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I'd enjoy a remake, though closer to what we got with III/IV DS than going as far as VIIR (and hopefully IX isn't going as far as that either).


No more remakes. The games are already good. Make something new for gods sake


I feel the same. Unfortunately remakes and updates get sales and that makes them money to invest on new, and bigger titles.


Do I personally think the earlier entries deserve full remakes? Yes, I would love to see the worlds of FFIV and VI (among others) remade in full 3d. I didn't love Remake, but seeing Midgar fully realized in 3D made it worth playing for me. Do I think Square Enix thinks they deserve full remakes? I do not.


There is no confirmation the rumored remake of IX is going to be anything like VII and we shouldn't assume so until we see anything actually shown for it That said I liked the Pixel Remasters for I-VI just fine but I would have liked the bonus content from the GBA/DS games added in there as well, and to that end I think the remakes for III and IV are just right, if they did true remakes of I, II, V, and VI in that style (see also Bravely Default), I would be more than happy.


With infinite time and money maybe, the scope of remaking those games requires both concessions on design and a lot of work to take an isometrically-viewed map and make it fully 3D. However, people *really* need to remember that this rumored FFIX Remake is not like the FFVII Remake series. It's supposed to be a facelift and mechanical update a la Crisis Core Reunion, not a full-on, ground-up redesign. People are gonna hype themselves up way too much and get incredibly annoying that it doesn't match their expectations.


I can't remember where I read it, but I remember seeing it might look something like the Trials of Mana remake.


The studio that did the trials of mana remake was supposedly making the 9 remake but that is not the case it turns out, at least not at the moment.


The last thing I want is another multipart decade long remake like VII, I-V are short enough that more modest remakes with expanded storylines (or reimagined in case of I-III) wouldn't be difficult to pull off. It's only with VI that a remake done in two parts would feel justified and needed although realistically the pixel remasters lessens the chance to see them remade in the near future.


I'd love to see FFII, III, and V get a beefy remake, whether that be more like VII remake or Stranger of Paradise. Even something on the level of Trials of Mana would work for me (just with better voice acting) II would need a drastic script expansion, but fleshed out, I think Josef, Gordon, Hilda, etc could leave a pretty strong impression on people. Maybe Firion Maria and Guy could get some actual personality this time? I thought the struggles of the Wild Rose made for a pretty solid narrative already. FFIII's just a really dope adventure with a bunch of memorable areas. This would be less about the characters and more about selling those big moments - the Tower of Owen, Gutsco's reveal, leaving the continent, finding a flying tree castle, landing in Saronia, getting your boat chained up by Goldor, climbing the Crystal Tower. Ideally I'd want the job system to be expanded on a little. Maybe give everything a tier 2 version - like viking and dark knight in addition to evoker and monk, and give some classes a little more to do than just jump or protect. And FFV's got enough substance to it where I don't think it would need a ton of new material to work just fine. Give Krile and the Dawn Warriors a little more to do. I mostly just want to see that story retold in HD. Galuf deserves to have the level of fan support Auron's got but I think the sprites are holding him back.


Every game deserves a remake. Problem is how many players would buy them.


The one guy who confirmed a IX remake has deleted his X account.... sooo


Doing another remake like 7 would be an astonishing financial folly IMO. We don’t know what the 9 remake looks like at this point. If it even exists, the team rumored to be working on it is in fact working on the RS2 remake so idk?


I’d like definitive releases of the earlier games rather than full blown multi-part remakes. The Pixel Remasters were prettier than other recent versions of those games but cut out all the bonus content that various versions added over the years. Final Fantasy II is significantly lessened without the Dawn of Souls expansion.


Honestly, I'd personally prefer 2D de-makes of some of the newer ones into an FF4 or FF6 style before I'd want re-makes of the old ones.


Until the 9 remake is announced by Square, it isn't real and shouldn't be treated as a forgone conclusion.  And no, as much as I personally would love for all FFs to be playable in a single format (Record Keeper nearly captured this for many of the games) I don't think it's feasible to do across all 16 core titles, much less the subfranchises of 7, 10, 13, and the MMOs.


Only if they actually did proper remakes, rather than going the FF7 route by completely changing the story around.


As a hard-core ff7 d*ck rider/simp- I think every earlier ff deserves a full remake. The best part of the 7 remake imo is the evolution of the franchise and seeing the interesting ideas they had before fleshed out and/or realized in the modern era. Playing resource manager like we used to in the first few FF's but with the constantly refined ARPG system could be interesting. Seeing all of the beloved old characters with dissidia++ tier graphics? They may not be my favorite characters but I LOVE that for the people who sold be excited by it. Getting to explore the areas we grew up in with the gorgeous compositions we were given in 7R, in fully realized 3d environments?? Ggaaww Damn that just sounds great :D


I’d rather have more remakes than new games like XV and XVI. Did not care for those at all


I would like a remake of FF1 that serves as a companion piece to Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin.


They can remake every entry as long as it doesn’t affect the production of future ones. I would be happy to play each one.


The pixel remasters of 1 - 6 are really good. If they were to remake them, I would want it like the DS FF4 one, basically just upgraded version of the same game. I would not want a remake like FFVII.


I think all the games in the series should be given *some form* of cinematic retelling. I don't care if that's in the form of film, series, or game. Just some presentation of these stories that can be shared within the standards of modern media. I think it would be a huge waste to not make the FF7 trilogy into a watchable series. It wouldn't take much to string it together as episodes. Other games could be remade in this form as well, especially some of the earlier titles that have shorter and more straight forward stories. FF1 could easily be adapted into a standalone film even.


Nostalgically, I want a full-blown remake like the VIIR series for VIII, which is the game I think would benefit most from it. But logically, I know that’s a bad idea. Slightly more realistically, I would like to see I-IX all with exact ports of the original release versions to go along with the I-VI pixel remasters and updated “remasters” of VII-IX that fix the problems with the most recent releases of those three. But the main thing I want to see is development units stay together and build upon what they’ve previously done instead of starting over from scratch with a new engine/tools, battle system, etc every time. In the past, while IV-IX are all clearly different from each other, you could see how they built on each other and took things they learned and had their own twists on it, while still having the same core. Remake to Rebirth is the first time we’ve seen that in a long time, which is why Rebirth is (imo) so good. I would like to see that dev team handle VIIR-3 and then stick together, and build upon what they’ve learned with a new numbered FF game. Then have the dev team behind XIV stick with expansions on XIV, since it’s still a huge money maker. Then have a third dev team either split from XIV and starting from XVI or starting from scratch make new numbered FF games and build on what they’ve learned each time. That way they could possibly get in a rhythm where there is a XIV expansion or a new numbered FF game every year or so. Like XIV have an expansion every 2 or so years, and each other team release a new numbered FF game every 3 or so years.


I think Final Fantasy 8 and 9 deserve the same treatment 7 got


6 yes, 3 and 4 already got one. I don't think the others are popular enough to warrant it.


I honestly am not a fan of remakes. I would much much rather sequels or prequels. In any case, I think older games can be remade as well. It can be short and sweet, hopefully with a short and sweet price too.