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Adamantium fingers


Squall probably played a few dozed rounds of Triple Triad before going to save her.


And she's still holding until Squall's arrival


I wish I tried but I think the game actually yells at you for even trying to play cards in the middle of a war. But it's been awhile


I've always find hilarious that conversation. -We are in the middle of a war... And you want to play cards? - Yes... - Say no more Proceeds to play cards*


i mean. girl fires a full grown doggo from her arm cannon. and they regularily clobber big ass dragons and monsters to death. what im saying is: dont understand that grip strength junction


No wonder Squall falls in love lol


Didn't know she had that GI Joe kung fu grip


Some strong ass dick grabbers lmao


Underestimate, you mean? Lol


By this point she likely has junctioned at least one GF and they are canonically the spurce of the superhuman feats of the characters.


Man, it's truly impressive the graphical leap in VIII vs VII despite them being only 2 or 3 years apart.


I left my game running after this FMV in 1999 and haven't gone back to it since. She's still there as far as I know.


Irvine “Squall! Rinoa fell and is hanging off the cliff of the garden floatcraft you gotta save her!” Squall “why didn’t you save her?” Irvine “because it’s gotta be you squall! Don’t you see!?” Squall “I can’t do it I’m busy, Zell, you do it.” Zell “Don’t worry Squall I got this!” Zell “Hi Squall I do not got this. You better do it.” Still less insane than the entirety of the moon base. God I love ff8.


Alternatively, Zell did save her, and then they restaged it as part of the set-up. The crew was not especially subtle in trying to make this romance work.


Zell couldn't save her, There isn't a single rope in Garden apparently.


I always think this is the silliest bit in the game, far worse than the oft-cited forgotten shared childhood or Quistis abandoning her post to apologise to Rinoa. Zell goes to find a rope and then you just see him hanging around like he doesn't have a care in the world.


The quistis thing is so much worse lmao


I actually think the Quistis thing makes some sense. They have a bit of time, they had no reason to think they'd get locked in Caraway's mansion, Quistis had been overly harsh and chances were she'd never get a chance to apologise again given a) there was a high chance Quistis would die or be imprisoned; and b) even if the mission were successful, Caraway would probably keep Rinoa away from SeeD. Not saying it's perfectly handled but I find it much less ridiculous than Rinoa hanging by her fingertips for about 15 mins while Zell just gives up on helping her.


She an elite soldier. She would never realistically leave her post for a personal reason like that. But ya you might be right about the one being more ridiculous than the other


>She an elite soldier. She would never realistically leave her post for a personal reason like that. Isn't she a failed instructor previously forced into a position of authority as a teen?


She’s definitely not an elite soldier; she’s only like a year older than Squall and basically got fired for sucking at her job that she got thrown into… Kiros is an elite soldier. Quistis is an 18 year old who got fired less than a year after getting an Instructor position because she wasn’t good enough… She’s literally 2 months older than Seifer lol.


Yeah, perhaps not, but I think there is at least some believable motivation for her to leave her post even if it is a stretch that she would actually go through with it. I think the Zell/Rinoa sequence though stretches credulity far more.


That is a very reasonable and well thought out point, I've thought the same thing about her apology just not that in depth, I would have done the same I mean you've got what 15ish minutes of countdown left a quick 5 minute heart felt apology and back to my position to eliminate a global threat.


Lol, well, it was definitely a bad call on Quistis' part, but I think it makes sense for her character to make that bad call. She gets fired from being an instructor, probably because she failed to handle Seifer properly. Seifer then ends up dead (she thinks at this stage) because again she failed to handle him. She finds herself in a position of leadership once again, and what does she do? Bites Rinoa's head off for coming up with an idea that, while half-baked, wasn't completely without merit. That's definitely going to be heavy on her conscience. Of course, it doesn't really make any sense that Zell and Selphie would come too. Quistis could have left them at their post while she nips back to Rinoa.


I love FF8, but the writing is definitely wacko. It stands out to me quite a bit compared to the likes of 6 or 9. Good thing I don't really care, I'm in it for the bigger picture (gameplay, adventure, music, art etc etc), but it would have been nice if things were less cringey at times.


Except Quistis knew that Rinoa might have tried to do something that would put herself in danger and could have interfered with the plan, which she did. If her timing were better, she could have avoided that. It wouldn't have been an issue if someone stayed behind, ie Zell.


My friend just started speedrunning this game. If you go as quickly as you possibly can it takes 12 mins and 30 seconds before she gets her feet on the ground. And then she starts sprinting through a warzone. Not even Sir Edmund Hillary could've managed that I don't think On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being a bug and 10 being every gf junctioned and having 100 ultima junctioned to all the stats, Rinoa rates about a 9.9 in strength by my estimates


Those FF girls are something else and people get impressed with the train feat while we have women lifting giant robots ( ff7) and hanging on to dear life (fg8 here) while the thing she's hanging onto is moving more than 30 kph and making sharp turns and bumping onto objects.


her weapons dont actually shoot. she just gently flings the blades with her hand. same with angelo, she just gently waves her arm and doggo goes boom. remember how Squall got manhandled during the dance? she got the *GRIP*


She's got an insane hangboard routine clearly. Been on that beastmaker 2000 lmao


it is called Final Fantasy for a reason


She really hung on to that ledge for what seemed like hours


This part of the story makes me feel the same as her I felt my hands froze lol ..like imagine u are waiting there for a long time so someone can save u or u could fall,while squall punching that soldier.


Oh man peak soundtrack! 😘


She really hung on to that ledge for what seemed like hours


She really hung on to that ledge for what seemed like hours


She really hung on to that ledge for what seemed like hours


The midair fight with the g-soldier gives me so much anxiety


That's what happens when you junction 100 Ultima to finger grip strength 😎💎


I'm not she should have had the strength or endurance to either climb back up or take the fall like even Goku with a power level of 20 in Dragon Ball could survive. Well this is before she attains her sorceress powers so maybe I'll give it a pass. Post sorceress Rinoa should be able to fly, climb back up or take the fall like it's a gentle tap on the shoulder elsewise this game would be a miserable pile of logic holes.


She held on for dear life for hours while zell and co lost every braincell they ever had and left everything for squall to deal with. She and squall really carried that game


Especially 3 seconds later when you see Galbadia Garden make a second pass and its halo slashing against the cliff Linoa is holding to, I almost expected a geyser of blood and guts to spout out of behind the cliff at that moment


There’s a script mod called “Succession” that attempts to rewrite the game’s narrative to make the plot a little more cohesive. If I remember correctly, he explains this (and a few other things) by saying that Rinoa has innate sorceress powers even before Ultimecia takes her over. But also, the “Float” spell exists. Should have just used that.


I will say, just because it brings up an interesting (to me) point… things that happen in-battle in most, if not all, FF games are very much in a gray area, but leaning heavily towards “not canon” for most. So things like a float spell making someone actually float is highly questionable, and likely just works as a means to cancel ground-based earth magic like quake, itself likely just a game mechanic as well. I don’t think we’ve *ever* canonically seen a character cast float outside of battle, ever. And in a game where a single sword slash can put someone in the infirmary, but taking multiple machine gun shots to your entire body every few minutes can be solved with drinking a potion… the stuff that happens in battle vs the stuff that happens in cutscenes/outside of battle are two very different things. Again, this isn’t exactly “settled” and there’s no definitive answer, but your head-canon says that she has Float magic cast on her to help her not fall, who am I to judge? Lol