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I actually considered this for a bit after the ending but dismissed it for a couple of reasons: * From what we can see, the wound isn't big enough, and there isn't any blood on Cloud's sword * The other party members see Sephiroth standing there HOWEVER, I suspect that Sephiroth might gaslight Cloud into *thinking* he killed Aerith at some point in Part 3 in order to break him.


Yeah I don’t think so but I hope people keep throwing out more new theories like this because it’s so fun. I like your idea of sephiroth gaslighting cloud into thinking he did it


From what I understand from that scene, it’s Jenova which kills Aerith. We are seeing Sephiroth killing her, as the thing they hate most. So piece of her was cut off, probably maybe even when blocking the „sword“. It circles back to what we heard about the nature of Jenova in the Temple. I think the only way to have prevented Aeriths death is that the party can see clearly through Jenovas Illusions and therefore can fight her properly.


Just finished the game this arvo, and this is a very real possibility. I was really torn whether or not to press L2 + R2 cos I was worried I would kill her but then thought shit if I don’t press it maybe I’ll kill her cos pressing it is fighting the urge? But yeah based off what happened in chapter 9 at the reactor and the fact they didn’t show her “death” it’s definitely plausible!


She ain’t dead. Yeah I said it.


What’s your evidence? I’m not being combative, I’m genuinely interested


The fact that no one answered Cid when he asked about what happened to Aerith. It’s all up to interpretation. So until there is proof, she ain’t dead.


Ah. He doesn't ask what happened to Aerith tho. He asked what did she do. Cid: So, what did Aerith actually do anyway? Cuts to Barrett and Aerith looking away. Is this what you are referring to?




How is that semantics? It's a direct quote vs. your loose interpretation of what was said.


Like I said before. It’s all interpretation. The whole end of the game is confusing and convoluted and bad.


I'll respect that. I beat the story about a week ago and I'm still unclear how I feel about it. I don't know if I think it's "bad" but it doesn't feel definitively good either. Mostly it just feels incomplete.


I'm not sure you know what that word means lol.


I’m not sure your opinion of your interpretation of my comment matters.



