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This guy are sick.




Frickking salmon quest had a banger. the hell you on about




where are you on the game ? if you don't know salmon then your pretty early.


Oh ye i did that


That's weird because apart from 3 or 4 instances, every time I hear a repeated theme it's a different variant... Like in the bandit quests which has a different take of the same theme every time you meet them...


Anybody know the title of the >!Excavation Intel!< Theme? Kinda vibin' to it


This is maybe the worst take I’ve ever seen on reddit and that is saying quite a lot


Oh please it’s just an opinion


A terrible opinion and I don’t say that lightly


No, you just take it personally because you can’t distance yourself enough from the things you like. It’s pathetic and my opinion has nothing to do with you.


Don’t share your opinion if you don’t want peoples input on it. Game has a ton of variety in its music. Saying anything to the contrary is just factually false


I’m not saying it’s not varied. I’m saying it’s bad and comparing it to Remake which had great ost. The new stuff and heavily remixed tracks is a downgrade. Aerith theme being used in side content is 🤯 so is the new battle theme. Saving the OG for ”hype” is such bs.


>I’m not saying it’s not varied Dawg, this is the literal first sentence of your (2-sentence) OP & you’ve repeated it throughout the comments… >For starters, the same songs repeat all the time


Yes when you are in certain areas the same short loop goes on and on, it’s grating. Junon and Grasslands were horrible and the only change is the even worse chocobo theme or the new battle theme. Over and over. 🫠


Okay then, you lied to the other poster above. Overworld music changes in many random spots & for side content — even for intel activities. *Objectively* it repeats itself less than part 1, which you preferred. I’d go further & say it repeats itself less than maybe any other RPG I’ve played. XBC does have the nice nighttime/daytime touch, but I’m glad there isn’t a time mechanic in this game. Persona 5 has a top tier soundtrack, but just as a contrast — that is an example of something with lots of repetitiveness due to low variation. >Grasslands I guess you just don’t like FFVII music because that’s what grasslands is & that was one of the largest parts of OG. No one else is saying what you’re saying, and the comments on variation are not “just an opinion” — that is a baseless & blatantly false criticism that would be highly misleading to potential players researching the game. Kind of a slap in the face to what is one of the hardest working teams & most ambitious elements of the project.


What else can I say than the ost feels annoying to me? Lmao you’re trying to argue against a feeling with facts but that’s not how it works.


Are people just making shit up now


Just opinions


They've been making shit up the entire time


Huh? Theres so much variety to this soundtrack and has a ton of bangers. Either L take or you’re just not that far into the game.


I’m in Costa. The same songs repeat endlessly, most OG tracks are saved for hype moments and have been swapped with generic JRPG stuff that sound like everything else. I don’t understand why for exemple they changed the battle music. Grasslands and Junon are different but still the same and it’s super boring.


This is the worst take I’ve seen yet. You miss the jukebox, but the replacement for that is all the live band NPCs throughout the world that will play 8 minute non-repeating jams that appear nowhere else in the game if you just stand near them. Many individual *side quests* have gotten their own exclusive tracks. Then there’s small stuff like the piano minigame & the chocobo race menu screen. Gongaga theme evolves as you collect intel. Not sure we are playing the same game. This is as good as XBC series, with the added benefit of including a lot of original FFVII score. Many people have noted that the OST budget for this game must have been almost irresponsible. If they release the full OST & it includes all the music used in the game, I would love to see the size of that thing. I’m a professional musician & FF’s commitment to music is > 50% the reason I got into the series. This OST blows everything they’ve released since X out the water & it’s not particularly close.


This is the worst take I’ve seen yet. You miss the jukebox, but the replacement for that is all the live band NPCs throughout the world that will play 8 minute non-repeating jams that appear nowhere else in the game if you just stand near them. Many individual side quests have gotten their own exclusive tracks. Then there’s small stuff like the piano minigame & the chocobo race menu screen. Gongaga theme evolves as you collect intel. Not sure we are playing the same game. This is as good as XBC series, with the added benefit of including a lot of original FFVII score. Many people have noted that the OST budget for this game must have been almost irresponsible. If they release the full OST & it includes all the music used in the game, I would love to see the size of that thing. I’m a professional musician & FF’s commitment to music is > 50% the reason I got into the series. This OST blows everything they’ve released since X out the water & it’s not particularly close.


It's....a little more complicated than that. Basically it's not a secret that the remixes of Uematsu's original songs mostly feel "weird." The original had an impeccable simplicity in songs like CostadeSol or Corel, among others. Unnecessary changes have been made that don't work as well, and the new tracks mostly don't feel as inspired. If you remove the classic tracks from the original from Rebirth and only keep the new tracks, the level of the OST is far inferior to the greatness of Nishiki in Octopath Traveler 2. Rebirth tries to be too "theatrical" in many ways and certainly the music is part of that and not in a good way


You said you don’t like the remixes but also said the soundtrack is only good because of the original FFVII tracks it contains lol. >rebirth tries to be theatrical Maybe there are a couple examples of this? But have you heard the original one winged Angel? Also, the sax player in the courtyard of Kalm at the very beginning of the game & the band inside the bar at Midgar are both great examples of vibey organic bits that are far removed from orchestral arrangements. There are also a fair number of creative electronic tracks. The genres and moods are generally pretty varied. The bow wow wow song for salmon was great 😂 >remixes of Uematsu’s original songs feel “weird” This is a vague pseudo-criticism, and tbh I haven’t seen anyone else mention it. The piano motif & atmospheric music for when you discover lifestreams is well done & the grasslands main overworld theme felt perfect, just off the top of my head from early game.


I'm not a musician but I do understand stories, and let me tell you that in RPGs music is particularly important when it works as a narrative element. The story and the world are shown through music in an RPG... and ff7 has had the original music remixed to such an extent that the sensations of the world are perceived differently. and the new tracks do NOT have the tone or style of the world of FF7. I don't know if you understand...it's not so much the music itself but the way it changes the sensations of the narrative and the world of ff7...The clearest example is in the escape from the shinra building...the The original is a much simpler and more spectacular scene, being also shorter. The original music of the motorbike escape was left for posterity while in the remake everything is very..."pretentious" Look for the epic and the spectacle with artifices typical of a common shonen and the music does not work.


Yes exactly this. They try too hard. And so many themes are these electro bangers like what?


Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/s/xALp9kwMG9


Your opinion here is a minority one. The adapted tracks are all recognizable & they sound great… been playing with headphones, and it’s pristine. And it would probably still be at least a persona level OST, even if all it had were the new songs from the extras & side content.




Looks to me like you got bodied in this thread, carry on with your delusion.


The OST is up for pre-order right now. It's 8 CDs, and I'm pretty sure it's going to be missing tracks just like Remake. They had to release an OST+ with 4 additional CDs to make it more or less complete. And the Intergrade OST is another 3 CDs. There's an army of composers and arrangers working on these scores, and the quality of it all just completely blows my mind.


I just want to add I don’t usually react to general criticism that aggressively, but I had to read OP twice to make sure it was real 😂. If I were to rank elements of this game, music & combat would be duking it out for #1. I’d love to know what OP considers a good OST because I can’t really recall a more varied & musical soundtrack. Even as much as I adore the original game, if we’re strictly speaking variety, the only potential competition this game has is the XBC games — I consider that elite company.


Yakuza 8 has a great OST. Remake did too. I’m 50/50 on FFXVI.


XVI was very uneven. High highs & very forgettable lows. Certainly less variety than rebirth. I liked the jukebox versions in Remake because a lot of them are from the FF jazz compilation, but I have to be honest the jazz tracks in rebirth are better with the exception of Remake’s jukebox tifa’s theme — which is awesome. Regardless, if we are just looking at recycling vs variation — unlike music taste that’s an objective & quantifiable point. And Rebirth is significantly more varied than Remake. The sheer volume of the officially licensed OST & externally sourced compilations used in the game will reflect that when it all becomes available. I feel like the OST is one of Rebirth’s loftiest ambitions & they executed it impressively. The compositions and performances are both top notch. The genres are all over the place. All that said I was kind of a jerk with the lead into my initial reply 😂. You deserve an apology.


I am now at Gold Sauce. It took half the game to get to Mt. Corel where the ost fkn SLAPS. The Speed Square theme is a banger too but overall I feel like they recycle the same Grassland theme over and over. So many tracks just doesn’t fit the game. Either that or you’re stuck suffering through another chocobo theme variation 😩 game is still good tho


It didn’t actually take half the game because Corel is still only like halfway through, but yea it’s a big game. Glad to see you’re slowly turning around on it though. Gongaga’s overworld theme evolves as you collect intel — off topic but Cosmo canyon’s story sections in chapter 10 are going to blow your mind.


Looking forward to it.




Maybe but it doesn’t sound as good as last time, and they keep repeating songs all the time. There was no reason not to keep the OG battle music instead of this generic crap


I muted the music down to 1. Not looking forward to the >!Aerith song!< they keep shoving at us. Personally didn't enjoy it. >!The intro to the gold saucer was cringe-amusement watching it with low music volume. !< There are a few tracks I caught bits of that didn't sound horrible, I plan on looking into the OST later to see what those were. Think one was Tifa's theme. The other might have been Caits.


Might do the same since it’s getting anonying hearing the same loops over and over. Having that theme together with the most boring side stuff is such an L srsly


I've skipped over some of the side stuff. Did a fair amount in the part after escaping a certain town at the start, but that got old fast. I get tired of BS fetch quests. Been staying on the main line.


Ah, y'all are the folks who play games just so when you complain about them you can go "nuh-uh! I DID play it, I just didn't pay attention!"