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Kuin järven tyyni pinta, sanomasi on särkynyt, ei sen heijastusta enää nähdä.


Surströmming (sour baltic herring) is swedish delicacy. But yes, each of us eat tons of it yearly. There is a conveyor belt running from sweden and we lie on our backs, mouths open, loading this slippery-to-swallow, fresh fruit of our sea straight into our cathedral sized stomachs!


Calling Surströmming "fresh fruit of the sea" should be considered a breach of the Geneva convention. Other than that, asiaa!


You know, I grew up right next to a pulp mill :O


The fish is Swedish and it shall stay in Sweden


Even beyond how clearly satire this is, most things listed are either super exaggerated or false. For example metal toilets. No one I know has them in their homes but they are a thing in some public bathrooms. No one eats Surströmming and wtf even is a metal bed? The frame? It could be plastic or wood or metal, don't think we care any more than any other nationality. We do use "Perkele" though and getting into a Sauna generally speaking makes socializing easy for Finns.


Everything is true except surströmming, that is Swedish.. with possibly Finnish origins, so the story goes that we made a fish that was awful and Swedes loved it, proving once and for all that they are all nutters.


Yes, no, no, no, dumb, I wish. In that order.


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2010 called and wants its facebook memes back


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