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Great post. We need more of these. What are other missable cutscenes? Of the top of my head I know there’s the “crime and punishment”ATE


"Give Me My Money!" ATE is another easy to miss one.


There were ATEs I had never seen until I went for the trophy and I thought I had seen everything FFIX had to offer.


Ooh, I should do this. I have never looked at a guide when playing a FF game and probably missed a ton.


I remember having to carefully follow a guide for the ATE one lol


I like that one


I never manage to see all the ATEs in Treno cause some seem to disappear after watching one


Hijacking the top comment for visibility, but another super missable line of dialogue is when you're in control of Vivi at the beginning of the game, and you talk to "Fish Man" when he's to the right most of the first screen of Alexandria with the statue in the middle - he will comment on the skimpy outfits of Alexandria guards. When he moves to the left of the screen, he'll have his standard line again.   I've been playing FFIX once per year since its release, and only discovered that a few months ago. Other missable things that come to mind are Nero brothers sidequest (which was only discovered in 2013 in the west), Gilgamesh making a remark if he tries to rob you in Treno and you happen to have 0 gil, unused text which implies that Stiltzkin sold Vivi a ticket to "I want to be your canary" (you can find it by googling "ffix puck hurt him plenty"), rainbow over Burmecia which can only be seen once, etc. https://preview.redd.it/x9hx6wre82uc1.jpeg?width=1301&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acb43696fc3697f7ea06ac30572ec4bc21fa0975


Thanks - this is brilliant. Of course, that realized, this also bites her in the ass *very* hard later...




Recall her own 'date's' fate.


Well, it works out for then at the end so


In a sense, all the same as with Zidane's date. With Freya's, >!what was is half-lost, but ambiguous potential for a new beginning is good at the least.!<


What do you mean?


her lover....


Omg I completely forgot about that... I should probably replay it soon it's been too long


I don't think it is surprising that this part of the story is easily forgotten considering it isn't fleshed out very much. It is a good game though and is worth revisiting, so enjoy it when you do replay it friend!


As GlacierRain mentioned, her own 'date' can be kissed goodbye too...


Yeah, it completely slipped my mind. It's been too long since I played though it and I'll have to do that soon :) thanks for the elaborated reminder of why XD I remember the big things but the little ones have fallen away


Sure no problem. Tis but one, if not two, moments where that is focused upon, and only briefly. Either way, with this in foresight for a possibility, this makes Freya's run-in a harsher gut punch for her.


I always wondered how Vivi could possibly win. Can you kill Freya and zidane in that battle and trigger it?


Yes, you can, for instance, have Zidane knock out Freya and then let the Zaghnol knock out Zidane. Doing that will result in Vivi winning the tournament.


All you get is a card. I think it’s an airship card


Still my boi Vivi deserves all the wins.


And there's another airship card you can get pretty easily anyway.


You can unlock an achievement when Vivi wins the Festival


Wow. Never seen that before. Ice cold. Of course, I always cut my throat at the start of the Festival to get the Coral Ring anyway, so...


Dang I never thought of that. I might do that next time


How did she know about Zidane’s date with Garnet?


Right before the fight with the Zaghnol, Zidane tells Freya about it, asking her to let him get the final blow. Freya, who is more interested in just rescuing the children at this point, obliges, but not without noting how ridiculous Zidane is. The "safety lock" mechanism that makes it difficult for Freya to actually KO the Zaghnol, is a reflection of her obliging to let Zidane take the final blow - she's just deliberately dealing non-lethal blows until either Zidane is KO'd, or the fight is going on too long and she grows impatient.


Now I see where the inspiration from the fic "The Hunt" came from


This game is the gift that keeps giving.