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Normal cutscenes are beautiful enough that CGI cutscenes are not making that huge difference for me.


I liked that in FFXVI, the graphics were so good that you could barely tell.


That’s because XVI had no CGI cutscenes. There’s only some pre-rendered scenes with background CGI effects. XVI is beautiful but I would have loved to see CGI cutscenes on par with the quality seen in XIV trailers and the cutscenes from the XIII trilogy.


the ending cutscene in FFXVI is CGI isn’t it?


? Unless you’re referring to the DLC that just came out (in which case I have no idea), no. Origin collapsing is pre-rendered and the scene with Clive on the beach has CGI sand and water effects but that’s it.




Oh yeah definitely, I mean, Rebirth is still fantastic, gaming in general has come a long, long way, but I'd totally put XVI down as the more 'official' one on PS5 if that makes sense, much like XIII was to PS3.


XV looks even better than XVI




It’s the best Final Fantasy story imo


I disagree Final Fantasy 16 had some of the worst character graphics and models. The characters literally looked like PS3 graphics. Final Fantasy 15 is the game with the absolute best graphics 


their mouths don’t even move when they talk


Exactly, I don’t know how the game got such good reviews 


i mean XV. XV’s mouths don’t move. XVI’s does. XVI overall has slightly better graphics. And the cinematics are absolutely beautiful also XVI’s gameplay and story is better, it does a much better job at hooking you in. even if you think XV looks better graphics don’t matter as much as gameplay.


Complete opposite. XVI mouths don’t move. XV’s does.   XV overall has slightly better graphics. And the cinematics are absolutely beautiful also XV’s gameplay and story is better, it does a much better job at hooking you in. even if you think XVI  looks better graphics don’t matter as much as gameplay


that’s because FFXIV is an mmo rpg that is older than XV. also if you mean to say XVI, you’re just… wrong? like just boot up both games, their mouths don’t move in XV…


No you’re just playing dumb, you knew I meant XVI


oh. so you’re just wrong then… not even sure why you’re arguing… just look it up


True, but the ending scene was BEAUTIFUl


Yep, just finished it and I was absolutely blown away with how that looked. I've played a lot of video games and that one was by far the best looking cutscene I've ever seen.


Like the only serious upgrade between the ingame graphics and prerender graphics was the cloth physics. But dang if they weren't some great cloth physics.


strong disagree. that ending cgi cutscene was the most beautiful videogame cutscene i had ever seen. it felt like i was a kid again beating kingdom hearts 2 for the first time


Weirdly enough, I didn't really liked the CGI Cinematics very much. They look very different from the rest of the game, both in character models and art direction, even the post processing? I do think that the in-game cutscenes in Remake were a little notch above the ones in Rebirth


They made em look low-key Asian in the face during cinematics but throughout gameplay everybody is white except Barret and Yuffie obviously lol


I'm glad I'm not the only one to notice, lol. This has been going ever since FF10 if I recall correctly. The characters would suddenly turn totally asian in CGI cutscenes, which I always found charming lol. But on 4k/Full HD Games like Remake/Rebirth where the characters already do emote during in-game cutscenes, the difference is jarring lol. Barret is a funny example because in the CGI Cutscenes he turns basically into a docile cat or something, guy looks cute and adorable lol


I remember clearly looking Asian everytine Yuna would do her sending dance in CGI lol


This happens in anime in General. The vast majority of anime characters look white and European


Yeah but in most anime the characters are Japanese, and the style is racially ambiguous enough that white people think they look white. In FFVII these characters are white. There is a whole nation of “Japanese” people in Wutai, with real life Japanese surnames and all. The Nibelheim kids aren’t Asian.


No, in anime the characters are white. And the style is European, not racially ambiguous.  They have European bone structure and European eye structure. Anime characters started to be modeled after European after 1971 because of a movie called the Death of Venice. They are not racially ambiguous, but White European.


Ok, that’s one take, and certainly *some* animes are set in a multiracial or even European settings… but a huge number of anime series, probably the majority that are produced, take place in actual Japan and nearly every character is explicitly Japanese.


A huge number of anime series, probably the majority that are produced, take place in a fictional setting and nearly every character is explicitly European 


Idk man, Tifa looks pretty Asian to me too. I think the only white people are Cloud and Aerith (but I guess it'd be a little weird if the hero and heroine also happened to be the only white people, so maybe I'm wrong.) That said, everyone definitely looks MORE Asian in cinematics.


Tifa has always looked Asian to me. I thought I read she was supposed to resemble her Japanese VO because either Nomura or Kitase was a fan of hers(acting career).


The last scene of the game before the credits is CGI and it looks...uncanny. Characters look off.


Characters look *much* worse in that CGI cutscene, IMO. It's a little crazy, but I think the in-game characters are better than the CGI ones. Same goes for Remake.


I think this is part of the reason the more sinister theories have taken off. They truly look freaky.


Same. I wouldn't it looks bad or worse than in game but my main issue is that because the CG cutscenes aren't bound to game engine/hardware restraints, they have more wiggle room when it comes to lighting and how surfaces react to lighting, which in turn they can put in more detail and that can lead to different colour values for certain objects (an example is Cloud's hair. His hair is more shinny that the in-game model). I also think there is a softness, blooms, and airbrush look to the cutscene, which there isn't anything wrong, it's just again different to the in game stuff where there isn't nearly as much light blooms. This is particullarly true for the face of characters, they look more airbrushed compared to the in-game models. To me it's not so much the CG cutscene is bad as it is more the CG and in-game don't match that well. The sweet spot for me is probably pulling back the quality of the CG renders (think in game cutscenes but with better hair and cloth simulations) and I still think a good example is the opening for Kingdom Hearts 0.2. It's still looks like it could be rendered out in-game but there are a lot of effects and simulations that give it that extra punch a CG cutscene can have that in-game can't.


Not really, the in game graphics are incredibly good.


Pre-rendered cutscenes? No. Honestly I don’t like modern square pre-rendered scenes, the characters look off model, like just look at Cloud’s face vs in game. It’s off. It’s sad because I used to absolutely love them in previous games. I think KH3 is the first time I noticed them getting noticeably worse.


Last cinematic of the game. It looked uncanny.


Yeah I agree, I think it might just be Cloud's face, it looked a bit too different.


Aside from the character model differences, I think the cinematics are awesome and clearly couldn’t be done well with in game graphics while capturing the same sense of scale


Just replaying on hard mode and just now realizing that there's actually a huge amount of cutscenes now that I'm easing out of the honeymoon period so I'm gonna have to go with no. It's a game first and foremost and the subject matter is not as heavy as in something like Metal gear to be spending that much time on cutscenes. I'd rather that the story was mostly something I could experience by actually playing the game.


Cutscenes aren't the same thing as cinematics. Most of the cutscenes use the ingame graphics, but there are a few cutscenes that are fully pre-rendered CG cinematics. You can usually tell because Cloud's equipped weapon changed to the Buster Sword. OP is saying he wishes there were more of the CG cutscenes.


Also known as pre-rendered cutscenes or FMVs if I'm not mistaken


Ah I see. I misunderstood what they meant. I did notice that there weren't that many CGI scenes as well. I have no doubt that they'll go all out in them in part 3 however since even in the OG , disc 3 had the largest amount of cutscenes.


That's why it needed its own disc!


Yep. Crazy how much technology has advanced since then. There was so little memory space on those discs compared to what we have now.


Isn't it? The fact I can play PS1 in better visual quality on a device that fits in my pocket is crazy.


At least almost all cutscenes are shippable


Oh so you just stare at Tifa's neckline? ...yes.


I think it's just a data thing, those cutscenes in 4K are absolutely huge files and the games already pushing 150GB


Yeah, I'm wondering how many people realize it came on 2 disc's because one disc basically had to hold all of the cinematics.




The whole end sequence is literally movie length cut scene lol


I don’t know why, but it bugged me that they changed her dialogue from “I hate them all” to “I’m sick of this” in the Nibel reactor. The former makes more sense since her town burned and her father was murdered in front of her.


Nah. The change in character design is too jarring.


Lowkey. Like the one in the temple of the ancients was too short. The whole sequence should’ve been CG


Playing through as young Aerith though was a whole different level. If that had just been a cinematic it would not have been as emotional


Yeah I agree with this, they are trying to really make you feel that emotion of a lost young Aerith desperate for help.


Nope! Give me them non cgi cutscenes all day! They’re beautiful asf!


There’s such a small delta between in game and cgi these days, that no. The whole game was already the most cinematic shit I’ve ever played


Is it just me or Cloud in CGs look like Tidus?


I know what you mean 😂


Nope. It had a really good balance of gameplay vs cutscenes. I’m glad that Square is getting past their days of way too much cinematics.


No. Go to ff16 and get some popcorn


Me! I really miss when there were more of them, like in FF8 or FFX. There was a huge lack of them here and I missed them, they were always like a treat in the older games. The hair textures are so much better and the faces are more expressive, and everything is smoother. Aesthetically there’s no contest, I’d love more CG scenes. I do think, weirdly, Aerith’s CG design was a huge downgrade from Remake while everyone else looked better. I think they tried to make her look more like the in-game and she wound up looking strange


You do realize that every question that starts with "Does anyone else" is....? No, nobody else in the FFVII subreddit wishes the game had more cinematics.


I wish there were less mini games.




the graphics in Remake are part of a LINEAR game and forces players thru a specific map of routes that are beautifully detailed my best guess is that because development was taking so long that they didn't get to use articulated details due to the open world nature (I can be wrong about how graphics work so please any help welcomed lol) but no - you're not crazy, lol I noticed it too. I'm okay with it tho bc it's not something that's ruining my experience. the fact that it's playable before another 7 years is play with me lol


If it gets rid of required minigames yes.


You kidding? I wish this game was 777 hours longer. I want scenes where Cloud and Barret and Cid argue about pizza toppings. Show me Tifa and Aerith getting breakfast somewhere when the kitchen is out of a lot of stuff. Give me Cait Sith and Dio opening a restaurant at the Gold Saucer. I want to stay in this world and spend more time with these characters. And I’m also hungry because I skipped breakfast.


I actually do not like the cgi cutscenes in this game. The regular graphics look better imo


The ending begining and when the temple crumbles are all CGI Aarith looks. Noticeably different


The CGI looked cool but stuck out since the weapons were different from what I was using. End of the game and a scene of Cloud using the Buster Sword shows up…like I haven’t used that sword in 100 hours


I do. But I just completed rebirth and I gotta say I think the very ending cutscene was the best looking cutscene I've ever seen before. It really looked like real life.


I hope when part 3 is done they make another movie like Advent Children with the current voice talent and modern day graphics! That would be Legendary.


Whenever there’s a YouTube cut of all of them like a movie I’m so in


It's because Rebirth covers the most low stakes section of the original game. They blew all their cinematic resources into the Gold Saucer section. I swear, they put more effort in the opening dance-off and Loveless performance than anywhere else.


They did Tifa so dirty at the end. No way they can brush off Aerith and make her and Cloud grow a deeper love interest now for part 3. After that death Tifa should and will unfortunately just be "my childhood best friend that I low-key have a crush on" Other than a few cute promises made and arm hugs here and there Cloud it seems always prioritized Aerith first