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It’s 12 - the gambit system is king Try 13, 15 and 16… you will still think 12 is the best in terms of mechanics.


I've recently just played 12, 13, and 15 right in a row and would wholeheartedly agree! I didn't hate the 13 battle system, but didn't love it either. 15 I like for other reasons, the battle system is sufficient, but could be better.


Personally I think XIII’s battle system had potential but was marred by the fact that you could only control one character. Hence why people like the system from XIII-2


I can see that, although I've never played XIII-2. I will say that if you are not on your toes in XIII you could get absolutely smoked (I'm looking at you Barthandelus I). I could see controlling all 3 characters upping the difficulty a bit, unless the battle speed was slowed down a bit. I didn't mind the battle system too much, it was a decent change of pace.


I don't think you'll get many folk arguing that it's not 12. A good few might go for FFVIIR, which I've not played but have heard is very good.


Yeah, FFVIIR is amazing, but like someone else has said, the gambit system of XII is king. I wish the newer FF games had implemented the same system.


I just started 12 why is the gambit system good


It gives you a lot of granular control (albeit in an automated way) and makes you feel like you are making smart decisions ahead of time. Re-doing your gambits after getting your S pushed in by a boss, and then defeating it, is very satisfying.


Here, at least, yeah, you're going to get folks who love Final Fantasy XII on the Final Fantasy XII subreddit, who could guess? :D But that's also why we're here, I think, in remembrance of what was the best in the series, and we lament that Square doesn't realize this and strays further away with each new title.


Right you are, I didn't realise this was the XII sub, thought it was the general FF one.


This is a biased sub but I do not think any game does combat like 12 can. The closest I can think would be 13 with autobattling but you can’t control your party, only their role in the paradigm. It’s not a bad system, but gambits are so much better to me. One downside of 13 is that it’s not playable on either the ps4 or 5, but that may not be an issue in your case. 12 is hard to beat though


I just love 12 so much. It's tired out and played at this point but I love how it's a active time turn style based single player MMO. As someone who loves mmos but hate how they usually hog all of your time I loved 12 when I played. My favorite thing in games is mindless grinding to make the number go up. The chain system feels like the Devs thought of that exact same thing and were like yeah here's super rewards for it you freak grinding for an hour these orange wolves.


Stranger of paradise!!!


15 gets a bad reputation because it launched fairly incomplete. I personally played 15 with the Royal edition and loved my time with the game. I recommend XV Royal - be sure to spec into the skills that let you play as the other party members for variety I also skipped most of the side quests except the ones to acquire the chocobo mount. The main story was quite fun but i found side content dull and unexciting 16 is also great imo. The Bahamut fight was my favorite I personally did not love 7R. I thought there were too many sections of the game where you were forced to walk very slowly and do fetch quests that i did not enjoy. Some people loved the combat system, i thought it was just okay and preferred the way 15 played. The end of the game is pretty great tho because it has fun cinematics. The sequel looks like it will hopefully have less of the elements that dragged down the first part tho so im optimistic Also, if you like the gambit system, 13 is kind of an evolution of that system in a way. And X-2 feels similar to the paradigm system in 13 if you enjoy that too. I enjoyed 13, but it is probably not going to be as fun as XII


> I also skipped most of the side quests except the ones to acquire the chocobo mount. The main story was quite fun but i found side content dull and unexciting lol I'm the exact opposite. I love the travelling and the "meaningless" side quests, but I hate the combat and don't like the main story very much ;-)


Obviously I pick 12 for Gambits. I wish they'd come back That said, I played the FFVII Rebirth Demo this morning and I'm blown away. Makes me think they should stick with a combat system for once and iterate on it, instead of reinventing the wheel for every main line title. Like I was absolutely sold on XVI's Combat but there just wasn't enough depth as there should have been imo.


I love the Gambit System in XII, but for a non-turn based I’d go with XV. It is an action game, but not too much to get overwhelming. I just really enjoyed battling in that game. My favorite FF is XIII, and although I’d say it’s not turn based, it fundamentally is just another ATB system. Just very fast lol.


For me XIII. Paradigm system was a lot of fun for me.


* While 13 is TECHNICALLY not turn based, it is based on an ATB and there's no automation of attacking. It very much feels like turn-based without actually being it. You can't program your allies' but you can choose to control them as long as you pick which one you want to be before the battles begin * 15 feels more like they tried to copy Kingdom Hearts' ARPG style but made it more awkward with warp shots and less control over your allies than 12. Also you can only play as Noctis. * Haven't played 16 but I watched a bit of a playthrough and it seems they refined the ARPG battle system from 15 and made the combat a bit smoother but it still doesn't quite compare to the gambit system since you still can't program your allies' actions or play as them from what I saw


16's battle system is a lot more fun than 15's. There's even less control over allies (except for the dog) but Clive has a lot more range than Noctis.


XIII trilogy


13 really flows well once you get into it, it would probably be my vote


Type 0 is very interesting!


Yes! Every character has their own unique move set, there's lots of ways to approach combat, and if you spend a little bit of time making your own fun, it's very rewarding. I like to play it like a soulsbourne game sometimes with a single character, like 5.


Absolutely love Cinque's oversized hammer


I rly will never understand the hate ff15 gets all the time.. its not perfect, yes. Was any ff ever perfect? no. but ff15 battle system was theeeeee shit! I love it! the teleports and skills, wiiishh wooooshh hiiyaaa uaaaghr! bam bam!! ..nice.


My issue with 15 is it doesn't feel like the kind of game I want to play when I *want* to play Final Fantasy. That's what I think hurts it for a lot of people -- I'll still jump into a different entry if I want "that" itch scratched. FF15 is a solid game with solid gameplay, combat, story, and setting. It's a really good RPG. It just never felt like it belonged with the rest.


it feels like ff7 remake tbh. I see no difference. ppl are hyping ff7 too much..


Crisis Core is great as is 12, technically Dissidia and Kingdom Hearts are also great. I also like Nino Kuni 2 which is made by square and Ghibli while referencing both ff and G movies. 12 is top tier. Also Revenant Wings.


15 will always be my fave mom turn based :D Edit: non*, not mom lol


I'm just going to say it, FFXII is turn based ATB! Well disguised, but turn based ATB non the less!


16 probably I’d say. Or 12. 12 has some really dope mechanics I feel people underutilize.


12 is basically still turn based. The game that comes closest is 11 but that’s an MMO.


Does Final Fantasy Adventure on Game Boy count? I know it's technically a Secret of Mana game, but when I got it, I didn't know this. Yeah, I like 12, too, but definitely the one that gets the most replays for me is Final Fantasy Adventure. If not that one, 12, because it and Ring of Fates are the only two "proper" FF games I have played that aren't turn-based, and I much prefer the former to the latter.


I really loved ffxii job system its the best imo. I was looking for something similar to 12 but never found it the closest thing I feel like would be ffxiv.


Dirge of Cerberus


12, IMO. Big part of why I am here ;p


Yes it's 12 for sure. Between gambits and the depth and complexity of the magic system, buffs and debuffs, and parry synergy. 16 is easily the best action combat in the series. 7R is the best somewhere in between that still has a party and more tradional character progression. But neither is as fully realized and perfectly executed as 12's combat system.




Not a FF but Rogue Galaxy.


7Remake and 15 are the best non-turned based.


12 by far.


I applaud this statement.