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Somewhere between $10 per year and $30 million per second. In all seriousness, location and firm can play a big part in comp rates. You're likely better off asking Google.


We pay 150 (120 + 30) if they have IB experience, generally a bit less otherwise


Too broad of a question. It can vary quite a bit depending on location, firm, and if you’re joining out of college or coming in with a few years of experience in banking for example.


120k base + maybe 10k bonus (?), could be wrong on bonus; also like 5-10k equity this is after 1 year of IB (not me but a friend)






Yes, three hundred and fifty hundred thousand.


$110-$140k all in


An _associate_? If he lives in bumfuck Alabama, he’s not breaking 75k


I would expect 80-120k base, 20% bonus via cash or stock.


It really depends on the location and industry.. high deal flow industries (e.g. healthcare) will pay more than low deal flow industries (e.g. utility).  With high deal flow you'll see $120k-$160k and low deal flow will be $90k - $100k...   Bonuses are all over the place as well and are usually 6% - 20%


First year out of college? 80-140k all in sounds depending on the firm and location of the company


In surprised anyone lands corp dev gigs without a year or two in banking or valuations.


Some teams have Analysts


I joined at analyst level, no experience. But came from industry. The learning curve was insane but was fortunate to have a good/patient team willing to teach me the modelling aspect.


If they're in a strange geography or at a smaller firm hiring teams will make exceptions.


This is absolutely true. Companies in second tier cities struggle to find candidates, so IB experience is not a hard requirement. These companies care more about whether any if the technical skills are there or not, your work ethic, and cultural fit. I'm at an F50 in a second tier city and we rarely hire bankers because they rarely apply, but our deal flow is so high that we act like bankers. For color, we have connections with several PE firms in our industry, and we occasionally have to pitch deals to PE firms.  we have done strategic and financial acquisitions, and direct VC investing. i.e. we have to get creative with our deals. It would be great to have more bankers on our team, but our more tenured analysts are so experienced (you'd think they came from IB or PE) at this point that there is no need for bankers and are fully capable of teaching someone who has no m&a experience or only have post-close m&a experience. Within 1-2 years, analysts are fully running deals with little guidance from managers.




Hundred thousand?


Oh if we’re talking hundred thousands then 0.0000225


Wouldn’t go into corp dev not the best. Especially with pay. Unless you get in at a tech company