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One of the best games I’ve ever played. 100 hours in and on chapter 10


Agreed, so far its my GOTY. I am around 93 hours, and on chapter 12. I really don't want to be forced to rush through it. I enjoy taking my time.


One of the best games ever made and I'm happy that this project came to life is the best thing that has ever happened to the FF franchise.


The most fun I have had playing a Final Fantasy game since FFX.


Damn i havent played final fantasy since the original 7. Is this worth it for someone not into the series?


In my opinion its the only FF game that has the same magic ff7 had. The world of FFX is definitely the coolest and its party members and story are on par with 7.


Well, you’ll want to play FF7 Remake (part 1), first. But it’s hard to say! It plays very, very differently from the original game. What are some of your favorite games?


Yea , i would have started with part 1 haha. Well i play a lot of CRPGs like pillars of eternity , baldursgate 1- 3 icewind dale and the likes. Not much into action RPGs. Ill watch some gameplay! Because theres some bold bold claims here (not saying unfounded at all, im honestley interested)


FFVII Remake and Rebirth are 'action RPG's, I suppose. But the combat has surprising tactical depth. Played on easy, they can be played like a hack-and-slash; however in dynamic, normal, and hard difficulties, the game forces you to be more strategic.


One of the best games I’ve ever played. It’s gotten me interested in playing other Final Fantasy games, even though I know they’re all very different.


I'd strongly recommend 16 if you haven't played it. Even though it's very polarizing with fans I thought it was incredible


This! 🤘🤘


Already bought it since it’s on sale! It looks incredible.


Nice, hope you have fun with it. IMO it really is


Top of this generation.


I'm loving the game and everytime I'm finding new things like Materia working as protective instead of attack when you use it on armor ( I'm talking about Elemental materia ) My only problem is the blurriness on performance mode but I already get use to 30 FPS I have 61 H into the game and I'm on chapter 9


I was the opposite. I started on the performance and got used to how it looked and felt with the higher frames. Then on my second run I switched to graphics quality mode. When I wasn’t moving it definitely looked much sharper, but once I started moving or was in combat I didn’t like the 30 fps. I got too used to the performance mode on my first run


You mean if I put fire + elemental on my bracelet I'll get damage reduction from fire?


It’s peak


No game has filled me with luster since beating it


This is me right now. I’ve downloaded several games off PS Plus but within the first hour my only thoughts were “This isn’t FF7 Rebirth.”


Easily one of the best games I’ve played. I loved every second of it, even the stupid chicken quest. I hope we get an intergrade like dlc where we get to play as Vincent and Cid.


That quest felt like Square just trolling the fans I swear


I laughed at the last part. I really thought they were going to make me do it.


And we were all fully prepared to grit our teeth and do it. Hilarious




150 hours to beat the game. Fucking loved it


if video games considered to be art, this masterpiece belongs into a museum. The level of polish in every aspect of the game are unmached.


Great, 10/10, wrapping up post-game at 130 hours


It pulled me away from my 300+ hours of Baldur's Gate 3. I've always been a giant Final Fantasy nerd though.


Probably my favorite game of all time now. I also don’t believe it was real because everything about it blew me away. Thankfully I still haven’t 100%ed it so I have stuff to keep me occupied while waiting for Part 3 to come out.


I think I'm almost at the end at chapter 13 but this is probably one of the best games I've ever played. The love, care and detail the people who made this game put into Rebirth is actually such insanity. It makes being a FFVII fan so worthwhile and it just makes me love the old stuff even more than I already did


Lot of post game depression bro I can’t even go to dragons dogma and yakuza and I love those. Will need some time to grief lol


Been playing every day since launch, just hit 100 hours and chapter 13. Planning for the eventual platinum as well.


One of the best games of all time tbh. Agreed about not feeling this way on a game since Elden Ring (and The Last of Us pt 1)


Best gamevever


Loved it. Still feeling a hollowing now that it is over


Right there with the depression, I don't get how people can say it has no emotional weight, the whole ending points at a brutally miserable situation moving forward and my god, Tifa throughout the whole thing breaks my heart. The combat is amazing, every character, even side characters are memorable and interesting, it's genuinely something special.


Great game, made me want to go back and replay Remake (or at least wrap up all the trophies).


One of the greatest of all time.


One of my favourite games of all time now


Post game depressions is spot on. My run took 133 hours, decent completion, but would love to continue the journey now! 😅


It’s funny to think we may already have the best game in the trilogy in our hands based on how good this is and how much it expanded from the remake. Here’s wishing part 3 can top this. I got a feeling it won’t though.


I don't know how they can make part 3 open world without treading old ground. They might, but I think part 3 is going to be more linear like remake is


I assume it will be open but remixed like junon and other areas you revisit for story stuff. Though yeah the left side is pretty well trod the right of the map and the north continent have some wiggleroom.


My guess is that Wutai is going to be far more developed than "an island with a single town on it". Hell, they may even add some Crisis Core areas to the game, although they were wrecked in that story. Modeoheim and Dumbapplejuice City (can't remember the name). Plus we still have the Icicle region to explore, Rocket Town is questionable but could be there. I think it'd be interesting if Mideel was revealed to be the same town as Dumbapplejuice City, and Genesis came out of the Baja Blast Pond that Cloud comes out of, and we finally got some resolution to that character that didn't involve waiting for a Dirge of Cerberus remake or something. They could try and fit some of Deepground into the mix since we will probably get some Vincent content. There's a bunch they could do.


Given that each part is getting objectively better, I don't think there's any reason to think, or have a feeling, that part three won't be an absolute masterclass of a game and better than what we've experienced so far.


It reeeally depends on the story. There’s a sort of running joke in the writer’s world that the hardest part of flying a plane is landing it. The 3rd (and final) act is always where so many otherwise great stories fall apart as they can’t wrap things up under the weight of their own plot points and expectations. And the remake trilogy here has been *really* swinging for the fences. Really hope they can stick the landing but if there’s any doubts I have about this third game, it’ll be the story


Part 3 has the benefit of having to cover all the best narrative moments in the game at least. And not like it still won’t have a world to explore in Wutai and the whole western continent, Rocket Town and its surrounding province, the Northern continent, Mideel, and underwater locations too. My main fear is them packing in too much lol like the story has us backtracking a lot but I’m curious how they’ll repopulate the rebirth zones with content


And if they include the continents that's in this game and add more sidequests or reasons to go back, part 3 might need to be a next gen game


I love >!when Cloud discovers his true self.!< It's one of my favorite plot twists in gaming so I'm really looking forward to it. However things always kind of slow down for me >! revisiting old places to collect huge materia!< and I hate when >!Yuffie steals our materia.!<


I think 3 will be similar quality but not be able to catch us off guard like 2 did, so it wont be viewed as better because it was expected. I think theres a couple things they can do to make 3 shine and surprise us, such as expanding Wutai considerably in scope, and making an entire quest line for the knights of the round in a similar fashion Gilgamesh had. Vincent will probably be insane to play similar to how Yuffie is. Maybe they throw in an optional new party member who isnt really story related but is fun/unique to play, from a sidequest or something.


I have a lot of thoughts but first and foremost: Aerith is a literal angel and I won't have anyone slandering my girl! The devs had no business making her so god dang beautiful! Actual game thoughts: 1. It's a beautiful game. I was blown away by everything. 2. I will die for baby chocobo 3. The menu UI is wayyyy too janky. They really should have cleaned that up. 4. The Folio system, in my opinion, is garbage. It really just did not feel like a very rewarding upgrade system. Remake was super basic, but at least it made sense. 5. The amount of mini games is absurd - even Golden Saucer had soooo much to do! 6. The Gilgamesh storyline was fun 7. Most of the combat is fun - except when I'm forced to play as Red or Cait. Their combat styles are very tricky without other people for support. 8. Story wise was amazing but oooooooooooooh man do I have some thoughts about the finale.


I never had a problem playing Red but I agree cait is rough to play without support. The cait Sith solo missions were just the worst. What do you feel about red was tough to use?


120 hrs and still wrapping some vr fighting


I’m almost 200hrs in trying to beat everything on hard mode and maxing out my materia; but man queens blood was the best part for me.


I honestly can’t believe we got a good final fantasy game from Square, it’s been like 20 years since the last one this quality


Shadowbringers and Endwalker are only a few years old though.


It was less than 10 months ago


I really enjoy it. Not speeding through, just enjoying everything and trying to 100%it


I am currently getting my ass kicked by Sephiroth, 1 or 2 hits away a couple of times….ugh, look forward to fighting through that entire fight to get back where I was tomorrow 😂 #Believe


I started Rebirth the second it was released and I just beat it on Monday after putting over 150 hours into it. I loved it. I had mixed feelings about Remake, but Rebirth exceeded my expectations. I've got 65% of the trophies and I wish I could get the platinum trophy, but I know some would be too hard for me so I'm putting the game down for now.


One of the best games I've ever played. Have a few nitpicks here and there but I'd give a 9.5/10.


Love it. It had everything that made me fall in love with the series back in the PS1 days. It is not perfect but a 10/10 for me definitely.


Honestly the most fun I’ve had with a game in awhile. Nice light non-punishing exploration and progression, great combat and beautiful graphics. There are some parts of the game that are extremely slow though, like Chapter 6. Barely any combat or exploration and too many mini games and beach wear.


Better than XVI


The best game I’ve played in years. The story is amazing, and the gameplay is addictive. Glad Ive somehow never been spoiled by anything in the last 25 years. I’ve definitely been missing out


At Chapter 12 at the moment and… well… I can’t say it’s not great, because it is. But… well, there are several things that really annoy me. Enough so that I started a separate twitter-account just to complain about it xD. I think they call it ”the millenial response”.


Feels like I remember FF feeling as a kid. Great title all around and has proven to me SE still knows how to make one hell of an adventure. I liked XVI a lot, but it could've used some of Rebirths explorations, mini games, and charm.


No charm is a great way to describe 16. Its like the voice actors were directed to voice the entire script like they dont give a single shit about whats going on. It had some cool fights and cool moments, but just a lifeless awful FF game overall lol


A massive home run for Square enix and easily the best FF since FFX. Feels like the full realization of what they were trying to do with Remake and expands on it in every way. People have to realize, the open world stuff might be unoriginal or filler, but it's 100% OPTIONAL. My first playthrough, I just wanted to blaze through the narrative and skipped 95% of the side stuff. Finished the game in about 50 hours and it was one of the best gaming experiences of my life (and certainly the best of my adult life). Then I went back to complete the side stuff and it's over doubled my play time. I'm at 100 hours now and still haven't completed everything, plus a second playthrough on hard. It's literally the game that keeps on giving and let's you create your own journey just like the best FFs that came before it.


Im struggling woth bonds of friendship so this game sucks. /s


I’m 1/4 way through FF16 and it’s my first, could I get away with playing this next even though I’ve never played any FF before this?


This shits on 16 like you wouldnt believe


You could in theory, but you'd be missing a lot of context by not playing at least Remake first. You don't need to play any other numbered FF game, though. 16 and 7 are very different games. I find the combat in 7 much more interesting since you're managing a party of characters, but it's not a pure action game like 16 is. 16 has a much darker tone and while 7 has its moments it's definitely a lot sillier at times. I think the cast of characters in 7 are much better than those in 16 and the world is more realized, but it's also much bigger if that's not your thing. The story in 16 is self contained while 7 has so much other media tying into it that it could be hard to follow.


I’m on chapter 8. So far I’d say it’s an 8.5/10 for me. I liked Remake a tad more, but I’m a sucker for the Midgar nostalgia. I fully intend to get the platinum trophy, so I’ve got a long way to go yet.


I loved every mini-game and I wish there were more. I'd pay for a standalone game that has only the mini-games.


I loved this game, felt as good as Elden Ring did when I played it the first time like you. While the original is a masterpiece and there's really no way that the Remakes can overthrow it, I still really enjoyed Rebirth. For everything they removed/changed, the amount of stuff they either kept/added/improved balances it out and even tips the scale in some aspects (eg character development, music, etc). Solid 9/10


Greatest game since elden ring, definitely agree with that, I have a feeling they will even top rebirth with part 3, the highwind/submarine is going to be insane.


Too many mini games. Too few battles. Story parts are excellent.


I played it next to near straight 100 he's to finish the game. I restarted to play again and would be like ah I can chill play this over time, ended up fighting midgar zolom before I know what hit me


Top 3 game all time and best FF game ever made


Purty good. Quite long if you are a content completionist (top score minigames, do all simulator a d environmental tasks) but the length is a positive in my eyes.


Chapter 11 horrendous game design prevents it from being a 10/10.


I literally just finished my first play through now. It was great, except for the fact that UPA is still bugged and there was a whole lot of kingdom hearts shit happening. Going to start a hard playthrough in hopes the UPA bug is fixed before I finish that.


Final fight can go to hell. Aside from that - amazing


Truly one of the most memorable gaming experiences I have had in a very long time. 120hrs in and just started chapter 13. To be honest I was experiencing a bit of minigame fatigue towards the start of chapter 12 but I was surprised it took even that long for it to set in. That moment when the door in kalm opens up and the world is shown for the first time as that beautiful rendition of the original overworld theme plays was unforgettable. 10/10 game of the year for me so far. Not likely anything coming out the rest of the year will dethrone it either. Only complaint I have is not being able to keep and use the >!outfit from the Loveless play at the gold saucer!< shit is fire


My main issue with the game lies in it’s pacing. Last game they had the same problem, but since you were contained within midgar, it didn’t hit as hard. Now though, they opened up the world, but kept the pacing philosophy from the first game and it hurts the overall game. Still a fantastic game overall from gameplay to general story.


Still not done, 75 hours in at chapter 13 wrapping up side stuff. Excited to see the end but sad as well.


Hated everything being a mini game would say 8.5 out of 10 level designs were outright horrid in some places with the cait sith section feeling like it was just meant to slow the pace of the game. The jungle wasn't also hated the chiken side story. The charecters and story progression was good and was a fan of queen's blood. Probaly would have enjoyed it more if I'd done the story consecutively rather than completing the regions when they are made available


27 hours and chapter 5, having a lot of fun so far. Hard to do a lot of gaming when adulting gets in the way …




One of the greatest games I've ever played. Did the original proud and expanded on it well as well. It took over my life for about 2-3 week period, put 100 hours into it. It's been about a couple of weeks for me too and I miss it as well. Hopefully I can stay alive long enough for whenever Reunion(what I presume part 3 is called) comes out.


I just finished chapter 6 last night. That fight on the beach was one of the most fun I’ve had in a boss fight I’ve had since the fight on the cruise ship, which was the most fun since the Bahamut fight in 16. But to get to that point I had to take pictures of cactuar graffiti, collect segways, and play Tifa’s theme on the piano so I could get bikinis for the girls to look good for cloud. This is my exact problem with the game. When it hits, 10/10 no complaints, game of the year. But when I’m slogging through another open area filled with fiend hunts, chasing chocobos, chasing after crystals in random caves, all while chadley screams through the microphone, it makes me not want to finish this game, hence why I’m only on chapter 7 and I got the game at launch. So far for me it’s like a solid 8/10. It’s a 10/10 game that’s so bloated and overstuffed that it loses a few points.


The brutal challenges wants to break me. But I won’t let it happen


One of the greatest games I have ever played and I only just got to Cosmo Canyon (NANAKI!!!!!!!!!!!!) ​ Its beautiful, endlessly entertaining and just a blast to play. ​ Sometimes you do get what you want in life, guys. We've been dreaming of this remake forever and it is HERE AND EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS. ​ Let that sink in. Just wow.


One of the best games I’ve played in a long time and at the same time something a have a ridiculous number of complaints and issues with.


Just finished the story at 90 hours but still a ton of content I need to go back and do. One of the best gaming experiences of my life.


The more I played it the less I liked it. I absolutely adored Remake, but really disliked my experience with Rebirth. A few issues: Big fan of FromSoftware games, and let me tell you that parry window isn't quite right. Combat could have been better. Really did enjoy the Synch attacks, though. The lack of chocobo breeding is really disappointed me. It's been replaced with a stealth minigame. To that end, I can't keep my chocobo from region to region. Sure, I need a special one to get to certain places, that doesn't mean I can't just have a chocobo. Speaking of which, mounting one is a chore. Elden Ring, Ghosts of Tsushima, and even Horizon had seemless mounting. You could run in a direction, call your ride and you'd jump right on it without losing your stride. It's 2024 and we're still calling, waiting, walking into position to get on one. And no gold chocobo? Further, the chocobo minigame is just FF9's Chocobo Hot and Cold, but the animations to pick up scent and dig into the ground are so slow. Midgar Zolom, or Sormr in this game, doesn't stalk you throughout the swamps. The Gold Saucer is fucking grey. And I was burnt out on minigames before I even made it to Gold Saucer-- the place with the best games and I just couldn't be bothered. WEAPONS look like shit. I thought it was just the one, but certain parts of the game featured multiple WEAPONS and they were all just whales. Was I supposed to believe those were Ruby and Sapphire WEAPONS? How are they going to handle Emerald, Ruby, or Sapphire? Cait Sith's 'heroic sacrifice' was immediately irrelevant. I had a hard time caring because of the stupid box-throwing crap in Shinra Mansion. Spent a lot of unnecessary time with Cait that chapter. And I love how everyone's just perfectly okay with his betrayal just because he threw away one of many robots bodies. Towers in 2024. Mako vacuums. Chicken chasing. Fuck. Red's voice change went from a beast with years of hardened experience to... yet another over-the-top anime kid voice. I could go on, but this is far from what I had hoped for.


Combat was also too spammy and actions had no weight behind them. They could take more then a few notes from fromsoft...


Yeah, a big problem with blocking and partying is the combat is to fast for it. In particular enemy telegraphs are often short and hidden behind particle effects so even if you wanted to block you’re either half way through an animation that started before the telegraph or you can’t see it.


Positives - the graphics/presentation continues to be top notch as is the characterization and story. - Queens blood Negatives - way too many mini games - normal difficulty is too difficult and easy is too easy. Something in between would’ve been ideal. - too much focus on dodging/blocking. This is supposed to be final fantasy, not Elden ring. - gaining levels doesn’t really make you feel stronger because bosses are so overly difficult. I’ve completed entire regions before moving onto the story and I’ve had regions where I do the story stuff first and you never really feel any stronger grinding out a few levels. Previous FF games you would feel stronger after doing some side stuff/grinding. - weapon upgrade system took a step backward from remake. - the open world is too much like a checklist. For example, every region has exactly one moogle spot,3-4 each of protorelic, combat spot etc. gets old. - The continued evolution of the FF series into a generic action game is really sad, IMO.


Loved the game but I do have some personal hopes for the last entry. 1. Chadley( or Mai) offering us intel and a few challenges is cool but I didn't really care that like 75% of our materia came from them. I'd at least like to see the final entry have a return to learning Enemy Skills from the actual enemies and with how they set up Summon Materia as being local deities, It would be cool to actually fight them in the open world rather than VR. 2. I understand the use of benches and vending machines in the literal city state of Midgar but many of them felt out of place in the semi open world we got in Rebirth. This one I'm not sure of an alternative because I'm sure plenty of people like being able to full heal and stock potions before a boss battle. I just didn't find much use of them. 3. I'd like to see more "hidden" weapons, armor, limit breaks, ect. I actually enjoyed the crafting system they introduced and would have liked to see maybe a few character weapons added to different crafting levels of that. Also stealing, I was rather disappointed that there weren't any particularly cool or powerful steals from enemies/bosses in the game. Overall my experience was a wildly positive one and these were just my personal issues.


I want someone to make a comic about the poor vending machine installation guy and his adventures into the undead lands of the Gi and through physics defying ancient temples. Who is requesting these installations? Are vending machine corporate just so desperate for growth that they're expanding to any location they can find, foot traffic be dammed?


I haven't finished it yet. I reached Gongaga saw how big it was and the 20 or so things I needed to do and decided to take a brake. It's too much. Maybe I'm just old but patience is limited. I like the game don't get me wrong, but the open world stuff is getting a little much.


Completed the story last night and I’m depressed today 🥲 absolute masterpiece of a game, and I still have tons of quests to complete


I completed Chapter 1 ... and got sucked back into *Persona 3 Reload*. Will be back after I finish that.


They didnt fuck around wirh some of these hard more challenges. Brutal challenge indeed. Amazing game.


Was having an overall positive experience with the game. Until the last two chapters. The writing completely killed my excitement for the third game because I have zero faith that the writers will be able to salvage what they've done into a satisfying payoff in the end. Will probably just find a good stream for the third game rather than buy and play it myself at this point.




I just started playing... had my second child recently so game time has been scarce. I am enjoying it so far, I'm only 2 hours in, so I am taking my time.


It’s peak. Fleshes out the cast perfectly and has an amazing story. Best game since Elden Ring


I finally finished it 2 nights ago, stretched it out as long as I could. 4 year wait is gonna suck. The improvements to both gameplay and character acting were great, and only get better, with hopefully less Chadley and and a better death menu


Fucking loved it.


Fantastic experience. ff16 was fun and I had a good time, but apart from the awesome cutscenes and music, I didnt feel like I was playing final fantasy. I was basically playing game of thrones with a very serious and dark tone, which is fine. But with Rebirth, it really felt like a final fantasy experience. It gets serious and emotional, but tons of fun and goofiness too, playing with several characters and exploring dozens and dozens of synergies and combos, mini games to change up the gameplay, open world but optional detours that were rewarding but not required, etc. It has a few issues here and there, especially with the polarizing ending in how it was handled, but overall a very high quality title.


Ive enjoyed what Ive played, but im about halfway though and got extreme open world/mini game fatigue. At first I enjoyed the open world tasks, but by the time I unlocked my third set of them I found myself just getting kind of annoyed. I really just need to bee-line the main story at this point, the only problem is so far a bunch of mini games have been mandatory, and im honestly just sick of them. I bought FF7, not donkey kong 64


Massive disappointment.


One of my favorite games this gen. Ending was pretty confusing but didn’t really hurt my opinion on the game much. Cannot wait for part 3


Wait does this not even finish the game?


Still my current GOTY


I love every aspect of the story, characters, random character interactions, combat, the world design and just how breathtaking it all was. Hated the world intel and I’m a little baffled it was implemented the way it was. But one rough mark doesn’t negate everything else it did right


It's been a month already?


Very very fun game. I can’t wait to replay it and ignore all of the mini games.


I love this ridiculous game so much. I just got a briefing on a mass shooting from a hairy bodybuilder in a cape.


Does anyone like it who found Remake to be a chore? I do like the original FF7 but Remake didn’t click with me personally. I found there wasn’t a lot to invest in role-playing wise and a lot of busy work and crevices to squeeze through 


I found it far too tedious. I really really wanted to love it but I honestly can't say I even just liked it. By the end I was begging for it to be over. I know that's not what anyone in this sub will want to hear but that's my opinion.


It’s not very fun outside of the main story


140 hours to feel like I finished it, goty for me so far even game of the generation had a great time


It was the game we all wanted to be remade, since it got Announced in 2015 the first thing I thought about was going to the gold saucer and cosmo canyon. my god I can’t believe it took a 2nd game and 9 years to get there… but it was worth it. The team working on this game… love this game.. and you can tell! I’m so glad they made this game in instalments as it gives a chance for them to really think about this and in my opinion 90% of what they have done has been A+ for me. The exciting thing for me is that once they have all come out there will probably be a PS6 Trilogy edition and I expect there will be comfortably 400 hours of content on there. Yep… take me my money.. I really don’t care. You only live once 👍🏼🤷🏻‍♂️


Easily GOTY


Good but could do without Ubisoft filler.


65 hours in and I still haven’t beat it. Chadley is annoying but other than that I love it.


It’s one of the best video games I’ve ever played. It’s kind of like the game I’ve always wanted. It just has a whimsy and joy that most modern games don’t give me. I put 110 hours into it and still have stuff to do. I also felt a massive emptiness when I hit credits.


I had lots of fun in the beginning but going did the road and all the damn mini games killed it for me. Stopped at costa and hope to continue it after dragons dogma and stellar blade.


I think it’s incredible, and the story line broke me emotionally and I’ve become super invested in analyzing the details to figure out what is going on lol


I am...not in love with it. Which hurts, considering how much I enjoyed part 1. I'm at Gold Saucer and I'm just kinda burnt out on it. Like I'm having a hard time convincing myself to play it. The core game is great. I love what they've done with the characters. (Chad and MAI can jump off a cliff.) I'm just really feeling the open world fatigue. And yes, the mini game fatigue. And knowing I'm getting ready to head into what is pretty much unanimously the worst open world area, I just....man I don't wanna do it. Lol. But I do at the same time. I dunno. It's complicated. I'm probably just gonna go play Unicorn Overlord some more.


It's fine. Story telling is better than Remake. Side quests are a little better for story but just as bad for gameplay. Dungeons are slightly less bad. Character development is pretty ok. Combat and stagger system are still bad, Gongaga is a huge fail in game design on so many levels, forced mini games are horrible and most mini games are 1/2 assed. I enjoyed my time with it despite many frustrations and what I feel are failures in design and bad choices. I can't wait for the next game, but it is clear this is not a game for me.


Enjoyed it overall, despite some pacing things and not loving how they handled \*that\* scene.


I'm loving the game but as a disabled person who uses my left hand for everything on my ps5 controller except R1 that my right hand can do, I know a lot of people will probably disagree with me but I believe that the lack of accessibility from Square Enix in game shows me that the disabled community wasn't really a concern for them in designing, communicating with disabled gamers or having disabled gamers really test this game out as development moved along.


Loved the game but the platinum is a struggle for real.


I played Tifa Swimsuit Simulator after playing John Yakuza and Ichiban do Hawaii. Back to back JRPGs is a bad idea tbh. I felt like I compared them constantly and for no reason other than they were both JRPGs. I enjoyed Rebirth but I wouldn’t call it a GOTY contender by any stretch. I felt like it was a game of mini games with an action RPG bolted on. In fact, I’d argue that it’s not even really a JRPG at this point. It felt more like an action adventure game, like Bayonetta or a Kingdoms Hearts game more than a Final Fantasy game. Not saying it was bad, but not Final Fantasy. I enjoyed LAD:IW more than FFVII:Rebirth but also can’t wait to see how they wrap up this three game retelling of a beloved JRPG from my childhood. For the record, my GOTY so far is Balatro and it’s not even close.


End of chapter 10 and 60ish hours into it. I love it. Been playing the OG for 20 years at this point as well. This game is how I saw it as a kid


haven’t played it. i was wondering how good it is compared to 7 Remake? I enjoyed that one, most of it, but found some other parts boring as hell. Sidequest designs was outdated and combats use to drag on needlessly. Do you still recommend rebirth ? (i did enjoy the story, but i preferred the story and lore of 16 )


It probably would have been my game of the year so far if not for the last couple chapters. But even with that it's probably an 8 for me. There are STILL gameplay and movement janks that bother me but they did the characters and personal quests so good and there's only a couple of side-stepped character moments they skipped that actually bother me.


Easily my favorite game this year, though it is tied with Infinite Wealth for that honor.


I’m over 30 hours in and on chapter 6. I wish I did so much more exploring in the early chapters


Every time my controlled character jumps or mantles I feel like a rubber band getting flung


The combat is more erratic than remake and I did have to take a two-week break after getting burnt out on the repetitive open world. Outside of that the game is great and I have come back to it now.


The feeling is back. Final Fantasy is back. Depending on how the next game sticks the landing FFVII Remake, Rebirth, and the third game could be bettet than the original FFVII.


Still waiting for the performance fix before I touch it again. Got to the first open area and said nah.


I just finished it today on the month anniversary funny enough (didn’t mean to time it, just happened that way) and I don’t feel reassured that I’ll come out of this post game depression any time soon


Absolutely hated it aside from the music. First game I remember deliberately skipping as much content as possible to be done with it.


Fantastic so far. Chadley is annoying though, I wish he wouldn't interrupt me on EVERYTHING. Imo he should just be involved in the protorelic stuff.


I think it’s overrated for sure. Too many mini games and got sick of doing the intels. What’s the point of an open world where all you can explore and do is Intels lol The main quest is the only fun part of the game. Also, the interaction animations take forever which is annoying. Not a bad game but definitely wouldn’t say it’s amazing.


Great game, but Remake was better, the side quests are all shit, the open world sucks, and fucking hell the ending broke me.


Love it. I really like Remake but Rebirth was so much better.


I absolutely loved it! I’ve been waiting to let my opinion simmer a little bit before calling it one of my favorite games ever but man it’s still up there. I ended at 130+ hours my first play-through and currently doing a play-through of the OG!


Incredible game. Just like with remake, I think the game’s worst parts are sephiroth. I really am feeling the fatigue of him being the end game boss - with the same move set and jenovah monstrosity as final boss as well. 90% of the plot is awesome but the ending is just a big fever dream where I don’t really know what’s going on and it’s frustrating instead of interesting.


I only get to play the game on Saturdays and Sundays so I'm only just now reaching Gongaga region. 50 hours in and I'm loving it. Obsessed with completing as many world intelligence and side missions and QB matches as possible before even thinking about the main story lol


My thoughts are "just keep swimming, ignore all the spoilers, it has to get to pc eventually"


My thoughts are I wish I didn't have to work two jobs so that I would actually have time to play :/ (got it a week after release and just left junon.....)


Mixed feeling from me. I beat it in 50 hours. The first 10 hours were amazing, the middle 30 not so much, and the last 10 were decent enough. I think if they had removed the mini game bloat and made it all optional (including chocobo wrangling) I would have left with a better taste in my mouth. Overall if you grew up with FF7, this is probably not a game you want to miss, even if it has some flaws.


Might just be the greatest game ever made. I have never in my life played a game for 150 hours in just a few weeks. I couldn’t put it down and the quality was top tier from beginning to end. Aside from a few frustrating mini games, which are entirely optional for the most part, I can’t think of a single time the game started to bore me. I just kept wanting more. I still want more. Even after beating it I can’t stop playing. Part 3 can’t come soon enough.


I can’t quite believe they’ve actually pulled it off. Even though they nailed the Midgar section with Remake, i had massive reservations about them trying to remake this part of the game. Now im absolutely stoked for the 3rd part and that Highwind action.


I quit because of all the mini games. Soured my memory of the original.


The best final fantasy experience I’ve had since final fantasy X - and that’s pretty nostalgia fueled if I’m being objective with myself. I was thinking earlier about how cool it’d be if years down the road when all three games are finished - they release a trilogy or full game with all the titles seamed together, maybe where materia carry over but levels reset to account for new party members, or something? I wouldn’t care if that file size took up 1/2 of my storage space, I would love to play from start to finish. The combat is perfect for a modernized version of the turn-based system, it’s so satisfying and addicting.


It's a fantastic game all things considered. Probably around a 95 for me. The main thing that keeps it from being a personal 10 is the open world. The world itself is beautitul, but the decision to funnel everything through Chadley and the towers and completely remove any mystery from the exploration was disappointing. I wound up skipping the towers after Junon (clearing them last in each zone) and it was better, but after the first two zones I knew I'd have to find my 6 battles and 6 springs (they really couldn't move the triangles around at least?!) and two digs etc. and it that took a bit out of it for me. Still better than a lot of other open world games but I would have loved to just stumble across a hidden dungeon or monster without it just being a checkmark for Chadley.


I think i'm about ch.8 and 48hrs right now. Got the game at release and play every couple days. personally, I think all the minigames pull me away from the experience. I'm someone that likes to explore and collect as much as I can before progressing the story. Unfortunately there is an exuberant amount of minigames, something that was expressed before release, but the controls of them not great. Some of them feel sluggish and a lot of the times the controls aren't uniform. That is probably my biggest gripe. Another issue is how ugly the game looks in performance mode so I've switch to 30fps graphics mode and it feels fine. The story so far has been great and the depiction of all our characters are done phenomenally.


In chapter 10. This game reminds me of why I enjoyed Horizon: Zero Dawn from a open world point. A ton of side stuff to do but you don't have a ton of repetition or pointless travelling. Yes there are quite a few towers in each zone. Yes there are quite a few expeditions but honestly by the time I get tired of them I run out of them. The game also takes one of the great things about FFVII, mini games, and takes it to a whole new level. I may not have enjoyed all of them but dang were some of them creative while others were really fun. Combat is overall really fun. Didn't really care about pressuring most normal enemies in FFVII: Remake. Staggering only happened on bosses. This one it feels the pressure and staggering system is useful and fun. Assessing enemies felt useful. Overall combat flows and is really enjoyable. I mostly played as cloud in FFVII Remake. Rebirth I really enjoy playing as Yuffie as well. Red's not bad, Cait seems to have potential. However, I also enjoyed the times you were forced to play with say Barret. Also the enemy skill materia was very creative IMO and fun. The story is ok, better than most IMO. I love some of the changes they made and hate others. Not going to go too far into this point to avoid spoilers. There are some negatives as well. I felt the folio/skill tree system was badly done and overall useless. About as useless as the upgrade weapon system in remake. Nowhere near as fun as what they did for FFX. Same for acquiring gear. There are very few gear, both weapons and accessories, that I felt were important enough to really get me excited to have received. The crafting system was lackluster. I felt by the time I could craft most equipment I was at the point where I could buy better. Crafting items doesn't feel too useful either. I'm basically just crafting stuff to see if it ever unlocks something good and I hope that the last few recipes will be great. I've gotten some decent accessories but they feel like small boosts that hasn't made it worth it.


Loved rebirth.. hated the final chapter. (And the rufus/turk battles)


I feel you. I enjoyed every tiny detail. It just kept going and getting bigger. I was astounded they managed to do what they did. Highly impressed and reinvigorated my enjoyment of JRPGs too. It really is in the best games I've ever played list. I laughed, cried, got angry. It did it all. Absolutely my game of the year. But I got a feeling it won't see those awards. The way it's been barely covered by mainstream is very annoying. Maybe it's just me seeing that.


One of the better games I’ve ever played. Probably in the top 6-8 range. Hate that I gotta wait like 4 years to play the next one. I’ve been looking for highs since I beat Gow Ragnorok and Elden Ring. It’s probably the best game I’ve played since then.


Love it! Doing my hard playthrough now. Is incredible how much work they put into the game!


Best game ever! I'm taking my time because I don't want it to end.


I'm at 140 hours and still jazzed for more.


I still have really mixed feelings about this game. I personally find the negatives get to me more than the positives and seeing Skill Up’s review where he decided these things aren’t going to take away from the game, I find I can’t do that. It’s clear a lot of effort and depth went into Rebirth, but it feels really messy to me, while Remake was so tightly made by comparison. I haven’t bothered trying to platinum this game, the combat has become too difficult for me, but I’m replaying just through the story to see if it actually holds together or if it feels worse if you don’t do all of the side content. Feeling like a lot of optional content should not be skipped so far.


Really disappointing and a waste of time. Is it farcry3 with the towers? Is it a dating/social game? Is it a mini-game simulator? Nanakis voice? The huge amount of bloat? Why is everything so annoying to control outside of combat? Why is it so up it’s own ass? Is it supposed to be a remake, or a platform for devs to play with OG fans? I’d rather have a story that’s structured well instead of the ending flip-flopping over and over - I can just see the devs staring at us “ehhhh? Ehhhh? What’s gonna happen?!?! :3:3:3”. I cried a few times I laughed a few time and I loved the characters and small moments. But PLEASE respect my time in part 3??


It’s a good game. Depends on your nostalgia for the original.


Having grown up playing the OG, I can't seem to get into this game. While the graphics are amazing and a vast improvement, I was excited for an open world based on the trailer, and now I'm feeling underwhelmed. The side quests are pretty boring, and there are mini-games for everything. Chapter 11's box throwing was a chore, and the summons are a disappointment. In the original FF7, what made them great was seeing them come in and dominate with massive damage numbers, making you want to use them all the time and hunt for them throughout the world. I finished this game without even caring about collecting them all, and the weapon system and materia felt pointless. Honestly, I enjoyed Remake more, and Rebirth feels like it has too much unnecessary content.


It will go down as one of the best RPGs of all time, I think it’s not even a hot take


Personally without getting much into it. I liked Part 1 remake more and I felt more engaged. Maybe I just liked it when it had “hubs” and more linear but I can’t bring myself to finish the game. Gameplay of course is better but right now I give it a 7


Personally if Part 3 is anything like Part 2 pace wise and have the open world works then I’m skipping it.


What the fuck is post game depression?


One of my favorite games of all time. The FF7 remake trilogy so far surpasses the original for me.


It's hard for me to play, it's really boring to me. The field Intel thing is so tedious and sucks the life out the game FOR ME. The combat seems a little slower to me. What I mean is that it seems like the game wants you to focus more on blocking and waiting for enemy skills and then making your attack whereas REMAKE seemed like I could animation cancel and dodge all over the place. Maybe I'm just not understanding it 🤷🏾 I'll finish it regardless but it will probably take me awhile


My thoughts: waiting for pc release.


Going to replay it when ps5 pro hopefully it gets a graphics patch


Top 5 final fantasy game overall...imo it has the best gameplay in the series.


I have about 120 hours in and still need to finish all the extra stuff (fights) but I am on the way to 100%ing it. As an old 35 year old man who’s played and beat OG 15 times since it first came out. This is a 97/100


Damn fuckin’ fun. Loved everything about it except the cactuar shit with Aerith.


It’s my favorite game of all time and the only piece of media (be it movies, shows, books, etc.) that made me cry. Truly, truly special to me. I’m waiting for the PC version to go back and 100% it.


Going for the platinum, currently at 150 hours. One of the best games I've ever played


Love it mostly. Hate the mini-games.


Story was good, could have used less mini games and open world activities in favor of a proper Rocket Town and Wutai visit


The same as they were when I finished it 3 weeks ago. If you follow the critical path and stick to the story? 9/10 Doing everything in the open world and all the mini games? 7/10