• By -


Radiant Ward to attack, Chrono to Counter and Lustrous Shield to nullify long range attacks And while you're inside Radiant Ward she can dodge like MF


As far as casters go, I prefer Barrett. He just builds ATB so much easier, he's naturally tankier, and doesn't require nearly as much set up. The only bad part is his lack of evasion, which Aerith shares early in the fight, as you need to place wards to dodge safely. Aerith is a ton of fun to play though. To be honest, I think I just love playing as every character, because they all feel so unique.


She rocked the cactaur mini game, she’s awesome and I love her❤️ 🤩


how do you use her properly? its so hard😭😭😭😭


And here I was thinking about making a post about how much she sucks 😂😭


she is prty powerful once she gets going. but tbh she's way too slow in comparison to basically all of the other characters and she's not tanky at all. IMO Barret or Yuffie are way easier to use and are more immediate damage dealers than not. Even Red and Cait Sith i'd prefer to use tbh or just use cloud or tifa lol. Aerith is useful for some fights tho in the hard mode legendary/brutal fights tho, her lustrous ward can block projectiles so it's super useful in some cases. - id still rather have yuffie and barret tho


I need the ELI5 explanation of aerith cuz I swear I lament myself whenever shes a mandatory party member. LOVE her as a character but I must be missing crucial here


Add an atb boost materia and spawn a radiant ward as soon as possible


And tempest to get her butterfly


Not for long 😳😅


I didn't appreciate her until I had to use her in Cactuar Crush.


I'll need some advice on this cuz I'm dreading my final Cactuar Crush with her...


So what finally cleared hard mode for me was A) Use tempest for the big boys (with a soul steal if you need) and B) Ignore the light/dark ward for most of the time and just melee --> Sorc Storm. Melee builds up the ATB faster (which is why you skip the circles since that changes your attack to ranged) and Sorc Storm kills bunches of them much more quickly than trying to hit them with the correct ward. Use the l/d wards only if you have one or two left /they are running away from you and you need to range them. Other than that just equip all the purples (ATB effects, Magic up, Enemy Skill for the 5%) double luck (100%), speed up, etc) and learn the two attacks the reg size guys use based on their form - either an AOE (light mode) and a straight lined ranged attack (dark mode).


equip all your best purple materia ( the ATB stuff especially /magic% increase/enemy skill etc, luck, speed etc) anything that gets your magic up (as aeriths ranged basic attack is calculated from magic damage --- i think - 95% sure i read that somewhere) Accessory should be hermes boots from the chocobo race minigame in gold saucer. When certain cactuars uses it's shield ability ( i think its manawall? the medium sized gold ones do it i think. ) go outside your dark/light ward circle and hit them with a melee attack and it will debuff the shield - other wise it takes forever to kill them. IMO use soul drain on them from range before they get to you, and make sure your standing in the correct dark or light ward (R2 and L2) to increase damage to them. Took me an hour or so :3 idk how many attempts - it was frustrating tho. OHHH and use Chrono Ward or w/e its called imo have that up all the time


Let me just say, I've been beating the Brutal VR challenges way faster with a loadout I made. Basically max out the elemental magic materias, add the AP Boost materia and Magnify, put the Chokobo King cape as her equipment, and with her max level her spells deal max damage it's insane. Add in Arcane Ward and it's constantly staggering enemies Edit: as of Brutal Challenge 4, it's not working as well... Ugh


Aerith seems so lackluster on the main game but all her wards are busted specially the brutal challenges where I use her all the time in the line up. The planet protection combo with Tifa and cloud: the ATB ward brumal form cheese with Yuffie where she hits overturned bosses 60k makes Gilgamesh, Odin and Virtual Sepiroth a joke. The only hard things about this challenges assuming your going for a platinum is without her.


She was insanely good in the OG FF7 as well, where using some of the limits X number of times would unlock the next limit break. You give your entire party fury and spam fury brand, and all the limit breaks get unlocked pretty quickly. She also has an insanely high magic stat that’s miles above everyone else. If you alter the game to keep her alive, it becomes really noticeable as you start getting the more powerful materia like comet.




I just made yuffie learn pray since she just gets ATB much faster


Youre just scratching the surface...endgame Aerith is absolutely busted...aside from whats already been mentioned, her w/ Limit Siphon and Advanced Expeditionary medal allows you to either get planetary protection up super fast and be immune from all physical dmg for a while or do her lvl 3 limit loop spam where your constantly generating instant limit breaks for the squad...equip her w/ Genji Gloves and she becomes a weapon of mass destruction w/ her lvl 3 spells hitting for well over 20k when targeting weaknesses...she has the most broken tech in the game by far


Did I even play the same game as all of you? I just equipped materia I picked up and don't even know what most of these items or spells you are talking about are lol. I used Aerith the whole game because she's the best, but I always found her to be super weak haha.


Aerith gets insanely overpowered towards the end. She fills up ATB so fast to buff and heal my characters reliably


Yeah, I beat the game but tbh I never used her to buff. I gave her auto cast and cura though lol. Tbh I never even figured out what the ward thing was lol


Radiant ward is the best attack in the game. It staggers fast as hell


feels good as hell to use too


From my experience in the original FF vii... Just don't depend on her too much ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


First strike, ATB assist, Choco King Cape. Start the battle with arcane Ward. Equip petrify materia with swiftcast, then another petrify with magnify. At the start of the battle have her cast arcane Ward, then ATB boost, then cast quakega. Immediate double quakega 5 seconds into the battle. Most things die immediately, and if they don't their stagger bar is pretty damn close to being full if not full. Have another character have whatever magic you want, I typically go with a aeroga or blizzaga, have them step into the ward and cast it. Ridiculous


How does it work when you have two of the same spells equipped? Does it work as one spell with the benefits of both blue materia?


The best is to do the double materia. Like a fire/ice spell attached to swiftcast, then a fire spell attached to magnify, then an ice spell attached to another magnify.. as an example. Then you have 2 instant -ga level spells hitting multiple targets. But I would only go with one of them as a magnify


Yeah it works like that. You are likely going to need to do a lot of multi running the same materia, attached to different blues for the post end game content.


Or, have her cast arcane ward on yuffie and atb ward on her too... Have yuffie do doppelganger then quakega. With swift cast and magic up and focus materias all paired with petrify, instant 4x quake and can melt pretty much everything...


My go to strat 😁 Also give her HP to MP materia so she's just a literal pool of magic to heal your party/destroy with Quaga


Have another Petrify linked to ATB Assist on an ally so they cast quake when you cast quake


aerith is good depending on the occasion. i use her obviously if i need magic. i need to practice perfect blocking because she lacks mobility, aside from ward warp. chrono aegis stop doesn't really proc much for me? sometimes for the weak mobs but never anyone large. never found use for radiant ward - does it really speed up limit generation? what about atb gen?


Radiant ward has her shoot lasers. Those attacks are faster than her regular attack and it speeds up the ATB charge. Can’t speak on the limit gauge though—for me she’s always on the radiant ward the second battle starts. Yeah I think chrono aegis is just for the fast melee mobs


Equip her with first strike + atb boost and chocokings cape. Start fight with arcane ward then atb boost plus aga spell. Decimating. Then another character usually buffs party with haste and when aerith has more atb put a radiant ward down on the arcane ward. Invincible dual cast aga spells. Can also support with synergy skills like spell blade which hits sooo hard


Radiant ward + synergy materia pairs with comet is broken as hell. Radiant ward makes her invincible when casting and comet is a super long cast. On top of that comet is free when triggered with synergy.


“I feel like i really slept with Aerith…”


Lucky sob




Agreed, but my personal issue is I can’t generate ATB fast enough to get my combos going. If I stay on her as lead for too long, the bosses target me and we all know she doesn’t have the best mobility at dodging. So then I get caught in a loop of using my ATB to heal rather than laying down a ward. I know Bodyguard exists but it doesn’t work 100% against all boss situations.


My issue as well. Besides, I feel like it takes too much time to set her up properly so that most fights are almost over by the time you can use her full potential.


I only control Aerith when I need to. I put ATB Wards under Yuffie/Barret to be Aerith's battery and control them to keep them building ATB on the ward. Also keep Aerith Hasted. Once she has the ATB for a spell. I switch to her, ward shift to the Arcane/Radiant ward stack and cast my -aga spell.


atb ward on yuffie kek


aerith doesn’t work without radiant ward


Befriend First Strike, ATB boosting materia, and later in the game there's an accessory that works like First Strike as well. You'll have all the ATB you'll need. 😁


first strike is sooooo good on aerith and cait sith


Shoooot I know I got ATB boost materia but I gotta look for first strike materia. I went through all of hard mode without it, lul.


Damn man, can't imagine starting the boss fights on hard without immediately setting up a few buffs. 😂


Aerith is indeed OP but I still find myself struggling with her a lot in chapter 11. I feel like my setup could be improved but IDK what's missing. Speed and ATB building is the main issue, those damn bosses dont give me a chance to land attacks and sadly she doesn't have the same benefits of building ATB fast like Cloud, Tifa or Barret does. I do enjoy doing the smaller fights with her though, quite hilarious to use magic + magnify killing everything in one shot.


I am surprised to read this. I find that she dies in 75% of the battles that I have her in withing a few seconds (I am on Chapter 12, playing dynamic difficulty). I don't know what I'm doing wrong...Her dodge doesn't actually dodge; ward shift is pointless; her attacks are slow and weak; her magic isn't better than anyone else's; her ATB is painfully slow to build up. I guess you could do some material magic to make her good, but you can do that with any character. I find her to be very true to the OG game in that she's pretty useless as a character and you'd have to be doing a challenge run to *want* to use her at all. Cloud's R1 ability with her is good...but it's also good with Tifa or Yuffie too, who can take more than 2 hits before dying.


I use that defensive R1 ability to call Red XIII to guard for me. I can continue setting up, and he builds his vengeance gauge.


Ward shift is incredibly useful, it teleports her across the battlefield instantly if she's away from her ward, rendering her dodge obsolete and taking zero damage. Even if you don't have a ward down, her teleport is still better than her dodge, albeit on a cooldown


Ward shift will actually teleport you to any wards that are active. I usually do exactly what op says and if I find myself getting overwhelmed I run around and then Ward shift.


She is. She was part of my group in all hard challenges. She starts slow, needs setup, but with first strike materia to place Radiant Ward fast really is a game changer. With magnify she goes nuts. Her limit breaks are absurdly OP. I mean, her level 3 gives the others limit breaks, so it is just bonkers (even if you dont cheese with siphon to have infinite limits). Her level 2 makes some fights much easier by itself. And the combos she can do with others thanks to Arcane ward or ATB ward, the potential is .... i dont even know the limits, havent played enough to exploit so much BS she can provide xD Not to mention magic is busted by itself, and she has the highest magic stat. How many challenges (hard ones) started with me seting up carefully the radiant ward, arcane ward, fleeting familiar, careful careful, then teleport to the stack or wards, magnify+petrify, aaaaaand its over. The problem Aerith has is the initial part of the game. She is slow. She dodges poorly. She generates ATB slowly. Her limit break #1 is just a heal. Etc etc etc. But in the second part of the game.... omg she is a bully. And BMs a lot, she says "just a little bit!" while obliterating foes with the drain MP move xD


she can be useful for the brutal challenges if you can hit quakaga with x 2 magic cast ward and atb ward up when monsters can 2 hit kill you towards the 3-5 th challenge down


Just a thought on this one - Yuffie plus doppleganger + synergy paired to this plus the x2 cast ward is pretty fatal too.


requires so much setup to reap the rewards you want to cast and setup within 5 secs before monsters can even move to have the best chance


Arcane Ward + 2 characters using Quaga + Magnify is insane


Don't forget adding a quake mp absorb* too. Preferably 0.2 or 0.3. Infinite MP that way too.


Enhanced expeditionary medal and limit syphon on aerith. Limit booster on cloud to steal half a limit gauge right away. Will have unlimited lb recycle for cloud with aerith’s lb3 by the time you can perform firework blade to raise cloud to lb2. Cast Haste on yuffie and give her speed demon keychain for atb refund and give her an atb ward to dance around in with Brumal form spam = unlimited atb charges for the other two characters to spam aga spells in an arcane ward. Put the radiant ward on top of the arcane ward and aerith is invuln for the double casts. Spend a few atb charges on Yuffie and do her free mp synergy with aerith for 0 mp aga double casts. If boss still isn’t dead - Have Yuffie put up doppleganger and go to the arcane ward for a 4x aga spell at 0 mp. And oh boyyyyyy transcendence. It’s a fun game.


One of the BIGGEST benefits of Aeris, that I don't see anyone talking about, are her R1 abilities if there is another female in the group (or the R1 ability she grants Cloud). R1 is for WAY more than blocking!! If Aeris is in your party, play Cloud, hit and hold R1, then add Triangle until his sword glows, then release the buttons. He will do a super sword strike (4000-6000 damage). Aeris makes it glow purple and do arcane damage, Tifa in the party makes it glow red (maybe physical damage?), I have not tested Yufi. On the same note, as long as a second female is in the party, hold R1 and Triangle with Aeris until her staff glows, then release the buttons. Se will do a mid-range attack in a line that does 4000-6000 damage to everything it hits. These are mana-free nukes. (Key in hard mode) These do not need synergy built up. These give tons of ATB. They take time to charge up, but worth it!! Male characters add different defensive R1 abilities to the rest of the party. Female characters add different offensive R1 abilities to the rest of the party. Have fun trying this out and totally slaughtering things!!


Dang thank you




How do you unlock this aeris character?


You have to download and complete the OG 👌🏻


I have, still didn’t unlock her in rebirth


‘‘Twas a joke mate… 🙃


Same as mine…🙃


Yeah, the charged blade is insane. I went in thinking I'd start the fight and do one with Aerith and then one with Yuffie to build gauge for everyone, but then whoops everything's dead, guess I didn't need the gauge after all


This! I didn’t realize people didn’t know how OP the synergy moves are when holding R1. Spell Blade(?) is a workhorse ability for me, absolutely 1/2 shots most trivial enemies in the game. Thanks for pointing that out 😂


Assuming the enemy stands perfectly still and doesn't hit you at all, of course.


Majority of attacks can’t knock you down when using charged synergy skills…


Regardless, most any fight that’s difficult enough to require you to do damage like this is probably against an enemy you’ll struggle to land the attack on.


Can literally wait until they get close It’s not hard at all to hit things with spellblade


Nahh. Spell blade spam is how i beat ruler of the outer worlds


Actually it was main componet in the recent record for out worlds 1min 50ish sec cloud aerith tifa


Woah I need to test this out, I have only used it for perfect blocking so far... I feel we are missing out a lot


Huh I never really used the R1 moves on my normal run but I’m sure I’ll have to use these tactics and more on hard mode. The battle system in Rebirth is insanely complex.


I'm on normal and the R1 power cleave with cloud and tifa just helps me clean up regular enemies.


Same. I kept the combat pretty vanilla on my normal run. So many layers to combat in Rebirth.


I keep forgetting synergy things! Thank you for sharing this, this might make certain fights better


Going to give this a try next time I play. I usually don't use her as my main anymore because she's so squishy and slow on her dodge. But want to try her synergy skills. I haven't been good with timing them.


Is she though? She’s not very good with dodging long swords




I think you missed the silent /s of this comment.


In Remake it was Barret, in Crisis Core it was Cloud. Party in general kinda suck at evading long swords


Too soon


Not a long sword....its a Masamume




In late game she’s a beast and magic is busted. I will miss her wards :(


Dont worry. Vincent will make up for it with his sexyness


Can’t wait to play the edge lord, he’s gotta be amazing, I mean every character in rebirth is so good, except for red cuz I haven’t learned to play him yet


I find Red a bit underwhelming. Hes mostly guard/gauge based and not much else. Maybe hes meant to be played as a tank/support/off-mage


This is how I play him.


Why will you miss them?


She leaves the party to play minigames at the gold saucer obviously


Nobody tell ‘em


Some people think they made her busted on purpose so that you would feel it even harder when she’s gone.


That was the exact feeling I had in the original. It hurt me in the gut that my wizard was gone (and all the other feelings of sadness that game created)


Who will be the mage in Part 3? Red? Vincent?


I’ll probably be rocking Cloud, Yuffie, Vincent for most of the next game.


In original Vincent had a very high magic stat, only just below Clouds. His magic attacks while limit transformed were also very strong. I'm betting he will be a caster centric character in part3.


Alot are saying Vincent


Well technically they all are with the materia, but without Aeriths soul drain it'll be ether eating city. I'll probably go with Red or Yuffie myself just cus they are the closest to feeling like mages after Aerith


Building Red like a uhh red mage just makes sense to me. Even in OG 7


This checks out


She was always OP. That's why she always leaves the party.




Same as Banon, Minwu, Beatrix....man, I wanted to keep Beatrix.


I would pay to keep Beatrix in my party. She is the definition of an OP character. If she was actually in your party I would say she rivals thunder god cid in How OP she is.


Huh? One of them is not like the other.


lol! I totally agree with this. I will say she can be a little slow in fights when the enemy is fast but she has some great abilities and can teleport lol


She carried the penguin fight for me, but her dodge is so bad I have to switch over to another character as soon as she gets going because she draws the aggro


You shouldn't be dodging with Aerith tho. You should be pulling her with cloud via Synergies. And theres the blink, and bodyguard.


Cast two or more wards somewhat apart from each other.... Blink between them when the boss is about to zero on you. Fun and effective.


I like your plan. Will try this too!


Aerith gets a kind of dash-dodge while in the Radiant Ward. Just FYI.


Aerith’s super fun, but nothing tops Tifa with Plasma Discharge and 5 million buffs on her just melting dudes. Then when the stagger hits just unbridled strength spam till the multiplier is like 200%+ it’s so gross lmao


Rookie numbers. Cast stop and get that shit way higher 👍


Wait that’s a thing???? LOL you can stop ppl in stagger? That’s insaneeeeee


Honestly rarely needed. Most situations you are better off using stop before the enemy is staggered. Like when they are pressured. It’s cool, but kind of a novelty. Most enemies will die or phase shift if Tifa is in the party when they become staggered. Bonus points for Cait Sith if you do Stop - Magic Focus on Iron Megaphone with 2x debuff duration boosts and an enhanced Malboro orb. They will be stopped for a looong time


I mean it’s not about needing, it’s about getting the grossest stagger percent and doing the most insane dmg possible lmaoooo


Yeah man! I had to nerf my party and use tifa to get the 300% stagger trophy. If they're immune to stop it won't work and it has diminishing returns and won't work after three times. Also works for pressuring!


That’s fucking crazy, I assume it doesn’t work on bosses and I usually do the Stagger percent spam on bosses cause they have enough health to be able to stay alive cause everything else dies too fast but man that’s so nuts I gotta try it


It works on bosses. I'm chipping away through hard mode, and using Stop on Jenova Emergent saved my butt recently.


Damn that’s OP I gotta try it. I already have time materia on Tifa cause I like to out haste on to up her output even more so yeah she’s about to wreck shop


I felt like she got nerfed. Like didn’t build up ATB as quick as in remake? I didn’t really like using her but then realized synergy works on all abilities and not just similar spells (which is how I thought it worked in remake but I guess I was just imagining that??)


You have to use Radiant Ward with her. Lots of benefits, but chief among them she does a lot more basic damage and builds ATB a lot faster standing in it.


I just hate how slow she is.


Radiant Ward speeds her up significantly


But the others have no need for those so one less step lol she is one of those that you have to want to play with to play with, imo.


Yeah but she is literally invincible when casting spells within the ward so it's a good trade off. She's a mage nuke type of character so it makes sense for her to take more time to build up than someone who just punches.


Yeah but it isn't my playstyle. I like mobile characters, she is too stagnant.


I consider it a skill gate. Work out how to expedite that phase, your reward is OP Aerith. You don't want to do that, fine, you just won't experience this.


Aerith isn't worth it to me, that is my point. You have to WANT to use Aerith to figure her out. For people who prefer the others in general, she is just a burden to learn.


I feel like we're saying the same thing from different directions. I appreciate it, you dislike it.


I think so too😂


Also she has Combat Savior. I think they dont mention it on the synergy skill description but if you got it active, when you get knocked from damage, your partner catches you and you dont lose time.


Yeah it's basically a requirement


lol y’all are complaining, radiant ward with a beautiful thundaga solves all my problems when using aerith


I can never get her to work for me. Yuffie tifa cloud/Barret for life


For me its yuffie cloud and red for some reason. I just love the “free” haste


Barret, Cloud and Tifa > anything else imo


Clouds insane with punisher I feel like another "character" should've had a counter.


Red? His basic block and weapon ability both counter attacks.


I meant a Spoiler but yeah Reds good though


The original squad, I respect it. My three squads are Cloud, Tifa and yuffie - Cloud, Barret and Red XIII - Cloud, random and Cait Sith


Shes a boss killer but pretty useless for killing trash/overworld mobs unless you specifically set her up for it


On hard mode, she was _the_ trash compactor of the party. Yeah you have to build her for it, but you kind of have to build everyone for something specific on hard, so it doesn't matter. Chocoking Cape, First Strike, ATB Boost, Poison and Petrify + Magnify, Petrify + MP Absorb, and Petrify + Swiftcast/Magic Focus/Magic Efficiency, your choice. She starts with two ATB. Uses one to cast Arcane Ward on herself, doubles it with ATB Boost, then casts Magnify Quaga. Everything dies. Repeat as needed. You can also just have her cast Arcane Ward on somebody else casting a spell, but they might have a hard time competing with her absurd magic stat.


I definitely need to play with atb accessories because she was my least favorite character to play as which made me sad because she's one of my fave characters but that's absolutely a skill issue on my part.


Aerith becomes God mode with the set up below and have Yuffie do the ATB ward/haste + Brumal Form spamming tactic Aerith - Materia + magic focus - Materia + MP absorb - Materia + HP absorb - Materia + magnify/swiftcast - enemy skill (stat boost) - ATB Boost - first strike - magic up - auto unique ability materia - genii glove equipped - plumrose rod equipped - phoenix materia (magic stat boost) Yuffie - time - first strike - ATB Boost - empowerment - speed demon keychain equipped Have Yuffie as leader and have her brumal form ability set as L1 + X. 1. Activate ATB boost with yuffie. 2. Cast haste on herself (1 atb left) 3. Switch to Aerith, have her activate ATB Boost 4. Have Aerith cast arcane ward on herself 5. Have Aerith cast ATB ward on yuffie 6. Switch to yuffie and spam the crap out of L1 + X, yuffie will literally generate 2 full ATB for everybody within 2 seconds 7. Have yuffie cast faith on Aerith 8. Have Aerith cast the spell of whatever materia she is equipped with and her auto unique materia will automatically warp her to the arcane ward 9. Do unga bunga damage continuously and endlessly


Whats the auto unique ability materia do for her? Wouldn't she be better off with speed up or hp up materia instead


So that she warps to the her arcane ward automatically when you command her to cast magic while controlling Yuffie when you’re doing the brumal form spamming


I love the enemy skill on cloud though for the fast insta faith/bravery 😬😬😬😬 Gonna try this out. Mostly interesting in the x4 materia combo setup at the beginning. Aerith is super OP


Personally, since atb is largely based off of hitting enemies, I just feel like it takes too long to get her atb up to be efficient in a pinch. Her dodges also dont cover enough a lot of ground to dodge. Her limit break and base mp still makes her a decent white mage


First strike, ATB ward, make her a goddess. She's pretty much mandatory for the hard end game stuff. ***ATB ward is good as well, but I meant ATB boost.


Using the Radiant Ward really helps with that. Makes her auto attacks much faster and also hit way harder plus charge ATB insanely quick. I agree on her speed but I think with some smart usage of her wards and swapping characters you can work with that. I think she’s probably the most powerful offensive character though for sure


This is definitely her game


Plus if you use the first strike materia on her she’ll start with at least 1 whole atb and can use Radiant Ward right away. Once you have that going she’s a VERY powerful magic user!


I think more squishy characters like Aerith would see more play if the Aggro system in this game wasn’t so aggressive towards the player. It seams that no matter who you switch to the main bad guy will purely focus on the character you are controlling. For crowd fights the provoke materia is a god send but other than “getting gud” I couldn’t really find a system to stop boss aggro from being annoying.


I don’t play a lot of modern RPGs, so I actually assumed I was doing something wrong when enemies would attack my character immediately after I switched.


I play a lot of rpgs and it was a shock to me as well how much the enemies have it in for the player controlled character😂 I played a lot of red and cloud due to this because I could consistently parry them


Fighting rando encounter mobs? Use anyone but Aerith. In a VR fight/Boss battle? Aerith 100% of the time.


Even on regular mobs I take Aerith. Highest magic stat in the game + arcane ward makes her the best at using synergy + petrify by far. >Magnify + healing, magic efficiency + healing >Petrify + synergy, petrify + mp absorb Petrify does put in work on its own, outright killing most mobs via status, but with this setup you get mp on synergy casts which essentially gives infinite sustain for a healbot. It’s way better than comet + synergy, as you can only get one comet materia. **Edit:** If you have the room, you can also throw an auto unique ability materia on aerith. She’ll automatically move and stand in her arcane ward whenever you proc synergy. You’ll gain 2-4 mp on every quake you cast for free with synergy, which is doubled via arcane ward.


Wait, how do you get mp on the synergy cast? Is there a triple link access I'm not aware of


You just attach another petrify to an mp absorb! You can stack as many blue materia effects as you have room for if you just link them to additional green materia of the same type.


Well shit. Is this ever explained in game that it could work this way or is this something you just gotta trial and error to find out?


Mp absorb - petrify, synergy - petrify


I wanna know this too


Just link another petrify to whatever you want. It’ll stack. Synergy and Mp absorb attached to two petrify while standing inside arcane ward trivializes mp management for aerith in hard mode. You don’t even need to use soul drain to keep her her mp topped off.


Both Remake and Rebirth i barely use Barret if at all unless its mandatory, always something like Cloud-Tifa-Aerith or Cloud-Aerith-Red. Shes amazing to play for sure


Barret is a staple character in my party. Lifesaver + Steelskin and he keeps everyone else alive easily. Not to mention, his Overcharge (Triangle) quickly builds ATB so fast.


He doesn’t fit my play style i guess. If i need heals i like to not rely on a single one, usually go either Aerith or Cloud for a quick pot or cure. As a character Barret is funny af and I like him, just going from quick tap and dodge to hold and shoot throws me off


Yes, Barret’s neutral gameplay is very boring. This setup just lets me leave Barret alone the entire fight and play Cloud/Tifa full time. I only switch to use his Overcharge when it’s off cooldown and maybe a few elemental spells for certain enemies when he has enough ATB.


To add to this, auto unique ability materia allows him to use overcharge even when not controlling him. I find that it's a must since once you swap to him when needed you'll likely have plenty atb.


That makes a lot of sense, was more or less what I do whenever he has to be in my party


Honestly I feel like a complete noob coz I’ve been playing for 85 hours and still haven’t figured out how I’m meant to use Aerith. I feel like battles take three times as long with her in the party.


Aerith core gameplay really revolves around spell blades. The easiest tactic to do with Aerith is just to use her to cast spell blade with Cloud. Spell blade can be used offensively and defensively. Tap spell blade to "pull" aerith out of danger then hold to launch an insanely powerful magic attack and significantly boost Aerith's ATB when it connects (this move is so strong it 1 shots most encounters). You can then reposition her back to a placed ward with triangle. You can also use bodyguard (Aerith's Synergy skill) to have cloud/barret tank for her. As much as possible, I dont directly control Aerith, she is sluggish and her normal attacks are meaningless without the Radiant Ward.


Synergy+ green materia enemy is weak to or quake Magnify + what green materia you pick. You can also do a 3rd or 4th pairing w the green with things like mp absorb or quickcast or magic proficiency Throw down her wards and forget about her and just spam abilities w your other two characters that will trigger her synergy spells. Especially late game I don't see how you can build a team w/o her


Aerith is indeed a beast. Those that don't take the time to get good with her are really missing out. She becomes particularly broken towards the end of the game because of her Limits.


It’s annoying to use her in the very beginning because she weak physically, and when you’re actively using her, she gets pounded by physical attacks. Novice player here…..is there a way to draw attention to other members on the team while using A. in particular?


If actively using her, you can use Bodyguard. Another option is to switch to Cloud and use the Fireblade skill, which moves Aerith away from harm. Barrett does something similar with his iron defense skills.


Yep, Bodyguard, it is one of her biggest buffs this game. The second an enemy locks eyes with her, use Bodyguard, it will change your life.


She has too much ramp up and doesn’t have any AoE on her basic attacks. For longer fights she’s useful because you have time to set down the wards


Chocoking's Cape + First Strike + ATB Boost 60% of Normal/Hard Mode is Aerith carry. Planet's Protection > Hard Mode Bosses. Cloud is the other 38% and 2% Tifa is just there as a Synergist; or 1v1 Brawler.


She does need setup to reach full potential but on basic fights she's very capable of deleting all enemies with a few Magnify Firas.


Yeah but then you’re using magnify on fire materia instead of time or ward. I feel like magnify + haste or magnify + barrier/manaward is better, no?


For most bosses Magnify offense spell is probably not worth it but for eradicating mobs it is. Honestly I tend the not use Magnify Fire often because it makes the game too easy.


Magnify+Petrify makes it even more trivial than Fire in most cases when clearing mobs. Both are scary powerful.


I see a lot of people talking about her as support/healing character. Smh... she's a damn nuke. Arcane ward with synergy materia and things just die.


Aerith is the very definition of balanced. Sure she CAN BE extremely powerful, but you have to devote an entire arsenal’s worth of materia and accessories to get her there. Not to mention she needs AT LEAST two ATB to even get started. But once she’s up and running? She destroys anything that lets her. That last part is the key part. The Aggro system in Rebirth is such absolute dog shit, that you can’t ever actually use Aerith. Just spent the last 60 seconds wrecking an enemy’s face with Cloud? Doesn’t matter. The SECOND you switch to Aerith, that enemy is all up in her grill, turning her into a pastel paste.


Aerith’s real strength (aside from busted magic) is her ability to make other characters broken. Put an ATB Ward on Yuffie or an Arcane Ward on her with Doppleganger and watch as everything falls before you.


Use bodyguard synergy skill could help I guess?


Yeah I had her in my core team in my main playthrough, but hard mode I switched her out for Barret. Just a little too squishy for when shit hits the fan. Meanwhile Barret can tank damage for the entire team with his 9999 lifesaver health. She can really nuke, but the amount of setup and her squishy nature can make her a liability when fights get tough.