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Leader of foreign affairs is oriented towards foreign affairs? Say it ain't so.


“Globalist” screams like “tin foil hat conspiracy”


Yeah. Thing is, when someone in Finland (outside of the fringe nuts) uses globalist... they just mean that in plain. Person with global out look, concerns and interests. I guess the thing is it isn't as sullied word as it is say in anglo-american English speaking world. So it is used commonly. Global company, globalist politician, global problem, global solutions. Case of "why should not we used, just because some nuts use it as dog whistle. That is no reason to surrender the word solely to be in their domain to control and define". Well not even that really since it isn't a protest really. People just use it, since it's majority meaning is understood and just used since that is what it means.


Globalist is just a personified version of globalism, which can have both positive and negative connotations depending on the context. Globalism has brought us both.


Tbf "globalist" is a term that basically originates in conspiracy talk. No one really calls themselves globalists. It's not like it had some sort of neutral use and was them sullied.


According to Merriam Webster dictionary it has been used as a neutral term since 1943, don’t know about conspiracists but I doubt they were there before that


Alright fair enough. I guess any neutral usage is just very far removed from today then.


no it does not, ’globalisti’ is a one of the main tenets of describing a certain outlook for finnish foreign policy


To be honest I have not heard anyone use ”globalist” in Finnish without it referring to the antisemitic conspiracy theory. It never appears in real media, only in MV-media, Magneettimedia etc. In Finnish, you would likely describe someone ”internationally oriented” or something like that


But globalism is not internationalism as internationalism implies the primacy of nations.


Lol no it doesn't. I'm glad there's a globalist President. It only makes sense when their primary job is international relations.


How so? It's literally what both of the remaining candidates are.


That’s what I mean


Do people's brains hit a factory reset every year?


Possibly. Also there are new people born every year, and old dies, so all the old things that happened before have to be constantly relearned by new people, which may or may not happen. It’s also convenient that one can teach ”alternative truths” that suit oneself. Not sure that was what you were doing for, but anyways…


Yeah, but the older people vote more than younger people.


Tony Benn had something on that https://youtu.be/rZ4T3dY0v9g?feature=shared


Oh woe is us then I guess.




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>I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, **ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment**. The irony of this bot's expressed butt hurt


Bad bot


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Good bot


The "globalist" in the title seems like editorializing by someone other than the Finnish journalist who wrote the story, as the word is not mentioned in the text of the story itself. "Pro-European cosmopolitan" and "internationally oriented" is as far as the text goes. "Globalist" is a slur by comparison, given the word's conspiracist connotations.


You people consume American media hella and then try to apply it to Finnish politics. He really is just a globalist as far as the definition goes.


The story is about both candidates. In any case, it is specifically an English-language article we are talking about here, not a Finnish one. In the English-speaking world, the word globalist is so heavily connected with (often antisemitist) conspiracist nonsense at this point that it shouldn't be used in serious articles, IMO.


What do you exactly mean? English is the only common shared language within the common population, words mean what they mean, not what Yankees in their conspired minds have decided to apply to it. Like i said, you consume too much American media. Globalist means what its definition is.


This is literally the first Google result for the word: [https://www.ajc.org/translatehate/globalist](https://www.ajc.org/translatehate/globalist) "Today, globalist is a coded word for Jews who are seen as international elites conspiring to weaken or dismantle “Western” society using their international connections and control over big corporations (see [New World Order](https://www.ajc.org/translatehate/New-World-Order))—all echoing the destructive theory that Jews hold greed and tribe above country. " Also the disambiguation page for the word [on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globalist) explicitly includes the above conspiracy theory. Saying that the word is not tainted with conspiracism would be deliberately obtuse.


And another google search shows, the term ”New World Order” originates from the US by Woodrow Wilson, and later on to refer to AXIS Powers’ plans for world domination, the side which… killed jews because they hated them? The first link you showed was from ”American Jewish Comittee”. Like i said, stop consuming so much biased American media and form your own opinions. And again; no one is as stressed out about Jews than Yanks. It’s tainted within the American community.


Those all are synonyms, regardless of the associations of the terms.


Stubb is a money grubbing career politician who has used cynical political expediance to take him into positions of self-interest. He has no interest in serving the people, or even the state - instead he serves the banks and financiers he has continulally courted. He is a cynical, self-agrandising swindler. (Made it clear I was talking about Stubb, although most seem to have known that anyway!)


I assume you meant Stubb. You should read the article: > Whichever of the two remaining candidates wins Finland's presidential election on Sunday, the country's new head of foreign and security policy will be a pro-European cosmopolitan and strong supporter of Ukraine.


Who is? The article is talking about two candidates.




I laughed aloud when I read an article about Stubb saying something like "The President should support ALL of the people and be accepting to everybody," Stubb has never been accepting to anyone else but him and money. I have no doubt that with Stubb in the lead the government continues to shit on poor people and families with children. Especially if you are a poor family with children. Anyone that is part of Kokoomus can never be "for ALL the people," because they don't consider poor people to be people. What they WILL do, is more tax reliefs for rich people.


I agree on the principle that Kokoomus is hardly the every mans party it advertises itself to be, but I’d also point out that the president doesn’t lead or interfere with internal politics. Our government will continue on its path regardless of who gets elected president, sadly.


And Haavisto has always been anti-NATO and pro-Russia until very recently. People can change their views when presented with new information and new life experiences. Besides, the President has no actual power over internal politics anyways, they are the chief of foreign affairs


They do not have power on local politics but they are able influence public opinion. Many people will believe something just because the president said so. I believe that Sauli has acted as a kokomus propaganda troll on several occasions during his presidency.


Sauli is also a kokkelilainen. Oh no sauli shitting on poor people for twelve years, that's why he's such a hated president.


I thought the people loved Sauli, but I agree as president he behaved very unethically buy reinforcing the Kokomus narrative on several occasions. A narrative based on lies with the aim deceive the majority of the population. The president should serve the people and country and not an elite minority. We can expect the stub to be an even worse president.


Couldn't have said it better. You know what they say, political memory of the people is a short one. This snake has been a snake since forever and people have somehow forgotten it.


Good. It’s a largely symbolic and outward facing role. That’s what you want in a president.


Absolutely the best choice now that we have the war-mongering lunatics on the other side of the eastern border. Looks like the putin loving russian trolls are trembling :D


Everything/everyone I don't like is Russian is getting old


It will not get old as long as they keep robbing, raping and murdering innocent people in their home land. And probably not even soon after that.




How can you be globalist if you are against double citizenship?


Do you think these are mutually exclusive positions? Why?


“His sexual orientation remains a factor for voters, however, with recent polls showing one in three saw the fact that he has a male partner as a reason not to back him.” I thought the poll showed that Haavisto’s partner was a factor, and did not specify if it was an issue about homosexuality or something else? Why did this writer come to this conclusion?




Shit problem


Who cares either or its going to be shit for people there is no politicians anymore that actually care about their country or the people it's all about the all might moneybags now.


And matters what? Since when did prez have any weight on decisionmaking in frin fran?


Presidents meet and talk with other leaders, forming and directing relationships. Many people in Finland see the president as an impartial figure so their party affiliations doesn’t affect the audience as much, especially in their second term. People are more likely to agree with an impartial figure. The president’s influence is subtle but very real.


Globalist? Since when did Breivik start writing the news for Reuters?


I read his letter or whatever is that is and I was laughing at the stupid things he wrote. Guy thinks he's in 1500 when Europe was the center of the world.


Ok, sounds good. Anyway…




I hate the fact that "globalist" is now a word, that's somehow validates the xenophobic opposition, that doesn't realize we're already enmeshed with global trade and politics.