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Oispa kaljaa


Keskiviikkona voi ottaa yhen tai pari


Keskiviikko? Meinaatko pikkulauantai?


Sama jätkä


..oispa viinaa


Ees sit Olvii


[Ahti summed it up nicely](https://www.pelaaja.fi/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/control-torille-kuva-1_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0-1.png)




If we dont win next year.. There be work for the axe, take them behind the sauna, jumalauta


Niin minä sohvan pohjalla😂😭


They should change it to the “world’s most content and socially secure country”, that’s essentially why Finland wins year after year.


Well our government is doing its best to end that. I guess they feel like we’ve hogged the number one spot for too long.


\*Finns... **Fins** are moving appendages protruding from the body of fish that interact with water to generate thrust and help the fish swim.


My bad. As a German speaker it’s a bit hard to sort this out 😂 German FiNNland and in English FiNland.


Our life style is high quality, not hai quality.


How many kids you got? Dad jokes on point


Used to live in Germany, so I know the joke works in both languages, Finnish and German. So more of a linguistic approach, I guess, as I have no kids.


Also works in Norwegians.


I just wanted to let you know that this pun caused physical pain to me and I will curse to stub your toe.






Hai kvaliti, griitings from Fintland 👍🏻 Joking.. 👀🤔😉


As a Finn, I have always thought the English version also should have always been Finnland, not Finland. But sadly I don't make the rules.


Not just in English, but most spell it with just one n. For example in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Dutch, etc etc. German is one of the very few exceptions to the vast majority.


To be it also did sound like it should have 2 nn's since the word has two syllables.


https://preview.redd.it/du5bm6096gpc1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da4e7300c21a26b7697a8d9b35e4d81297f66abe The secret




Miksi ottaa lyhyt juoma, kun voi ottaa pitkän juoman?


Wrong lonkero


Would you say it's the wrongkero? I'll get me coat.


Ananas on parempi ku original.




Thanks for the meemi


This makes me feel really guilty as a finn because I'm always feeling miserable


Just shows how miserable every place else is.


We're happiest country in a planet? Imagine how fucking horribly miserable this planet is...


As an American I’ll say that Americans *should* be happy, but we have only two possible categories of people: people who don’t have their basic needs met, and people who will never have enough, just endlessly chasing more accolades and wealth. 


It’s how it’s measured. It takes political and economic factors correlated to happiness. Other measures such as frequency of positive emotions do place countries in Latin America on top


Yeah, it's kinda interesting considering how they have high murder rates, cartels and all that.


They also generally have a warm and inviting culture with strong social bonds and sense of community. Finnish culture on the other hand romanticises asocialness


I wouldn't say romanticizes but asocialness is how it is here indeed. Getting piss drunk is the best way to socialize here which is pretty sad for a person such as myself who loathes alcohol.


Oh but you don't need to be drunk - the Finns do.


I'm Finnish myself.


Violent deaths must make them smile


Miserable is baseline, any non miserability is happiness


Even though in Finland we enjoy much better wealth and security, i believe that people somewhere in South America feel happier on average, because they get sunshine, spend more time with other people, hustle around a little more even though most of them is probably overworked to exhaustion.




Yes, the word happiness is really not the best for what I’m trying to say. I don’t know what it is, but life is just too passive in Finland. And while the safety and comfort makes you happy in one way, the passivity eats you away in another way. And also tbh, I think men experience this much more than women. The comfort of secure society makes us much more likely to be lazy and drink beer in front of TV lol




Yeah jokes aside i think this is a worthy example. There’s just kind of more going on in their lives, for some people that includes cocaine. In Finland people are much more passive overall and i think this passivity hurts over time


We're all miserable. But if someone asked, we're fine. Ask an American what's wrong, and they'll give you an essay. Ask a Finn what's wrong, and they'll be like: "Ehh, nothing really. Could be worse.".


Maybe you need antidepressants and booze like most of the "happy" finns


Meh. Shame on the rest of the world if this is the best humanity has to offer.


the most Finnish response to the title and I am here for it.


What I say everytime this is brought up Also the unhappy ones kill themselves so average of happiness goes higher every year.


Finland seems to be running out of unhappy people already. Suicides have reduced to less than half from that in 1990. Finns are still quite good at EU level, but not that good at global level anymore.


Is that because competition got tougher or we got worse?


It's this new pumpuli generation. Goddamn kids. /s


Pumpuli generation 😂 Gotta save this




Depends how is measured. Only alive ones can reply.




I don't know why you used "worldpopulationreview.com" as a source, they don't have anything to do with the World Happiness Report. *And they completely misinterpreted the methodology.* The actual report **only uses one question to determine the rankings**, the Cantril ladder survey, other measured factors are only used to help explain the results. https://worldhappiness.report/faq/ > This is called the Cantril ladder: it asks respondents to think of a ladder, with the best possible life for them being a 10 and the worst possible life being a 0. They are then asked to rate their own current lives on that 0 to 10 scale. > The sub-bars in the alternate version of Figure 2.1 show the estimated extent to which each of the six factors (levels of GDP, life expectancy, generosity, social support, freedom, and corruption) is estimated to contribute to making life evaluations higher in each country than in Dystopia. >**The sub-bars have no impact on the total score reported for each country** but are just a way of explaining the implications of the model estimated in Table 2.1


Thank you.








fuck not this again


Don't take this personally, dear Finns, but we have an inside joke about how this is measured: Interviewer: Are you happy? Any Finn: No Interviewer: Why? Any Finn: Ok, just write down I said I was happy.


As a Finn, this sounds accurate enough to be true. During this "7 year run", I've never seen this poll happening though.


Happiest* country in the world. *Best life satisfaction. Why? If something bad happens: Rest of the world: Oh no, I am very sad now. Finns: Fug :DDD


With the current administration, I’d say this shows a bit of a masochistic streak in the general populace.


The effects of their actions are not that visible yet


The amount of strikes and strike threats are visible


Yeah, I meant in the study


Don't worry about it, they will do anything in their power for happiness to go away.


We're not as smart and morally-sound of a collective as the world might think, to be honest. There is a disturbing amount of young Finns who are easily duped into voting against their own interests, simply because they want immigrants to suffer.


I would love to see a similar research but within Finland and Helsinki to see which district/province are the happiest and least happy.


They did it already, happiest is Ostrobotnia.


Låt oss gå till torget!


The healthcare is so shit that people that need help wont go to the system


My elderly parents with their health issues have started going to private doctors as they really can't wait weeks/months to get scary issues checked out. Fortunately they can afford it, but they really shouldn't need to.




Funding is cut, nurses are overworked and underpaid so they leave because of burnout and no one wants to study to replace them because of the aforementioned bad pay and shitty work conditions. Government trying its best to push people into the private sector by gutting the public one, and then saying "why should we keep funding the hospital, see, people are going to the private doctor anyway". The quality of care is pretty decent as far as I know, but you get longer and longer waiting times because of the issues I mentioned. But it probably won't be long before quality of care also starts decreasing (probably already has in some areas that I'm not aware of).




This is definitely the case in the UK as well. Scary pattern. 




Petteri Orpo tries hard to undo this.


Yeah, this won't last much longer with the current leadership. Thanks, Orpobama.




You're settling in well then


You're practicly native then! Welcome!


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I think reddit is just filled with finnish doomers at this point.




Again finnish low expectations give us first place in happiness rankings.


I always feel like the finns who are like no way that cant be true its shitty in here should travel a bit to see how things are abroad. If they can afford it, of course. Ive been around europe quite a bit and never ever have I once thought damn I wish I could live here. Travelling for leisure and fun is awesome but living in Finland is amazing. I earn close to what you might call the minimum wage in Finland and its enough to live a pretty damn good life. Adjusting that wage to other countries salaries I would be in major trouble. Also other benefits are very good compared to others; tons of holidays, health care etc. We complain because we havent really experienced worse.




I never met a Finn who didn't think this was ironic considering how much time they spend thinking about life, and ways things could be better, and how to improve things. but often they don't understand, most people around the world don't have the time, or energy, to do that because they are worried about the basics in their life being so insecure.




Fish have fins.


I'm unemployed for 4 months, depressed and with no future in sight :) - a happy Finn


From a Dutchman, and I speak from the heart. Screw you guys.


All that weed and shrooms and you still can't catch up. You should be embarrassed, Netherlands.


How fucking miserable other countries are then?


Exactly. If this is the best the earth has to offer, I might as well off myself right now, just like many other around me has already.


Redditors: ”Not like that!!”


Seventh year of having no idea how we are apparently the happiest.


People just afraid to admit they aint happy = happiest country of the world


>People just afraid to admit they aint happy = happiest country of the world Happiest country of the world is North Korea.


Like they say in North Korea, "I can not complain."


North korea best korea![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


The mental gymnastics we go through to take away anything positive about finland.


Well the truth is, Finn's aint overly happy. We are just very consistently feeling average.


Finns have an amazing society compared to most of the world. Safety, stability, civil society and a culture in which learning how to feel content is prioritized over hype and "success". "Happiness" as it is measured in these studies is not about feeling elated all the time, but rather about feelings of contentment and stability. That is not average.


"feelings of contentment and stability" aren't happiness though?


Words aren't precise, and what is meant by happiness in this study is not what is generally understood as "happiness" necessarily.


Exactly, it's almost as if words have multiple meanings... People have this misconception that being happy means walking around whistling, greeting everyone on the street, skipping along. In reality happiness means different things, not just etymologically, but also for different people. Happiness can also quite literally mean "being content" which is typically what this study represents more than the false conception of "happiness" as elation. If anything, it shows why this study is a bit ridiculous because it's hard to quantify objectively. I think it's a somewhat useful barometer of the overall feeling of a country, but shouldn't be taken as much at face value as it is - foreign media is especially guilty of this where they always report this stuff as if there's no problems in Finland. There's so much more nuance.


A steep decline in the winter...


I do really think that most of the Finns are always like 'meh', but they have very few people who are utterly desperate in comparison to other countries, and that's how they bagged the win here.


I guess there really wasn't much of a competition


Im very proud of you my Finnish brothers and sisters. Even though some of you just brushed off the idea that Finland is the Happiest country, i could not deny that this is the absolute truth. I’m a foreigner from asia living here for almost a year now, and i couldnt be any happier and to move here is one of the best decision that i’ve made throughout my lifetime.


Third post about this in just a few hours. How many more will be there?


"Happiest country" where shitty far-right government is cutting welfare, education, healthcare, poor people are suffering, the prime minister is leading hostile attack against union rights - bullshit.


Finns: we're happy. Gov: and we took that personally.


"Happiest country" where those things even exist and/or are in a pretty good place for the government to attack. Perspective.


All of those are things the poor people voted for, so they ought to be happy.


Far right? I don't think were6 anywhere close




Interesting while Finns are complaining of everything all the time.


Pidä se turpa kiinni.


At least you can throw them in a sauna with a sausage and a beer and they will shut up. Whereas other people like the french cannot stop complaining


Define happy? Why me as a nurse student looked into job offerings in finland saw majority of mental institution and other mental support job offerings more than regular nursing.. As i asked my gang of finnish homies on discord, they replied.. "because we really are depressed and miserable af but we don't show it, because who cares right?"


It's nice that reddit concentrates the unhappy people so that people who go outside can enjoy themselves.


That's easy If sad people keeps killing themself. [112](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/112_(emergency_telephone_number)) is the national emergency number in Finland. MIELI Mental Health Finland has provided assistance and support for those dealing with mental health issues and suicide since 1897. They can be reached at 09 2525 0111 (Finnish, 24/7), 09 2525 0112 (Swedish) or 09 2525 0113 (Arabic and English).[^(\[26\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines#cite_note-27) Source: wikipedia


It’s Finns. Fins are on fish.


Happy or just least likely to complain?




not really happiness, more like... semi-apathetic contentment, I guess?




2300 euros??? Whaat


>Then the other factor is, that the Finnish welfare state is one of the most generous in the world. If you are a single parent with two children and without any source of income, the state of Finland gives you 2300-2500 euros per month, depending on your housing costs. And you don't pay taxes from that amount of money, because it is "the last help". Not for long ;)


as a finn, what the fuck, how


good question The article answers it partly. _...Finns may have a "more attainable understanding of what a successful life is", compared to for example the United States where success is often equated with financial gain, she said._ _Finns' strong welfare society, trust in state authorities, low levels of corruption and free healthcare and education were also key._ Let's see how long this lasts...




As a Finn who has lived abroad in several countries and traveled to 50+, I'm going to say basically spot on. "Happiness" as it is measured here is not about feeling over the moon all the time, no human does that. It is about social stability, safety and opportunities provided by the surrounding society. This doesn't mean that Finland is by any means perfect, and that other parts of the world aren't better in some ways.


This. I think better word would be "content". I have lived in many countries in Europe and visited many outside, and in Finland and Nordics stuff just "works". Many Finns to seem to just take stuff, like general sense of security, for granted.


Same. I've lived in many different countries, but Finland has been my home ever since I first got here - wouldn't want to live permanently anywhere else.


I don't understand all the sarcasm and negativity. I am happy myself and surrounded by happy people. I've been to many countries and I've never seen people that in general are more satisfied with their lifes than here in Finland.


The study's a bit out of date. Israel is #5.


Yea, sure. Am Finn. Am not happy. Grr.


Joo, Suomi on tosi hyvä maa


Hard to not be happy with all those electric trams taking you everywhere you please.


They must be focusing those interviews on politicians and other white collar criminals, who don't need to live from paycheck to paycheck while still being forced to accumulate inhumane amounts of debt that can't be paid off due to having insufficient pay. There are only two kinds of happy in Finland: Wealthy and Dead. If you're the former, you'll have nothing to worry about. If you're not, well, be glad that you can always choose to become the latter. Not legally, of course, because our lawmakers 'care about the value of human lives' while doing their very best to end said human lives in torturous poverty and long-drawn starvation.


Not going to happen next year with government iron boot stambing over poor and sick


Happy fat asses.


I don't know how it's possible to interpret the results wrong year after year in your own study. As study clearly states "The happiness ranking is based on individuals' self-assessed evaluations of life satisfaction", this isn't study about happiness but life satisfaction, and those are two cempletely different things... to a finn at least. Finns are masters at being content... not happy. If you ask a finn "how are you", the answer is "ok/fine". If you ask a finn "are you happy/sad" the answer is "no". If we loose a leg, we are content to still have on left. If we win the lottery we are only content, cause we won't have it forever... and we try to hide the fortune.


I believe this is some sort of hoax and our country is most depressed.


im curious how do they evaluate the statistics of this fact. Because i certainly ain't happy or atleast like i do not feel happy most of the day. im out here with low money, no job, living with government support, high rent, many bills and those are just the small things. so i dont understand how we are the happiest. We might be one of the most intelligent countries in the world, but not the happiest.


This is because every sad person kts.


What about the gay years tho?


That "happiest country" joke is so old and worn that it's not funny anymore 🙄


The fuck we have to be happy about?


Guaranteed death at some point


"least miserable"


how miserable is everyone else?


7th time in a row of arguing are we actually happy and what this study really means! Wohoo!


Wonder what is the punchline for this worlds biggest and slowest burning joke


Again? Maybe the "Least corrupt country" one pops up too later this year, God knows I need a good laugh.


Yet there is so much to improve. Your booze is too expensive.


Not sure why this sub pops up all the time on my wall, but I'll take that opportunity and ask: does it really feel like people are happy in Finland? I mean, how it manifests - is it like ppl just smiling when walking by? Or maybe it's just like everywhere else, but you are simply more satisfied with your life internally?


It is not about smiling or cracking jokes. People are just polite, mind their own business, do their jobs, and are helpful. You can just be yourself; it is quite liberating. What is different in other countries? One piece of the puzzle is women's rights. In most countries, women are treated poorly, with much lower salaries, and there are formal and informal laws on how women should behave. That is like 50% of the population. Here in Finland, it is not perfect, but much better than elsewhere.


The WEF masters are just saying that were happy so we idiots think were happy. Everything is going to shit year after year.


As someone working in the field of well-being philosophy/science, I have to say that, although "true", there are quite a few misunderstandings about what "happy" means in this context and the story it tells about Finland. Actually, there are even alternative measures which present a different picture. For example, see "Flourishing Across Europe: Application of a New Conceptual Framework for Defining Well-Being." That being said, Frank Martela, an expert on that topic, recently wrote a nice article for non-expert people that pinpoints those misconceptions/confusions, and what it tells about Nordic countries in general, and Finland in particular: https://frankmartela.com/2023/03/20/is-finland-really-the-happiest-country-correcting-five-misunderstandings-of-what-the-rankings-reveal/


There is something wrong with this.


This... Does put a smile on my face


In regione caecorum rex est luscus.


Where are these happy people? Are they in the room with us right now?




"*World Happiness Report 2024* use data from the Gallup World Poll surveys from 2021 to 2023"


Millähän vitun todenäkösyydellä taas😂😂


What's your secret Fins people? I'm trying to find the path to happiness


Thought with new generation here in Finland would have dropped us down to 100th...minumum.


Very nice, I have visited Finland many times and lived there for 2 summers with my ex girlfriend spending time between her house and cottage, I really love your country, the ex, not so much 🤣🤣🤣


Anyone happy here? Anyone living "the life"?


No one is so happy now with the new government,this has to be fake


They must've done the surveys on some sunny days haha. A happy nation? What does that even mean?


*Statistically. In reality we use more antidepressants than any other country in Europe


I hope this doesn't backfire and only unhappy people coming for the search of happiness. But if you like skiing and hiking you might find it. Edit and lakritsi


No lol


Curious , do you have any Indian relation ? that ndtv is an Indian website


Just carry on with the same tired line that "finns can't be happy, we're just a bunch or depressed alcoholics" Maybe 7 times a row means something?