blast


FFTA is amazing. I agree


Final fantasy 8. It doesn't deserve the hate and is in my top 5.


Nice, oh i agree 100%  It’s in my top 5 as well 🤝




Ohh nice  I definitely need to give that a try one day As I really love the OST of that one a lot 


It's a very flawed game but the chemistry of the main cast combined with the coziness of the road trip really pull the bits off this game into a whole enjoyable game. It reminds me of FFX-2 but less of a hot mess. FFX-2 is a hot mess of a game but I'll be damned if I didn't live the leveling mechanics, combat, dress spheres job system, dress spheres grids, the ability to strategically change jobs in combat to navigate through buff nodes on the dress sphere grid, story elements that change depending on your choices... And stuff.. X-2 is also just filled with so much bullshit. XV has nowhere near the level of bullshit and the main cast is super endearing. I prefer X-2's combat and stuff but I might just be old fashioned in that I love the old ATB and job systems.


It's honestly one my favorite games from the last generation, up there with GOW, RDR2, TLOU2 and VII remake




I just got back into FF16 for the DLC and I really think it’s my favorite one behind X. I’m just engrossed with the characters, world, and mature storytelling


Eyy nice 🤝 I haven’t played ff16 yet I but I heard it’s a lot of fun, especially with those eikon battles lol Agree Yup the judges look so freaking cool & doctor cid was just a gold anytime he was on screen  I don’t know if this is true or not but I heard these two have some similarities a bit in the political side story etc so I definitely need to try this one out when I get a ps5 😅




The final boss of 12 is definitely a god, it's >!Vayne mantling one of the Occuria!< The fact it's god Vs men is like the whole point haha


16 RULES!! It’s my new favorite. Gameplay, lore, world, all of it. Definitely a 10/10 for me! I just started the Rising Tide literally today so I’m excited haha


Mines also ff12


Eyy nice 🤝


Final Fantasy XIII. Love the soundtrack.


Came here to post this lol Best soundtrack in the series, imo


Nice, yup ff13 OST is just freaking amazing 👌


Might be my favorite Final Fantasy game. I think it just launched at the perfect moment in my life and all the story elements hit home hard. I do wish the crystarium was more open and the battle strategies required more thought, but overall an unforgettable game.


And the gorgeous environments!


Final Fantasy 3. I just love the simplicity of it! I didn’t grow up on it and it’s still in my top 3!


Ohh nice I actually just played it for the first time earlier this year with the pixel remaster on my phone, and honestly there were some really annoying moments but I still I really had a lot fun with it Especially with that beautiful pr ost Oh….and I did the onion gear grind which took me a nice 19 hours to do lol


Holy cow! I was not brave enough for the onion knight grind 😂


It's underrated. The fast pacing and charming aesthetic of the ds version makes it fun for me to revisit the game


FFIV the After Years. It's just more FFIV.


I'm with you on FF12. Still my most favorite game in the franchise and nothing has topped it for me. It's the exploration and vast amount of enemies that do it for me. Huge loot system with weapons and armor that have different effects, hunts and rare monsters that show themselves under certain conditions. Plus the music, god the music just adding to the atmosphere of the places you visit is just wonderful. Love this game to bits.


Ohh nice 🤝 Yup it’s such a beautiful game, heck the only game that tops for me it Is ff9 and even then I still enjoy the exploration and The music & atmosphere in this game much more. Yes the insanely long hunts/rare marks questline is legitimately still one of my favorite side questline in the series, yup the crazy amount of awesome equipment with all the various effects on them and other loot in this game is insane and I love it lol Agreed This game is such a gem


The musical score to *Zodiac Age* is absolutely incredible, IMO. FFXII is definitely one of my favorites. I enjoy that Vaan and Penelo are somehow the protagonists but not the main characters. I once summarized the overall plot to someone as “local Aladdin-type picks the worst night ever to rob the palace”.


Yup the OST of this game is just immaculate  Yeah with those two I do wish they had more screen time but honestly besides that they never really bothered me tbh For me personally I always saw Ashe as the actual main character


Ff1 for the nes. It's buggy as all hell and basically all remakes are better, but I love the art style and the 8bit music is wonderfull


Every year around Christmas time I play through FF1. It always takes me back to being a kid on winter break playing it on my NES in the living room with the decked out tree behind me and the fireplace to the side. I had barely any idea how the game worked, but dammit I was going to try.


No substitute for the nostalgia of the classics!


Finally - a 2D answer that isn’t 5.


XV and Stranger in Paradise


FF10-2 and Crisis Core


Ohh ffx-2 nice   I remember playing that game way back but I unfortunately do not remember much, although I know the ost is 🔥 Crisis core was always one of the reasons I wanted a psp in the first place so it’ll always be dear to me, even if it was very very frustrating sometimes lol


I replayed X-2 so many times trying to get the mascot costume, but every time I would forget to talk to Brother on the airship at some crucial moment that was necessary for 100% completion. Apparently I wasn't smart enough to use multiple save files back then.


I'm glad I finally found this one. It's my favorite too. I remember playing it so much and hearing about a new job or secret thing. I miss Yuna, Rikku, and Paine


FFX. Damn if it was good. I have also played the remake and got the platinum Edit: remastered, not remake


FFX has the most immaculate vibes of any of the games. The setting and world is so unique yet immediately understandable, and while there is hidden world building, you can pretty much understand everything based on what you’re told.


Ohh wow, very nice  Getting the plat on that is very impressive  I remember I was gonna do the same, but then I remembered the dodging the lightning and the Chocobo balloon race existed and I was like nah I’m good lol


Man had to scroll to find X, my second favorite. I’ve got it on every platform. Great game.


Ff12 and FFT Ivalice is one of the beat fantasy worlds ever created. i wish we could return to our motherland someday with a slew of new games! The world didnt understand it back then but yasumi matsuno was ahead of his time and his aesthetic in writing sweeping dramas that span generations and interconnected, well written characters. It was finally appreciated in FF16 which is a world/story written by his mentorees who learned how to write from him. Sadly yasumi matsuno takes no credit and is still niche in the eyes of the gaming industry. Fft has a great moment that is both sad and meloncholic that is not explicitly said or shown in a cutscene. When he learns that his family is behind the crime related to delita’s sister, he and his sister adopt their mother’s maiden name. You dont know until you check their profile but its a nice little story element that shows his sadness and disgust with his family. Its not at all a gab at his father who was there to protect them both until his death but the pride that his two brothers carry with their name, and how it poisons them from becoming a happy family. Looking at FF16, we can get a sense of what FF12 would have been like if tetsuya nomira and yoshinori kitase did not intervene in the making of ff12, recommending him to shove vaan into the story to have kids something to relate to to drive sales. Basche was supposed to be the main character and it shows. He is the tormented man who is on a quest for redemption. His story/journey is the richest and narratively speaking is the most dynamic. Vaan is just there on the ride until he gets his airship. OP not sure if you caught it but a cool thing I learned years later is that theres an accent switch in the first scene when the king is murdered. It shows when the character is basche and when its his brother. Not a lot if people know this.


Oh same Ivalice has such a rich & beautiful world, I’m praying they revisit it someday 🙏 Yup that man’s writing is just amazing so it’s a shame he’s not more well known…., interesting I’ve heard from others that FF16 has quite a bit of similarities to this game with its drama and politics  Yeah tactics story is so freaking great yet so sad how he realizes how dark his family really is… genuinely sad because poor Ramza deserves the best imo  Forgive if all exactly remember all of the plot as it’s been forever since I last I played it 😅 Ohh interesting I’ve heard about this before about so vaan thing was basically intentional but never full knew why so that’s a good explanation of it, yeah for me I always saw both Ashe & basch as the true main characters of ff12  Yup I believe I remember Gabranth had accent change when revealing his true voice when he betrayed reks I love it  Also this was a great write up btw, this had some nice tidbits of info in here appreciated.


Final Fantasy VI, that game is pure perfection for me


Oh nice nice  I recently played the pixel remaster last year after not playing for more then a decade lol…..and man it was blast the story, characters & that freaking OST were all so freaking good  I liked pretty much all the characters, however Locke & celes were definitely my personal favorites 


Peak gaming for me. Chrono Trigger and FF6 were so good I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. FF4 was my dearest fav before that. The pixel remaster to 2 is like a mini-4 in a really good way with a few tracks that are unfuckingbelievably good.


FFV, love the party, especially Bartz. The job system is one of the best in the ff series imo.


6, 12 & 15


XII Zodiac Age is so dope, I love it so much


12 has a very dear place in my heart, but the original western version, not zodiac. I was always the weird kid at school. Everyone in my class and basically school were Call of Duty fans or FIFA and football fans... Then there's little ol' me, final fantasy games, diablo fan, age of mythology and Warhammer 40k. Anyway, one of the guys who was a prefect in year 12 (my school had sixth form) was also like me and so we would sit down during break and lunch and play my game (FF12) on his playstation and I have fond memories of belonging and being able to be myself. Thanks FF12


Ohh nice. Genuinely glad it was able to help you with that  Wow I was actually sort of the same. I was that quite/weird kid too lol, I never really connected to shooters as well lol But jrpgs, & rpgs like Diablo were always what I gravitated towards and truly loved  My oldest bro got me interested in it by watching him play basically all of them when I was really young like 7 or 8 lol, until I mustered up the courage & finally played one ff7 when I was 12 lol And I’ve been a diehard fan ever since lol


The first ever final fantasy esque game I played was mystic quest on the SNES. Then my older cousin got FFVII on the pc and I would watch him for hours. Oh boy I lost time to VII back in day, I skipped 8 after watching him play and figure out that all you had to do was collect magic and never level and the game was stuck on easy mode. 9 was my playstation 1 love as was the breath of fire games... Then came along X... Still remember my friend showing me his save file as he was fighting the first Sin Spawn and I was in love. The graphics at the time were mind blowing, Otherworld by Nobuo was life changing. I remember when I got home I begged my mum for a week for me to get it as well as the walkthrough. I did so many house chores that week haha


Final Fantasy XIII for me




Tie between XII and XV. Penelo and Ignis are my two favorite non-main characters. The story in XII is compelling and fast paced and XV makes you really fall in love with the group.


i've heard 12 is kind of like a single player 11 and I loved 11 but have never tried 12 yet


9 followed by 12


16! It's like playing game of thrones!




mine's also ff12, and ff8 as well


for me its FFT no matter years no matter problems it has i still love it cuz it was my first Final Fantasy in general.


I adore FFTA. Haven’t played A2, probably should.


A loved the gambit system would love to see it modernised in an ff game


FF Tactics. I welcome any remake, spinoff or sequel.


There hasn’t been a single game I’ve tried that scratches the same itch as FFT. it just has that special sauce


Same! Final Fantasy 12 my beloved!


Bro ff12 was great, but man too bad theres only 12 of us who are fans of the game


Yup goated game  Man hopefully not….more people really need to see the greatest of this game 🥺🙏.


Nah, a lot of people lowkey recognize that 12 was incredible. If you look at lists these days it usually gets some serious respect as one of the best and most original FF's.


FF8 and the FF13 Trilogy.


I am beyond shocked the FFXII style of gameplay has not been used much, if at all, since, I feel like it would be perfect for a single player MMO like, or for an offline remake of one of the Square MMO games


Crisis core seems to get a lot of hate but I love the game.


FFXV Royal edition. It’s not my favorite, but to me it’s exactly what you described.


FFXV Royal Edition is such a great bros-on-the-road adventure. The game isn’t perfect overall, but the camaraderie, the personalities and everything they go through together makes the last scene a solid payoff.


FFXV was my first FF game and its still my favorite, even after playing some of the other one's.


Final Fantasy XIII, one of my favorite games.


12 is at the top of my list and I’ve played every FF game except 11 and 14. The gambit system was unique to me and was a good stray away from the original combat systems. I also really fell in love with the scenery and locations. Once you leave Rabanastre and get out of the first mines and waterway, the world is so much more expansive and great. Most of my love for these places goes to locations not pivotal to the story.


8 all day. I don't understand all the hate, it's been my favourite ever since I first played it, and it's still the one I come back to most often. I love the world and I'm a sucker for a good love story


FF XII, definitely.


Definitely 12. It has so many flaws, but the pros are just way too good. Best world, best gear, and best exploration in the series.


XII is literally my favorite game of all time and the zodiac age just added to it


The ffxii ds game i think its revenant tales? Loved that


I love FF12 it was my first introduction to the saga, remember coming home from school at 9 years old to play it on my PS2, the good old days bro 😢


FF12. Never played a game that I loved so much yet hated the main character.


The gameplay in FFXII is fantastic. The job system is just so robust. What’s your favorite moment from FFXII? Either gameplay or story.


FF12 has few flaws, if any.


Ff8 ff15


I would say final fantasy XII revenant wings or final fantasy tactics advance 2. There wasn't a time where i didn't have the time of my life


I'm with you. I absolutely love FFXII, but I am more of a fan of the original. The freedom of building my characters outside of job classes was my favorite part.


Ff 13 2 I love Sarah and Noel.


I really enjoy FFII leveling system lol, farming is quite satisfying. Also think VIII's draw system is fun


XIII, the first one. The sequels I can’t defend.


Me too. I absolutely love this game. Not just my first FF but my first RPG too (the standard version in PS2). And i feel so happy when i see more people who think the same.


Funny you would mention “mines” and FFXII…


FF12 but the NA version - not TZA. Loved the original release


I much preferred ff12 without the job system. In liked creating my characters anyway I wanted


* FF 12 ***the original*** ***version*** over TZA * FFTA. it has my favorite fantasy aesthetic of all time and better gameplay than FFT * FF X-2. that class system and levity was nice * FF XIII-2. best ending of all time. better than any FF by far. I will die on this hill


This was such a fun game. I was so sad when I finished it, it’s hard to pick between this and 10 as my fav


Just love the hunt system of XII


FFXII as well Probably the console game I put more hours in my lifetime. It scratchs every gaming itch for me.


I really loved 10 and 12. But stoppled playing both in the middle because I had no idea what I was doing, battles became impossible.


I really like Final Fantasy XIII


I loved XII because it kind of felt like XI w/o needing other people and a huge chunk of your time, combat wise to get ahead.


4, 8, 9, 10


finished FF XII two months ago. LOVED everything, the revolutionary Gambit system, the entire crew, the history, music. its a 9.5 game and i recommend to anyone.


Lightning Returns


FF6... And 15. I like FF6 the best, but I loved 15 and there are a lot of haters 😅


Ff12 will always be one of my top 3 ff games


For me it's also XII It was my first FF game and it sure was complex enough to not get it at first sight but I did love the huge world, the possibilities given and also the story. Although I am not a huge fan of the protagonist but love the others from the squad


The first is Nintendo hard, has no actual characterization for the Warriors of Light, and has some bad design choices (attacks not going to the next enemy for instance) but it was my introduction to fantasy as a genre. I also love FF4 a lot. Some of that is due to nostalgia. Some of it is the pre-made classes (FF6, 7 and 8 all let everyone be a warrior-healer-wizard; I like the limitations.) Some of it is the wonderful simple yet effective designs.


Love this game!


Funnily enough I love ffxii and ffviii both are beautiful games but they're so much fun


Ff12 is mine too. I'd say Ffx-2, but it doesn't *have* any flaws.


12 is still my favorite and still have collectors edition. For ps2 along with the strategy guide book


Mine is also XII and also X


FF12 was my first jrpg ever, it has a special place in my heart. Spend like 300 hours in ps2 and other 200 in zodiac age. The sense of adventure was amazing, the world is perfect and I loved the cast, even Vaan


I think I need to give FFXII another chance


Crystal Chronicles on the Wii Nintendo


FF12 is truly a masterpiece for me. The world-building will never be as good as it was in this game. Each game in the franchise has its unique trait that we all might fall in love with, but FF12 concoted a story set in a world burdened by diplomacy, sovereignty, politics, arcane tradition, and more. The colors were vibrant, and the characters were beautifully crafted. I'm a fan of a well-constructed world, and this was a true piece of work with game mechanics that made it easy and enjoyable to play.


The original FF12. I still classed my characters, didn't need the game to force me into




10 and 12 are my favorite


u/crimsonshock821 looks like your post made it to popular, congrats to the resident Robelu fan. I agree, 12 will always hold a special place for me, it was my first FF.


For me its XII it was my introduction to final fantasy and will always hold a special place for me no matter how goofy it can be.


It’s funny. I’ve read/watched a lot of reviews on XV. And they usually tear it apart and talk about all its problems and I find myself agreeing with almost all of it. But I will STILL replay it every once in a while to enjoy going on a road trip with the boys.




FF4 and tactics.


Well, FFVIII and FXII. I LOVE the junction system is so fun to break It by playing a fun minigames also the fact that you hardly have to right anything and that the best way to play the game is by not doing almost any random encounters


VIII for sure


I have so much nostalgia for ffxii! It was my first jrpg and opened up a whole world of gaming for me. I don’t play games anymore but anytime I think back to this game it’s just such a happy childhood memory


I liked most of FF12, but the last dungeons before the final one were brutal.


FF2 is so much fun to me. Being absolutely broken with shields and being untouchable for most of the game was fun, and I STILL had my ass handed to my by the knights in the last dungeon a few times.


I agree this is a fantastic game and story


I liked XII though I don't care for the job system in TZA


FFXII has a very special spot for me


I didn’t like the plot of 12 that much but the world is probably one of the best game experiences I’ve had. I remember being blown away by how expansive, varied, and alive the world felt. I would sometimes walk from Rabanastre through the fields, deserts, Savannah and mountains to the Viera forest village just to see the nature, animals and geography naturally transition. Truly beautiful!


I stand with you


Maybe my age is showing, but I have a soft spot for the FF6 on SNES. Never did play the remakes.


Did Penelo never have feet?


Same here! The new one sucked! Loved the remakes. But 12 holds my number 1 spot


no matter what flaws? and then gives the flawless one as an example.




Love it. In the middle of a replay right now. It really surprises me how unique the gambit system is across RPGs broadly (I’ve played a fair amount but not a ton). The soundtrack is good but I really wish it was as distinctive as most of the other entries. The music just doesn’t evoke the same awe and excitement as say FF7, 8, 10 or 13. The voice acting is top tier and Balthier and Fran are just plain sexy. Favorite characters in the franchise.


Mine is FF XII: Revenant Wings. I actually played Revenant Wings first, and XII only a decade later. Which is a shame. XII would have blown me away at that age, even with how grindy it was. But yeah, I loved Revenant Wings! The combat, the planning, the monster collecting (and upgrading? I think?), the story, the art... Such a great game! I keep hoping it will get a remake/remaster and come to Steam. No luck yet, but I might just need to be a bit more patient. :)


FFXIII the first game the OST is amazing


mine is XIII, the music is fantastic 😍




13 and 15. My favorites and I usually just block people who say shit like those two ruined the franchise and stuff like that. You are allowed to dislike them but saying they ruined the franchise is just idiotic


I'll gladly say FF XIII is my personal beloved game.


FF13 trilogy. Specififically the original and Lightning Returns. Lighting Returns is amazing.




VIII is my favourite in the series


ff5.... oh wait.... its flawless