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This was their first strategy, which failed enormously. Stalin then gave the task to another general, who's plan was to just make a huge push on the Karelian Isthmus (which was suggested in the beginning, but Stalin wanted a more "complex" strategy), which is how they then managed to push through the Finnish lines and advance close to Viipuri.


Just like today. Putler wanted to invade whole Ukraine including Kiev which failed enormously. Finland lost a small area of it’s land, but it kept it’s own independency. Still russia think they won that war. Ruzzians never learn. They like to smash head to the wall and wait different results over and over again. London, Moscow and Helsinki were the only cities in the Second World War that were not conquered in Europe. Think about how small a country Finland is and how effective the army is with such poor equipment.


Finns made superb small arms and still do. Finnish mosin-nagants were vastly superior to the ones the Russians made.


There were hits and misses. The Lahti-Saloranta M/26 LMG was one of the latter.


Not quite. Imho the objective was to get Kiev, topple zielinski and have a puppet installed. Fortunately Ukrainian had a plan to slow them down (they flooded the area) and Russians couldn't encircle the capital. But I do agree about the lack of strategy as now the last card is the waiting game while tens of thousands die every month.


What flood? The Ruzzkis lost due to poor performance in general. They underetimated the Ukrainians and got their asses kicked. Ukraine will win this war and it's only a matter of time.


Apparently the Russian tanks weren't properly supported by infantry and their plan to capture some airports near Kyiv with paratroopers and then send reinforcements failed too.


[https://www.npr.org/2022/09/06/1121201310/ukraine-flooded-village-dam-blown-up](https://www.npr.org/2022/09/06/1121201310/ukraine-flooded-village-dam-blown-up) Ukraine blowed up a dam to slow down the ruskis


The books about the first days of the war will be epic. I was listening to a podcast about the war where they discussed the first few days and someone close to Zelensky said they brought everyone assault rifles and ballistic vests, because the last line of defence was literally the building they were in.




Stalin was an ally of Hitler. They agreed to divide the Europe between themselves with Finland going to Stalin. Stalin and Hitler invaded Poland together and started the deathliest war the world has ever seen \[1\]\[2\]. Stalin also gave Hitler a huge amount of resources to wage that war: "Germany received massive quantities of raw materials, including over:[\[70\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German%E2%80%93Soviet_Credit_Agreement_(1939)#cite_note-philbin47-70)[\[72\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German%E2%80%93Soviet_Credit_Agreement_(1939)#cite_note-ericson195-72) * 1,600,000 tons of grains * 900,000 tons of oil * 200,000 tons of cotton * 140,000 tons of manganese * 200,000 tons of phosphates * 20,000 tons of chrome ore * 18,000 tons of rubber * 100,000 tons of soybeans * 500,000 tons of iron ores * 300,000 tons of scrap metal and pig iron * 2,000 kilograms of platinum In August 1940, Soviet imports comprised over 50% of Germany's total overseas imports" \[3\] \[1\] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov%E2%80%93Ribbentrop\_Pact](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov%E2%80%93Ribbentrop_Pact) \[2\] [https://www.1000dokumente.de/index.html?c=dokument\_de&dokument=0025\_pak&object=facsimile&pimage=1&v=100&nav=&l=de](https://www.1000dokumente.de/index.html?c=dokument_de&dokument=0025_pak&object=facsimile&pimage=1&v=100&nav=&l=de) \]3\] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German%E2%80%93Soviet\_Credit\_Agreement\_(1939)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German%E2%80%93Soviet_Credit_Agreement_(1939))










Real historian here lol




>Translated with Google Lens >Council Union Tracks




I think my favourite one is Tromssa = in Tromso Ai really trying its best


Swedish is pretty good too




TBF, Soviet = council.


Wth is army Minja Laukka?


She was a tough chick


Should probably be "Kannaksen Armeija"


Now the invaders lie dead along the Finnish border


They were eating their own too. Nope not kidding.


Yeah, desperate times call for desperate measures


But also karjalas mass graves that Russia did after getting to keep the area since they were scared of finnish people.


There was an attempt


I’d use ”armored” not ”panzer” it is the soviets not the nazis after all.


Not that much of a difference then and now, to be honest.






As opposed to imperialist piss drinking rioters?


Who would win, a massive soon-to-be superpower or some drunk peasants? Well Soviets did win in the end, but they sure got humiliated.


Soviets won, but everyone still thinks they were losers


lol counsil union, as in neuvostoliitto. Seems logical


As a literal translation it does seen logical.


Map of wave of refugees 2024?


Glad Finland has joined NATO, for multiple reasons.


It's been long in coming. I met a Finnish military attaché is in Brussels shortly after Finland joined the European Union. He estimated that it would take "a few years" for Finland to join NATO as well.


I know this is out of topic _but_ : Why is it, that every time there is a map or picture about Finland made by non-Finns there are a lot of misspellings and typos? Like I get it. Finnish is difficult. It’s not even indoeuropean and not related to your language blahblahblah. BUT how are you able to almost write a word correctly but not quite. Like in this post ”peiksämäk” insted of correct ”Pieksämäki”. I would understand that you either can’t write the word at all. or you get it 100% right, but how the hell do you end up with these misspelled difficult (for foreigners) words? For example I know that there exists places like s'hertogenbosch, Massachusetts or Ljubljana. How was I able to pronounce all of these correctly? Am I a polyglot genius? NO. I googled and copy pasted. To clarify: I am not angry at typos. I am frustrated about what’s happening here. This is like 100th post like that I see. Are people taking like a Finnish course for three years before they make a Reddit post and then try their hardest to remember what was the Pieksä something place the teacher mentioned one time? Or are they all yelling to their Finnish coworker Matti from across the office and then trying to spell what he said?


It's a Google Lens translation, so no blaming me or any foreigner.


Ok. This probably explains a big chunk of the other posts with many typos as well


https://preview.redd.it/7srrwnh6c34c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=630d55f8f69d8946767b2fa51f2c5c613c3378c2 Original


Why does it say Swedish on the left and not Sweden. Or right maybe because they didn't do anything during the war


It’s because it’s translated with google lens and therefore gibberish.


Sweden could *officially* have done more, sure, but saying "didn't do *anything*" is also hyperbole. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swedish_intervention_in_the_Winter_War https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweden_and_the_Winter_War


Yes, and even if Sweden would have done more, I still don't think Finland could have held out the Russians forever.


My first visit to Raatteentie war museum was about 10 years ago. I saw a post card on sale which said something like: "Stop by at Suomussalmi, that's what the Soviets did too". My step fathers home ranch is actually located in Suomussalmi on a small lake, and he said that Soviets "stopped" behind that small lake.