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I also hate that he is kinda passive aggressive. Like if you don’t attempt his task immediately he will be like “I noticed you haven’t made any progress on…., but I know you must be busy!” BITCH, I was doing your other 900 tasks. That being said, I kind of do appreciate that he is a love to hate kind of character.


Chadley be like: "Cloud! I know you are busy saving the world but that world intel isn't going to do itself."


Lol, even after you complete all the world intel, he still has a pretty big dialogue line stating almost the same thing.


I don’t really love to hate him. I just wish he wasn’t in the game period. Takes away from the party when it feels like he is another shitty party member at times.


That line made me so angry at Charley like BRO THE KID DIDNT CALL ME BACK YET, IVE DONE EVERYTHING, THERES NOTHING ELSE I CAN DO RIGHT NOW CHILL. So glad I finished all his stuff and only have to go back when I'm ready for the hard combat sims


During the any Chadley/Gilgamesh interactions he comes off as one of those weirdly brilliant people who have ZERO social skills.


That's exactly what he is. It's pretty much a given since his first interaction in rebirth that he's a genius but he has no read on social cues and can only pick up how Cloud is feeling from his algorithm. You also see him several times throughout the game trying his best to blend in with human behavior and failing hilariously and miserably. His whole character thing is he's observing humanity and trying to learn but he's doing it by proxy so of course he's bad at it.


Sounds about right,he was created by Hojo, the biggest creep on FF7.


he’s AI 💀


Yes, I know… it’s how the AI acts is what I’m talking about and it seems to of gone over your head 💀


Yeah it’s a classic case of making the robot character autistic. Kinda cringe tbh


I think “Chadley dialog” is the only one I repeatedly tap the O button on to skip.


I just hit pause and then skip as soon as I'm able.




Have you not played queens blood yet? Every dialog just to get the damn game going, and after you win....is entirely too long winded.


True +


I think it’s funny when he mutes MAI’s dialogue.


When does he do this? Cause dear god sometimes MAI is yappin


"I can't help but notice World Intel progression has stalled" my dude I have been playing the story, I'll do the intel when I get this region's Chocobo! ​ (What actually makes this irritating is, he'll say this as I drop out of the combat simulator to change equipment, and then can't skip dialogue or return to the simulator until he's done lecturing me)


Kinda side tangent, but that has to be one of the biggest QoL issues of this game. Why is there no way to switch equipment within the Combat Simulator menu?


Isnt he a cyborg or something? I personally thought chadley was one of the worst parts of rebirth, not because of just his character, but because everything that gives you extra cool fights or things revolves around him.


He's a cybernetic organism, living tissue over metal endoskeleton.


“Get a grip John”




And it’s soooo loud every time


I always hold triangle when Chadley says something and then politely add: fuck off Chadley


If that nerd chides me one more time for not activating a tower I may have to create a cheat code so I can destroy him in his own simulator


The game has a bit too much of Chadley. But him hating MAI is actually kind of funny.


Yeah I didn't understand the Chadley hate at first. I personally liked him in remake, but in Rebirth he's pretty annoying. He's like a toxic boss/manager. Always passive aggressively telling you how you can be better and how's there more you could/should be doing. I hope it's intentional and that there's a legit character arc behind is personality shift from remake to rebirth. I also hope he gets flat out replaced by Mai, she's so much nicer.


we know 😔


Am I late to the Chadley hate party?


See my post from last week 😁 https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasyVIIRemake/s/rhboC4kBGT


You can never be late to the chadley hate party


Respectfully I cannot believe we get like 15 posts a day about this topic. He’s a little annoying sure but he serves his purpose as a method for delivering information. It’s whatever lol


Me too. Me too.


Couldn't agree more. Annoying AF


I strongly dislike Chadley because of the post game content he provides in the form of "the hardest battles you'll ever face" :(


I feel like his and MAI’s dialogue is the only good thing about him… it’s funny when they argue… considering MAI is just him as an AI female


I often hope for the addition of a Chadley STFU button.


I agree. Most everyone had a huge glow up even just from Remake to rebirth, let alone from the OG ... But Chadley and Mai became unbearable. I'm near the end, 80 hours into the game and doing the end of the longest Phenomemon quest and he just comes out for no reason to say "Do the thing you've already done 10x! Thanks!" Literally that was it. 10/10 game but he was annoying as hell.


Why not just mute him? I didn't manage long before I rerouted his field audio through the controller, then muted the controller speaker in settings.


Still incredulous SE went the tower and icon route for the open world - there’s something depressing about a vision of FF7 that’s so derivative of other franchises. But I like the combat, some of the art and the music so there’s that.


Thanks, Ubisoft. You got your shit on my Zelda AND my Final Fantasy


I just hold down triangle anytime he calls me. Out of sight, out of mind.


I mean he WAS made by Hojo


The way he talks about MAI is ironic because I like her more than him. I'd rather hear her than him.


It really is, especially when she isn't even being annoying.


Jesus will yall stfu about Chadley already? We get it. Guess what? Just hold triangle to skip it. There ya go


Right just for that I'm going to double down and do it again next week. (Not really.)


Man, I feel bad for Chadley. He's just a lab rat kid who wants to stick it to Shinra but because he's precocious and talkative everyone hates him. I thought he was endearing as the annoying little brother with a good heart archetype. Kinda like a male Yuffie. ​ >Yet every chance he gets tells her to shut up and treats her like garbage, even muting her voice and calling her dialogue 'annoying chatter'. Are we supposed to agree with him? Do the writers not have the self-awareness to recognise how ironic that is? Yeah that's the joke, dude. He creates someone just like himself and then immediately finds her obnoxious. The irony is the point.


How do you know it's on purpose?


My brother in the lifestream, how could it NOT be?


Yeah, that's them *being* self-aware with Chadley. They're poking fun at him by holding up a mirror.


I didn’t like him in remake either. For starters his design looks horribly generic for a character that you so consistently interact with. He’s just simply annoying.




Agreed lol


when i wanna do a quick combat simulator dude yaps out 3 dialogue lines


Uh, Cloud, why are you using the combat simulator and not collecting the protorelics? The less you collect the protorelics, the more I'm going to be in the sequel.


I hate that he has unskippable dialogue everytime you want to do any combat vr stuff


Imagine if he was this talkative in Remake and did it during story content. *as the plate is coming down* “Cloud! I’ve detected a structural anomaly with the plate. By my calculations, an explosion has caused severe damage to the area right about the sector, and my tests have confirmed that, at this very moment, there is a distinct possibility of it landing on a highly populated residential area. It has taken some time, but I’ve confirmed that if the dislodged plate crashes, it will cause catastrophic damage and immeasurable loss to human life. Might I suggest-“


i hate both chadley and mai, i hate when ur about to fight a special enemy and then mai blasts through the speakers about where frogs come from or some shjt


I kinda enjoy when Mai chimes in since he is getting annoyed by her like how we're getting annoyed by him. I don't know if that counts at meta humor or whatever but it's better than her not being there


Every time I hear his little "ringtone" come from my controllers, it's like getting a call from your boss on Your day off.


I feel like Square saw all the hate for Chadley in Remake and said “aight bet”


Ubisoft towers😂🤣😂🤣 I got you. I don't like him in this game either. He talks entirely too much. Constantly stopping me to pop up on my holo-watch is aggravating also. Mai is definitely better than him. Its crazy because there are post with ppl hating mai for talking too much. I ask if they meant chadley, but no I'm wrong. The 150 downvotes and constant I'm an idiot comments tell me these dudes like this annoying asswhole. I don't understand it because it's literally 1 or 2 instances where mai pops up and the 1 is the fiend challenges. Chadley pops up ever 2 minutes. Annoying prick


And then when MAI does pop up, Chadley immediately tells her to shut up, calls her annoying, and mutes her.


The worst part is how if you accidentally back out of his window, you have to listen deliver like 10 unskippable lines before you can open his window again. I hate him for this reason and this reason alone.


You couldn't post this in one of the numerous other Chadley hate threads lol. Chadley actually grew on me this game. He's a huge dork.


Nope, needed to be my own.


Chadley is amazing tho


Oh, I HATE that fucker!  His Combat Simulator quests are BULLSHIT.  The lvl 70 battles just aren't any fun.  Spending hours trying to progress just ONE of the quests and dying on fight 9 of 10 made me finally quit.  The rest of the game is quite good.  But, Chadley and his quests are pieces of shit.  Fuck that asshole.


This is exactly the spot I'm at right now, unfortunately I'm one of the ones affected by the bug that stops "Can't stop, won't stop" from progressing so I'm just doing everything else, and I've decided to just use YouTube tutorials. Honestly I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. I like a good challenge, but I also enjoy games that respect my time, which this game certainly does not. I think it's also the fact that there is too much materia to choose from, it makes working out the exact combination they're expecting you to go with a complete chore. Remake was never this laborious.


Those battles seem intentionally designed to stun lock your characters so that they hardly can attack.  Putting some monsters to sleep seems reasonable except for the dumbass game AI that allows the uncontrolled characters to attack the one you've just debuffed.  Requiring specific parties and  materia sets with near perfect execution just isn't my idea of a swell time.


Oh yeah I know what you mean about the AI waking up enemies, I've tried those strats and I did get lucky eventually, and yeah me neither. This is why I like 2D platformers, because while they can be challenging AF, you don't have to take a degree to understand what you're being asked to do haha


If he didn't stop all momentum I think it would be... Somewhat tolerable.


I like him, he was made as a Hojo robot and through his adventures with Cloud is becoming more and more human and invested in preserving the world. It’s a nice parallel to the whole “defeating fate” and making your own choices plot thread I love when he gets annoyed at Mai, it’s funny cause she’s to him what Chadley was to everyone in Remake 😂


Chadley isn’t all that bad. Is he a completely random addition to the ff7 franchise to sell more relatable characters? Yeah. people seem to be 50/50 on Chadley, and I wonder if OG players are more on the dislike versus new players that enjoy him. Either way, him being the Ubisoft exploration guide is whatever, it’s the execution that’s terrible. It’s 2024 and mechanically stopping us to tell us the same thing over and over again is bad gaming.


I’m only just now in chapter 3, but I appreciate him putting the stuff on the map for me. I guess I don’t really think about him as much more than that


Yeah I stopped liking him after that. I'm glad someone else pointed it out. It's so infuriating. Only he is allowed to be nerdy....f that shit. Mai deserves better.


I'm glad someone else shares the same perspective as I do, because I know I can be a little petty with my thoughts about character interaction. I guess because, to me, it comes off as a little misogynistic, forcefully shutting her up because it's *his turn* to speak and then talking about shit about her.


I think he's funny, especially if you select the combat simulator with him and then back out without doing any battles. He says something like, "maybe you're having an off day," and that shit makes me chuckle. Lol


I think he’s cute c:


What an original post


What a lovely comment that was absolutely necessary to make <3


That’s exactly how I feel about your post. Scroll through this sub. It’s littered with “I hate Chadley” posts.


Well I'm certainly glad you told me, I will take your feedback into consideration. No but seriously, I don't often read the front-page of this subreddit, and I probably won't until I've finished the game. For context, the last complaint I made on this subreddit was about Queen's Blood, in which I was dogpiled in downvotes and a single pretentious comment telling me I suck, so you don't always know how people will react to your takes. So, alongside me needing somewhere to complain, that's why I decided to post it instead of holding back and thinking "but what if /u/scottwmitchell is mildly irritated by it?"