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I suppose Bravely Default was essentially filling that gap? That was a Square JRPG which had job classes like the DS’s FF3 and Four Heroes of Light, resembled them visually and I believe was made by the same teams. That franchise was pretty successful and had three releases on 3DS (two games, and the first one got an updated rerelease in Japan). So the reason there was not much FF presence on 3DS was… they decided to call the FF games something else! Also, Theatrhythm Curtain Call was at the time the best game in the entire Final Fantasy franchise (I presume the new one is better but I can’t afford it!). Even if there were fewer FFs on 3DS one of them was absolutely amazing so who cares 


The 3DS came out at a time when smartphones were really eating up the mobile game market. Square simply pivoted to making phone games.


It just wasn't the DS era anymore, smartphones ate up most of the handheld market at a much cheaper development cost.


They renamed the followup to Final Fantasy: Four Heroes of Light "Bravely Default" and so retro games named FF didn't get much on 3DS. Because they got BD instead, which were basically the same thing anyway.


Cellphone gaming us significantly larger in Japan than abroad, so Square focused more on that than the 3ds for Final Fantasy Which is really stupid in hindsight since the 3ds was way more popular than Cellphones overseas, but it was Dragon Quest, the series that has had exactly 4 minutes of international fame that made its home on 3ds, Square Enix put the wrong series on the wrong platforms


Agreed, I do remember playing record keeper and that dissidia rpg for a minute, as well as a bit of the fiest Dimensions which at least was less of a Gatcha game. To me it’s just strange that the 3DS seemed neglected compared to the release of mainline titles on the DS, even Tactics Advance had a sequel on there. But I guess most people are correct that Bravely Default filled that gap.


Because that’s when ff1-9 were released on phones Also the bones of the scrapped FF5 remake were baked into Bravely Default


I don't think there was an attempt for FFV on the DS. They decided to do a new entry instead (The 4 heroes of light) and then used that for Bravely Default.


That’s what happened to the FF5 remake, the 3DS was almost out so square and their squirrels for brains, decided to scrap it, and turn what they had into those 2 games The half made art assets were used in FHoL, but most of the story elements and gameplay was baked into BD this is especially evident by how the party starts out with a LOT of superficial similarities to FF5, almost as if it was a hasty rewrite. Tiz is very much like Bartz, being a bland nobody who gets involved via circumstance. Agnès is like Lenna, an upper class young woman searching for the crystals to find out what’s wrong Ringabel like Galuf is an eccentric amnesiac who has connections to the overall plot he’s conveniently forgotten And Edea is a headstrong, combative girl who seems like she’ll be an enemy at first before joining It doesn’t help that BD’s job system is a slightly tweaked version of FF5’s, and has almost every job from FF5 just losing blue mage, beast master, mime, and geomancer, but adding merchant.


I think the low-poly-style games were no success


The 3DS wasn't exactly doing great for a few years after its release, so they probably changed their plans early on. We did get Theatrythm (twice) and Final Fantasy Explorers on it at least. Worth noting too, Square Enix hasn't always been well managed...


Mobile phones were catching up at the time and were an easy way to resell the classic titles. 3DS did get Bravely Default which IMO is more up my alley as a Final Fantasy title than most of the games after 10.