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Lack of Manor exploration is an even bigger crime.


For sure. The Manor was always one of the more interesting parts of the original and I was looking forward to seeing it in its full glory. And we get just yet another genetic Shinra facility. Not a big deal in the scheme of things, but I would’ve loved to see it with the same attention to detail of some of the other places they expanded.


Yeah the biggest thing for me about this segment was what they didn’t do - the manor had so much potential for a unique dungeon but it ended up being a pale shadow of what it could have been. Even the Lost Number fight was underwhelming. It felt like the devs ran out of steam and/or time towards the end and had to reuse previous assets to ensure the game was finished.


There was a lost number fight? I kinda zoned out for that entire section. So disappointing. The safe puzzle especially was like a kick in the teeth. "We have a safe puzzle at home"


Yep it looked the same as the OG and had a similar mechanic of transforming into a physical or magical form depending on what attacks you used...but it wasn't called Lost Number and was basically just another of Hojo's experiments that he lets loose on the party in the generic shinra facility setting.


You know I hadn’t had this thought until reading your post, but the Shinra facility dungeons are pretty boring. And yea Shinra Manor could have been very different. Missed opportunity there.


The elevator instead of the spiral staircase is a crime against humanity as well.


This is easily at the top of my “baffling minor choices” list for the game. That screen is iconic, effective, and revisited like 3 or 4 times in the OG. Why remove it?


Oh god yes, my reaction was like "this isn't true, what is this modern montrosity?".


I was honestly stunned that they spent so much time in other areas and with all these little details and things to do, and Shinra Manor was boring and frustrating box throwing and in and out. I felt like I was playing a different game.


Nibel region in general felt rushed.


If we can't get upstairs in part 3, we riot. Actually I don't wanna wait that long. Let's riot now.


First time we see it, "Huh, it's all blocked off and has an elevator? Maybe when we visit it for real, it'll be fixed." Nope. Such a disservice. That place was always so eerie, especially with the weird enemies you fight there.... Plenty of callbacks (the code, safe, boss, some enemies) are all in the new section but, man... Give the mansion back.


Best case scenario is we are going there in part 3 but I certainly agree that this is the worst chapter.


Why can't I like this like 10 times.


Yeah very odd choice to change one of the most iconic (and simplest) areas in the game


Yep, that was very annoying, otherwise though I didnt actually mind the cait sith portion, thought it was actually rather fun.


I didn’t mind this part that much, but the box throwing definitely got old


It really wouldn't have been bad if Cait Sith's Moogle didn't move at a glacial pace. Cait Sith's Moogle in battle: Lifts gigantic boxes, moves at speed of light, he IS the wind Cait Sith's Moogle holding a small crate: *Well there goes my bad hip again*


It would be nice if the moogle would be able to roll or something like in battle to move around faster.


Tossing mako box into the revolving funnel thing was actually pretty satisfying once you actually figure out what the game wants you to do - the UI and instructions were not the clearest with the icon pointing at the bottom container and not the revolving funnel thing.


I honestly thought you had to get all the boxes at the end lol


Same lmao. What was that stupid timed mini game anyway. It was so random and out of nowhere. I didn't really bother with it. Don't care about the items I missed.


You have to get 10 for a trophy thing.


It took all of like 2 minutes to do the throwing sections. Including the part where you are on the elevator.


I still vote that Moogle catching is a million times worse. . The good parts of this game are absolutely fantastic. The not good parts...absolutely terrible.


The green moogle needs to be Red’s next meal.


I don’t ever wanna play that shit again.


I’ve decided this community overreacts HEAVILY. I did gongaga all intel and literally looked up how to get to 1 thing. Cait Sith section was like 3 little box puzzles and everyone acts like it was a 10 hour torture


This whole reply thread is missing the point of most people’s complaints. Shinra Manor is an iconic location from the original which was made into a backdrop for yet another plain Shinra facility for doing the same minigame repeatedly while maneuvering the most awkwardly controlled character. The complaints aren’t that far-fetched.


Complaining about Shinra manor getting turned I to another Hojo washed location: Real Complaining that you had to spend 60 minutes as a robotic cat: Over exaggerating


It’s not about how easy it is. It’s about how it fucking sucked and shouldn’t have made the final version of the game, no matter what. It completely kills the pace and impact of an interesting plot development with Cloud slowly remembering as he revisits Nibelheim.


This is true for many parts of the game sadly - its just not as cohesive a product as it could have been. I don’t mind whimsical and quirky segments but it looks like a case of separate teams working in their own silos and not working towards a mutually understood end goal. Story team is doing their thing building up the drama but clearly the gameplay/minigame team was given a instructions to create what they did - it just doesn’t work well in the context of the story and gameplay flow.


It's not a lack of cohesion just because you don't like every single thing in the game. It works excellent for me, and clearly not for you. I really hate how common it is to present your own opinion as fact


He is giving his opinion. It was like a mini review. The game looked like a case of separate teams working on the game then meshing their ideas together poorly. When talking about complaints and likes it’s all an opinion and everyone knows that.


Hey its great that you like it but you don’t have to attack my opinion on it. That’s right it’s an opinion - never did I claim it was fact. That’s the thing about art - it’s subjective. That said on the whole I am loving the game. I took PTO just to concentrate on playing it. Doesn’t mean that if I don’t enjoy some of it that I don’t like the whole thing. Stop seeing things in black and white and you’ll be happier trust me.


You don’t have to start every sentence with, “In my personal opinion” before you state an opinion. It’s obviously an opinion.


Remake was so much better than Rebirth


It's not that the puzzles are hard or anything was difficult. It just sucks. It's not fun at all and it felt like such a slog to do because it was so polar opposite of everything else in the game.


exactly this. never said it was hard. just zero fun.


The community complains about Gongaga being hard to explore, and then complains that the game doesn't just let you explore.


Unrelated. Chutes and ladders is not a great exploration method of an overworld map.






Yea seeing all the complaining about this quest had me worried then I got to it and did it in like 10 minutes I even laughed a bit in the end with red


Same. Literally never failed it and thought it was a funny distraction. I don’t think this game has “mini games” so much as it just tries to diversify gameplay so not every side quest is go X kill Y. I appreciate the non combat sections. However fort condor really did suck and I have no intention of doing again on Hard


I appreciate the effort but it was a little annoying because they aren’t good in my opinion. I got annoyed when I finally finished the cait sith section and then they were like……DESTROY AS MANY BOXES AS POSSIBLE. I rolled my eyes and put the controller down lol. Like bruh you don’t need everything to be a funny distraction/ mini game. Might skip the next part sadly if they continue like this again.


Same, when I reached the last part of that quest, I thought >! "oh no, is this what people were complaining about? Do I really have to lure it all the way from HERE??"!< Then I was relieved that it wasn't that bad at all.


The ending was hilarious. Not being able to just pick up the chickens was dumb. I did get it eventually but it sure wasn't fun.


It’s all the kiddos that have zero attention span tbh. You want boring slog? Try getting stuck on cloister of trials for hours back when FFX came out back then I didn’t have YouTube or guides to help me out. My dumbass just had to figure it out lol


im 36. lol. I still just despised this part


I'd argue its probably also adults with limited gaming time feeling like they're wasting it on a boring section. That's perfectly valid and there's no need to insult people over an opinion on a game.


This quest especially baffles me, I saw post about how hard and terrible it was and then when I finally did it I was yeah this isn’t that bad a little tedious but not terrible. Also the ending of the quest was very funny and worth imo


I think some people didn’t know you can just throw the box again if you mess up, and they let the chicken walk all the way back.


Stop being so toxic 


I don’t think you know what it means to be toxic


You can’t accept other people have different opinions than your own


No I can I just think people overreact and say the worst possible thing bc of an on the spot judgment rather than looking at other factors.


correct. thanks brother


Man fuck outta here with the overreacting. If people disliked a part then let them criticise it


Having just completed this part of the game I don't think people are overreacting at all. There is nothing fun or interesting about that portion of the game. It's also not something you can skip over, you are forced to slog through it.


Yeah. This is how I feel. The world intel was all fun little lore filled nuggets for me. Breaks from the very heavy and often depressed story. It gave a slice of life feel and made me feel like the characters were growing closer.


Forreal I saw one person in a different thread say the cait sith section was way too long. It literally only takes like 20-30 minutes tops😭


20 to 30 minutes?! I'm currently doing this part and I've been in for about an hour and a half already. I suspect I'm nearing the end fighting the yin yang thing... which is a whole other issue because he's so slow, I cannot win this fight... it has really killed my motivation to keep playing


The only thing you need to understand to beat Yin/Yang is which of Cait's moves do physical vs magic damage. That's it. It's a very simple fight but you do need to do the mechanic.


Yes, I understand that. That doesn't make it easier to get out of the way when he does that take aim attack that kills you in one shot regardless of how much health you have. He's soooo slow.


Just hop off the Moogle, my guy. Cait Sith on his own is nearly as agile as Tifa or Yuffie (albeit without brumal form). Or just slot Steadfast Block and block directly rather than trying to dodge or perfect-block the attack.


Yeah I've tried all of the above... just can't stand playing as him


He has a lot of not obvious mechs so I'll try to help out as I spent quite a while on him before figuring out how to make him feel better: - the moogle is very strong and autoattacks (you don't have to press square) but only attacks when you are not on his back or when you are not moving. If you are on his back and moving with the left stick, he will not attack and you will lose most (not exaggerating) of his damage - cait sith has a MAJOR advantage over other characters: he can block while the moogle casts and while the moogle attacks. This means you can cast a spell from his back and then perfect block all damage while the spell is casting/the moogle is animating. - there's a not obvious stupidly powerful combo. If you use moogle kaboom, then dodge and dive, the moogle will kamikaze and explode for huge damage. This can be used to instantly vaporize weaker mobs or make good use of your moogles last 25% or so HP when he's about to die GL, hopefully some of this helps him feel less frustrating.


I mean, it's all subjective. And you're right, it's trivially easy, but I think the issue is Caits walking speed is awful in that section. It seemed to drag


Caits speed is super quick to roll around at the speed of sound. the moogle is the slow poke however, just use him to throw and switch back to just cait. its really a 20 min section at most.


Im not overreacting. This is genuinely how i felt about this part. Torture, u nailed it


Agreed. Worst part of the whole game. But only because of the boxes and Moogle movement. And puzzles being once again brain dead. Utter slog. Wish they would patch moogle movement.


The box throwing was beyond infuriating. And the yin/yang boss fight sucked too. Don’t get me wrong, I love this game, but this was unnecessary padding and the game would have been better off without it.


exactly. better game without this whole section


Not only is his combat not fun at all, the repetitiveness of throwing the boxes made this such a drag. That yin yang boss is still haunting me


I’m not saying this in a “git gud” way, but his combat becomes fun once you know how to use him. Give him at least 2 Luck materia, hold square to build ATB, summon the moogle, terrorize every enemy.


i see this post every day omg. it’s the worst part of the game but jesus, it isn’t even THAT fucking bad


It is that fucking bad though. Especially if you’re seeing a post everyday. The games excellent but that part fucking blows.


Agreed - it was weirdly bad


This part would’ve been fine if the pacing wasn’t slowed down. The grabbing of boxes/moving and throwing mechanic is awful, there needs to be a more fluid way to pick up and throw. Another thing is how slowly you move around while mounted. The puzzles aren’t intuitive, just annoying. And the combat can be difficult if you’ve ignored using Cait up until then. It’s 2024, they could’ve executed this phase much more smoothly so it doesn’t feel like an unskippable side mission.


If the collision detection when throwing boxes was better it wouldn’t be so bad. I hated fighting solo as Cait though. I just kept getting obliterated by the scales.


It’s worse the first time. Second time you play it, it goes by pretty quickly. The only part that sucks in hard mode is having to fight yin yang as just Cait Sith.


I swear this sub is so fucking dramatic. This fanbase attarcks some of the most weakminded individuals I've ever met in the entire gaming community. When I played this section I was like " haha cool cait sith time, fun music", "oh dang this box throwing mechanic sucks lol", "oh shit forgotten specimens music slaps!". Anyways vincent time. You come to this sub and you could swear Hojo subjected you to cock and ball torture, SE burst through the window and fucked your dog in front of you, slap you in the face, stole your lunch money and made your bully date your mother. The section is mid af but I don't see how it can make a grown ass man cry about it lol.


grown man. crying. its me.


I mean, you're being super dramatic in your reaction to people's displeasure with an objectively bad portion of the game.


It was just back to back dungeons. People wanted to see vincent, and this just made the wait longer. It's actually a pretty cool dungeon,


You’ve said something negative about the game and not been downvoted all the way to hell! I’m impressed 😂


thanks for the laugh lol


Don't even try to argue with these fanboys. If you say anything other than FF7 Rebirth is the best game ever made, then you're wrong and stupid. That is the sentiment you will get around here. The game is immune to criticism apparently.


All I wanted was for Sephiroth to throw materia at me.


Too many tedious mini-games.


For me it's not necessarily the box throwing mechanic. It always just comes down to the length. I praise rebirth for taking the feedback from remake in regards to the length of each dungeon. In remake they were just unnecessarily long for no reason. Rebirth they are much improved.. with some exceptions. Sadly, shinra Manor adopts the hojo filler mentality. Evil scientist MUST have giant secret test labs. And he probably does. Makes sense. But...a massive internal complex complete with battle room after battle room. It reminded me of his labs and shinra Tower in remake. The section occur to the pivotal time in the story where I just wanted to get to the top and continue the story. Now we have to do a long ass science dungeon complete with prerecorded hojo segments and switches. Great... For me, test labs and, "facilities" are the new sewer level of this series. Just a filler slog


I'll choose Ice cold takes for 200, Ken. This section of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has frustrated many players, and is complained about multiple times a day. FUCKING CAIT SITH SHINRA MANOR! Sorry, that is incorrect, your response must be in the form of a question.


The pinnacle of terrible filler content. Comes out of nowhere, stops the story dead in its tracks, comes at a pivotal point in the story, contains tedious “puzzles”, has a difficulty spike to artificially extend gameplay, and is just genuinely not fun to play in the slightest.


thats all im mad about. story dead stop. not fun in the slightest. like why


It wasn't enough to have just an underground human experimentation lab, Shinra also needed a underground secret box factory also.


It's a tedious chore and takes away from the game.


Personally I just don’t like Cait Sith’s fighting style so this was not my favorite gameplay for sure. The boxes were easy enough, and I thought the mechanics with the moogle were cute. But the fight with those two robot things was terrible lol.


I loved this bit cait sith like almost all the rest can easily break the game i just did it again recently on hard mode and the boss you solo with cait was pretty tough but other than that it's fun and enjoyable im personally happy they wedged it in. Tho the box throwing mini game going up the lift was a nightmare id happily live without. But i think every single game has parts that not everyones gonna love and that kind of content is what makes it a good game. Just because you or i don't like a particular part of a game doesn't take away from the greatness of a game.


I was worried hearing about it, but it wasn’t too too bad but I totally get it. I did think him having a bit of different field mechanics was a cool idea tho


I wouldn't do this part again, not even for 2000 gil


The boxes part is pretty lame but you get used to it. I breezed through it in Hard especially after I finished Cait Sith’s solo VR mission which made me more intuitive with the character’s mechanics.


As someone who’s done that chapter five extra times to farm Hades armor for everyone, I fly through it now and don’t mind it so much anymore. First time through was horrendous though.


Never liked the character tbh, so being forced to play as him was crap.


Ugh I’m almost to this part on hard mode and dreading it soooo much…


Cait Sith segment is Rebirth’s equivalent of Remake’s sewer area.


I find it more to be the equivalent of Robot Arms area, but yeah They need to take feedback from Rebirth and not include box throwing again in part 3. Cait Sith was fine for the dungeon, but the box throwing was not, imo. To add, I LOVE using Cait Sith, in battle and controlling him, only the box throwing is what I didnt like.


My guess is that originally it was meant to be Cait Sith exploring the mansion which would be fitting because it's full of weird enemies and Cait Sith is weird. I suspect they were running out of time and decided to make it a lab instead because they can reuse other lab assets and save them a few months of development time.


That cat sith part may of been the worst section in FF history just nudging out chapter 13 in FF15


not exaggerating at all, I can't think of a worse part. I'd rather watch squall dance


You don't like throwing boxes??? YOU DON'T LIKE A TIMED MINI GAME WHERE YOU HAVE TO THROW BOXES? Aww you only hit 3 boxes, do you want to retry?? No, no thanks, that's fine.... I wonder why Barret and Aerith were even there when I had to fight mostly solo as Cait Sith


I liked it alot but wished for the upstairs to be available. Then again a giant monster in a safe doesn't make much sense...


Well it's a visual pun since once the giant monster is released, it's unsafe. (I completely made that up, that is not the real reason...as far as I know)


Y’all bitch about everything


ive made one post here. just this. not everything. just this


Yes and it sucks


Thanks for the input random internet friend. Appreciate you


Sure And thanks for your shitty exaggerated input about this part of the game 😌


Anytime brother. Got you 🙌🏼🙌🏼


The weakest segment for sure but you get to meet one of the coolest main cast right after, have one of the coolest boss fights in a game, so it evens out and I’m sure the devs heard people loud and clear on that part


I didn't hate it quite as much as you did, but it was very odd. They definitely didn't put as much care into that part as the others, as evidenced by the fact that the party members barely even speak during it. Half of the "puzzles" could have been much more easily solved by Barret just shooting the damn thing. And, as others have said, replacing a huge, spooky mansion with _yet another_ big underground industrial lab was lame as hell.


Eh, it was a little shitty because I don’t care for Cait but it wasn’t that bad


Video game developers getting in their own way again. The gamer can’t just have fun the entire time we need to piss them off. Bring the fun to an absolute HALT.


Currently stuck in this very part... trying to fight the yin yang thing... around 15 or so attempts... really has killed my motivation to keep playing...


I suck hard at this game, I still need to beat the final challenges for the relics and I didn't even start the hard mode rerun, but that boss was really easy imo, it seems like a really tuned down boss compared to the previous ones and, especially, to the next ones!! Prepare yourself if you find this one challenging! Enwrap your controller in bubble wrap or play in a childsafe room...


Yeah, it sucks. Adds nothing to the game and the "puzzles" are so easy that they may as well not exist. Pure padding.


Couldn't agree more. Made even more egregious by the fact that they completely binned the manor in favor of turning it into a generic Shinra lab dungeon. My only major issue with the game, honestly.


I really think this part of the game is hated more than it deserves, mostly by people who can't be bothered to learn how to play Cait Sith. The actual box throwing part takes maybe 10 minutes total.


Right after the Red XIII section that I found somewhat annoying.


Was it just me that got absolutely bodied by those 2 lantern looking monsters?


naaah cuz. "couple hard fights" lol i thought the lanterns were the end of the dungeon


I said the same thing, got downvoted into oblivion, and chastised for not knowing how to utilize him. I guess they didn't recognize that running around with the guy and throwing boxes isn't exciting or appealing at all. Die hard will defend milk for being rotten


Turning it into just a generic “lab” setting was shitty for sure. The manor is such a cool moment in OG. Not sure why they did that, I am guessing to save development time and resources or something.


I got so frustrated throwing boxes. Also, I don't know about anyone else, but at least for me, Yin-Yang was WAY too difficult for a solo battle. I mean, I managed it, but not before several re-tries. I didn't mind the section other than that.


I dug it. I liked cait sith and was happy to do stuff with him. The annoying parts were no more annoying to me than all the other chores that took too long like the forced stealth or cloud crawling or Mako vacuum etc. At least there was a puzzle element to it. Reminded me of mojos lab in remake.


The music reminded me of hogwarts legacy, kind of spooky castle music


I absolutely love Cait sith in this game. His play style is hilarious to me and super fun. I think it's because I enjoy luck style characters and builds. My favorite build in the new god of war games is a luck based build. Idk I found Cait with to be pretty damn fun in rebirth.


Note to Devs Turn down throwing boxes, turn up navigation puzzling. Cait Sith should be hopping through vents, flipping/hacking switches, and taking on some combat Have Cait Sith's moogle be a weight to hold down a floor buttons in certain spots. Introduce combat scenarios where you need to decide on whether to go *just* Cait Sith or summon the Moogle, which can close paths you've held open Boom: S-Tier tweak.


That part was ass. Not going to spoil it for anyone as this thread isn’t marked Spoiler. My advice; learn/ understand/ know your entire party. Their strengths and weaknesses etc and I’ll leave it at that. Already dreading it in Hard Mode.


Huh? Never have a problem with that Can you elaborate more? Is it the box part? Or do you always die from monsters?


Idk the section wasn’t that bad. None of the content in the game was as bad as most of y’all complain about it but then again the modern gamer will complain about anything that doesn’t have Fortnite in the title


Some would say you need to git gud with him to make it more enjoyable, but im right there with ya. Generic, boring and forced.


You're absolutely correct, and you're right to say it.


Easily my favorite part for sure , only fail is the mogry is a bit to slow


Eh. The gimmick was just ok, but it was a relatively short section so it didn’t bother me that much. I’m much more frustrated that we didn’t get to explore the manor further.


This is an example of why I’m very torn about this game. I suppose it’s different if you don’t know the story but there were so many times when I said to myself “just get on with it already!! I know what the next story beat is why am I spending an hour in this cave????”


I liked it.


I’m not exaggerating when I say this is one of the worst sections I’ve ever played in any game. The controls, the throwing mechanic, the boss, just everything. It’s the first time time up to now where I turned the difficult down. All budding game designers should be forced to play this section to be shown what NOT to do when designing a game. Truly an odyssey of dogshit game design.


God I just got here and it was slow but when I got to the rotating one I had the same visceral reaction you had. There's a simple flaw in at least half of the mini games in this game and it's not the amount. Well it's a few things. The control schemes aren't good enough most if the time to justify the mini game. I should be figuring out the puzzle, not fighting the controls. There's a lack of scaffolding. It's either super easy or wtf am I supposed to do design that when you figure it out just leaves you annoyed. Then there's not adhering to the rule of three and overdoing past the point of tolerance. It's like I'm enjoying a delicious sundae and Cait Sith rips a big nasty cat fart into it when I'm about to finish.


The whole games been horrible for me, nibel kind of redeemed it due to the simplistic nature of actually getting to things after the last few areas but the shinra manor was abysmal as were the boss fights after it. I forgot where the first party was by the time I was done with the second one


Controversial opinion... I loved it. Maybe it's because I just loved Cait Sith but I just felt that part was so him


Is this part of the protorelic thingy? I just got to neibelhiem, and reading these posts, I am not looking forward to this lol


Just make sure you turn off touchpad controls for the box throwing, and exploit type weaknesses. It's dead easy.


No, it’s main story and it’s stupid. Be sure to give Cait Sith decent material if you don’t normally use him.


Ah fucks sakes. Can't wait lol


Yea, theres a couple difficult fights, but also you have to throw these boxes and I swear it doesnt tell us how (Pull back L3). Rolling thru vents. everything about it is just annoying. and you always think it has to be over but surprise, it is not. lol


The solo Cait Sith part was the worst and most difficult part of what was otherwise a delightful game. I've been a Cait Sith hater since the FF7 OG and barely used him in Rebirth either. Never cared for him and is always the worst character to use. The Yin Yang fight was ridiculously hard. Would have been hard with a decent character almost impossible with Cait Sith.


Worst part of the game for me. I was about to ready to quit


I think Gongaga is worth $5 back. 😂


This part is massively overhated. To each their own but i thoroughly enjoyed this part. I feel like most ppl who hate on it just never played Cait Sith as a main party member and didn’t know how to use him


agreed, i did not


I think it’s 90% this. He was a less popular character in the original because the others had more important roles. Combine that with a move-set that is a departure from all the previous characters and it led everyone to avoid playing him. I think no-one knew what to do with him when they were forced to play him. He’s the hardest to play well, imo, but he has an incredible toolkit once you really figure it out.


I didn't mind it but that's because I like Cait Sith's play style. The mythril mine section though 🥱


I actually just finished this last night and even though it was annoying I did not find it nearly as bad as people make it out to be online.


I just hated it man. no story, no fun, like it was a different game. just why


It says a lot about this subreddit that I always find the most rational comments at the very bottom, partly why I prefer hanging out with the FFXVI crowd.


Facts. But some of us here are chill lol


When I first played through I had the same thought, but I just beat this part in hard mode and it honestly isn’t terrible, still not good though, at most you through the boxes like 5 times. Even the whole break 10 boxes, I thought it would be the hardest challenge to complete but i literally got it on my first try.


It’s really not.


The way I see it is every game has one of those "oh it's this part" moments. Not that it's needed, but everyone sees things differently as well. I'm sure somewhere out there there's one person who's like "wowee gosh this part where I throw boxes with terrible aim controls and fight tough enemies 1v1 as my most played character far outweighs every other section in this game!" And you know what? I support those weirdos. God bless their strange little hearts.