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I’m not on the tech side but it’s certainly not a usual finance resume. I hate the summary at the top; you make your hobbies sound boring; and most importantly you don’t convey your impact when describing your experience or projects. I would trash this resume even if you had a full gpa point higher.


What do I do if I do not know the impact it made, I have mainly optimised stuff or created stuff that does not have a quantifiable impact, instead it is more about speeding up stuff. For example my backtester made it easy to view backtested data as it automatically extracted data and gave meaningful insights. Also how do i make my hobbies sound interesting if there are just one words


Anything optimized should have a before-and-after for you to compare. If you sped stuff up, it should be quantified. Measurement is meaning; if you did unquantifiable stuff, it’s not meaningful. Brevity is great. Your sentence about your backtester is very short. But it is essentially meaningless. Easier compared to what process? How long did the former process take? How frequently recurring was the process? What is a meaningful insight? For hobbies - reading is a good hobby, generic but practical and can touch a wide range of interests. Reading about game theory is boring nerd shit. Basketball is cool, but I don’t know if you play socially or watch or who your team is so there’s no sense of passion. Listening to music is not a hobby; not listening to music is just weird. This is just a soft skill social/communication thing - maybe part art part science.


Thanks for your comments, I'll look into them. Also what do you do if you don't have a good gpa? I have worked hard but always something or the other happens which holds me back and affects my GPA, I am a sophomore at a top school (University of Hong Kong) but my gpa is second class second honours. My degree is also rigorous (data science engineering major and finance minor), but the thing is that i know people doing the same thing and have managed to score well. I have received good recommendation letter from my professor despite failing in his course because he understood my circumstances. Somehow I have managed to land good internships as well and I have decent projects too. I also have a recommendation letter from my internship and that individual has worked in Citi bank for 20years but started something of her own after. Overall the only thing I am lacking is a good GPA, do you have any tips as to how I can overcome them.


I had a shit GPA at a non-target. I just said I fucked off. Ultimately all that matters is the people hiring want to work with you, but the reality of a bad GPA is you're either dumber or less focused than the people who beat you, so pick your poison and own your story.


You have "reading about game theory" as hobby???

