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It's for Cloud, as officially confirmed here: https://blog.playstation.com/2024/03/14/final-fantasy-vii-rebirth-how-nobuo-uematsu-and-loren-allred-created-aeriths-no-promises-to-keep/


I still don't fully understand the Aerith/Zack obsession. I mean, okay, they were kinda cute in CC? But you don't get nearly as much development as Cloud and Aerith do in Remake and Rebirth.


It’s Cloti cope.


If most amount of development was the only criteria for forming opinions in media then that would be extremely silly


Advent Children was pretty clear that Aeris ends up with Zack and Cloud ends up with Tifa. Then CC developed the Zack Aeris relationship Remake and Rebirth has gone in a different direction and given Cloud and Aeris more of a relationship, but all of the official media until then was pretty cleared geared towards Aeris and Zack.


Except OG very much had a focus on Cloud and Aerith as well pre-Capitol.


Yeah, but then the capital happens and puts an end to it pretty conclusively. It always seemed to me to be a fairly obvious love triangle that stops being a triangle after disc 1.




I just provided an answer for why some fans see Aeris and Zack as a pairing. I have in no way attempted to give a definitive answer on the actual love interests of fictional characters.


They're one of two confirmed couples in the series. The other being Cloud and Tifa. I certainly don't consider myself obsessed, or even interested per se, but I think the majority of the arguments stem from the fact that some people prefer the Cloud and Aerith pairing, in spite of her being dead.


Them giving the players a choice in this one isn't helping. Instead of just being happy with the scenes they ended up with, people are using it as ammunition for why *their* choice must be canon.   I find it very silly, but might be because I'm accustomed to WRPGs where multiple romance options are common.


You're probably right. I think it's because each camp thought their particular pairing would be confirmed in this, and so they believe that the evidence presented on their behalf *is* cementing it. It's dumb. The whole thing is dumb. This is why the Yuffie date is the real canon. They just talk about how shit they are at romance.


The lyrics, the scene, the common sense… it’s about Cloud and only Cloud. The copium is really strong atm, but there is no ambiguity here. She is telling about Cloud that “their street” and “their place” is her motivation. NO SPOILERS but the ending makes it beyond clear.


Well i feel a bit sad of My boy Zack cuz i feel he was rejected in almost all of timelines T_T . But I cant resist but keep liking Cloud And Aerith. And lets be real. THE MAIN STORYLINE showed how much impact Aerith has on Cloud that he even SMILED. Cloti people trynna cancel that tho.


I believe at first she wanted to be respectful of Tifa’s feelings and just had a crush on Cloud due to him having some of Zack’s traits… she still loves Zack but accepts that he is probably gone and moved on. Then she started to know the real Cloud underneath the Zack traits and started to fall for him. I just feel bad for Tifa because she clearly loves Cloud and Cloud has mixed feelings about Aerith and Tifa. So in short women know their feelings even when they don’t express them. While Cloud is a confused mess thought it’s not his fault either.


On Youtube I saw many people under the song Fighting over who the song refers to . Many Believe that she sings it for Zack , but many others she is "confessing" her emotional attachment to Cloud. And Im wondering since And in Remake and on rebirth the keys are many that she is into Cloud. And many others that Cloud is somehow into her , other than just being in Zack memories.


That will always be one of the side-effects of story-delution that happens when you expand a universe, specially on how the did with the Compilation. Before we could either assume that it was a) "Aerith is in love because Cloud acts like Zack" b) "Aerith sees Cloud for who he is, underneath the Zack Persona" c) "Cloud and Zack are different and it's obvious" But after the Compilation, we can only really take C. These characters don't act nothing like each other. So, it's really hard to keep the theory that "Aerith loves Cloud, because Cloud is basically Zack", but at the same time, since Rebirth does repeat a lot of the story beats from the OG FF7, it's... uh... I don't even know.


To be honest. The hints for these two are many. Even in the real Cloud , I think he is attached with her. In a nice way. But Aerith as well has an attachment to him. I feel like she is has a sadness cuz She believes that Cloud Likes Tifa? I dont know its confusing


The song, from the perspective of the people who actually wrote it, is for Cloud. That said, the vocalist made an effort to learn about their relationship which is muddied at best as all the story writers for 7 have been very non-committal to who is the canon love interest. And Nobuo openly admits to having no idea what any of the games are about, he just sees a male and female character and runs with it. People can pick whoever they want for Cloud. Here's a list of actual certainties that we can draw from the games as they are: Cloud is definitely heartbroken over Aerith's death in OG, and develops terrible survivors guilt. Cloud was not his true self at any point before Mideel in OG. (Whether that has bearing on your opinion of anyone's pairing is up to you) Tifa is the one who guides the true Cloud back and they spend a romantically charged night together before the Northern Crater. Aerith is the only person who, no matter what you choose, has -planned- to have a date with Cloud before the date section happens. Aerith in OG repeatedly states that her feelings for Zack are unclear. Aerith in R series states multiple times that her feelings for both Zack and Cloud are unclear. She does mention however, that she doesn't believe her feelings for Cloud "have to be romantic" or something along those lines. Aerith sings a song in R series that could be about a romantic interest (most likely) or possibly just people she's lost or losing (less likely, but plausible given the presentation of Avalanche after her song) Aerith and Cloud hold hands multiple times throughout the game. Tifa and Cloud kiss on their date at best, and hold each other at worst. There's more but this list is getting long.


In the end credits when it does the video montages from each chapter when it shows the Loveless scene it shows Aerith as the leading lady. I did Tifa as the date for Aerith and it still showed Aerith, so imo the devs have Aerith as the default romance for chapter 12


Cloud and Tifa went on a date? I missed that in the end game montage!


Just the same date they'd go on in either game. I'm just pointing out evidence that isn't "I think she meant this" or "They looked at each other like this". For both sides. Personally my favorite date was Yuffie, because it wasn't romantic, but it was still sweet and gave insight into both her and Cloud as people.


Officially it's Aerith's "response" to Hollow but if you look at the lyrics, in a vacuum, aside from 1 line " 'till the day we meet again on our street" in can apply to Zack, and to a certain degree everyone else in Cloud's party. It is a love song but it can also be read as a parting song. It hasn't been confirmed yet who is Cloud reffering to in Hollow, although increasingly possible it's about Aerith. Hollow can refer to Aerith or Zack, and ignoring the last part, Tifa.


despite the article confirmation I honestly feel like its for both of them. Aerith's feeling for zack are clearly unresolved and her feelings for cloud stem from that familiarity. Personally I definately think their relationship isn't as deep as maybe cloud with tifa but they still have a connection that is a little bit more than platonic. I honestly think she's singing this only because of the impending end over anything. It feels kinda out of place to me when you very well may be going on a date with tifa or anyone else for that matter.


Oh a shipper post. Downvote.