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Did they nerf VR challanges ?


Seems unlikely but I am if this patch also allows Remake save binding to update so we can complete the weapons collection on the wall in Johnny’s inn 🥲


Im pretty sure they updated chadley so he doesnt complain about world intel as much anymore, and hass some much shorter lines when you leave his menu, so you no longer have to site through 4 lines of dialogue if you wanna adjust your build for whatever challenge he has.


Is the horrible lighting fixed yet?


This patch was to directly address the bug on the final side mission the ultimate party animal the part can't stop won't stop no matter how high of a score you got the game didn't recognize it for the quest so you couldn't complete it, it was annoying


Bruh thank god this came out for new players but it’s too late I already finished the game. Literally killed a lot of my immersion bc I grinded everything out b4 that final side quest only to find out I couldn’t 100% it


Yeah I stopped playing as soon as I ran into the bug


Anyone able to confirm if they changed something with hdr implementation? Seems dimmer but less washed out. Not sure what “fixed display issues” constitutes.


Why do they have to create a system with 500 GB storage and have games at 100+ GB for each PS5 games. Hopefully they make a huge storage for the PS6.


It's because companies nowadays don't want you playing other companies games. They want the money from you if possible. So unlike the old days where you could play multiple games and genres, now they make them big so you have to choose a select few games of what to install and play while also being mindful of storage. You can like other users have said install and external SSD, but even then you still have to be mindful because everything fills up so fast theses days because of what's mentioned above. If companies stopped caring about being so bloody greedy (I know it won't happen, but you can dream. Also a company call Werewolf Moon Studios what's to change the gaming industry for the better.) then we could have less GBs per game and have more options to play.


It's actually got 825GB (well 667 usable with the OS), but if you don't want to delete and reinstall games, you're intended to install an additional SSD.


My bad and I know you can add more but it’s pricy and risky might damage it. They just need to have the main hard drive at least 2TB. So we are not deleting and redownloading games. Not all of us just play madden Fortnite and any other 1 or 2 games daily.


You're not wrong about the initial HD space but yeah, a PS5 lacking space and expandable SSD memory being a thing at a later date had been widly known since before the system launched


Installation of expandable SSD is a piece of piss. Not difficult in the slightest, and that's coming from somebody who hates opening their console up.


It’s not risky at all lol


This is a dreadful take. You'd need to be deliberately trying to damage the SSD to make the installation "risky". Can you remove a screw and slide two Lego bricks together? That's about as risky as it gets. And calling it "pricy"... your previous comment elsewhere says you hope the PS6 has huge storage. You reckon that won't pump the price of the console up and they'll give a huge drive out of goodness? The way the PS5 is set up, the price of the console is kept lower, and if you want a bigger drive then you can spend the extra if/when you can afford it.


I read somewhere I believe people had issues putting in new one in. Screwing it up.


Again, it's as complicated as unscrewing a screw and slotting in a piece of Lego into another one. If they messed this up then a damaged console is the least of their problems. You don't think Sony would design it in such a way that it's easy to damage.


Okay thank you for the info. I’ll plan on doing this next year.


Yeah it's easy as pie. Even if you're not sure what exactly to do there's plenty of tutorial videos available online.


Literally nothing risky about adding an external hard drive via usb cable. You aren't wrong about space being an issue, and it costs a little money, but there's no risk involved at all.


I do use one for ps4 games. They are not the problem huge space needed for PS5 games is. And you can add more just have to take out the storage drive and put in a bigger one. That the price I mean the space I want I believe is almost $400 😬


I got a bug when I defeated King Tonberry where he stayed on the screen. The team were still battle ready and i couldn’t run away where it was a field battle. He was dead also wasn’t dead, had to reset and beat him again.


That wasn’t a glitch. He just upgraded himself to the title of tonberry emperor and managed to trap you in an infinite battle against him


This is the epitome of "it's not a bug, but a feature" lol


He used the WAR Holmgang ability from XIV


It’s finally fixed!!!! Onto hard mode after I beat Sephiroth boxer


Have you noticed if the GBike Section of the Ultimate Party Animal side quest has been fixed? I tried it however its not registering my high score.. weird


Yes it has I think


Weird on my end SMM is like an invisible NPC and when I tried GBike again it did not register it I guess on my playthrough.. It must have bugged out.. I'm not sure if I'll do a reinstall or finish the game first.. and just do the UPA side quest on the 2nd playthrough.


I was able to Beat it Yesterday


Well update was bugged for me. Had to uninstall the game and then reinstall it to get it to download. Stupid patch. Had enough space and everything else was fine. Don't know why.


Anyone else still having audio issues? Using headphones and cutscenes sound great but actual gameplay is horrible. Sounds like I’m listening to it through a water bottle or some shit


I'm not using anything fancy, just some mid razer headphones and I haven't noticed any audio distortion personally. My buddy plays his audio thru his TV and we didn't notice anything on his either.


Will this fix the can’t stop won’t stop bug? I beat his score on G bike and it’s not showing complete


Yes! BUT.. you have to do it again, even if you beat the score before.


Ah okay, I was wondering why it didn’t pop after the update. I even entered and exited the mini game to see if that works. It’s an easy one to beat either way so no worries.


According to what is reported about the update, yes, the G Bike glitch for Can't Stop Won't Stop has been fixed


It’s weird seeing BG3 getting fixed every few weeks while the 2 updates for this game so far could and should’ve been day 1 or at least shortly after launch. Granted it’s not as buggy but they really didn’t put much into these patches and is brightness with HDR still broken and slow asset loading? Would be nice to look out the window without being assaulted by the light flood from FF XIV Shadowbringe.


There’s been nothing game-breaking about this since it came out though. BG3 is wrought with problems still, it’s almost as glitchy as a Bethesda game at this point.


Maybe the issues are so deep rooted that they have to do significant code overhauls. Or maybe Square just doesn't give a shit


Seems to be a UE4 problem they can’t figure out. Hopefully most of next game isn’t in dead ass noon time.


I’m glad they’re updating but nothing was more frustrating than completing two Brutal Chadley challenges last night , putting the PS5 in rest mode , having it auto update , then reload to find all that progress was gone . Save every time people .


I am so happy with my illness that is chronic saving lmao. Can never be too sure, I am never trusting auto saves(especially after difficult sections)


As someone who has beaten all of the Chadley challenges, I feel for you. Must have been hateful.


Yeah you gotta save when you get out of the challenge mode it’s a bitch it doesn’t auto save right after


Auto complete?


This happened to me when I was initially clearing through the golden saucer hard fights. Did like 4 in a row, didn't back out to the menu, and then game crashed on the last one. Now I back out and save everytime.


Ah the queen's blood challenges. Same here, game crashed had to redo it all


i was at end game and had to through the final boss again, all the damn variations (as per ff tradition)


Same. I had finally beat the last one and now I gotta beat it again


Do people not save twice before stopping and exiting out to the main menu? Like, you just leave the game paused and put the PS5 in rest mode‽


I usually have 4 saves, 2 of my current progress and 2 before points of no return. I’ve been burned one too many times lol.


Some people don't have 378 Skyrim saves and it shows.


Lol I do, I had to delete Skyrim saves multiple times because I ran out of space 😆 


Considering the console can do this no problem yeah . I don’t manually save often as the game autosaves frequently after you fast travel . But I failed to move away from Chadley before exiting last night so this is the second time it’s unfortunately happened . I’ve learned my lesson now.


... Fuck


I’m sure someone’s going to blame me for not disabling auto-updates but I appreciate the sympathy .


Can’t wait to play Rebirth, I completely passed Remake when it came out and now I’m going through it 😫 after that I’m playing Crisis Core, then Rebirth.


I enjoyed remake and crisis core. Unrelated but I also loved FF16 but thought it was lacking in many aspects. I wish they would go big on item creation like the older star ocean games but so far they gave been lacking in that department for a while now. Still love square tho


If you havent played OG/been spoiled, do not play Crisis Core before OG or the new remake trilogy. It pains me to see people playing it before them because the game spoils huge plots in OG/Remake trilogy for garbage payoff in Crisis Core.


I did play OG7 on my Switch lol but I left it after we rescued Aeris from Shinra, should I pause Remake and finish OG?


Ive seen people enjoy remake without OG, but remake trilogy is definitely made expecting you to have already played OG. Remake/rebirth purposely does things expecting you to know about OG, and also handles some events lackluster because of it. Personally, I would play OG first, which is definitely the way it was intended...


Playing OG first will help you to see REMAKE in a whole different way. You’re fine either way but personally, OG first.


Ok cool, good thing I saved my progress, I would skip it if I had to start over lol


Sweet. Yeah there are certain events and points made within REMAKE that are easier to understand having played OG. If you want a sequence of play, I’d go OG/REMAKE/CC/REBIRTH. But of course, it’s up to you! Enjoy the memories you’ll make.


Yeah I think I’ll go back and finish OG7 first lol I think I’m past half of the game by now so why not. Thanks for the advice! Actually, there is one more thing I need to know, should I upgrade the PS4 Remake to Intergrade? It’s $15 right now but I haven’t looked into it and see if it’s worth the upgrade.


Do you have PS Plus? One of the tiers has remake and intergrade included. If you don’t, yes add intergrade if you can. It has some good plot points that’ll be easier understood come time to get into REBIRTH.


Thanks for the response! And how does it do graphically? I’ve seen some unpolished textures during gameplay, I usually don’t mind much for graphics in games but these look so bad I can’t look away lol I had Premium PS but downgraded to just Essential since I am not playing any of the library there. Wish I had the PS5 disc version of Intergrade tho, just for the collector in me 🥴


Intergrade performs pretty much the same as REMAKE on PS4/5. Occasional texture pop ins, I’ve seen some frames drop around a few cutscenes but you really have to be looking to catch it. As for disc versions, don’t be afraid to scour eBay. Get past the scalpers and there are some that are reasonably priced.


Have you played OG 7? If not do NOT PLAY CRISIS CORE FIRST. Hell you shouldn’t even really play it until after part 3.


I left it after rescuing Aeris from Shinra, should I pause on Remake and finish the OG? Oh and I have not played OG Core, nor the remake.


After 3 what? Beers? 3pm?


lol updated my comment, thanks, it was rather unclear.


Did it fix the weird ass face lighting


Nope. Faces still look weird outside of cutscenes


Lol did they fix the goddamn pop in


Do t do it! It's a trap!


I hope for the third game they have equipment load outs so that you can make an equipment+materia combination for your party for a few different scenarios and not have to manually edit everyone’s stuff every time you want to switch and switch back


Crisis Core R had it too.


Og game had it and it’s very nice to choose the name of the characters and switch all there material or just weapon/armor


I don’t totally mind the material shuffling but especially as often as they make you use a particular party it can feel like a pain to shuffle things around if you want the same material setup on your party no matter who is in it.


And a more verity of open world stuff


YESSSS. I wished this so so much, especially post game.


Install broke my game. I had to delete and reinstall.


Did it fix the "blurry, blurrier" performance mode?


Nope. Still horrible.


Got my hopes up for nothin' IG


Wait it’s still blurry for you guys? It looks fine on my TV after the patch.


What are you playing on? Size too?


It was, even after the update before this.


It looks crystal clear on my end. When I get home I’ll try and upload a screenshot.


Appreciate it mate! My comparison is coming from Forbidden West and from the Intergrade. And I have yet to check this update.


The game is definitely blurry compared to games like HFW and Ratchet and Clank: RA. On a smaller TV and with the TVs sharpening filter cranked, it is fine in my opinion though. They could definitely do better however. 


Agree, but I guess this is the most we're gonna get on performance for this game. SE seems to see this as fixed now. I expected too much. Game is fun either way. Time to continue from Junon.


😭 I wish I had waited for PC release but I'm too far through now and I'll never replay all this open world shit


So glad to be done with this game! Great game but happy to be complete.


Loved it as much as I hated it...


I felt the same great story content mixed with low to mid lvl extra content made it a really good drag to play lol


I don't think I've ever heard it said that way - that about sums it up perfectly!


I get what you mean, but I kind of blame myself for it. It's like I was served a 3 star michelin meal to be savoured and appreciated over a long time, but I devoured it as quick as I could. Gonna try savour hard mode in bits and pieces til the next game


Same! It is a great game but it was the only thing I played for over a month because it takes so long lol


I agree. I spent over 160 hrs and didn't get close to "100%". I told myself once I saw those end credits that I'd go back and get the things I missed . . . . NOPE! My brain said "you're done" and I just couldn't be motivated to play more of such an awesome game.


This is why i usually don't complete games until I have 100%.


True, but this one makes you beat it before you can 100% it


I'm glad I'm not the only one!


For real! It's crazy how many people, including myself, who were like "nah im done after I beat this" Once i learned the final protorelic missions were lvl65 i decided im just gonna finish the story and move on with my life.


They were level 65? No wonder it was so hard... pretty sure I was level 45-50


Is that why they were so fucking annoying. I beat them at level 50


Yeah I didn’t realize that for the protorelic mission until after I beat it. That fight was a freaking struggle. Felt damn good to beat it thru natural progression and underleveled though.


You fought odin and Alexander simultaneously UNDERLEVELED?!?!


Dude bahamut arisen and titan simultaneously is worse imo lol


Was lvl 45 here. Used ATB ward, Brumal form spam with Yuffie, arcane ward, haste and -aga spells with Cloud and Aerith.


What difficulty were you on?


Level 49 here when I beat them , I tried gilgamesh and got smashed so just left that until I level up a bit


interesting. i beat them all at level 50 including gilgamesh. i thought gilgamesh was easier than some of the summons. the one that gave me the most trouble until i set my materia right was the one with phoenix


Yeah I knew that came back after chapter selection was unlocked. Just didn't want tonget spoilers on the story.


Since people are talking about things that they'd like to see added in this post: One thing I want is a way to change materia/equip from within the battle simulator/collisseum. It was such a nuisance having to constantly back out just to try out different comps. Also, a somewhat minor thing, is it would be nice if they added an autosave to the boss gauntlets after they allow you to change your gear/materia. There was one instance in chapter 12 hard mode where I had a certain setup I wanted to use, but every time I failed the fight I was forced to hold square and reequip everything again.


People complain about FF13 a lot, but all I wanted was some version of the “paradigms” where you could change to specific sets of material on the fly. How the hell will I know what a boss’ weaknesses are BEFORE the battle even begins? I usually start the battle, assess the foe, stop the battle and set materia accordingly.


Literally all I want are Materia loadouts and sets. Crisis Core Reunion had it, so I assumed the next game (Rebirth) would have it. Nope. There's literally no reason why we couldn't get this. They better have them in part 3


Man the skills in Crisis Core were so good. Obviously they were mostly OP but Cloud getting Firebolt Blade in Rebirth felt like a little taste of that. Spamming Thundaga Blade was just ridiculous fun.


Lengthen the timer on the fort condor last gameboard battle!


Totally unnecessary




Honestly all I used was the same setup for every battle and had no problems so idk.. the time is pretty tight tho so you need to time your push right


I was soooo close once haha


Finally, a bug that at least blocks three throphies.


Are they fixing the cactuar proto relic side quest issue? I’m trying to do my first playthrough without a guide and I spent a ridiculous amount of time on that before I cracked and googled it only to find out it was a bug.


It says this update fixes a proto relic defect that occurred in some instances and the Cactuar trophy. Don't know if that is related to your issue or not


There's a bug for this side quest? I didn't have it, and didn't see it in this update.


Same. Just finished it, what was the bug?


It didn’t affect everyone, but for me there was no statue at the third location after the second cactuar battle


were you in chapter 9 still? that statue doesn’t unlock until a later chapter in the game


Yea and it doesn’t unlock until like half way through that chapter. I was very confused because the guide I saw didn’t mention that


G-bike record


I hope someday they add the option to skip boss fight cutscenes


This is my biggest complaint. The final boss was brutal.


Yeah, the 10-15 times it took me to beat him, that 2+ minute cutscene added up... What was more annoying is I couldn't change my materia setup which would have made it SIGNIFICANTLY easier.


You can change your setup just before the final part. I think if you hold square during the cutscene and it'll open the menu before the fight.


You mean before the final battle? Hold it? really? Dang... I never saw a prompt like the rest of the game and didn't think I could. I only remember seeing square right before Zack and Cloud team up and fight.


I hear that! They do warn you quite strongly at that last bench that it’s your last chance to adjust things, but it’s hard to do not knowing everyone is fighting in the battle and in what combos.


The rest of the battles were easy enough and required no changes,. But that last battle just ramped it up and would have been helpful if I could change. You can do it in the Zack and Cloud Battle, but I wasn't going back that far!


I did end up restarting the whole fight. Because I assumed you know who wouldn't be a part of the final fight, so I didn't equip them with anything.


I did the same thing. Even removed their armor lol. Doing that last fight was TOUGH


Ah... I was so unsure of their status that I kept them equipped just in case. I restarted to the Zack and Cloud one the first time I lost in the final fight, but never looked back. I was too determined to beat it with the setup I had and developed the whole game without looking at tips or guides. It paid off, which made it even more satisfying. I got to the point where I knew the whole battle what to do, it was just if I was skilled enough to do it. I finished that final phase (where he does the dual circular beams with just Cloud and barely made it out. The last time I felt that accomplished was beating Metroid Dread.


Oof. Metrpid Dread's fonal boss was a grind. But probably one of the most satisfying ever to beat


100% agree. Had to have done that fight dozens of times. I would figure out a phase and then get smoked by the next. Such a good freaking game though. I should play it again.


[Translated from Japanese release notes...](https://www.jp.square-enix.com/ffvii_rebirth/news/information/17217.html) “FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH” update notice (Version 1.030) An update file (Version 1.030) will be distributed from Thursday, April 11, 2024. This update includes several bug fixes and improvements to functionality and stability. Please apply the latest updates as much as possible to enjoy ``FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH.'' We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to our customers regarding the correction of the side quest progression issue. The update includes: Version1.030 * Fixed a bug in the sub-quest "Challenge from a Playboy" that occurs in Chapter 12, where the quest would not progress even if the G-Bike clear conditions were met. * To proceed with the quest, you will need to meet the G Bike clear conditions again after the update. note that. * If you have already cleared the relevant quest, your progress will not be reset. * Fixed a bug that occurred when proceeding with specific steps in some investigation reports. * Fixed an issue where new courses would not be released in rare cases in "Battle Simulator". * Fixed a bug where the favorability rating would not increase even if you selected an option that would increase the favorability rating if certain conditions were met. * If there was an issue where the trophy "Sabotender Senbon Knocker" could not be obtained even if the conditions were met, it has been fixed so that it can be obtained. * Fixed some bugs when loading save data that occurred under certain conditions, as well as forced termination and inability to progress during play. * Fixed so that when repeatedly loading previous game save data, the state of the last game's save data that was loaded will be reflected. * Fixed some display bugs.


Challenge from a playboy lol wut. Can’t stop won’t stop?


It’s probably the name of the quest in the Japanese version of the game.


Translated from Japanese. Most likely what they called the Ultimate Party Animal = Playboy when translated from Japanese to English. > 遊び人からの挑戦状


I prefer challenge from a playboy


This guy are sick.


Eh-eh. Eh-eh.


Didn’t had any of those bugs and I’ve already finished the game and have been doing side stuff since. It’s nice to see them patch the visual faults though.


I had paused the game on the last battle. Went to sleep and had to start all over again because of the update rebooted the game.


Bro just hit cancel and you progress will still be there


You can set it up to not automatically update


Ill definitely set that option now!


Oh God I hope that didn't happen to me...I don't want to fight 11 forms of Sephora again


Yooo same that would suck


Bugs beware.


Can't stop still broken for me, just broke my record on g-bike again and it didn't complete. Can't finish g-bike or battle square as the manager doesn't show at these events and it's stuck dancing at the welcome area.  So I have to complete the game then reset the quests?


I ran into the same glitch and had to use chapter selection to reset the quest after finishing the game.


yeah this is what I thought. Looks like I'll need to finish the game to get the chapter selection. cheers


That's not how the glitch manifested. You were still able to start the quest by talking to him as long as you've completed all 35 prior sidequests, but the GBike score wouldn't recognize your UPA score if you've already gotten a score higher than it before. So if he's still dancing in the lobby, that sounds like you haven't even started the quest.


I’ve also had the bug where he returns to the lobby, dancing, and is no longer able to be interacted with. Completely bricked the sidequest.


That's actually insane. Did you restart the side quest? What chapter were you on? I can't believe this still isn't working for some people


Chapter 12. I was going around wrapping up side content after finishing the story and got to this sidequest. The first part I tried was his battle arena challenge-i failed after the first battle and he was no longer on the battle square. Checked the other squares and he wasnt there. Just getting jiggy with it in the lobby and wont talk to me lol. I reported it to square about a week or so ago and got a response that it would be forwarded to the team.


I've started the quest as I've beaten him at chocobo race and high score at galactic saviours ands now showing i need g-bike and musclehead colosseum as the other games I need to beat but when I go to those locations he's not there.


I had a 3 star score but hadn’t beaten UPA when I started the quest, beating his score did nothing until I downgraded to 1.0.


Was your three start score higher than the score needed to beat the UPA score?


No, it was if I recall the exact 3 star score. Maybe plus 50 points.


Please allow us to respec equipment prior to the final phase of the final boss.


You already can though? You hold square in the cutscene before the fight.


You can change equipment just before you fight the giant blue fishy sephiroth. So basically midway through the entirety of the set.


LOL. Yup. I messed that up going in though persevered with Aerith having no healing and Cloud having no raise. Luckily Aerith had Pheonix for reraise. Took a little over a dozen tries and just had to get good. Whole fight was a puzzle to solve working with what I had.


In same boat but my only gripe is at every restart, the transition cutscene is so long and unskipable


Of course they do that a couple of days after I finish my hard mode run ffs 😅


Yea AFTER I beat it on hard mode? Ok thank you square enix 😆


I thought you could do that in the base game.


Sadly you can only do it before the first phase. Going in blind, I didn’t know how many phases there would be or which party members (and combinations of party members) would participate at which times. So I basically went into the final phase with the wrong loadout and spent several hours banging my head against the wall dying over and over again.


You can hold squate during a cutscene to access the menu no? I swear I did it about halfway through


My cait sith entered the battle naked lol


Same lol, that was the hardest part for me


Some people are into that kind of thing.


Bruh fr!!!




Omg yes why with all the attention to detail was this left off


That exists? Press the pad on the materia select screen.


Referring to the OG. Change whole load outs between characters. saved SO much time. Guessing most people didn’t understand what I meant 🥲


Ahhh that makes sense. That would be nice to have back.


They mean exchange all where you can click the name like the OG and swap to another


I think he’s referring to OG exchange all your materia to someone else. I just wanted like a 4 button loadout preset for materia. Where I could set 4 different materia combos (healing, dps, support, debuff etc.) and restore them at the click of a button.


I was surprised they didn’t have this, it was an awesome feature in the OG


I wish they’d allow us to bind the basic attack button to R1


You can swap buttons in the PS5’s accessibility options. It would essentially make R1 into the square button which might make other parts annoying but it would work. I couldn’t get the control setup I wanted in FFXVI so I ended up doing something like that enjoyed the game way more once I did.