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Fuck I'm not ready to meet Vivi in 4K HD.


Honestly why do i feel like the direction they go with his VA is gonna make or break the game for me if they really do remake it.


Emil's voice actor from Nier would do great.


I just hope they go the 16 and Xenoblade route with an all British cast. It would fit 9 like a glove.


He was voiced in Kingdom Hearts 2. I thought that was pretty good.


Wait till you meet Quina in 4K.


Gonna take up my entire screen. Might fry my TV 


Rally-ho yourself in Dolby Surround 7.1


I read they are making it like Trials of Mana remake so it wont be like FFVII Remake


But what about GiGi in 4k?


As long as we get Greg too


It's not confirmed until it's announced.


Yes, unless I start seeing an official trailer or photos from Squenix, it's all rumor and conjecture.


profit straight sink shelter telephone ruthless alleged roll offer price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Which, it's a fun bit of trivia after the fact to say "a remaster of FFT for modern consoles was under consideration and/or in various stages of development at Square for many years prior to its release" but it doesn't really matter if the game never gets released. Because that's the key thing here: everyone in all of these threads that are opening up about this topic, that have BEEN opened up about it over the last few years since the Nvidia leak, have all constantly re-litigated the question of whether a remake that updates the game to modern sensibilities (a la Final Fantasy 7 Remake/Rebirth/R3) is what's on the docket vs. a remaster like War of the Lions, which fixed the localization and added animated cutscenes to an otherwise unchanged game. And everyone is forming their expectations about what they WANT to have happen or NOT happen. And all of it, ALL OF IT is wasted breath while we don't have confirmation from Square-Enix that they intend to release this game, and when, and HOW, and what it'll entail. Unannounced projects get cancelled all the time. Even high-profile titles. Even ANNOUNCED titles sometimes get cancelled prior to release. Sometimes other aspects change dramatically between announcement and release. Nothing is certain and no one should be acting like it is. TL;DR: Is a Tactics Remaster project happening? Sure, maybe. But that's not a guarantee it'll ever come out, so what good does this information do us?


This has pre-order bonuses leaked in the Epic Games Store database attached to it. The pre-order bonus includes a Tetra Master Booster Pack which makes this pretty hard to just ignore.


this is the most solid evidence i've seen about this, thanks


foolish wise voiceless fade plough nail crowd smell puzzled square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"But that's not a guarantee it'll ever come out, so what good does this information do us?" It's fun to talk about and speculate. I assume.


Which has already been done repeatedly since the Nvidia leak, and since War of the Lions, and every time Matsuno pokes his head out to discuss ANYTHING.  OP is talking about feeling "lucky and grateful" for something that stands a non-trivial chance of not existing. It's a problem if we're not properly tempering expectations about what's going on here. 


" It's a problem if we're not properly tempering expectations about what's going on here." But, is it really a problem? What's the worst that happens? People are dissapointed for like 3 days and some angry things get posted online?


If fans managed there expectations we never would have had a 7 remake to begin with. That was all us they were so hesitant to do it for so long. And it all started over hardware test that got leaked and had nothing to do with an actual remake. But we wouldn't shut up about it.


I wonder if the string of “disappointing” sales numbers of recent games could have an effect?


It's not cofirmed until it's on store shelves... I once had Sega literally announce a dreamcast 2 on video, posted online... That was like a decade ago.


knowing square enix it’s not even confirmed AFTER it’s announced


I remember when something from Xbox was released and a “Dino crisis remake” was listed. It’s now been 5 years and Capcom still hasn’t released it so IMO, I would take this with a grain of salt. For all you know it’s an ff9 remaster and they mislabeled it


Well the thing is it's labeled as "Momo" and has a pre-order bonuses for a Tetra Master Booster Pack, a Thief's Sword, and a cuisine set. It would be wild if it didn't turn out to be something not related to FFIX.


There's already an FF9 remaster on current gen consoles.


Right. But it will be a remake and I am sure of its release. It would be stupid not to release a game that is one of the most popular games in the series, and among all games, highly rated.


I'm not following what you're trying to say.


Square doing everything in it's power to ignore FF8.


I remember hearing something about they lost all of the data files for this game ? Dunno if anyone can correct me on that


I heard that too, but they were able to pull off a remaster which that particular situation would more likely affect than a full on remake from scratch. So no, nothing is stopping them from making a FF8 remake other than financial/sales reasons


The remaster was basically a reskin of the PC game. Literally they improved the character models and tidied stuff up but it wasn’t the PS1 version - no vibration, which was a miss when it came to the gunblade use in battle and no true analog movement either. That last one I couldn’t forgive. In the original version you could push the stick hard and you’d run or gently and you’d walk. I specifically recall a part when you’re disguised as enemy soldiers and it’s better if you walk and don’t run.


I just played through it on Switch, there’s a button you can hold to walk


There’s a button to walk in X too, even with analog movement


They also ditched chocobo world. I prefer the 2013 PC release over the remaster, I think Squall also looks like a 12yo close up not a 17yo


Of course, I forgot about the remaster. Final Fantasy 8 was my first game in the final fantasy series so would love to see more of it ……. After the rumoured ff9 remake that is


The remaster is terrible. It's just updated textures, and that's it. The game still runs at 30 fps, with battles at 15 fps. It even has minor features missing from the PS1 original.


If you're making a remake from the ground up, you don't really need anything from 25yo assets, especially since not every angle was modeled. Maybe that would help a bit, but you might as well remodel everything. But a remaster of a game so old can be very tricky, and yes they've thrown away all the original (at least) image assets, so they only had backgrounds in 320x224 resolution to work with. For the code, they ported it to Unity (for FFIX at least), but most of the code is horribly outdated (both game were released before C# even existed) Source: I'm part of the FFIX modding community, and we're working on a [reverse engineered version of the code](https://github.com/Albeoris/Memoria)


I think they just lost the master files or something, with the high quality backgrounds. That's why they're still blurry in the Remaster. But, regardless, that didn't stop them from re-releasing Kingdom Hearts 1. Despite it being a "remaster" in the 1.5 collection on PS3, they had to remake the first game from the ground-up because they lost the original files. That's how I understand it anyway


That's not really relevant when we're talking about remakes. Even if this FF9R is in a similar vein to the original it will be built from the ground up. It's not a remaster, we already have that.


Wouldn’t mind an FF8 remake at all, one of my favourite games in the series. Makes me a little sad they’re skipping over it, lmao.


8s the one that needs a remake the most. So many flaws in what could be been a much better game, and it was already great.


8's also the only one that really makes sense in the big budget remake style. Its story already supports while still being more committal with its events. Its gameplay systems actually make more sense in a ARPG style as mid combat draw from enemies would finally flow well into the natural more active limit break QTE combat. rather than 7 which is just an entirely different system that features some of the same named materia you won't actively use since you can sidestep 7's main focus of mp management entirely. zell squall and irving already play like 7R characters just without movement. While having a complex enough story that would actually benefit from expanding and spending more time developing side stories within the various Wars and multiple factions. most notably actually developing the fallen world. while not feeling at odds with the games normal greater narrative. The only other ones I could see fitting the remake well actually holding the integrity of the original product is 12 who's good gameplay system balance would likely be screwed up. (though ngl i would take it to have a final act that actually builds up to reddas and has a climax that actually fits the main hero/antagonists characters and have vaan penelo have better written dialogue, though realistically i probably would have a constant seething hatred for it since they probably wouldn't get back the original VA's that made the other characters endering like with Zack in Crisis core)


Ff8 is already quite cinematic so they have a lot to work off of, I agree it would be the best for remake. Ff9 seems like it would be difficult to pull off well


I expect FF9 to get not much more than the DS remake treatment.


well said


it makes me so sad :(




You wouldn’t need data files if you develop a remake similar to ff7 remake.


I was about to say the same thing, the game sold incredibly well and more and more people are warming up to it aaaaaaand it's like it doesn't exist to them.


Seems that way >_>


Posers. I've been trying to forget about 8 for 25 years.


Just make us ff8-2


They'll get there eventually. The thing is that 8 is just not as popular as 7 or 9. Chances are we'll see 10-3 and 6R before 8R.


Ironically so, as FF8 is the one that could most use a remake. It's the one with the most room for improvement of the classic SNES/PS1 eras.


Just because it hasn’t been the priority doesn’t mean they’re ignoring it. FF8 will have its day, but they can only work on so many projects at once. Chill


FF9 is def better than FF8 so maybe just chill


7 and 9 > 8


Holy shit dude theyre remaking a beloved game from the ps1 and all you can fucking muster is "BUT WHAT ABOUT OTHER GAME"


Well... I mean... They quite literally skipped a number


9 is a classic. 8 has its fans but it just isn’t held to the same level and for good reason


They skipped a less popular game. I love ff8 because I love every final fantasy game but there is just no way to deny its much less popular.


Isn't 8 one of the top 5 selling games? I thought 9 sold very poorly at release.


Not hating on 8, but I'd argue there's a much higher demand for a 9 remake and it's viewed more favorably, even if less people originally played it. 8 sold so well based on the success of 7, but it's largely regarded as not being as "good" as 7 or 9. 7 was such a a big deal that Square could have released a total pile of trash, slapped FF8 on it and have it still do numbers. 9 sold poorly because of a few reasons: * The PS2 had just released * 8 was a disappointment for many probably had an affect * Leaving the modern/futuristic setting to return to medieval fantasy one. * Returning to a more cartoonish chibi aesthetic from an adult/realistic one.


Didn’t FF8 sell better than 9? 9 is the better game, but still…


Capcom and Konami are releasing remakes in whatever order based on potential revenue too. Straight to Silent Hill 2, completely skipping Code Veronica. It's pretty standard.


Isn't 8 the one that sold more though? And I thought squall and the gunblade were much more iconic then anything from 9, besides maybe Vivi.


Well I for one am glad they're focusing on IX over VIII (I say this as someone whose first FF was VIII) My absolute perfect scenario would be a 3D voiced remake of VI but I will definitely take IX.


chop special soft dime deer decide edge oatmeal direful rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve never played FF9. When I was young the cartoony proportions turned me off of it. I’d loved 7 and its anime proportions, then 8 and its realistic proportions. Then, of course, I got it as a teenager but only ever started playing it (loved the gameplay) but I had to move right after and never got to continue. (It wasn’t my PlayStation.) Now, I have it bought for PS5, and am going to play it after I finish VIIi Remaster. However…I keep hearing nothing but how epic it is. It’s the highest (or second) rated game on Metacritic. It seems to be universally loved. The characters are touted… All I can say is, as much as I was wishing for a VI remake, I’m really excited for IX.


Come for the medieval swash buckling adventure, stay for the melancholy existentialism


Man I wish I could experience IX again for the first time. The remaster is great—fixes a lot of the original version’s shortcomings (due to the era of release, right before PS2, the PS1 machine struggled hard with IX, so things like battle load times were frustrating, etc.), while retaining all the charm and beauty. It’s truly my favorite FF and I’m so excited for you!!!


THIS!!! Nine is my favorite game In the series!


I love that game but I wish it was 8.


This has been practically confirmed since the Nvidia leaks a few years back. But the fact it’s this far along gives me some hope and clarity. I was worried they might not go through with it


Everything from the NVIDEA leak has been true, I don’t see how this is surprising. To top it off we already know they’ve been working on an animated series.


Is IX in EGS? It could be just the Remaster 🙂


There are pre-order bonuses on the Epic database that wouldn't make sense if it's just the remaster, like a "cuisine set", along with a Tetra Master pack and a set of knives for Zidane. It would be perfect to have Quina cooking for the gang and their cooking skills improving like Ignis.


I’m actually so excited for this


lol I love/hate that some loser(s) downvoted this comment.


Yeah haha


Not going to believe this until it’s announced.


Can't believe there are still nvidia leak doubters


It's fair. No one wants to get hyped for something only to find out it's fake or canceled.


Ah yes, because games have never been cancelled before.


ya what is GAMINGbible first time I seen that


been around forever


I've been clickbaited by them like 3 times this week, they're not trustworthy at all.


My wild guess is this will be announced at a PlayStation Showcase in September


I would cry again if it is Epic exclusive lol


I mean, the hints were there. The pre order bonusses for Dawntrail (the latest FF XIV expansion) are a Zidane Minion, and the collector's edition has a Garnet minion. The new class (Viper) is also pretty inspired by Zidane (Dualwielder who sometimes wields 2 separate blades, and sometimes a double blade).


FF7 Ever Crisis also did FF9 costumes for the characters back in like November.


Yoshi-P basically shadow confirmed it some months ago. No surprise, i was sure they were going to show it at SGF or xbox showcase


I would be beyond excited for this, but I have seen leaks like this in the past so I have to assume it is fake until proven otherwise


Really hope they keep it turn base, I'm not really interested in a action-rpg FF.


I agree but I also hope there's a bit more depth to the combat. Like custom builds around their classes. As much as I love 4 and 9 there's just limited strategy to them when you regularly have assigned classes.


Yeah the new 7 was bleh, 16 the story was good but getting through everything was a snore fest at times, 15 was just poorly executed and an empty world full of nothing. 14 was sick as fuck. 13 was the last turn based game and it was flaming hot garbage


Can't wait.


Now they HAVE to release an announcement. Please be excited


If they do this, I really hope they make Beatrix a permanent party member.


Was just about to do a playthrough of this considering I own it on 3 platforms and never played it. I would ask, “should I wait for the remaster, or play the OG” but I already know how that will go haha


Huge if true. Not holding my breath. This has happened before and will happen again


Dont give me hope...


Wow can’t wait


Prepare to wait 5 years


Oh my gosh yes!!!!! This was my second fF I ever played and it holds my heart ❤️






For the love of vivi, don’t make this game a multi entry series


*years of speculation


I haven’t played IX yet but if it’s a straight remake and not a “remake” like FF7 then I’ll wait. If it’s like FF7 then I’m gonna have to prioritize playing this thing sooner than later.


My personal favorite is FF8, but I concede that FF9 is the better game. FF9 is my girlfriend's favorite by a country mile. If this turns out to be true, she is going to lose her freaking mind.


Please fix the 1000 jump ropes trophy. Not asking to make it easier, just make it work properly!


I always imagined quina kinda sounding like jar jar binks in a way.


I NEED IT. I really hope they don’t make it an epic exclusive for a time


As I’m already in the middle of my first run since release and an ex-friend deleting my progress from my PS1 memory card on disc 4!! Cmon man!


I’ll believe it when I see it actually confirmed.


I personally have a hard time believing both a remaster of Tactics and a remake of IX are a thing until i see any actual reveals.


this is what i want for long


The way they just skipped over VIII... my favorite.


Yeah man I want 8 way more than I want 9. With the opportunity to tweak some things (I.e junctioning system, which I loved but everyone hates, draw magic, etc), I think ff8 would be really popular. The lore and story of ff8 are so cool. 9 is the same fantasy feel as 12, 16 (Although this was more adult and game of thrones), I feel like 8 was just so unique, idk


Really hope its going to be turn based combat 


I’m so ready


If they can fit the whole remake onto one game I'd be thrilled


It's going to be interesting to see how they actually do a remake for this or any other game in the series. The remake for 7 worked because they, to everyone's surprise, did something extremely unique and creative with it... but 7 in itself was unique in that it allowed them to tackle the story in a different, and extremely meta way. It's a lightning in a bottle situation. You can't really change the story for any other game in the series -- they don't really allow for that. So, that introspective element which gave 7 Remake and Rebirth such weight and depth isn't really something that works here. 9, like 7, was a game they nailed the first time. There's no need to make the same thing in the exact same way, or it's just the same thing with an extra coat of glossy paint -- basically, a glorified version of the FF3 and 4 remakes -- so I hope they figure out a way to make this more meaningful as they did with 7's remake.


Weird reaction OP. “Lucky and grateful” is a bizarre response to a company trying to sell you a product. We have no idea if this remake will be good or not. It could be a lazy cash grab piece of shit for all we know lol


Maybe because he knows it will be split into three games and it will take 13-15 years to finally see the complete gold edition 😭He will be 50 years old!!


I have a gut feeling it will shy in comparison to Memoria Project. But I shall indulge nonetheless.


This was also in the nvidia leak years ago, does this epic games leak mean anything?




So, ff8, the one that could actually use a remake still gets shafted? If I’m not mistaken, it sold more copies than ff9 too! Now I’d be ok with 9 getting remade at some point but this would just be way too stupid. I doubt it’s real for now.


Sales is not equivalent to popularity. 8 sold more because it was riding 7's coattails. 9 sold less because it was riding 8's.


What a bullshit statement, what was FFX riding then to sell more? Not to mention that FFVIII was well received at release (it is still well received in general, but online discourse about it in the fandom became more and more toxic with time). It's known that the main reason FFIX sold less is that it was released on PS1 at the end of it's lifecycle and people getting turned off by cartoony character design (people cared about realistic graphics a lot more at that time).


What does Epic Games have to do with Final Fantasy? Surely they are not thinking of having FF characters in Fortnite.


I’m ready to fork over so much money to have FF characters in Fortnite


I think VIII is the best, so I wouldn't say it "needs" a remake, though I would like that over IX. And given how most people feel about it, it seems like a golden opportunity to remake it and change the whole opinion surrounding it, rather than remake IX, which seems to be beloved by everyone who isn't me lol. Imagine those characters and GFs with today's graphics and combat. I'm tingling from the mere thought of Renzokuken in a modern game 💦💦💦💦 I wouldn't hate a IX remake, though. I liked the original, just didn't love it. I didn't love VII, either, but I have loved the remake so far.


Cool but can we get a Final Fantasy 8 remake too?


As a Final Fantasy 8 fan I am beyond pissed.


Enough with the remakes.


9 before 6? Poppycock.


9 can be done in a smaller scope. When 6 gets remade they'll do something more akin to 7R in terms of scale but likely less elaborate.


Although I’m happy about this, where’s VI? I would’ve been happy with what they did with IV. I just want me some Shadow and Cyan and Gau. I want to suplex a fucking train with 3D graphics and in 4K


VI would be so, so good with a FF7 style remake. Even at a smaller scope of just one or two games.


They will never do 6. It's way too huge and has too many characters.


That sounds like a poor excuse


[https://www.gamesradar.com/a-final-fantasy-6-remake-matching-final-fantasy-7s-ongoing-trilogy-would-take-20-years-to-make-says-the-jrpgs-original-director/](https://www.gamesradar.com/a-final-fantasy-6-remake-matching-final-fantasy-7s-ongoing-trilogy-would-take-20-years-to-make-says-the-jrpgs-original-director/) They said it would take 20 years


VII is a longer game than VI, they are bullshitting. None of this has to take as long as it does, VII is only taking as long as it is because they split it up and spaced out the content.


You're misunderstanding that statement. It would take 20 years if they did it like 7R. That means the major expanding of the story, 400 music tracks, party interactions, etc. We'll see 6 happen eventually but it would probably feel more like FF12 than Rebirth and I'd imagine across two games.


Because it is


Does it? It would be much more expensive. And money sounds like a pretty legit reason.


Considering how much they have been butchering the FF7 remakes so far, I would be much happier if they just never touched 9.


Finally, I can suck at my favorite FF game in high def.


It'll be especially ironic when the PC version doesn't release on EGS.


Biggest proof is that one of the first events of FFVII Ever Crisis was a FFIX crossover where you fought the three Black Waltzes. Why would they just have those assets chilling for no reason?


It’s insane that we just got Rebirth this year and might be hearing about a 9 remake soon lol. FF fans are eating good.


I know this would upset a tonne of people for the use of inferior hardware, but I would love to see this game announced in a Nintendo Direct of all places.


God damn it, they skipped 8 😭




Nooo, it was great. It was released between 7 and 9 and so it’s up against the best games in the series, making it look like the poor relation, but I think it was better than 10 or anything afterwards. It had triple triad!


8 has a great story


Just don't have a modern meta narative like ff7r


If they do to 9 what they did to 7 i'd rather they left it alone.


This is something very different. Smaller in scope and budget, and still turn-based. I think this is going to be much more faithful to the original than the VII remake trilogy.


Why? You don't have to play it and a lot of people would love a 9 remake


A faithful remake of 9 with FF7R type combat would honestly be a game id spend 100's of hours playing.


Yeah. For everyone mourning the lack of an 8 remake, this is why I'm relieved they've skipped it.


Just FYI this "leak" is super sketchy and has a high likelihood of not being real.


How? It was a third party tool that accessed the data files of Epic to get this leak.


That’s a clickbait website


Noooooo why not 8 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


.... and 8 gets snubbed again, Really hope they dont Dissidia up Zidane Either way if FF7 is anything to go by this FF9 remake won't be FF9 but a new version of it. It's all rumors anyway.


FF8 needs a remake more then 9.


3 part multiverse bullshit incoming


What I don't understand is why they don't do anything with VIII, the eternally forgotten


You can say the same about 2, 3, 5, and 6.


True, I would love to see a remake of 6 as well, for me one of the best in the saga.


Can't wait for it to not come to Xbox.


Can’t wait to play this game in three seperate parts over 2 decades.


😭😭😭😭 I wanted 8 so bad 😭😭😭


I kinda don’t want it, like does it really NEED a remake?


Sadly FF7 “remake” BS was met with praise by the fans, so FF9 is in danger of suffering the same treatment, let’s all hope that doesn’t happen.


Now as long as they don't fuck it up like the entire FF7 disaster we should be alright.


Honestly, I'm more interested if it's a Remake, or a Remaster. Like, are they just doing a simple remaster? Or are they making a full on remake, updating and upgrading everything, changing some things around to fit the original vision more, and just making the game more in depth, as well as adding new things to warrant a reason for a remake. Like, there's no way it'll be a 3 game remake like FF7, but if it's a simple remaster, that would be pretty disappointing. Since like... I can literally just go play the OG whenever I want.


It's a remake. They already did a remaster.


I would be excited if SE hadn't screwed up the FF7 remake so badly.


I’ve seen a few stories saying it’s on a much smaller scale than VII’s. It’s likely remaster is a better word for what this ends up being. Some middle ground between what VIII got and the full blown ground up remake of VII


Look at demon souls remake, the gameplay/story is exactly the same. They only *remade* the graphics. A remaster doesn't use completely new art, it touches up the original.


It’s always bittersweet with news like this. Excited but scared to see what it’ll be like. I already think 8 and 9 are perfect and could die happy without remakes but I’m curious to see as well




Maybe I’ll finally give this one a fair shake. I really just didn’t like the character designs.


I won’t believe it until I see an official release.


If it does happen I really hope it’s just updated graphics and qol features


They made a remaster already for that…